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"Well we absolutely love her she is beautiful. She looks gorgeous. You might want to get them registered. To the counsel of nonhumans. Since purebred nonhuman females are practically sacred. Since there's so few of them. So their practically worshipped and we have two female Wraths. They are going to have a field da....." Vivians uncle stopped as someone yelled.

"What!!" Running up litterally swiping his phone looking at the screen. It was a handsome muscular alpha with blond haired alpha. With an elder. Their eyes lit up.

"Those are Wraths. Ah the one really shy. How olds your little sister sweetie?" The alpha asked, and Vivian lost it. She was laughing so hard. Vixen had to latch on or she wouldn't fall.

"Mom!" Vixen yelled as Vivian calmed herself down and stop laughing.

"Sorry my baby girl. No I'm her mother. She's only two days old." Wrapped her arms around her. Kissing her forehead.

"Mom stop it." Vixen whined. When Vivian started giving him eskimo kisses.

"Really this is why. I can't take you in public. Mom your so embarrassing!" Vixen let out a huge sigh.

"Well Dah the best part about a parents is that. I can litterally embarrass you in front of anyone and you can't do anything about it." Vivian   joked.

"That is so devious." Vixen pouted leaning over her mothers arm. Vivian chuckled. Vivian was much bigger then Vixen. You could definitely tell Vixen was younger.

"She is savage. She'll fit in just fine. The other females are what you got to watch for their very competitive. So you can't be weak. Mentally and physically especially. Since you have such a young child. Especially since she's a daughter. Females will sometimes try to mentor. Any children their interested in and actually take them. Because their whole goal in live is to produce the strongest most successful offspring." He warned her.

"Then what makes you think I'll go. I'm not leaving her with anyone and I'm not taking her somewhere. That dangerous. Not happening. I don't trust leaving my daughter alone with anyone or alone. Because that's when something happens. I've got to strong of maternal instincts. Not to use them so why not use them. I can't afford to chance it. I'm sure. Anyone with children can relate. I'd never put her in a  dangerous situation. If I can help it." Vivian said, when she heard Vixens stomach growl.

"Gram do you got anything. I can give Vixen to eat." She asked walking into her grandparents house. While her grandfather talked to them.

"Just grab anything you think she'd like. Dear." Her gramma yelled. So she set Vixen on a kitchen. Table chairs at the kitchen table. While she peeked around the kitchen. Till she found something quick to prepare. And put it in front of Vixen. It only took her one bite to decide she liked it. She was pretty hungry. So she finished pretty quickly. Then her mother took her empty dirty dishes. In the sink to wash them. Then walked back over to her. Picked her up and walked out. Carried her out side. Her grandfather was off the phone. She hugged them before putting Vixon in the car. While she was buckling her in. Her grandparents jumped into the front seats.

"Sorry baby girl. You go anywhere we're going with you safety. Is to important to put you in danger. It's safer to be with other nonhumans. Especially with a newborn purebred." Her grandfather exclaimed reaching back for her keys. She looks at him questioningly till she sees his human appearance change completely to a much younger taller muscular male. That she could immediately tell wasn't human. But wasn't a purebred either. When her grandmother did the same thing looking back at her.

"See told you your not the only nonhuman in the family. We're hybrids we're half Chimera. Might not be as impressive as a Wrath. But we both got ever 790 years on you baby girl. Our bloodlines actually one of the oldest bloodlines. So we're highly respected. In the non-human Community especially with the council. We also know where all the good spots are trust me. Because till we get you a charm and teach you how to use it to make yourselves human. We're going to have to have to show you all the non-human hotspots residences. Since we have her own stores and everything. Hell we even have our own Hangouts spots. It doesn't hurt for us to show you. So where exactly do you want to go. What are you looking for?" Her grandmother asked.

"I was wanting to do some redecorating. Me and Vixen wanted to make it a little bit more homey. If that's okay with you guys. Plus I have to do some grocery shopping. Since I have an extra mouth to feed now." Vivian asked.

Yeah that's my best sweetie it's your house we don't use it. We know the perfect place. Our friend who is a Archangel which of the type of fey. Family actually runs a non-human appliance store nearby that's got all the works. Trust me you'll love it. By the way were considered a beast because we can change our physical form completely. While Fey is mainly has magical powers and is more humanoid. But beasts are considered more dangerous because they're power is physical like their strength.
While fey are considered more wiser and peaceful. Due to the fact that they don't have the same Natural Instincts and physical strength that a beast does. Cuz Beasts are more animal like. Throwing away Beast are considered more non-human than even if a is. Which is why they're considered more valuable than a fey. Just so you're aware of the difference. But Brenda is going to love Vixen Brenda's our friend's wife. She is she's a normal angel. But she's very very sweet and nurturing. She'll be more then help to you with anything you need. She absolutely loves children especially newborns. I'm since you're technically like a newborn yourself. I think she'd be able to help you a lot more than we would be able to. Especially since she's a purebred herself." Her grandmother replied turning her head back to her Grandpa as he started the car and pulled out of the driveway.

"Yeah that would be a lot of help. Since I'm kind of new to the whole thing." Vivian replied as her grandmother pulled out her phone. She dialed a number and then put it up to her ear.

"Hey sis long time no see so what would you say if I said I was bringing your brand new born you. A purebred newborn. Now I know it's going to be a little bit out of your comfort zone since they're both dragons. But her mother is still learning. She's purebred as well. But she's not really familiar with any of our customs. So I'm going to need some help it's one of my grandkids." Her grandmother's smiled.

