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"So this is her way of getting rid of me. Finding some souped-up jump you to pretend to be  some non-human." The Mane Loft tell Hunter picked him up one handed. By his neck effortlessly off the ground.

"Does it look like I'm some souped-up Junkie. Does it look like I'm acting. Because I'm sure as hell not. Just because you never seen one doesn't mean it doesn't exist. Just so you know we've always existed. You just never knew where to look. And unlike our weaker counterparts. I'm not afraid to show myself in front of you. You're just lucky I fully can't. Because I'd break her house." He exclaimed.

"Aaron's stop it Are you seriously mad dumb not only is that a purebred. You're getting cocky with. That's a royal. That Leviathan you dumb. Do you seriously have a death wish. You seen. How big these guys actually are. Maybe for once in your life you would start listening to your head and walk the other way. Because you're literally back talking something that could literally kill you. By stepping on you. Oh wait I forgot you're too dumb to listen to my warnings." Lorraine said jumping onto his shoulder.

"Yeah right and I'm the damn tooth fairy." He said sarcastically.

"Actually no he's dragon. You're pissing off a dragon genius. And no I don't mean figuratively. I mean like a fly through. The air blows fire breathing dragon. You know the ones with horns." She said bluntly pulling out his wings.

"Dude nice Wicked. See told you assholes dragons were real." A college student held walking passed the house. From the sidewalk. The road with his friends. When he seen his wings from the doorway. As I stopped to look and through for rent sign. But none of them even notice. Bad been placed in the yard. As Lorraine walked over. To confirm it was a for sale sign on her house.

"Are you kidding me gave me a month and he's already. Putting a for sale sign up. I've tried paying several times me. Man that man Arcs me. He even hung up on mom. When she tried to do it. What the hell is his problem." She said angrily kicking the signed out of the ground. Making lightning trick off her skin. Making all them gasp as. Hunter wrapped his arms around her.

"Calm down sparky. You're going to cause a major thunderstorm. One thing about being a dragon is. That you can never let your emotions get the best of you." Hunter whisper Genaro to soothe her.

"Wicked  there's two." The man was looking up the sign said.

"Actually four of us. But that's besides the point." Hunter replied as his mother and brother came over. Leaning down to talk to her. To soothe her.

"Well looks like you're coming home with us sweetheart. I tried calling him and they would not pick up they just kept on kicking me off website. Once I tried to send the payment. Humans seriously so disrespectful. And this point I'm about ready. To cuss them out in Olympian. Seriously how old do you have. To be to hang up on a freaking Supreme." His mother said angrily.

"Wait you guys are Olympians." One of the other boys asked.

"Maybe why?" Hercules replied.

"Because any nerd knows. What an Olympian is. Dude you seriously have a death wish." One of the boys said.

"Oh yeah and why is that?" Terrence asked.

"You seriously don't knowing Olympian is? Everyone's heard about Thor and Loki." One of themsaid.

"Olympians are living Gods dude Dah.
Like actual gods. I never knew that any of them were dragons." Their group leader said.

"You accept your concept of us is completely. Different from real thing. Trust me in person. We're a lot more more badass." Hercules said.

"Man I so wish that I could see. But I know it's illegal. For you guys to do that." One of the boys said disappointingly.

"Dude you're talking to. The Supreme queen and King's kids. We can technically do what ever we want. And you never know. We might humor you." Hercules said seeing how desperately. They wanted to see it. And Hercules having a heart of gold and noticing them boys at I wanted to see it the most. Was actually very sick.

"No way seriously." The one that was sick blurted.

"Seriously but I don't offer this to everyone." Hercules said.

"It's because you can see my sickness can't you?" The boy answered noticing. That Hercules was specifically looking at him.

"Sorry heightened senses. Can't exactly turn them off." Hunter said.

"It's okay I've lived with it. My whole entire life. Had when I was born and I'll have it when I die. But please don't pity me for it. Sure it will eventually cripple me. I don't want tob be treated any different. Heck my friends don't even know I have it. I hide it pretty well." He answered forcing a smile and they. Could see how bad it actually was. It was a bone disease best friend like cancer and if it went into his organs. It would become cancer and would kill him. They could tell from his friends faces. That they really didn't know.

"Dude what?" One of his friends said singing very upset.

"I know that's why he was looking at me. I know you guys could probably smell it or see it." He shrugged as he struggled with his crutches.

"Both. Sorry." Vivian said.

