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"Oh my goodness. Come here you their both absolutely gorgeous sorry babe I didn't tell you. But this is the real reason I drag you over here. They finally had a purebred form in the family. Turns out you miss identified Vivian she's purebred a Wrath. She's literally blossomed. Just this morning and she's got a daughter. Who's also a purebred who is only 2 days old. This is Vixen. Isn't she just the cutest. So you ready for the challenge they asked us to teach her. Since you've obviously trained dragons before." His wife squealed hugging fixing and Vivian making everybody look. Making their eyes widen when they seen them.

"Damn it how could I miss that. I am so sorry for being that was a my job to identify you. Please forgive me." Jack asked.

"Uncle how can I be mad at you. About something that wasn't even your fault. I'm a scientist and I didn't even notice it. Of course I'm not mad at you." Baby instead of literally hugging him and picking him up. Off the the ground without even trying.

"Thanks sweetheart and I will make up for it by teaching you properly. I just can't believe I messed up that bad. But I'm honored that you would ask me to help educate you especially after I messed up like that. The council is so going to have my head."
He said if she put him down and he kissed her head.

"Hey like I said mistakes happen. My main concern is teaching my daughter properly. Especially since she's a purebred. But she probably honestly knows more than I do. She's pretty smart." Vivian replied, driving her daughter over to meet him. As she noticed a crowd forming around them. Which is making Vixen very nervous. As she hid behind her mother.

"Sorry we didn't mean to scare her. Most of them just have never seen a newborn Dragon. Let alone a female they're just curious. They're not going to hurt her. I'm an elder so if you have any questions. I'm more than happy to answer." A much older male that walking up.

"Thank you. I'm Vivian their granddaughter. Sorry about that she's only 2 days old. She's never been around any other nonhumans." Vivian said gesturing towards her grandparents. He smiled brightly.

"Its a pleasure to meet you I'm Maxwell. I'm glad to see such an old bloodline still has some kick in it. We thought rice went completely extinct it's nice to see. That there was still some in your bloodline. Your Bloodlines one of our oldest ones. So sing such a powerful being coming from that bloodline. Gives us great pride. Has the council been notified about her yet?" He asked, as her grandparents both shook their heads.

Not yet we haven't gotten that far yet she refuses to leave her daughter. Or make her daughter go anywhere where she feels it's dangerous. One of her family members already. Warned her about how the other female purebreds are. So she's kinda iffy about having her around any females. So we haven't been able to register her yet." Her grandfather replied.

"I promise you not all female purebloods are like that. Plus I promise you as soon as they find out that your female wrath. They're not going to touch your daughter. They wouldn't dare challenge such a powerful creature." A female purebred demon said walking up.

Well I hope not because anybody trusting my daughter away no offense I'm going to hurt them. I will not hand my child over to anybody or let anybody take her away from me.

"Darling I promise to you pay only do that to hybrid females they don't challenge other female purebreds. Especially one that as strong as you. In fact if anything the respect you." Another female that was a werewolf answered. She was holding a pup. Who seemed very interested in Vixen. As he kept on trying to jump out of his mother's arms.

"Well thank you for telling me that. Cuz I'm obviously very overprotective. But I'm a mom so do you blame me and she's my only child. If he wants to play with her he can I promise she's literally a newborn. She doesn't have her potency yet." Vivian said I should let go for son and he. Ran over to her sniffing her.

"Sorry I didn't know if you were okay with it or not. I don't want him just run up to newborns cuz I didn't want him to I don't want him just run up. To her and startle her." His mother smiled as they started checking each other out.

"No it's fine she needs some friends. Like I said she's never been around any other nonhumans. No baby you know to be easy he's a youngin just like you." Vivian said as she walked out from behind your mom.

"Yes Momma I know." She replied, kissing her mother's cheek.

"I know you do my dear. You're smart. Do you care if they play together? While I get when I need." Vivian asked as the woman handed her a baby monitor with a screen.

"Yes that is very much fun we have a play area for the kids where Barb watches them and this is in case if you want to check up on her. Just to make sure she's doing okay. I know how it is to be a new mom it brings you a little bit more Comfort. If you can see what your child is doing. And like I said Barbara will be watching them the whole entire time. If she needs to get a hold of you. I'm Angela by the way." She said, as Vivian took the monitor.

