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"It's okay babe we'll figure it out together. Because you're not alone anymore and I'm. Going to be with you every step of the way. Plus we're Marines we're not. Like this Pillsbury Doughboys. We've been in actual wars. We've had the training. The discipline that they never. Even attempted to teach themselves. We can handle Wars. We can handle diversity. Trust me we can handle anything. With my bronze and your wisdom and guidance. We got this don't you question it." Jeremiah assured her. She giggled giving him a fist bump. Before having him giving him a kiss.

"I can't get enough of you two. You two are so cute." Granny said smiling at them. They helped her gather the rest of her groceries. Before walking up with her to the cash register. And checking out together which of course Vivian's ended up sneaking in paying for both of their groceries. Before loading everything up and heading out. Luckily their cars were beside each other. So Jeremiah was able to load her car up. Which Vivian loaded there's. When she realized they had two extra blow-up mattresses too many.

"Hey granny when a blow-up mattress. We got two extras. That we don't need." Vivian asked.

"Yeah I'll take them. My grandson's friend likes to use them. When he's at home." Granny said as Vivian put them into a car.

"How about Jeremiah rides back with you to to help you unload and I just follow behind. Since I have our car and to give him a ride. When he gets done." Vivian suggested.

"That would be Splendid dear Jeremiah you're driving. I'm old I can't see that great and I'd feel much more comfortable. With somebody else at the wheel. Okay now let me know that his name is Jeremiah. What's your name dear?" Granny teased asking.

"Mine's Vivian. Oh how rude of me. That's right I didn't even introduce myself. My apologies yeah I'm Vivian he's Jeremiah." Vivian chuckled as they got into their cars. Putting the key into the ignitions and starting them. Vivian waited for them to pull out first. Before pulling out after parking space to get behind him. She made sure to stay close behind the entire way there. Luckily her house wasn't too far from there's. In fact it was in walking distance.

"Well this is convenient. We actually right down the street. Not even kidding. We live walking distance from you Granny. Well makes things that have a lot easier." Jeremiah joked making her laugh. Before she suddenly stopped.

"Wait a minute. You wouldn't happen to be Kimberly's ex-husband? The one that was known to be a war hero who saved several of his comrades lives in the line of fire. That came home to find out his wife was with her doctor?" Granny asked.

Yeah that's me. And I got shot while doing it and still. Continued to bring up my comrades. They say I quit cuz I got shot. But that's not why I quit. Not even close my ex-wife was going to that doctor. Because she supposedly had leukemia and was dying. Turns out she was just sleeping with him. And after she divorced me she ran off to the Philippines to get married to him. I had to tell our daughter that she died. Because I didn't want her to think wrongly of her mother. She never once in all these years. Since she left even tried to contact me. To see how she was doing. She was my high-school sweetheart the love of my life. Or least that's what I thought to live coercement Vivian and she sparked. A flame in me that no one's ever sparked. And for the first time in my life I can say. I found myself not  thinking about her. Was finally able to actually move on and have. My head filled with someone else and finally found my happiness." He replied.

" geez I didn't know all that. No wonder you never. Got with any of them have to her and always seem so depressed and closed off. My grandson practically worships the ground you walk on. You're the soldier. Whose story he was always he's obsessed with. Growing up you were actually on his uncle's Squadron he was one of the men you saved and ever. Since his uncle told him that story. It's the whole reason he became a Marine. You are literally his role model. He's going to freak when he finds out that I talk to you. I probably shouldn't tell you. That Kimberly is back in town. She moved back about a week ago. Hermit doctor didn't work out and she. Ended up bringing bag four other children. They're being forced to live in her grandmother's house. Because when he divorced her you left her penniless, homeless, and left them out on the streets with nothing but the clothes on their back so they had. To leave all their belongings in the Philippines. Including all the money that she had saved up which could have bought them a new house or at least got them an apartment. So in order to keep her children from starving she had to move back in with her mother and her and her children have to sleep on the floor I've actually been trying to help the kids. Because they literally have no clothes. And she has to get all her ID social security everything renewed because she left hers down there. So she has not been able to get a job. Which has been extremely hard on her because she has been happening to do odd jobs. Just to feed her kids. I'm not saying this to make you feel bad so I'm saying it to you realize that what she did to you wasn't right. But what she got back was ten times worse. Meaning she's paying for everything out of it I have spoken to her and she has told me how much she regrets it. Because now she has absolutely nothing and 4 mouths to feed instead of one. And I absolutely adore your on your partner. But she did tell me that she regretted cheating on you. Because you were always very good to her and loved her unconditionally. No matter what she did to you.

