Chapter 13

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New Orleans, CASA New Orleans

In New Orleans, a small government building was seen as kids and many more was seen meddling around. But we see one women walking to a certain room, her name was Alexandria Novac, a local lawyer and volunteer for CASA. She had just received a call from a Nezu from Japan, concerning a rather troubled young girl in the CASA care and two individuals that will help her

She walked to the girls room and knocked, waiting for a few minutes till she got a knock. She walked in and saw Lily James, a young and sweet little girl who suffered a cruel fate in life. She walked to her bean bag in the corner, crossing her legs as she watched the UA Sports Festival, the 3rd round just ended with a boy named Ben Turner beating the girl

"Who won," Alex asked her, though she already knew

"T-Turner," Lily said,"he w-won by knock 0-out, it was a-a cool f-fight."

"Sweet, had money on that fight, hahaha. Well Lily, I have some good news for you, very good news."

"W-what is it?"

"Do you remember that big crocodile boy in the second round?"

"T-The one whose j-junk was shown?"

Thank God the media censored it, or they would have faced a lot of backlash and all the negative shit. Alex chuckled with a smile as she nodded her head and pulled two files for her, she grabbed them and looked them over

"Well turns out...his your brother," Alex said, getting wide eyes

"B-Brother, they said my brother w-was a villain and a murderer," Lily asked as she looked it over

"Yep, turns out when your so called parents left him with your mothers sister, who unfortunately died a couple months ago, turns out you should be careful with accelerants and matches when your trying to light a 6 year old girl on fire."


"Language young girl."

"Sorry ma'am, but who is this?"

She presented Christinas file, making Alex smile as she sat beside her on another bean bag, it was blue.

"That is your other Aunt, Christina James, your fathers sister," Alex explained,"she runs a successful music company, expanding from America to Japan."

"Sweet, but why didn't she come for me sooner?"

"Your folks kept you secret from her, they knew she would come running and take you. Thus exposing their crimes to you and Luke, neglect, abuse of a child and so much more, like seriously they were terrible people."

"You have no idea. So...why are you showing me this?"

"Well, I got a call a few hours ago by a Mister Nezu, who somehow found out about you, and...he wants you to come to Japan and meet your family."

Lily looked at the photos and wondered if she should, she never left the country, hell she never stood outside the state. She looks at the TV as she remembers Luke fighting and looking so determined and confident in himself, while she was a shy girl with no Quirk and has terrible PTSD from her horrible parents. She then had a scary thought

'What if they don't want me, they don't want a Qurikless piece of trash, I'm a horrible person who has no value in life,' she thought as she tears up

She then got a hug from Alex as she keeps having these bad thoughts. But suddenly, as if a sign from God himself....or two dumbasses trying to do something good,(me and Aka), as Lily favorite song comes on, the one that made her feel good

"...If we leave soon, will we reach the end of the festival," Lily asked

"I already have tickets and someone waiting for us," Alex said as she stood up and grabbed her bag,"now, you ready little one?"

3rd POV

"No," Luke said

"Come on dude, we need to know," Floyd said

"And I said no! Dude that's a personal question about me!"

"Well tell us how you hide that thing," Doris asked


"We leave for 5 minutes and your already yelling," Shinso said as he walked in with some snacks

"Come on guys, Lukes personal thing is his own life," Selina said,"but it was impressive, you'll make a girl happy~."

"I hate you all deeply form within the darkest part of my soul," Luke said as he sulked and watched the match

It was Eobard and Ida, both were dodging and running around trying to get the jump on the others. Eobard smiled as he blitzes Ida and tripped him, but he rolled and recovered fast, so they continued for a while till Eobard shoulder checks him out of bounds. Getting cheers and unfortunately some boos, they expected the younger brother of Ingenium to win

"Tch" he said as he walked to Ida,"nice work Ida, that was fun."

"Indeed, it was a great challenge," Ida said, then as they walked back,"and Thawne, I am so sorry that you were denied a chance to be in 1-A, you obviously deserved to be there."

"...*Sighs', Its fine Ida, to be fair it was petty of me to blame you for it. I should have been more considerate, so I apologize for my attitude to you at the start of the term."

