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"Well trust me you're definitely. In good hands. We'll definitely take care of you and help you as much as possible." Joe assured her as Angela nodded in agreement.

"I really do appreciate it." She said, smiling at both of them.

"Don't sweat it that's what we do. We were there for one another and we helped one another. Even if we're completely different species. Can I call you sis. We normally treat each other like family. See we normally call each other sister or brother." Angela informed her.

"Of course. You're already technically my best friend." Vivian answered, which made her hug her.

"Is it weird that I just met you and already want to say I love you. Like a sister not like that." She joked, as her grandparents smiled warmly. As the female purebred demon walked over.

"Hey what about me? I wants to be a sister. My son needs a purebred friend." She said, literally getting in between them. Making them laugh.

"Of course. No one forgot you sis. Lord I need friends epecially nonhuman  ones. It just a plus that your both mothers as well. Which means more friends for my Vixen." Vivian replied, ruffling her hair. Making them laugh as she fixed it.

"This is Diana she's a live in nanny. If you ever need one. Her sons a purebred. His father was purebred demon and is actually one of the kings. He left her homeless. After breaking off their engagement after he knocked up her younger half sister. That her biological  father had with a mistress. So her parents adapted and raised her. Before she found out she was pregnant with his son. Her sister's mortal. So she's been staying with me. In one of the housing units Barba's husband's runs for non-human struggling mother. She's literally like my older sister. She uses to be a warrior. So no one will mess with you when she's around her. She's one of the strongest female warriors. Among the non-human purebred female's." Angela informed her.

"Well damn that's literally the same situation I was in. Before I moved here. I caught my fiance with my cousin who was literally my sister and best friend. I was eight  months pregnant. I ran away when I seen them together. Fell down a flight of stairs. When I lost my first daughter. Which is why they said. I couldn't naturally have children and the same time I found out I had brain cancer. Im honestly surprised at how much we have in common. Sister can you teach me how to fight." Vivian asked.

"Damn we do have a lot in common. Ya I'd be honored to teach you everything I know." She smiled, hugging affectionatealy. When Vivian looked at her grandparents.

"Would you be mad if I moved them in?" She asked, as the two women just looked at her questioningly.

"Of course not it's a mansion theres more then enough room for all of you and it'd make me feel more then at ease to know that your not there by yourself with Vixen. Especially since we know both of them are more then reliable and trustworthy. Plus it'd make it easier since you work so much." Her grandfather replied.

"So what you say want to move in. It'll be rent free. Since I already take care of all the utilities and expenses. Plus I'll take care of anything you or children need. Just because I also hate living in that huge house by myself." Vivian assured them.

"Are you for real. Ah ya we'd be stupid to say no. Especially since all they had were available to small apartment complex. Which is barely big enough for all four of us." Diana exclaimed, as Vivian let out a deep breath.

"Sweet I'll even let you decorate your rooms however you like. Same goes for the kids." She said, Jack smiled walking up.

"I'll have all their belongings shipped to the house. I'm thankful someone took them in. I felt bad to have to stick them in such a small apartment. So don't hesitate to call if you need it." He hugged Vivian.

"Oh no trust me I make more then enough. To support all of us and that's not even counting. What I've accumulate over the years. From working so much. That I just saved up. So trust me they'll be more then taken care of. Plus we're all single mother. So there's no way I'd just leave them in that situation. Especially since I only use not even half the house. Since its so dang big. Which means grandfather. I'm going to need all the appliances and utilities. Hooked up to the rest of the house and just send me the bill." She said, when Brenda brought the kids over. 

"Hey munchkins pick. What color you want your rooms to be?" Vivian said, they just stared at her for a minute.

"We're moving in with aunty Vivian. Vixens mom. Which means you get your own rooms. She letting you decorate them however you want." Angela said, and Diana's son looked at Vivian.

"Seriously?"He asked.

"Seriously. My house is literally a mansion and it's just me a my daughter living there. I don't even use the whole house. So there's more then enough room. Plus I need someone to watch Vixen while I'm at work. Your mother said, she'd do it. So I'm moving you and your mothers in. So just tell me anything you want and I'll take it. How's that sound?"

"Seriously your mom's the coolest. She must be loaded." He said, looking at Vixen.

Damian my mom scientist. But she's the type that wife is DNA and genetics and modifies them or create hybrids. Artificially of course she's loaded. Do you even know how much do scientist make a lot more than you think. She makes way more then what a surgen could even dream of in a mouth. I mean come on she artificially create hybrid animals like I'm not even joking. Our house pet is a tiger that's mixed with every other kind of big cat. Where was I not supposed to say that because you weren't supposed to actually bring it home.

Yes baby but it's okay I'm getting rid of most of them I have a tendency to bring my homework home with me whenever I know they're going to terminate it I mean I'm one of their heads aren't just so obviously I'm not going to let all my work go to shed so I returned it to two sometimes bring it home so don't mind if you see a dragon looking lizard in the living room. Like I said I'm getting rid of them. Of course unless the kids like one of them then I'll let them keep it there's just too many for me to take care of with having Vixen. Which is hotter partially the reason why I never left my grandparents in my house. But they never figured that out." Vivian admitted.

"You wouldn't happen to have one that's a pegasus would you. My niece wants one for her birthday. If you do I will seriously do all the work for free not even joking.