Look I appreciate you telling me this and I do feel bad for what happened to her but she belongs to me now I turned him his ass is now behind you forever so is his soul and mind even after death so she will never be able to so she will never be able to have him again even if she wanted to. I am his maker.

Oh so that's why he's a nonhuman. You made him one.

Yeah unoriginal so I'm the only one that can turn a human do a non-human but I have no idea why he came out in the original Olympian. Because even though I'm a supreme I know it's impossible for me to create an another original Olympian. Unless they're my child. The reasons why he came out one I don't know much less why he came out of supreme to. Because when I created him he already had them. But that doesn't mean I'm going to question it. So if you see the little Sunspot tell her if you really need help bad bad we can help her. I'm a mother just as much as he's a father  and she did for his first child  so it's not like I'm going to let her other ones suffer. Because they're still Donna's siblings. Andaz 4th I am her new mother. Which means I will protect and care for her like she is one of mine. But make sure to tell her. That his ass is no longer human and it belongs to me. Plus we would have to find a way to bring it to his daughter that her mother isn't dead. Unless she wouldn't want to see her. And considering that she has four other. She probably doesn't want to. I'm not being rude but when they did divorce. She didn't want anything to do with her. Which really pisses me off inside because she is absolutely gorgeous Donna really is she's beautiful not to mention smart, very brave, a pure soul, and a heart of gold. That is absolutely selfless. Yes if you're wondering I love his daughter. I hope you feel the same way. About me when she finds that we're together. We haven't exactly told her yet. Well I hope she likes having siblings. Cuz she's got 10 new ones." Vivian exclaimed.

Honestly probably not you never really wanted to be a mom. That's why I only had one. So honestly her mom probably only come over whenever she needs money for her other children and that's it so honestly I don't think it's worth even bringing up to her cuz it would just open all kinds of Old Wounds that she doesn't need opened not to mention do you know how it would feel to a child to be told that your mommy wasn't dying she just left cuz she wanted another sugar daddy. Don't tell her I said that. But what do you expect me to think. Whenever she runs off of the doctor of all people. And I know how much she loved her money and hated that I couldn't provide it. But yes I do agree with hoping out her kids so do tell her if she knows me. Since their related to Donna. I will help but that I have a family and what. Vivian said about me not being human anymore. Because I want her to understand that even though. I'm helping her does not mean that. I'm opening my life back up to her it literally took me. All these years to finally move on from her. And will you obviously seen when I moved on to. A queen. Which no offense I don't intend to give up anytime soon. By the way if you don't donate that ring. I can always take you to cash it in. To get money for her and the kids." Jeremiah said carrying in her groceries into her house.

"I was actually thinking about it. But I didn't want to sneak and do. It without telling you first and I figure. Since she's your ex-wife. You probably would appreciate that." She said pulling out the Rings.

"No go for it. Will call even take you while Vivian's. Putting in the rest of your groceries. Like I said she might be my ex-wife. But I can't do that the kids especially ones. That are related to my daughter. Sounds good love?" He asked kissing Vivian getting the kids out of her pocket and jumping their car with Granny taking off. While Vivian put away the rest of her groceries into her house. Putting away the one. She said she was getting for herself. She even took it upon herself to organize each of the boxes she was taking to the food pantry. So it'd be easier for the workers. To dispute to the family's. When a very thin bony woman walked in through the door.

"I'm sorry the door was open I thought granny was home?" She

"Yeah she'll be right back. My partner took her. Sorry I'm trying to remember that name. The place where they appraise your jewelry. I handed them a ring to cash it in. So I was finished carrying in everything. But I got bored and ended up organizing it for her." Vivian said, as she walked over sitting beside her on the floor.

"Oh okay sorry I didn't regonize you. So I didn't know if someone just broke into her house. You can never be to careful. She is an elderly sweet old woman who lives alone." She said, being as friendly as possible. Vivian could tell she was desperately. Trying to make friends with her. But she made sure not to look at her face. When her special pendant made of her dragon breath. Vivian put her finger up. Putting her finger on the center making it activate it. Since it could only be activated. By her finger print. Drawing a circle with her finger. Making it open.

"Ya baby?" Vivian said into the part of  pendant that opened.

"Mom the twins want they won't stop crying. We've been trying everything." Eve replied, and Vivian could hear. Her newborns whining in the background. Making her make the deep rumbling noice. She makes when she hears her hatchlings.

