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"Nice." Hercules said elblowing his brother.

"Yeah I know and that's mine. So don't get any ideas." Hunter growled playfully pushing his brother.

"I know but you got a nice one. Trust me dude. I'm the last person that steal your girl." Hercules assured him. The woman chuckled as the boys tussled. As Vivian stuck a pendant on her. Noe wear this till you get the hang of it and will help you. Not only control your physical forms but also your power. Okay since you're in newly awakened. Your going to be very unbalanced. Which is going to make it very hard for you to keep in control. This will help you do that. It's not a seal or anything it just helps. You control your output and input. All My Children had to wear them. The first years of their lives. Before they got the hang of it. And with enough discipline and training. It doesn't take long at all." Vivian informed her, kissing her forehead. When her phone started going off. She picked it up looking at the color ID. Immediately letting out of huge sigh. Before answering putting it up to your ear.

"Hey Cheryl what's up? Kind of busy at the moment." She groaned irritatedly.

"No you and Terrence. May not come over to drink tonight. Did you not hear me say I'm kind of busy." She replied. As Hunter put his ear to the other side of the phone.

"What no listen. What in my spare time. Is none of y'all's business. Look I help you every time. You guys get into a fight. So don't be threatening he already uses me. As a dang punching bag eveytime hes mad at you. Just because I got in front of you. Since you're pregnant and your kind of my sister. But I seriously don't have a time for it. I have something work related. If you're smart you know what I work with. So I would suggest staying at your house." Lorraine said into the phone. And she hung up putting away her phone.

"Why is every chick I know have a sister? That took their boyfriend." Vivian joked.

"I know right the messed up part is cuz she doesn't know we dated. I never told her. But he only dated her to get back. At me and end up knocking her up. He knows I'll do anything. To protect my sister including use my body. As a shield in front of her. We're identical twins. Well were identical twins. Obviously not identical anymore. But she's probably going to try this thing over here. Which means he's going to follow her which means you guys might want to hide out. Back here till I get done handling it." She suggested as Hunter grabbed her hand.

"No babe where are The Faded pair which means anything to you even go through. I deal with to and it's what any King when do for his queen. I'm your man my job. Is to protect U including against yourself. So I'll go with you. And you know you can't talk them out of it. Because you're my woman that makes your family to them. We protect our family. We look out for them. You take care of each other that's what family does. And trust me with Olympians family is everything. So we take it very seriously." Hunter assured her. Kissing her forehead and cheek.

"I know dear I got seriously lucky with you. I mean what are the odds. Of an actual Olympian being my partner. Let alone a fated partner. I'm truly blessed and I got. But also got real actual parents and siblings. I'm sorry but I was never close to with my friend except the one sister. That lives across the street from me. Jazz. Girl she does any more. Is mauch off me and drive me freaking nuts. Which is why I'm always broke. They take everything I have.

"Well now you got a set of new sisters and their way better. In fact if anything they'd take care of you. And trust me Ramones a bio-engineer in a geneticist. So trust me she is pretty loaded. Not to mention both our parents are royals. So if you still need help babe. Just ask. I'm very sure your mom wouldn't mind. Helping out one of her daughter." Hunter informed her.

"Baby you know I could never ask mom that. She's too good to me." She replied giving him a light peck.

"Sweetie you know he's right. If you need help just ask your family. It's my job to take care of my children. You are one of my children. Besides me and their dad more than capable. Of helping you out trust me. We've more than we know what to do with. So helping you out. Isn't going to hurt us in a bit." His mother assured her.

"I'm back months on bills not to mention rent. I'm not asking my in laws. To help out with that." Lorraine said stubbornly. As his mom pulled out her card.

"You think I'm joking try me. Now go get the Bill's goofy. Hunter make sure you go with her. Or do you want us to go in. Momma needs to sit down for. A minute baby brothers making her back hurt." Vivian said I should ashured them inside. She grabbed a hold of fittings arms. To sit her on the couch. Before going and getting her a glass of water. When they noticed all the mail on her coffee table. Which is mainly overdue. Bills and a kick out warnings. For not paying rent. The last 5 months.

"And you're afraid to ask me to help you with this. Sweety trust me this is nothing." Vivian said, picking up one for her rent and opening. It to see the contact number. Dialing the number as she put the glass. Of water in front of her.

"Honestly I just really don't like asking people for help. I don't like feeling like I owe somebody. Because I'm one of those people that pays off the debt. To matter how hard I have to work." Lorraine admitted, as Vivian Orchestra cross the coffee table. Hitting her playfully with the envelope. As she waited for the call to ring in.

