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"She's not going to hurt him is she?" His daughter asked worriedly.

"Nah she doesn't hurt humans. Dude she's literally the most powerful being. Trust me you cannot hurt he. But you're going to piss her off. If you keep on drinking on your mind. Cuz she's a woman. She does not like that and just so you know females are strong in then males. So you're kind of pissing her off for no reason when you can just do what she wants and duel her. You are a challenge her. You  might as well finish it. Once you challenge a dragon they don't stop. So just get it over with already don't worry she won't kill you. She doesn't hurt humans. And that one's got enough restraints. To stop herself from doing so." Lorraine growled in anticipation. As the rest of his family poured out onto the porch which was his nephews nieces Brothers and their dad. New wives weird. As the two of them finally stood in the front yard. Walking around each other sizing each other up. So what happened why is your dad about ready to fight a girl.

First of all let you know never all that's my mom second of all she's a veteran. Of several different wars. Very well she's not a girl she's a woman. She's a lot older, wiser, and stronger than she looks. And that's his fault for sizing her up first will you size up one of us that's like giving us a challenge and once you challenge one of us. We don't back down. What can I say we're very aggressive species. We're an apex predator for crying out loud. So of course we're aggressive and violent. We have personality of a crocodile. Or a western diamondback rattlesnake. So what did you expect was that happened on her he sized up. Something like that type of temperament. And she's a queen so please have a little bit more respect. When you talk about her. It's very disrespectful. And we don't take a disrespectful very well." Hercules answered when one of the boys tried sizing him up. He learned immediately that was a bad idea. Because as soon as he tried to tackle Hercules his Diamond plating. Almost broke his face.

"Really dude I'm a diamondback. Which means my skins literally as hard as diamonds. That was probably very stupid idea. Not to mention I'm young which means I Don't Know My Own Strength is as good as my mother does which means I can't hurt you or even kill. Without meaning to. So don't be stupid." Hercules said not even budging. As the I got up rubbing his face groaning. When Hunter ran over.

"Big brother I think that bros. About ready to hatch." Hunter said frantically, as their mother. Immediately stopped what she was doing and ran up. Snatching the egg off of him. Putting her ear up to it. And making this deep crumbling growling noise. Which radiated from her chest. Like the sound an alligator makes. While the eggs started making a sound like a baby. Alligator does when they're letting their mother know. They're getting ready to hatch.
Only making her emanates the noise even louder.

"Please don't tell me that she's actually going to crack. That egg in her mouth like a actual alligator." Tommy pleated covering his eyes.

"Sorry dude we did say. We're a lot like crocodiles or in this case alligators. But yes normally she cracks it in her mouth. To ensure that the baby doesn't suffocate. Because not all the time. Are they able to break that open themselves. So most of the time yes they do need their mother's help. Especially if the baby is not in his Dragon form." Hercules answer hesitantly.

"Go to my backyard. It's cut off from the rest of the place and it leads. Into a wild field that we only use. The training exercise or hunting season." The girl's father said I should bring them. Into the backyard through the thin Woodland. To a huge meadow tall grass and wildflowers. That went far back and covered a massive plot of land. And was surrounded by Forest. Vivian immediately changed into her original Olympian form. Making them completely speechless as not only her son's but Lorraine change into their Leviathan forms in case if she needed help.

"Jesus for the have warned me y'all were giants. About gave me a heart attack." Their grandfather said, jumping when you looked at. Which would close enough for him. To get a good look at. How big they actually are. Since Hercules was standing directly beside him. But that wasn't the only thing he noticed he noticed how incredibly enchanting and beautiful they were. He was mesmerised.

"We're not Giants we're Olympians. Except her she's a regular Leviathan." Hunter answered, as their mother. Didn't waste any time to change into her Dragon form. Showing them how absolutely massive her form really was.

"Oh momma. She's a big woman she know that. I wasn't expecting I mean. I was expecting to be big. But I was expecting her to be that big. She's way bigger than an elephant. She's bigger than a plane." The girl's father said. As Vivian. Carefully took the egg in her power deadly jaws. That was the most powerful jaws of any living creature. And carefully tossed the egg around in her jaws. Slowly adding pressure to crack the egg carefully like how a alligator breaks their hatchlings eggs. In their mouth without hurting the hatchling. Till a human sized Golden Dragon climbed out of her jaws. He was beautiful. But resembled characteristics of each dragons species. When she realized it's a female not a male. When a male identical twin. Golden Dragon that was exactly the female but a male. Crawled out. They cried climbing on her face Clawing at her mouth. Making baby crocodile noises telling her they wanted to fed. When the older man pulls out. A huge deer cartridges and they went to town. She looked at him. As he cut it open to give the babies better access. She grunted flaring her nostrils. So she could sniff him. Before looking him and that's going him with her head.
Making him laugh petting her muzzle.