"Okay baby I'm going to need you to put the pendant on the ground in front of you. I'm going to make a vortex. Be careful when putting them through." Vivian said, getting up walking out the house. With the other woman following her curiously. She sat the pendant on a dead. Clear part of granny's yard. When she blew fire directly at the open pendant. Making it unfold into a decent sized stop sign seal which revealed a vortex of fire. As she stopped.

"Okay now. Baby." Vivian said,

"Sorry please don't freak out. I promise I'm harmless. But my newborns need me." Vivian, whispered without looking at the woman.

"You could have just said you were nonhuman. Doesn't mean I'm going to treat you any different. Then any other of my friends. Could we be friends. All my friends I had before. Wouldn't even talk to me. Since I came home and the ones that do. Crisis my for. What I was forced to do just to feed my children. So they didn't go to bed hungry." She whispered back.

"I'm the oldest and most powerful nonhuman alive. I'm over 20,000 years old. I was the last Olympian. The kings only child. My DNA is what they used. To make all the nonhumans. Including the Leviathans. I'm also the mother of ten beautiful purebred Olympians. And there isn't anything I wouldn't do for my children. I would gladly move heaven and earth. For them their my everything to me. So I'm the last person to judge anyone over. What they are willing to do for their children. So don't worry I got your back. If anyone decides to starts anything with you. I'm Vivian, Kimberly?" Vivian said, as outstretched golden dragon
Arms. Reach out through the vortex. As Vivian grabbed their lower arms. Near their elbows pulling them out to their waist. Getting a better grip pulling then completely out. Confirming it was the brother.

"Gemini." She said, hugging kissing and nuzzling him. Making the mother dragon grumbling noice. Which made her a vibrate from his chest like she was purring. Making him nuzzling her licking her face.

"Can you do me a huge favor and hold him. For a second while I pull out his sister. I promise my baby's are completely harmless. Their just newborn hatchlings. And they don't have their full potency they. Till after they're a or two old. When their Olympian power fully develops to their full potential." Vivian assured her. As she hesitantly took him. As their mother grabbed his sister arms. Pulling her arms till she got. To her waist and pulled her all the way out. Hugging kissing and nuzzling her. Making the same vibrating sound.

"Athena. Although I should ask? Your daddy if he likes them." She asked, as her daughter. Eagerly nuzzled licking her making her laugh. As she took her son in her other arm. Getting up as Kimberly tried to help her. But she was a lot more stable and balanced. On her feet than she thought.

"Thanks sweetie but trust me. I've raised eight successly already. Two more is nothing. For this Queen I'm litterally the altimit supper mom. I'm a professional." Vivian assured her carrying one twin in each arm. With their heads propped up on each shoulder. Carrying them into Grannys house. They sat in the kitchen with the twins. Till Gran walked in with Jeremiah. He stopped when he seen the twins.

"Love you got the twins and didn't tell daddy." He said, startling the woman. Cause them both to jump to their feet. With excitement. It was that even though Jeremiah. Wasn't human anymore and looked completely different. She immediately recognized his voice. He opened his arms lowering his body. She was about to jump into his arms. Till the twins ran into his arms and he kissed their heads. Standing up taking them in his arms. When Kimberly relized he hadn't even noticed her presence. As he walked over to Vivian. Still not noticing her. As he pulled her into his arms putting his head to hers. Rubbing his nose against hers affectionatealy. Brushing his lips against hers. Teasingly before she wrapped her arms. Around his neck pulling him down for a passionate kiss.

"So how does Gemini and Athena sound. My king they still need a names my love. But I can't make that sort of decision without their daddy's opinion." Vivian said, as their lips parted. As he picked her up as the twins perched on his shoulders.

"Gemini and Athena is perfect. My queen, thank you. For letting me help pick their names. But I think your suggestions are perfect love. What about for their middle names. For his  leon and her Aquarius." He suggested. She smiled kissing him. As she opened her pendant again pulling out. A folder with all the Children's birth certificate. Pulling out the twins which only had. Their hands and feet prints and dates they hatched. Where Vivian grabbed a pen on the counter. Writing their full names they had come up. When he noticed that she gave them his last name. As well as her older children.

"You gave them all my last name?" He asked.

"Well your my fated partner. We already permanently. Soul bounded together for all eternity. Your my one and only and I don't want anyone else  but you. So yes I gave them your last name and I want you to sign their birth certificates." She said making him smile with excitement. Kissing her all over her face happily. Making her laugh. As he grabbed the pen with his tail. Writing his signatures all the birth certificates with his tail. Legally making himself their legal father. Before she put the folder back in her pendant. Closings it deactivating it slipping it back under her shirt. 

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