"It's fine Thawne, but we have a chance to start over, so...want to be friends?"

Eobard was shocked, but smiled as the two shook hands, making some cheer at the good sportsmanship between the two and his class happy to see Eobard not holding the grudge anymore. Luke smiled as he was glad to see his friend let go of his anger, and that he was growing up as a person. Then it was time for the other matches

Selina Kyle vs. Harley Quinn= Harley Quinn

Harley won by landing a solid hit on Selinas head with her mallet, knocking her out cold. The two congratulated each other on the fight, since both were nimble and fast.

Fumikage Tokoyami vs. Momo Yaoyoruzu= (Same as canon)

Pamela Ivy vs. Eijiro Kirishima= Ivy

She won by flinging him out of the ring with her huge amount of plants, so he couldn't get close to her. But she did say of he did get passed her defenses, she surely would have been beaten by his better hand to hand combat. He smiled and thanked her, so they became good friends

Katsuki Bakugo vs. Jinx

This was a foght many were afraid of, mostly 1-A and 1-C, they think Bakugo will go to far on her cause she was in the top ten and friends with Luke. Jinx was nervous, she had to admit on thing about him, he was talented and his quirk was powerful. She was beginning to doubt if she could even win against him, she was gonna forfeit...until-

"Jinx," a voice said

She turned as she saw Luke walk up to her, towering over her as she looked at him. His face was neutral as she was nervous as hell, she couldn't look at him cause she felt like she was failing him. She had a lot respect for Luke, hell she looked up to him, she saw him as a leader she would follow to the end. He impacted her life in just a few months then entire life

"You okay pequeño," he asked her

"I..I'm scared Luke," she said as she rubbed her arm,"he's stronger than me, all I can do is change the probability of someone's luck, hence my name Jinx. I...I don't think I can win Luke."

Luke looked at her as he rubbed her head, making her blush at this, making her feel like she was being comforted by a big brother.

"I know how you feel Jinx," he said,"all my life I was scared of others, thinking they'll attack me or ridicule me cause of I look."

"Yeah," she said

" the last few weeks, being with you guys and everyone else, I realized something...I've been running away all my life."


"I've running from my problems cause I was to afraid to stand up for myself or fight back. I thought if I fought back I would only cause more trouble for me and Auntie Christina, so...I ran away. It took me years to finally realize...I have to accept who I am."

"And whats that?"

"A big ass crocodile, and that I ain't gonna change that."

She looked at him, as she wondered what he was telling her. He knelt to her size, making her see those onyx colored eyes he held, she had to admit, they were beautiful to loom at

"All I'm saying is Jinx," he said,"its okay to be scared of people stronger then you, but you have to stop running from them."

"And...knowing who I am," she asked

"Yeah, now then."

He stood up and hoisted her on his shoulder, making her yelp as he started walking to the arena, as loud music was blaring for them. They booed as they see Luke carrying her to the arena, as Bakugo growled as he saw Luke walking to him, making him want to lash out at him. But he knew his fight wasn't with him...yet

Luke placed Jinx on the ground as he wiped the dust off her shoulders. She looked at him as she saw someone, besides her parents, have so much hope and belief in her, she was about to cry. He smiled as he wiped one of her tears away and patted her head

"Okay Jinx," he said as he knelt down to her,"good luck, we're all cheering for you up there. You'll be awesome Jinxy."

"L-Luke," she asked, tearing up,"t-thank y-y-you!"

"It's my pleasure, especially for my friends. Now...go kick his ass!"


Luke smiled as he walked off, mentally smiling as he knew she can do it. Soon it was just them, Jinx and Bakugo stood across from one another, glaring at each other as Midnight signaled go

Bakugo was off fast, he wanted to end this quickly and bash her skull in for being friends with a freak like Luke. She dodged to the right, missing his right hook he always starts off with, so she used her Quirk to make dust fly in his eyes, making him growl. He fired off an explosion to her, making her go flying from it, he kept up as she dodged faster

She was nimble thanks to her acrobatic background, she was fast to dodge his attacks. But he was relentless, making her pant as she fired her some pink energy at her, making him get send back flying. She pressed the attack, but he got back up and fired an explosive to her and make her scream in pain as she slide on the floor


"...No," she said as she struggled to get up,"I won't...stop...till I win!"