"I have to say. I definitely miss trudged you. Friends?" He said jokingly when she licked him. As her other children came out of nowhere. Practically attacking their mom. Painting her not only jump. But let out a roar. Making a man jump halfway out of his skin.

"Mom why didn't you answer. We've been trying to get ahold. Of you for three hours?" Scarlett yelled. As Hercules walked over pulling Rose off.

"Okay where was why are you guys here. Why aren't you with Dad?" Hunter asked helping him pull some of their siblings off. As the man muttered. "Those are all your children. Someone's been busy."

"Well if any of you guys would answer your phones. You guys would have known." Rose said angrily burying her face in Hercules is just sobbing. As rubbed her back.

"Okay what happened. What's got all of you so worked up." He asked.

"Not only did Eve and Vivian. But also Bayne all walked in to catch dad with another girl. When we confronted him about it. He said your mother's not here and acted. Like he didn't care. Like seriously how disrespectful. Do you have to be to cheat on your fated partner. And betray your children in such a way how could you do that to poor Mom. She's already been her enough. She doesn't mean to him to be doing it. I can't believe he did that I can't believe I actually punched him. I punched dad. I told him I hated him. I told Dad I hate him.
How could he do that to his own children. We tried sticking it out but the more we stayed. The more disgusted we became. Show me finally just took off. Without saying anything to Uncle or anybody." Rose sobbed as the mother changed back into her Olympian form. Just hugging and kissing her children. Telling them how much you love them and to forgive her. For giving them such a terrible father. When the man who was the girl's dad if she found out her name was Jeremiah. Leaned down covering her with his coat.

"Don't blame yourself it's not your fault. No real man will cheat on his woman. Like that when she's not around. Especially in front of his children. That's just disgraceful and isn't a real man. Trust me trust me. I know how you feel more than anyone.
I lost and Donna's mom when she was only two she was my high school sweetheart. She had leukemia. But the most of the was right before we actually divorced I found out she was on her behind my back. With her doctor and that she didn't have leukemia at all. He just diagnosed her with it so they could Meetup without me noticing. That was the love of my life. So I can relate. So trust me when I say it might hurt today. But it will eventually fade. Worst part is I didn't. Even tell my daughter that. I didn't  want her to look at. Her to think badly of her mother. Because I knew my daughter loved her as much as I did. So I told her she died. Not ran off to the Philippines to marry her doctor." He Williamstown whispering in her ear. So his daughter wouldn't hear. Before sticking a flower in her ear. Tucking her hair back behind it. When she didn't hesitate to reach up and wrapping her arms around. His neck giving him a hug. As soon as he hugged her. She wrapped her legs around his waist and just buried. Her face in his shoulder. For being a human his body was pretty impressive he might have been an older male. And for having such a large body built like a rock. He sure had a big soft spot and was very compassionate. She just held onto real rubbing her back till she calm down and then carried her back to the house. Getting all the children to follow. Which didn't take much since they have their mother. But Hercules had to gather the newborns. And walk them back since they couldn't shift yet. Some took longer than others. So when he got back to the house. He still didn't put their mom down. He just sat on the couch and held her in his arms. As he noticed her fated markings fading. Till they disappeared completely. Which caused him great worry.

"Hey do any of you guys know what that means if this disappears. It's not going to hurt or is it.

No it just means that he is no longer her fated partner. Which if a fated pair do not mate. Consummating the relationship finding your souls together for all eternity. The markings are only temporary. And therefore do not bind their soul's, hearts, and Minds together. Like a permanent fated imprint. Does which can never be undone. They never consummated. So when he betrayed her the bond was broken. Where are Olympians so obviously we mate for life. Between soulmateut ours. Binds us to our favorite partner for all eternity. Even aftert death. Which is why it's so hard for us to find one. I mean look at our parents. They're both Supremes both dragons.They were literally the perfect pair. The Perfect Storm and she left him. Alone with her siblings for. Not even an entire day. And he was already cheating on her. How is she ever going to trust somebody. Told them that close to her again. We don't want her to be alone forever. And I know how hard heartbreak can hit a dragon. You can cause them to go into a deep depression. Where they want your sleep for days.We're not even mad he betrayed us. We're mad he betrayed her. Because now we're going to have to worry. About her health and well-being.Which can greatly affect our newborn siblings as well.Making their health deplete rapidly. Not to mention a bunch more nasty health issues. Which could Ultimately kill them.Or worst case scenario we could end up losing them all. What are we going to do we're just kids ourselves." Hercules answered.

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