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"Well I see what you meant by money is not the issue with you. Do I even want to know. How you got that much." He said if she's slightly shrugged.

"I literally work my ass off every single day. Since I got out of college. I have several degrees. So that's not the only thing I'm qualified to do. Plus I never spend it unless. I have to. So there for it's just accumulated over. The years and sorry. I didn't mean to show you how much was actually in there. I just meant to show you that it already came out." Vivian explained putting your phone back.

"No it's fine. I'm not going to say anything but damn. Have you ever thought. About putting your access to those in need. Not too put pressure on your anything."

"Yeah actually I donate to several charities. For low income families and   the homeless. Not to mention several animal conservation's charity. So yes I do do that. Oh I also do it for children's hospitals and stuff. Honestly I can't keep track of them all." Vivian answered.

"Not to mention that she helps out her family any chance she gets. Trust me the girl works her ass off. And even finds time to volunteer. Do not ask me how with her busy schedule. Why do you think. The whole entire family yelled at her. When we found out. That she had cancer and was pushing herself that hard. So yes Vivian deserve nothing but the best." Her grandfather replied.

"Damn and I put my sister over did it." Another male said, walking over to help Joe.

"Oh hey Alpha this is my granddaughter Vivian. Vivian this is Jackson he's one of the alphas nearby.
He works with one of the Guardians which means like he looks after. Any known humans that need help." Her grandfather said as he came up and shook her hand.

"It's a pleasure to meet you. She's gorgeous is she a purebred Wrath. Sorry just never thought. I'd seen one in person." He smiled warmly.

"Yes so is my newborn daughter Vixen." She exclaimed, he looked over at Vixen.

"She is gorgeous. You can definitely tell she's your daughter. Where's your father?" He asked.

"There is no father. She only has me."
Vivian answered, which peeked his interest.

"I see. And are you by any chance looking for one?" He asked.

"Well considering that I have a bad history with relationships. Not exactly at this point but if one comes around. I'm not afraid to give him a chance. But they have to be willing. To you know win my daughter over first. I've obviously got priorities. I'm not just going to pick just anyone. To father my daughter." She exclaimed, he nodded in agreement.

"And I don't blame you one bit. As a parent you should have fuel priorities. Your child should always come first." He replied.

"Exactly and my child does come first. Joe do you think you've got everything handled here cuz I do have other errands to run. Since I'm having other people moving in with me." Vivian asked.

"Yeah I'll handle everything you go. Do what you need to do." He answered she nodded.

"You take the girls when the kids. I'll drive your grandparents back." Jack said, as her grandfather handed her. Her keys.

"Diana show her where all the stores are at." Her grandfather said, she nodded.

"Got it. Do you care if I drive there since I know the way?" She asked, and Vivian handed her the keys. They walk out to the car and got. In with the kids. They buckled them in before getting in themselves. As Diana started the car. She started the car. Pulling out of the parking lot. She drove them to a never secluded building where they got out and walked in. Which turned out to be a supper market. Letting the kids pick out whatever food they wanted. Not to mention any Necessities. That you needed like deodorant and shampoo. Even even let them pick out clothes. The weird thing was none of the other nonhumans decided to talk to her. When Diana was around. But she did notice quite a few watching her.

"After this I can. Show you a popular hang out for nonhumans. Where you can meet a possible male. They have a spot just for singles. Who are looking for a potential mate. You might be able to find one you never know." Diana suggested, she chuckled.

"As if I would have the time for that. I'm a very busy woman. Besides after my last relationship and kind of scared. To let anybody in on that part of my life. Besides you know I'm not just looking for a romantic partner. I'm also looking for someone that can be a dad. That's not something that men just jump to. Especially when the child I think theirs." Vivian replied, as she payed for everything at the check out. Noticing the cashier was eavesdropping on the conversation.

"You never know not human males. Are very different from human males.
Especially when it comes to a dane like you." Angela replied, as the gathered they're groceries.

"You two just aren't going to give up are you?" Vivian said as they took their bag to the car and loaded them up. Then getting the kids buckled in. Before getting in themselves. Diana of course made sure to show her where the hangout spot was. Which turned out to be a bar. Before driving them home. They got out unloaded the car. Vivian put everything away.  Then showing them around the house. After they picked out their rooms. She walked out to give Midnight a good grooming. While Diana looked after the kids. They just absolutely love playing with Tigress. Who ended up playing in the pool with them. As Angela made dinner. When a group of elder showed up out of nowhere. Who showed up with a big muscular purebred male. With long white hair the same eyes. As Vivian in Vixen but blue. Meaning he was a dragon. Do all the others seemed to bow to.

