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"Alright listen up. Calm down stop stressing out are the three people to look after he more you can't just relax I will take care of your mother. I know how to mend a broken heart. And I already know how to raise children so I'll take care of your siblings and her. You guys just relax." He announced getting the kids to quiet down and finally calm down.

"It still doesn't answer we're going to live though? We live with her dad. We have no home now." Willow asked.

"Now I know it's going to be a pay squeeze. But this house is literally just big enough to accommodate all of you. We're just going to have to make it work. I'm sorry I can't give more to work with. But it's the best I can do for right now. Untill the rest of the house is finished. Being built but I'm still. In the process of renovations." He announced. When my mother kissed his cheek. As he wiped her face.

"Okay beautiful you finally get her a way out? Because we're going to need to get some blood mattresses for the Munchkins. For them to sleep on tonight." He asked making her chuckle. She nodded.

"Okay I'm leaving her children with you guys. Please look after them. While we're gone. We won't be too long I promise." He said as his relatives nodded. He of course found something for her to wear. Before walking out of the house hand in hand. He opened the door for her and shutting. It behind her after she done in. Before getting on the driver side. He put the keys in the ignition and started the car. When he pulled out of the driveway onto the street.

"So what would you say if I suggested. Since we're both damaged goods. If I turned you. I'm tired of being disappointed. And you already understand how I feel. Just so you don't have to spend our lives alone.
Because we're too afraid. To let anybody else have in. But we'd still be able to get the affection. We so desperately crave. I mean you've obviously spend enough time by yourself raising her and at least with me you would have helped. Since I'm already a mother of ten. I could give yours a mother she deserves you can get mine a father. They've so desperately wanted." Vivian suggested.

"That's actually not a bad idea we both have had our fair share of heartbreak.  But is that truly what you want. I'm game if you are?" He asked, as she just reached over. Grabbing his hand closes to her. Making them pull over. As she made him get out of the car with her. As they walked just enough in for her to do the same thing she did to Lorraine when she made her a Leviathan. But much to her surprise he didn't come out of Leviathan. He came out an original Olympian like her. And boy was he magnificent he was mixed with the same as her with Wrath of the Phoenix it also had ravenous and Diamondback in him. He was the perfect Soldier. But he was beautiful. He was still a bit older than her. But he was beyond handsome and his perfectly toned body from already being a soldier. Became even more flawless. But his driving with an atypical color open a normal dragon it was silver with hints of gold and a red sheen to it. Which woman appeared in the dark all the gold only showed when hit directly at a certain angle in the light. But he also had different types of Fay. Like archangel lightning god, and a few she couldn't even identify. But what caught her eye is that. He also has the markings of a supreme. Meaning let her soul had chosen him. As not only a companion but her Supreme King. Her soul is what made him a Olympian. Which she didn't even know she could do. Not only that but they both had imprints on each other. Marking them as a fated pair. Which he noticed right away.

"Not that I'm complaining my queen. But why did we imprint on each other?" He asked, as she launched on him.

"I don't know but it has to mean something right. Just like why is you came. An original Olympian like me. Or my Supreme king. That has to mean something right." She said putting her head to his. Before they started instinctively kissing. Which turned out to be very passionate. Which led to him taking her in the woods. Just good thing nobody can see them from the road. Because they couldn't get enough of each other. They cannot keep their hands off of one another." Binding their souls permanently with a permanent imprint. When they were done. They both shrank down to normal human size. Making themselves look human.
Before getting back in the car and going to the supermarket. Where they got the blow-up mattresses. And gathered some more Essentials like she picked up some clothes for her and the children. Not to mention extra pillows and blankets. Before getting anything else you needed when they seen a woman struggling to flip something into her buggy. When he walked over.

"Excuse me ma'am do you need help?" He asked making Vivian smile. The elderly woman smiled. When she looked up as soon as dog tags. But her eyes widen when she seen his. When he smiled winking at her putting his finger to his lips. She smiled nodding. As he effortlessly lifted the box of canned foods in her buggy. Lifting in the other other four boxes in.

"Thank you so much young man. I'm collecting them for the food bank. My daughter's runs for the less fortunate families. In our home town. I always try to help as much as possible and normally. My grandson comes with me to do all the heavy lifting. But he was recently deported over seas to Afghanistan. Hes in the marine core. So I've been trying to do it all myself. But I'm just so old and weak. I just don't have the strength. And it's so hard to find good help nowadays. I was just surprised to see one. Of your kind be so kind to help me." She exclaimed.

It's nothing mama. Happy to help. I'm actually a Marine Corps drill sergeant for the past 14 years. And for that I was a general. For the Marine Corps for ten years over seas on the front lines. I only move to drill sergeant to be near my daughter. Since I'm a single parent. Raising my daughter after my wife left. Was a single parent. But as you can see that's not the case anymore. See that beautiful lady over there is my soulmate. Believe it or not she's actually a veteran to. But she's been a lot more worse than I have." He said getting behind her gesturing her towards pretty and Chris Miles waving at them. Which made her smile excitedly waving back.

"Ahh she's so gorgeous. She's a keeper? Isn't that just crazy you both are non-human and your bother veterans. What are the chances of that you should totally come to visit me. It gets quite lonely. Since my grandson and his Army friends. Are overseeing and can't visit me anymore. Since he lives with me when he is home. Which normally mean a lot of his friends crash in my house instead of going home. For the duration of their stay. I'll cook for you I just missed the chitter-chatter. We've always been a marine family all the men who voiced in them listed in something. At some point or another. So I absolutely love having visits with anyone affiliated with arm forces. What is a veteran couple. Who's also the first non-humans. I've ever met in person you know I can't help. But be curious about what stores you have to tell." She chuckled excitedly.