"We give one to each of the parents. While their children are in the play area. So they can keep an eye on them. And trust me we take care of our own so no one's going to overstep their boundaries. While I'm there." Barbara assured her taking the kids.

"Thanks Auntie cuz she's literally hasn't been away. From me the entire time. Since she was born." Vivian said kissing Vixens head giving her a hug one last time. Before Barbara took them to the play area.

"Trust me Barbara's the best of the kids they're in good hands." Angela assured her as she walk side-by-side with Vivian.

"I know she pretty much helped raise me. She is literally the only person I've been to my grandparents or mother. That I would trust with my child." Vivian answered has Angela showed her around.

"I can help you if you need to find anything. What exactly are you looking for." Angela asked.

"I'm just trying to redecorate my house. Since have Vixen now."
Vivian replied.

"So are you looking for paint?" One of the male asked. Popping his head out of one of the aisles.

"Yes I'm definitely looking for paint. I'm wanting to redo the whole house." Vivian answered.

"So what did you have in mind I'm already in the aisle. So I can pull it down for you." He replied.

"That's Joe by the way he's a Warlock. So if you want anything special he can do it. He actually help me. When I was fixing up my house he can cast a spell it to make it like. Do a holographic thing that's actually really cool." Angela explained.

"The does actual some really cool yeah if it's not too much trouble." Vivian said.

"Yeah sure thing no problem. Just name it and you got it. I actually do home interior jobs. If you want me to do it for you or to at least help." He informed her.

"Yeah that would be nice to have the extra hands. I mean it's a pretty big house. It's my grandparents guest house if you ever seen it." Vivian replied, and his face just lit up.

"Yeah I know the place. I've been trying to get them to let me redo that forever now. So yes I'm more than willing to help you out." He informed her pulling down a bunch of paint cans. Of all kinds of different colors. Before handing her notebook of all kinds of interior designs. That he drew out.

"I even had to design all laid out for an already. But like I said they wouldn't let me do it. Because they never used it. It was just a guest house they stored stuff in."

"Well I've actually been living there for three years. But it works so much I never really had the time to do anything with it. Plus at the time I was really sick. So I really couldn't do it anyways. I do really like these designs." Vivian replied.

"Why thank you but what do you mean by sick is it contagious? Cuz I can sanitize the whole house. While we're at it if you need me to." He explained.

"No promise day before I blossomed. I actually had brain cancer. So I couldn't really do anything." Vivian replied as they winced. When they heard brain cancer.

"Eww cancer is the worst I lost one of my mortal sisters to it. She had lung cancer. What stage?" He asked, filing the paint on a cart.

"Four. I have literally had less than a week to live. When I blossomed so I guess you could say I was pretty damn lucky. Cuz I wasn't going to leave her by herself." Vivian replied. As he listened carefully.

"So what about Vixens Dad wasn't hanging there to help you?" Angela asked.

No Vixens technically a clone choose me by my DNA. But I accidentally got mixed in with one of the samples. I actually work at one of this lab that makes hybrid animals are officially. Well my dumbass cut my hand and my DNA ended up in one of the samples. But because of the fact that she was a purebred Wrath. She pretty much devoured the actual sample I was trying to make and it created her instead. So she's technically a clone of me. As soon as I realize this I took her home but didn't realize it would be my DNA. That made her was mine. Till after she was fully developed. I wasn't just going to let them throw her out so I took her home with me instead. Because otherwise I would have killed her. Plus I wanted to be a mother anyways. Since I technically couldn't have children after losing my first one." Vivian replied, is Angela started ripping her back to try to comfort her.
She smiled.

"Damn you're a good thing you brought her out of there then. You had one hell of a life before you blossomed." Angela said.

"Sure did. You must have heard was when I was pregnant for a girl the first time to. So Vixens pretty much my miracle. Cuz I'm telling you if it wasn't for her I would have crashed and burned. She's literally my everything that's why I'm so overly protective of her." Vivian said checking the monitor to see. That Vixen was having fun playing with the other kids. She smiled putting it away.

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