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"Oh speaking of which. How did taking the ring in go?" Vivian said, reminding him. Making him pull a think envelope full of money. Handing it to Grand and handing Vivian the receipt.

"Damn nice she told you that thing was worth a lot more than any normal diamond. At least she'll have to get back on her feet." Vivian said putting it away as Gran handed Kimberly the envelope. She has a gently took it. When he finally noticed she was there.

"Oh hey why didn't anyone just tell me that she was here. Sorry I wasn't ignoring you. I just literally didn't regonize you. That's for the kids use it wisely. But if you need help just ask. They are Donna's half siblings. So obviously I'm not. Going to be an ass about it no hard feelings." Jeremiah said, put down Vivian.

"Jeremiah thought that was you. I know that voice anywhere." She said.

"Hey just because I don't look the same. Doesn't mean I'm not the same Jeremiah. I'm just not human anymore. But obviously you can tell that." He said, oh she just walked closer and peering into his eyes. Seeing how much different he actually looked. Compared to his human self.

What on Earth possessed you to do this."

I asked her to. Relax she didn't make me. We were both alone and both in a bad situation. And decided rather than that are supposed to get close to anyone to just keep eachother company. We were only supposed to be companions. Turns out we had good chemistry. So when she turned me I already had the male Supreme markings to match hers. Same goes for the inprints. We didn't put them on each other our bodies just immediately had them. We just made it permanent. So please don't fight with her. Grab already told us what you said. And yes even though we have history and all that good shit. But it took me until recently to finally let the past go. I suggest you do the same. It took me that long to finally designed to find someone else. Given that we didn't even know. That you were back until after all this happened. But it was already too late. But I don't regret any of my decision to be with her. She's an amazing partner. I don't want you to get the wrong idea. Or to make you think that there was something still there because there wasn't. It just took me that long to get over it. So another words she's the only female I was with after you. So don't think I went around town cuz I didn't. But obviously since we have Donna you're going to have to learn to cooperate with Vivian as much as she's going to have to learn to cooperate with you because she is a permanent part of my life. And I'm not just going to drop her cuz you decide you don't like her. Or you decide to get jealous. It doesn't have to be complicated. If we don't make it complicated. That goes for Vivian too because I know its going to bother my Queen. Since we obviously know how you feel on the subject. I did tell you Gran told us. Already and I know secretly that bothers. The shit out of her. Since you are obviously my ex-wife. So to clarify anything I do for you is not to be taken inappropriately. Because it is most certainly not an appropriate. And foreign right now I would rather you not come around Donna it's not because of what you did or because I'm mad at you or anything like that when you left I kind of had to tell her you died because I didn't want her to think badly of you so it's going to be very complicated. To explain her that you're not actually did

"Wait a minute you told her that so she wouldn't know. That I abandoned her and you. Why would you do that I mean. If it was anyone else they would. Have made me look like the worst monster in the world. I was literally the worst mother to her and she thought the world of me. You shouldn't have lied you should let her know. How is she?" Kimberly said practically sobbing.

"She's beautiful want to see? She grew up into a beautiful young woman. Smart, courageous, strong-willed, ambitious, creative, and literally everything you were when we were kids. So needless to say there a problem chasing away boys. There isn't one person that hasn't met her. That has an absolutely fell in love with her. Vivian only took 2 minutes." Jeremiah said let us know and showing her a recent picture of Donna at a dance. As soon as Kimberly saw her she covered her mouth as tears swelled up in her eyes. As she gasped. Noticing all the pictures on his phone where of Donna or Donna and him. She filled up every part. Her platinum blonde hair. Big beautiful crystal blue eyes. That you could just get lost in. Her Rosy lips she will literally looked. So perfect she looked unreal like a doll. But her smile what's the best it could capture anyone's heart. And she was built like a ballerina. Which had her mother all the harder when she seen her pictures and her ballerina outfit. Realizing that she made. Her mother's
childhood dream come true. Kimberly always wanted to be a ballerina. But due to a birth defect to her feet that she was born with. She was never able to achieve that goal. But that doesn't mean. That she didn't push that dream on to her daughter. As soon as she had one. She put her in ballet school as soon as she could stand. Which surprisingly she had a natural gift for. But her mother never dreamed that she would continue her lessons after her mother left or accel to the top. Like she did not only did she continue her ballet lessons after her mother left she made it a career she was a professional ballerina.