"Yeah right, I'm gonna beat you up even after I win, cause you're nothing but a punching bag to me. Why keep going when I know I'm just gonna win either way?"

"Cause...1-C...Luke...they're counting on me to win. I won't fail them...him...I'm done running!

"Oh this is gonna be fun!"

Soon it was a battle of wits and strength, for every time he launched an attack, she countered and he did it back with her. Sadly she was losing and was getting burned all over and he got some bruises from using her Quirk. Soon it ended with her being launched out of the ring, making her lose

But Bakugo didn't want to stop, so he launched off and went to attack her, but what he got was a tail whip to his chest. He landed back as he sees Luke standing there with a pissed off look at him, attacking his classmate while she was already beaten.

"Bakugo wins by ring out he progresses to the next round," Midnight yelled

She didn't like it, she didn't want to make him go on, but he did win fair and square. But she could've disqualified him for attacking Jinx unprovoked, but a look from Luke told her to not do it. She knew he was waiting for him to fight Bakugo, and teach him a lesson in humility, which he was good at. She nodded as Luke grabbed Jinx and walked her to RGs office, letting her get healed

He walked out as he meet someone he didn't want to see. Endeavor, the No. 2 Hero and No. 1 scumbag father of the world, staring at him with rage and disgust. Luke paid him no mind as he was about to walk passed him, but Endeavor placed his arm in front of him, making Luke sigh

"What do you want,' Luke asked

"Don't think you'll be winning brat," Endeavor said,"I'll make sure of it, people like you don't even deserve to be participating here."

"Says the scumbag father who brutally trained his son since he was 4."

"It was to make him stronger, I didn't need a weak and pathetic heir to become the No. 1 Hero. Plus my Quirk with in him wasn't-."

"His Quirk dumbass."


Luke stared down Endeavor, making his onyx eyes shine from the light of his flames

"Shoto is his own person Fuckface," Luke said,"he's gonna become a Hero cause he wants to be one, not cause you're forcing him to be for your goal. Shoto has his own dreams, and none involve you, you walking flame dildo."

"What how you speak to me brat," Endeavor said, his flames getting hot,"I can't end your life with a single phone call and place you in Tartarus!"

"Go ahead, I don't give a rats ass, you don't Endeavwhore."


He punched Luke right in the face, firing a huge amount of Hellfire into his face. Endeavor smirked as he thought he gotten him, making him pay for beating Shoto and costing him the top spot. But he flinched when he suddenly felt Luke grab his wrist, then snapped it

"GGAAHH," he yelled in pain

He stepped back as he looked to see Luke glaring at him, no marks or anything on his face. Luke just looked bored as hell, he didn't even seem effected by the attack. Luke looked at Endeavor as he grabbed the Flame heros neck and squeezed it tight, making bones crack a bit

"Be glad I'm in a good mood, who I would snap your neck," Luke said as he tossed him aside,"not if you excuse me, I have to be ready for my next match."


"And how will you explain this," All Might said

They looked to see AM in his buff form, holding his phone in hand. It seems he came upon them and recorded the entire conversation, meaning he had legal proof that Endeavor attacked him unprovoked and his defense would never hold up in court.

"All Might," Endeavor said, glaring

"Enji," AM said,"I would appreciate it if you stopped harassing my student. Now leave or you'll make things worse for yourself."

Endavor growled as he walked off, holing his broken wrist. AM sighed as deformed and looked at Luke, who sighed as he looked at the man

"You okay Young James," he asked him

"Yes sir," he said,"and how about you sir?"

"I'm good, holding that form is becoming a pain more and more."

"I see, well I hope it gets better soon. Now I better get going, I want to see how Izuku improved over the last two weeks."

"Heh, I think he came a long way since I found him. So try and make him work for it huh?"

"You got it sir, enjoy the show!"

'Okay Izuku, lets see how better you've gotten with OFA,' Luke thought as he smiled

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