No I'm not joking when my grandkids turned out to be a purebred Wrath. But she also has a daughter so is a purebred or a she's only 2 days old. So you're going to need some help. If it's not too much trouble for you and your husband. Since I know that your husband's worked with Dragons before. And you know it's been over 500 years since we've even had a Dragonborn in our family. Let alone purebred and they're both female. With Dragons we both know that the females are normally a lot bigger and a lot stronger. So we already know that two hybrids ain't going. To be able to handle two purebreds alone." Her grandmother chuckled.

"No I'm not pulling your wag. Why do you think I would joke about that you're going to die. When you find out which one it is. Cuz you're husbands the that examines her." Her grandmother last putting around speaker.

"You have to be pulling my leg sis you haven't had. One of those point in your family for over 500 years. Let alone up here bread and a female. You have to be pulling my leg." A woman replied.

"Brenda and no she's not her daughter awakened her dormant genes. Turned out John and our daughter Linda daughter Vivian was carrying it so when her daughter was born a purebred she awoken her mother's. Now we have not one but two female purebred Wraths. Her daughter Vixen is only 2 days old. So we're having to teach Vivian everything." Her grandfather replied making her grandmother take a picture of Vixen and Vivian. Before sending it to her.

"Holy shit you weren't joking. Oh my gosh she's so cute and I love her name. But I can't believe that my husband checked her over so many different times and never once noticed that dormant Gene. But Vivians so gorgeous she'll find a mate no time. But honestly I have heard of a few situations where something like that has happened but it's very rare. So she must have been carrying the purebred Gene the entire time. How could we have overlook something so vital. Jack is serious going to flip. When he realizes that he missed that." The woman on the other line replied.

"It's really not his fault. It was a dormant Gene. Nobody could have spotted it. Hell I'm a scientist and I didn't even notice it. And Grandma were can you tell me it was auntie I love her." Vivian replied.

"Hi my little sweetheart I didn't know you had me on speaker you a jerk I love you too baby girl and I'm so happy with you. I can't wait to meet Vixen. She's absolutely gorgeous she looks just like you. So how long has it been since you blossomed? So we know how much we have to teach you." Brenda asked.

"This morning not even joking. I didn't even know she could do that. So needless to say I know almost nothing about non-humans. Let alone about dragons. So needless to say I know absolutely nothing about Wraths." Vivian replied.

"That's completely fine that's what we're here for will teach you. Trust me my husband to like one of the oldest. Plus he's a teacher it's literally his job. To teach, train, and look after. The new ones. See when a case like yours appears we call it blossoming. Which means a non-human that was born human thats powers have awoken. So in our perspective you were never human to begin with your Dragon was just dormant. It happens actually a lot more than you think." Brenda assured her.

"See we saw that but we weren't sure if it was that. Or if she just carried the gene." Her grandfather replied.

"No it's not bad because she would have been a hybrid. If it was just in her jeans but she's a purebred. Which means her Dragon was just sleeping. Some nonhumans go their whole entire lives without blossoming." She answered.

"I thought so but I couldn't remember if I was right or not. And I didn't want to give her false information without making sure the first." Her grandfather replied driving. Without taking his eyes off the road. She chuckled.

"Well I'm glad you aren't telling her anything without verifying. We don't want to give her any false information. Especially since she's the only purebred female dragon. We don't want to teach her the wrong things." She replied.

"Wait we're seriously the only females?" Vivian blurted.

"And yes my dear there hasn't been a female dragon. Especially a purebred in a very long time. That's why they're so rare. And the fact that you're a rat just makes you even more valuable. Because Wraths are literally the second strongest dragon. The strongest dragon is actually called a diamondback and then there's a wrath and a nightmare. But rest honestly top a nightmare in a day because of how destructive and chaotic their power is a diamondback is only stronger. Because the fact that they can't be killed except by their own Venom. They're literally the biggest dragon breed and theres only one of them. Which is our Supreme and he is literally the only purebred Diamondback. Sohe's technically the only one that be strong enough to kill you. Even in Nightmare couldn't even touch you. Which honestly I couldn't see Nikolai doing that he's a very sweet man he's an original which means he's literally in the first and only purebred done back they have created hybrids artificially from his DNA. Since he doesn't have any children. But none of them compared to him. He is literally the strongest nonhuman you will ever made and he's over thousands and thousands of years old and he's never had a partner. So I wouldn't be surprised if you got interested in you Vivian. Since you're literally the only one that even comes close to his strength and power. Which would be pretty dang amazing because we've been trying. To find him a mate for years and he's just never been interested. But he loves children and you happen to have one. Especially since we know that he would actually treat her right and I highly doubt. He would care if the child wasn't his or not. I guarantee you one more look and he won't be able to say no. Which is something you should seriously think about. He is literally a very good candidate to be a mate. Not to be rude sweetheart. But I would rather sticky with a male. That I know would treat you right and your daughter. Then sticking you with a male. That's just going to once you as a mate. Because of what you are. He's a very loyal and devoted male he's very loving. Which means you never have to worry about him leaving or cheating. So why not actually give him a chance. Plus he's very protective. He would take care of you and your child without question. And I know definitely from your personality he would definitely be interested. He's never had a partner never even been interested in a female. He's been waiting all this time of the year is specifically to meet his fated partner. A fated partner is a lot different than a soulmate. When they passed away you can pick a different one. When with a fated partner you only get one even after they die." She exclaimed. Vivian listened very carefully as they pulled into a driveway.

"Well we're here. So you can explain the rest her inside. But I do think Nikolay would be a good candidate. Plus honestly he's the only male I would have been trust around her." Her grandmother said as she hung up. As her grandfather parked the car turning it off I'm taking out the key. They got out first as Vivian unbuckled Vixen. Before getting out walking over to. Vixen side and picking her up out of the car. When her grandparents walk her over to the entrance. Walking her and to see a lot of nonhumans. All stopped and looked at her. When they seen them walking. Giving a slight with their head out of respect. As Brenda ran over with her husband.

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