After you were gone our little ballerina. Decided that she was going to make your childhood dream come true no matter what she said but she wanted to make her mother proud so she made it into a career she's already been admitted into a college and everything. She was the young ballerinas elected were the main role of Swan Lake or The Nutcracker and she won both. She gets better with every year she's even gotten several auditions to become a background dancer because of how good she is and she's not even in college yet she's in her last year of high school and she's already started in several main rules of several famous ballets and won every role speaking of which my love can you get her new ballerina outfit she's starring in the wall and I don't know quite enough saved up for it yet and all cast members must have their own outfits ordered. Before the end of the week. They got her doing Beauty and the Beast. She's Beauty it's becoming quite the big deal. Because they said by the way. Then it's settled is supposed to be. A lot more difficult than any of the other plays. But they're trying to find an actual Beast to play the bass part.

Does it matter the gender because Willow would be perfect for that spot. And she knows ballet actually very well I don't know she picked it up from I just walked in the room one day and she was just dancing away. I didn't know she knew how to. But when I asked her who taught her. She told me she taught herself. And don't worry we'll make sure you get tickets. She is your daughter you should be allowed to see what she's achieved. Just because we told you you can't see her one-on-one. Doesn't mean you can't watch her so far. Which is only temporary till we figure out a good way to tell her. That you're still alive." Vivian suggested as she showed her. A bunch of videos. Of her to mom her of recitals. Making her smile as she watch turn dance across stage so flawlessly.

"That's why I didn't tell her the truth. And gave her drive to hold on to the one thing she had left her mother. Your dreams of being a ballerina. See if I would have told her the truth she would have gave her all that up instead. Of pushing herself to the point she is now. You remember how she used to hate going to her recitals. Now she can't wait to go it's her favorite thing to do and place to go if she's not at home. She's normally at the studio. You're a great-aunt's studio. That your cousin now runs. She's the reason it hasn't been closed down yet they tried to close it twice so she started giving ballet lessons and also became a teacher as well as a dancer. She's put everything she's made from giving ballet lessons. To keep it open she's. So good to the point where. They actually started doing plays again. She's become quite popular and has. Become quite famous in the bigger cities. She's visited to do her recitals and debuts. Which I got to say this ballet costumes are not cheap. Which my dear is why my house was not finished yet. Every time I save up enough to get all the renovations done I end up having to put it towards her ballet stuff. Which is no problem. I want her to dream big so I will do anything in my power. To get her what she needs." Jeremiah said. Pulling out his phone and texting something.

"Hey punk I already said if any of our children. Need something tell me. I want each of my children. To dream and dream big. I never want them to give up on their dreams and wishes. I want them to try to be anything but Ordinary. Because they are all Extraordinary. I want each of them to know. What they want to do with their lives. What they want to dedicate themselves to. She never thinks that. They are less then what they actually are. Or value themselves blessed because they don't think they have a special talent." Vivian exclaimed handing him her card. As he snapped a picture of it to send it. To Donna so she could order her outfit. Before Jeremiah decided to text her.

'So how would you feel if Vivian became your new mom. Or is that her and daddy were together. Like together together.' He texted sending it.

'I'd love it she's amazing and beautiful and I like her kids. Plus I think you spent enough for a lifetime moping around over Mom. Like some old man I've been trying to get. You to go back out there. Why do you do like each other? Please like each other I just want you to be happy and you've been. So sad ever since mom died you deserve it.' She messaged back. He smiled chuckling and her reply before he scooped her up in his arms. Taking a cute picture of him kissing her cheek. And sending it to her.

'Whoa whoa whoa hold up. Who are you and what did you do with my dad. My old man is a grumpy drill sergeant. Not a hunky non human.' She messaged back. Before he mouthed to. Kimberly to not talk. She nodded. Sitting quietly on the floor. As a video called his daughter. Still carrying Vivian in his other arm.

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