"Hush now how many times. Do I have to tell you your family. Which means you owe me nothing. If it seriously bothers you. That bad just make me a batch of cookies. We'll call it even." Vivian joked, covering the mouthpiece. So they wouldn't get her.

"Yes I would like to make a payment. On all over did months house 126." She said reading the address. And waiting for a reply. She giggled before speaking in a foreign language for some reason.

"Sorry I overheard you. I don't know who you were talking to. But I was just letting you know I'm very fluent in that language. So sorry I was correcting your punctuation slightly off very close. But slightly off. Give me to work on your S's a little bit and you'll be good." She spoke into the phone laughing. Making sure to keep a foreign Vietnamese like accent.

"Actually I am a teacher all my children. I have eight so pretty sure. One more person isn't nothing. You do realize what speak that language don't you?" Vivian asked.

"Aww. That's so cute what's her name? I'm a queen like not even joking one of their Queens. I'm a supreme. But I'm guessing you. Don't know what that is either." She's smiled.

"Oh so you do know what a supreme is? Impressive someone's done their homework. Very good because the one way to get to a female  non-humans heart. Is by impressing her. Which can only start by knowing what she is. Do you know what your lovely lady is. I might be able to help you figure out what she likes? And no I'm not kidding I'm a purebred Wrath. Do you know what that is?" She said and you can literally hear somebody's voice in the background. As he talked excitedly. Lorraine looked like she was incomplete as she was into him laughs. So loud you could hear him through the phone.

"Mom what did you do I've never heard my landlord laugh out loud. Or be excited you found anything no offense mr.Black. but he's normally always a complete opposite with me. In fact I honestly think he doesn't like me at all. Even though I go out of my way to make him laugh. Which only seems to make him mad. So how the heck in 2 minutes. Did you get him to laugh?" Lorraine asked, making both of them.

"Yeah that's Lorraine. Peterson?" Vivian said questioningly as Lorraine nodded.

"Yes Mom it's Peterson." Lorraine confirmed. When you heard him yelling on the other side. As Vivian put it on speaker.

"Wait a minute Lorena's momma is a non?" He a struggling with his English.

"No mother-in-law. She's paired to
One of my sons we're Olympians." He said into the phone. As you heard him dropped to the floor. And you can hear his shaky breath as he picked it back up. And heard him whisper repeatedly.

"And I thought they were dead. And we thought they were gone." "Mr.Black is everything okay?" Vivian asked hesitantly.

"Yes. My dear I know it an Olympian is. My people worship them I'm actually one of the humans. Bloodlines that came from Olympia. Which is why I'm so multimeter bilingual. But I can't speak English that good. I'm one of the very few Society members left that remembers Olympia is the protector of its records. We didn't know there was any Olympians left. The council's going to love this do you care if I tell them. Are your children Olympians? I'm sorry it just made me so happy to hear that some of them survived."

"Actually only me. You're speaking to the king's Scars. One and only heir. I am the last original Olympian. But all my children are purebred. Since my genes dominant. But I'm the only one from the original Olympia. To actually survive. So sadly there only 10 of us going to be ten. I'm pregnant." Vivian exclaimed making him gasp.

"So Kings Scar did have a child. They were never able to confirm it. May I meet you?" He asked.

"At some point yes right now I don't think it's a good idea though. Because her sister is giving her trouble. Which means we might have to step in. Which is why I was trying to make this quick. I'm sorry I got sidetracked. I just haven't talked to anybody from Olympia. Since I was five. I'm over 20,000 years old now." She replied as a loud knock at the door.

"Understand understand. If she gives you guys too much trouble. I will send the authorities. If you need me to?" The man said before hanging up.

"Well he could have at least. Have waited till I payed it. I'll try again once they leave."Vivian said looking up the online sites to hurt other utility bills. To pay them online. As the knocks continue to gey louder. Lorraine walked over to. The door and was about ready to answer it. Hunter got infront of her. Pushing her behind him opening it. Which good thing because as soon as he opened it. A man came barreling in hitting him.Punching his chest. Before realizing he wasn't actually hitting Lorraine. He stopped looking up realizing how big Hunter was.

"And who the hell are you?"He smeared before winter leaned down. Growing showing his fangs and his real eyes.

"I don't know you tell me meatbag. You're lucky that wasn't her. Or trust me my Venoms. The least of your problems.Pull it again and I promise you I will squish you like a bug. She belongs to me. She's not your punching bag. But I can make you into one. And I don't think you want to be a leviathans chew toy." Hunter said letting him. Get a taste of the Powerful aura rating off of him.

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