"Actually I do I've got a very rare dangerous breed of horse that's mixed with a herpes Eagle. Which is the largest eagle in the world mixed with a friesian. Which is a very rare breed of horse that is also one of the biggest breeds of horses in the world. So he is pretty large but he literally looks like a Pegasus. He's just not wait like an average Pegasus. He's black would that be okay and he's only a year old." Vivian showing him a picture and his eyes lit up. When he seen what type of horse it was.

"Are you kidding me that will literally my niece's favorite type of horse. I've looked up every type of breeder. Nobody wanted to give them up because of how rare they are. I can't believe you have one. Do you seriously care to give it up." He asked, excitedly.

"Nah I'm trying to look for home for anyways and I don't care. As long as it makes a little girl happy." Vivian assure them. He literally hugged her.

"Honestly you're doing me a favor. Cuz I want him to go to a good home he's completely fully trained. He's very obedient. He is a purebred he's just mixed with eagle to give him his wings. But genetically and biologically he is a purebred the eagle doesn't even show up in his DNA. I've been calling him Midnight. But you can honestly change his name. Since he's so young." Vivian assured him and he ripped out his phone. He literally practically shaking.

"I'm sorry. I've just literally looked everywhere for one. I even saved up money to get one for the price. They were asking and they still didn't want to hand it over to you literally. Just me and my nieces day do you care. If I call her mom and tell her that. I got her one?" He asked and she shook her head.

"No go ahead I'm just glad. He's going to somebody that's going to someone. That's going to love him. He is a very very sweet horse. I just didn't know where to put him. I literally raised him from a fool." She said as he dial the number and put it up to his ear.

"Hey sis you're never going to believe this. I'm helping a woman her decorate. Her house and she's got a purebred. Male year old friesian. She's one of those geneticist that makes hybrids. So he has wings and I mean like they're huge she send me a picture and everything. He's gorgeous she's going to love him. Because she's willing to give him to me. You're not going to believe this part either. She's a purebred Wrath and her name is Vivian. Do you mind telling my sister that? I'm not pulling her leg because she literally thinks I'm joking?" He asked handing the phone to Vivian you put it up to her ear.

"No he's not joking I am a geneticist and I am a purebred Wrath. And horses mixed with herpes eagle but it doesn't show up in a DNA. So he is literally a purebred. He's literally only your old. So he's still very very young. I don't have the room for him that's why I asked him if he wanted to take him when he asked me if I had any that were Pegasuses when he found out that I was a geneticist that artificially makes hybrids and I have a new daughter look at my two days old that's also a purebred Wrath. I just don't got the room to take care of him no more are you okay with that. I promise he's completely fully trained. I raised him from a foal myself." Vivian answered smiling. When she heard the woman's reply.

"Okay he'll be picking him up tomorrow. Or I can bring him to you either one as long. As he's going to a good home I really don't care. I just want to make sure. He's taken care of." Vivian replied.

"Oh that's fine I'll take care of that trust me if you need help. With anything I'm more than happy to supply it as long. As long as he gets a home because trust me money wasn't the issue. Of the reason why I'm getting rid of him. It's literally just because I don't have the time. To take care of him now that. I have a newborn daughter. Especially since I just blossomed myself." Vivian answered.

"Yeah I just bought some this morning. So at the same time of raising a newborn. I'm also learning myself. Since I was raised as a human. Not a non-human and the fact that. I'm purebred kind of makes it kind of harder. So I hope you understand he's not joking. I literally have one at my house and I'm willing to pay off your barn. So you can keep him." Vivian said.

"Yep no strings attached just give me the address and I will seriously. Pay it off for you. I just want him to have a home. Where he's taking care of because I literally don't have the time. Plus I'm having to two other families move in with me. Since I need somebody to watch my daughter. While I'm at work. So I'm literally getting all of rid of all my hybrids. He's not the only one I have in my house." She explained. As Joe listened carefully.

"Yeah sure thing thank you. So  much seriously. You're doing me a huge favor." Vivian said letting out of huge breath.

"Because not going to lie. If you would have said no. I was seriously about to ride down there with him. Just to prove that I wasn't legit joking." Vivian joked before handing the phone back Joe.

"See told you. This woman is literally amazing."

Yes she's gorgeous but that's besides the point. Sorry my sister said. You had an amazing voice. And yeah she's literally just giving him to me. So you literally scored. Because I looked everywhere for one of those horses and literally couldn't. Find any breeders that were willing to give one up. Even for the price they were asking. And she's just willing to give them to me so yeah. I'm doing all her house interior Brewery in exchange she didn't ask. I just told her that I would do it. PS my sister and her husband said they'll help. Her husband works in the same field line. I do so he's certified to do it too." Joe informed her.

"You got yourself a deal because I literally live in a mansion and I'm only one person. Given that I'm  purebred. I'm still only one person. So there ain't no way. That I'm going to cover all the ground by myself." Vivian said, before. He nodded before hanging up.

"Okay she's going to text me the address." He said looking at his screen. Before letting her see it. She took a picture before typing something out.

"Okay it's done don't ask. I did an online payment. But I literally paid it all off for her. So she should be good. If she needs anything else just tell her to call me." She said, giving him her number. As his phone started literally going off like crazy.

"Holy shit that was fast. She said that it already is notifying her. That is paid off damn you're quick. You don't mess around do you?" He said, reading his messages.

"No I do not. Especially when it has to do with a kid. I am a mother. So of course I'm willing to go above and beyond for a child. Especially if it's their birthday." Vivian answered, trying to show him that it did come out of her bank account. But she accidentally showed him. How much she had in there. His eyes literally look like they're about to shoot out of head.

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