"Okay where is she? I heard that there was a new purebred female. That blossomed earlier today. I came to verify that this information was correct. Wait a minute is that a purebred Wrath female?" The male asked.

"Yes Nikolai that Vixen. She's a newborn she's only two days old. Her mother Vivian is llama just blossomed. She's also a purebred." Diana, as the elders all examined her.
Confirming their suspicion. When I noticed markings on her back.

"Her mother's a royal?" One asked, as Nikolai confirmed their suspicion.

"Well that explains where I'm missing King went. It wasn't a king it was a queen. Can you bring me Vivian so I can confirm this?" He asked.

"Give me just a second. I'll be right there. I'm cleaning out holves. And not to be rude. I'm not getting kicked in the face." Vivian yelled, as he looked back to see her behind the pole near the barn in a bikini top kneeling down. He walked over.

"I take it you're Vixens mother?" He asked as she scraped away the dirt from his horseshoe.

Yeah that's me. Sorry I was hard to clean when you showed up. I promise it wasn't trying to be rude. I just literally didn't want to get kicked in the face. Cuz if I turn away from him while I'm doing this he will kick me." She said looking up at him making sure that he could see her face. Which made his expression immediately soften. As he literally melt down beside her and started helping her. When he seen her struggling. As she noticed her familiar he was with it. She knew this wasn't the first time he's worked on a horse. As he showed her how to tie the light off on the post. To keep him from kicking her.

"Well you're obviously no newbie at this." She teased, as he grabbed her tools. Showing her the correct way to do it.

No I definitely am not I'm an original. So I'm one of the very first beings ever made. I'm over thousand thousand years old when you live as long. As I have you pick up on a few things. Plus I've worked with quite a few horses back in my day and I had a tendency. To work on them myself then let somebody else do it. They didn't tell me you were a Wrath." He said, as he cleaned it out before filing it down for her. Which Midnight didn't even seem to notice him doing it. Because he was so gentle.

So that explains why you're a lot bigger than the other males. They didn't mention you are a dragon. Sorry I promised him for a little girl's birthday present I'm going to make sure he was properly cleaned up before tomorrow. When they pick him up. She ask her uncle for friesian. They couldn't find any braiders that would give him one and I happened to be trying to find all my hybrids a home and she. Happened to have been wanting a Pegasus. I'm a mother so I obviously couldn't say no. Epecially on her birthday.

Let me guess Jose neice. She was asked me if I ever seen one in person. I'm really good friends with his family. Her name is Lily she's fourteen and human. Both her parents are hybrids. She's the only human child born from a family of non humans. She's autistic so she gets bullied alot. I practically helped raise her. She's a good kid  she's very sweet  and loving and affectionate. But also very smart. That was very sweet of you. Now only if they had a place to put them." He smiled warmly.

"They do now. I payed it off for them. So they could keep him and I'm glad I did. They didn't told me any of that. No wonder her uncle is so determined to find one. I'm glad I could help out.
I'm glad I can make her happy. But that's seriously kind of makes it not more special. But I'm giving him to her as a present. Not joking if her mom said no. I was literally about to ride him up there. Him there just to prove to her I wasn't joking. Because when Joe told her. She literally thought he was joking. I even told her if she needed anything just to call me and I'll take care of it I just want to make sure that he goes to a loving home when to know that he's going to special child. Like her gives it more meaning to me call me. A sap but if there's one thing. I've always been devoted to its children. Which is why I'm such a devoted mother. But before that I used to volunteer for children with special needs." She admitted, as he listened very carefully to her. Looking around her face.

Did you seriously you seriously are devoted if you're willing to do that for child you didn't even know. I've never met anyone as dedicated to children. I honestly thought I wasn't the only one. I try to go above and beyond for the children. But sadly because of how many duties as a Supreme I have. It's hard for me to do it. Sometimes being a king can be a little bit too much. I honestly tried helping Joe find one but even I couldn't find any. Even with all my connections. But yet you succeeded where I ever failed. I can't even be mad because I know how happy is going to make her." He exclaimed, before he went back. To helping her with the horses other hose.

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