Let me see in a cook for me and I get to talk to your ear off. You got yourself a deal although we might have to bring two newborns dragons with us. Just because they have to be around their mother. She just had a set of twins. Literally not even three hours ago. And every time you go to collect. Just call me. I'll do all the lifting for you don't want you throwing out your back and obviously. I can't throw out mine. Or if you need any yard work done. Since I know you're by yourself right now. I'll do it for you. You know what just call me if you need anything that you can't do yourself. I'm more than happy to help." He's been giving her a card with his number. She took it.

"Wait your both dragons?" She asked hesitantly.

"Yeah. But we're also mixed with fay. We're also original Olympians. So we're as big as a Leviathan. But I promised were completely harmless." Vivian assured her walking over nervously smiling.

"Are you kidding right it's so cool. I never thought I'd meet a purebred. Let alone an actual dragon. Believe it or not those were my favorite as a kid." She smiled excitedly.

"Yeah well we're also Supremes. Meaning a queen and a king. Of literally our entire species. Just in case you didn't know what Supreme was?"
Vivian informed her and her eyes widened. As she looked back and forth of them.

"She's joking right?" She asked in disbelief. He shook his head showing her his back where his Supreme markings were. Before she realized that she was still wearing. Her old engagement ring. Quickly ripping it off her finger.

"Babe I forgot I was wearing this. Can you ask her if she wants it? I don't want it. I don't even want to look at it and I sure as heck don't want to keep it. But it's real diamond. So I don't exactly when I throw it away either." Vivian said handing it to him you looked at it. Before looking back up at her.

"Are you sure this looks like it was made of Diamondback diamonds?
Those are worth way more than regular diamonds." He asked, as she gave him the stink eye.

"I'm sure it was given to me by douchebag and I'm with you now. I obviously do not want to be wearing his engagement ring. When are already chosen a permanent partner. Who isn't and will never be him. I don't care what you do with it. Just do something with it. I figured that she could use it for a charity event or something. Since it's worth so much." Vivian growled.

"Babe that's actually really good idea. Yeah Grammy donate to charity or something it's made a diamondback. Which is it type of dragon. This is made from its scale. So it's a lot more valuable than any regular diamond." He said giving it to her if she look at. As her eyes widened.

Sweetie are you sure about that. I'm sure you could use the money for something else.

That was my bank account I don't what scientist was like 12 degrees Masters and all I'm a biochemist and they a geneticist. Trust me my money is not an issue with me. That goes for you to love if you need anything just tell me. You have full access to my stuff. So course I'll take care of you financially. Which reminds me of the little doll need anything. For school. Since she's still in high school." Vivian asked, making their eyes why widened.

"Wait your scientist. I didn't know that. No wonder you're so damn smart. A marine and a scientist no that's a deadly combination." He said.

That works in bio engineering. I literally Runner lab. That makes hybrid animals artificially. And no not for Warfare it's honestly mainly farming and Agriculture and pharmaceuticals Medical use. Which reminds me I have not check for my lab and forever. Might want to make sure. They would burn the place down yet. Or created some dangerous hybrid can't risk one of those getting out. It has happened a few times and it was not pretty. I had to incinerate it after catching it. Which if it wasn't for my military background. I would never been able to do. Do you know how hard it is to tranquilize a moving Target. That literally wants to eat you for breakfast not easy. But luckily I'm a an excellent Sniper and Rifleman. I'm a dead shot. Not to mention I've been in every single major war in human history. Although oddly enough. I've never been in a non-human the war. Which apparently they've been fighting. For a very long time and I don't need to know about it. Not to mention have had several Wars before and in between. You think with being yourself as I am I would know more about than on humans. Infact I never even get involved. So I honestly never know what they're doing heck I don't even know what my own people are doing half the time. Which is kind of messed up considering that I'm much higher. On the ranking board. Then any of the other kings of any of the other species. What you think about it which probably a bad idea. I gave them too much power which I could have seized a long time ago and stop all this bickering. Before it even started. Yeah you know what babe that's what we're going to do we're going to. Do what I should have done a long time ago. And took control of the damn situation and setting it right. Instead of just sitting back and letting my normal Supreme you obviously haven't got enough authority to control. The entire and more human population. Which Belongs to Me by Birthright. Because I'm the original Olympian King's biological heir. Hence the original King of all  of Olympus was my daddy. But I gave control over those idiots. Because I thought they could handle in. Which they obviously cutting and my leviathans ended up taking over. Well guess what I am the Supreme and I'm snatching my crown back. Like I should have done. Before they started all these wars. I am telling you Granny you have no idea how prejudiced the different species are against each other Leviathan teeth the normal Northern Human normal  nonhumans. The Beasts hate the fays. The fays hate the Beasts. I'm all three how that exactly work. Point is I need to do. What I should have done a long time ago and just do my duty and be a queen. Be their Supreme. And now since I got a king it shouldn't be this hard. But the question is how do I get them to trust me? See this is why you don't procrastinate. Cuz then you don't have. Any of these type of situations. Where I have to clean them thousands of years. Worth of damage that could have been avoided. If I just did I job." Vivian declared thinking about much. Work she was going to have to do. Making her pout. Her partner ran over hugging her.

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