"It's okay I mean they. Were going to figure it out eventually. They'd eventually figure out why I'm so happy go lucky. And before you say it yes I already know how bad it's advancing. I know that's why you're giving me that look. I'm completely aware of how much time I have left." He smiled, making them slightly uneasy.

"Well we dragons have a policy. To help fulfill someone's Last Wishes. If we see that they're Worthy." Vivian said.

"All I wanted to see a dragon in person." He just smiled.

"Do you know anywhere nearby. That has a much bigger open area?" Hercules asked.

"There's an abandoned football field. Nearby nobody ever uses it. I'm Tommy." The boy answered.

"Okay Tommy lead the way." Hercules said. As Lorraine made sure her door was locked. As Hercules helped him walk.

"And I was supposed to meet my family there. But I highly doubt it will show today was my birthday. So we were supposed to have a get together. So can I bring around my girlfriend this might be the last time. I get to spend with her.

"Of course Lil dude." Lorraine anwsered. As they stopped at the house down the street and he called somebody on his phone. He told her she was there. Well having the dragons block him. So they won't be able to see him from the door. While asking Lorraine to walk up and act like she was one of her Buddies. Explaining on her parents don't like him and never did. Because he wasn't some big-shot Joc. He wasn't what they wanted for their daughter. But they loved each other and were determined. To be together no matter what. Especially since his time with stone limited. Because she was the only one outside of his family. That he has to he actually was. Which touched every dragons heart. That was present and his friends. Lorraine and Vivian both walked up to the door. As soon as the girl walked out they could see why he loved her so much. She was absolutely beautiful. Inside and out. But her dad came storming and grabbing her arm.

"Excuse me and Missy. You're not sneaking out after that boy again. I know that's what you're doing." He yelled you could tell. He was a drill sergeant and an army veteran.

"Dad obviously with friends and these are girls not boyes." His daughter protested, as he tried to pull her back into the house. Before  Vivian pulled her out of his grip. Pushing her behind him.

"An excuse me who do you think you are?" The man yelled in Vivian's face. Trying to reach around her to grab her till Vivian grabbed his arm. Barely touching and completely making him unable to move it.

"Well I'll tell you who I am. I'm your worst nightmare not as a father. I suggest you don't understand. How hard it is for a parent to work with a sick child. That boy has lived his whole entire life with a crippling diseases going to kill him and you're stopping. Her from maybe seeing her for the last time. I think you can let it slip one time. If a father is too blind to see that his child  love someone and is willing to try to stop just because he doesn't fit your expectations is stop your child from knowing what your happiness is. I work for a thousand men just like you. I know how much hardhead you can be. Sadly for you I'm a soldier. But I'm also a mother. So get your head out of the mud Soldier.
Because being a parent will always come first. Before being a soldier." Vivian said, using her dragon voice. Trying to reason with him. As she pulls out all of her dog tags.

"But that is precisely why I'm trying to stop it. But I didn't know he was sick. Which I do feel sorry for but she's my daughter and I'd rather. Not get close to someone. That I know she's going to lose." He said as she let go of his hand.

"Its the kids birthday. He doesn't even get to see his family. And if time is very limited so. If you want to really stop her. Your going to have to get through me." She growled.

"That is totally unfair. I cannot fight a pregnant woman." He said, as she pulled a huge egg out. From under her dress with her tail. Revealing her baby bumps actually think that she had tucked under her dress. To keep it warm. Since she couldn't incubated like normal. In that form.

"Sorry forgot he was there. But I can't exactly incubate him normally in this form. So I kind of had to do that. Hunter watch your brother. I'm dealing with her dad." She yelled, holding up the egg after kissing it. Hunter ran over and grabbed it. Which he shoved in the front of his pants. To keep it warm. Since they had nowhere else really to put him.

"Alright. Now where do you want to do this at?" She

I can't find a woman

"First of all this Woman's fought several Wars. Dragon Ball this woman is over 20,000 years old. And breathe fire. So either buck up or shut up." She said making her body much taller. But not her actual height.

"What the oh Jesus you're one of those non-humans. Aren't you?"

I'm not sure one I'm not one of your average. Run of the mill normal purebreds. That would be far to simple. I'm a Supreme queen. An Olympian Leviathan. And a fire breathing dragon. With a bit of Phoenix. I'd say that's quite the challenge. Still think I'm not qualified enough?" She asked.

"Even so I don't feel right hitting a woman."

"Man I am really hate it when men do that. Then don't think of me as a woman think of me. As what I am a  fire breathing freaking dragon. Me and for a man you really are going a big wus. You do realize you can't actually hurt me."She said Annoyingly.

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