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"Holyshit I thought you were just pulled my love when you sent me that picture. But you obviously weren't." She said it was her picture popped up on his scream. As a small picture of what his video call was picking up was displayed in the corner.

"Really baby girl you think I'd mess with you about. Watch your language. And first of all I don't know how to work filters. Second hunky really. I'm your dad to please never say that again. It doesn't bother you doesn't. I mean not having a human father."

"Are you kidding me no first one you only human out. Of a purebred non-human family hell yeah. I'm the only one that can go to my school instead of my dad's a stud and totally get away with it no. I'm not saying that in a gross way. But that form is very handsome so therefore you were a stud. I like it I'm not being sarcastic like I really like it. By the way I did ask my teacher about what you texted me about Willow and they said yeah sure thing you got any known human siblings bring them in and we will test every single one till we find one we like. So how am I supposed to text her back. I have 10 she's never going to leave me so can you guys please stay on the video chat. While I video chat my teacher you don't. Have to show your faces. Just confirm that I do have a non-human relative or acquaintance. Just confirming that I know one in person." She exclaimed they nodded. As he covered his front camera.

"Hello Mrs. Derickson you told me to call you when I had confirmation here's my confirmations."

Hello sorry to bother you Mrs.Derickson. but my daughter. Isn't lying we do know several purebreds. Ones that are actually related.

"Mister Jeremiah if we're going to have a phone conference with why is your camera covered." One of her other ballet teachers asked turns out she had. Called in more than just one of her teachers on this conference. And a couple of them even had it on their whiteboard in their class so their Hunter class could see. What was going on.

Look every family has Secrets ours happens to be a little bit bigger and I don't want her whole entire school to know our families because we might treat her different.

Why is she a non-human

No but she's the only one in our family but isn't okay she's the only human my family. The rest of us are all purebreds including me. Happy I mean you can act like I can't see the students in the background because you got the flasher on a whiteboard. While we're trying to have a conference. Like isn't that invasion of privacy. Jeremiah exclaimed angrily uncovering his camera making everyone gasp.

"Wait a minute are those dragons on her shoulders." The teacher asked.

"Relax dude their hatchlings. They just fell asleep on me. There her younger siblings we can't shift yet." Jeremiah explained.

"I see I've just never seen a baby dragon before that doesn't look like a normal Dragon so that looks like a leviathan." One of her other teacher said looking closely at her to newborn siblings.

"Well considering that me and her mother are both original Olympians. Yaeh they're going to make fun of a leviathan. But I promise you there is a huge difference between the two." Her father explained irritatedly.

"Like?" One of the teachers asked.

"Look do I have to explain everything to you? You're human it's hard to explain. And I don't exactly like exposing the fact that my daughter comes from such a unique family we have 10 other children good including the two on my shoulder all of which could play the role but we'll actually Knows by the way do you want a purebred Olympian or not. We're not exactly easy to come acrost. I mean it's hard enough finding a normal purebred. Near impossible to find a leviathan and literally impossible to find a purebred Olympian you forgot access to 10. So it might be smart. To just not being picky considering. That most of them are dragon." Jeremiah replied annoyingly when Vivian took the phone from him.

"Don't take anything he says personal. My love is just very irritated. He's still kind of new doll this. If you have to have them to anyone. About any of personal information. You're going to have to ask me. Plus in our little sweetheart situation can you blame him for being irritated that you're exposing you are exposing personal family information to literally half the student body. Humans have a tendency to treat us very different. As well as those well related to us. Look I'm a hybrid and mention was the last living Olympian. I have always been treated different. I don't want that for her okay she is a special load line to. If any one does can get in trouble. Keep in mind that non humans have laws. Just like humans do. Our punishments for just ten times more severe. That goes to both of you. That decided to put this on the whiteboard. Infront of your class. That's exploitation and that's a huge. No no the stronger the Beast to exploit. The bigger the punishment." Vivian exclaimed,

"Why are you Nobles." A teacher said jokingly.

"Not even close try Supremes. Do the math. And boys and girl that don't know. What is a dream is a supreme is a how do I say this a type of rule that ruler run entire species. And there's more than one species of non- human you only know of one type and I know one supreme

Well now you met the one that's DNA that used to make him which obviously means I'm above him.

"So nikolai's not only Supreme?" Her main teacher asked.

"No We're the Supremes of the leviathans. Yes I just said we're  yes  her father's is a Supreme. We would be the Supremes of the Olympians. But I'm the only surviving. Member of my race got wiped out. I was only surviving member. That isn't allowed my kids and he happened. But there's not even close to enough. Of us to be considered a clan. There's only 12. But that also doesn't mean that I can't ever throw another Supreme. Cuz I easily could. Because the other species were created from my DNA. So who do you think is stronger. I'll give you a hint it's  not going to be a normal purebred." Vivian informed them.

"Why do I feel like you really don't like Nikolai." One female teacher said

"Because I don't okay. We've got a bit of history and it ain't nothing good now. Since I've got in it original Olympian Supreme King. He might want to watch his step. Because this one's a Marine. And not to be rude everyone knows Nikolai is a silver spoon. Meaning he said everything given them all his life. I should never have let him take over to begin. With ever since he. Did the nonhumans have been Non-Stop at War. I mean he's literally cause different species to hate each other destroying all the hard work my father did he worked hard to get the species to work together to get the two different types of life in the work together just for him to tear it down. My father was Scar. The Olympians last king which means by. Birthright it is mine. I just gave it to a normal nonhuman which turned out to be Nikolai because and other people wouldn't. Trust a creature like me. Hell they still probably won't. But that's not going to stop me from trying. Honestly I don't know why. I'm telling you this because it's not like humans would be interested. In something like this." She said, as a couple of the students raise their hands and she notice. They're eyes changing meaning they were. Non human and they agreed with her. When they held up their hands like that holding up two fingers that means they agree. Its a non-human movement. Showing how they support a certain leader. So she said in the native tongue. So the humans wouldn't understand her. So if I asked you would you take my side. Which they all answered. With the same hand signal. Making her realize she did have followers. Letting her know that she was making a difference. No matter how small it was. When the phone automatically shut off as the battery died in the middle of that phone conference. She handed his phone back to him.

"Well it's getting late so we better head back home." Jeremiah said as they said their goodbyes before finally getting in their car and driving back to their house. They walked in caring in the blowup mattresses and other groceries. Pzxutting them on the table. Till they were finished bringing everything in. They them unboxed the
Blowup mattresses. Each that one hooked it up to the manual pump. Which they used by stepping on it. Pumping it to pump air into them. When Donna and her siblings. Ran in with some friends following close behind them Vivian was just about to open her mouth. When she realized they were nonhumans. When their parents peeked in. She recognized him from some. Of the pictures throughout Jeremiah's home. That he was an old army friend.

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