Chapter 14

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Few weeks ago, 3rd POV

Luke was seen walking through the hallways of UA, he was trying to find Snart and plan for the Festival when he heard talking. Now normally he wouldn't listen in on someone's conversation like a easedropper, but he knew those voices, it was All Might and Izuku talking. He was about to walk in, but stopped when he heard them talking about something called One for All?

"I can't completely control One for All yet," Izuku said,"and I'm so fair behind the others it's impossible to catch up!"

"Young Midoriya you've made such great progress not even I saw it coming," AM said as he leaned forward,"Young Midoriya, what is this really about?"


"So I take this is a private talk,"  I asked as I opened the door,"also why does AM look like a dried up raisin?"

"LUKE/YOUNG JAMES," both yelled and were white as snow

"Yyeeaahh you two were completely taking loudly, so maybe have private talks in quiet or off campus."

"S-S-S-So y-y-y-you-," Izuku said before I bonked him on the head

"Stop the stuttering, work on that buddy. So, want to explain what OFA is or who AFO is, you guys talked about him when I was in recovery."

"YOU HEARD THAT," AM asked loudly with blood flying out of his mouth

"Stop yelling and wipe the blood off your mouth!"

After finally calming both down, and cleaning a liter of blood, I was sitting across from AM who was sweating and looked like he was berating himself internally. As Izuku was mumbling about how carelessly they exposed the most biggest secret in history. All I had to do was walk by the door while they talked and maybe my superior hearing played a part

So after bonking them bonk to get them to focus, they started to explain the history of All For One and One For All, which was basically the Three Musketeers. How AFO had the ability to steal, combine and give Quirks, while OFA was passed down user to user, and how it gets stronger each time. So basically it was OP as hell and AM gave it to Izuku a day before the Entrance Exam


"IT WAS EITHER THAT OR THE OTHER WAY, I HAD NO CHOICE," AM yelled as he had swirls for eyes

"LUKE CALM DOWN," Izuku said as he waved his heads

I groaned as I dropped him and sat down, crossing my arms as my tail swept the floor as I thought for a second. I rubbed my nose as I put the facts out and looked at AM, who sipped his tea

"So you mean to tell me that Izuku has a quirk that can be pass down from another," I said,"correct?"

"Yes, I was the 8th and me passing it down to him makes him the 9th user," AM said

"And you thought 10 months of training and moving junk around...WAS ENOUGH TO NOT MAKE HIS BONES BREAK EVERY TIME HE USES IT!?"

"It was short notice, I had no choice! I gave him the-."

"Stop! He told me about that,groan and rubs face."

"W-Well come on Luke, it was all he could-," Izuku said but I held up my hand

"Izuku buddy, adults are talking here. How about you go back and sip your apple juice, how about that?"

"...I don't even like apple juice, what the heck man?"

I sighed as I looked at AM, who was sweating as I talked

"Okay, how many people know of your condition," I asked him

"The staff and a few people I trust outside of UA," AM said,"only a handful know of OFA, that includes Nezu."

"Okay, and I take it the 7th died against AFO correct?"

"Unfortunately yes, she was my master and a great Hero I wanted to be like. This battle has been happening for centuries, that monster is the personification of evil. In fact, we're worried he will come after you Young James."

"WHAT, WHY LUKE," Izuku yelled in worry

"My Quirk," I said as I nodded my head

"Indeed," AM said as he explained to Izuku,"apparently Young James Quirk does as an incredible healing factor after he takes a huge amount of damage. But also it enhances his body,"

"So after a battle, Lukes body is repaired but also gets stronger each time."

"Yep, so if this AFO jackass got his hands on my Quirk, his body was repair itself and after that he could be unstoppable," I guessed as I drinked my Mountain Dew"though can he still Mutation Quirks?"

"Yes, at first I wondered why he didn't have the extra features a Mutation Quirk had," AM said,"we speculated that he stole a Quirk that can control his body at will, or he can remove them when he switches Quirks."

"Would make sense," Izuku said,"so what will we do to help Luke?"

"I can handle myself Izuku," I said as I rubbed his head,"besides you have to worry about yourself buddy, you need to find a way to train that Quirk, or do you want to keep turning your bones into dust?"


"Says the masochist."


RODK verse

"ACHOO," Velvet sneezed as she rubbed her nose

"Woah you okay Vel," Coco asked her friend

"I don't know why, but I feel someone knowing my pain."

"Oh so a fellow masochist?"


Back to the Croc Boi

"Your past actions says other wise," I deadpanned 

"Screw you man," Izuku said with a deflated sigh

"Actually I am very glad you know Young James," AM said as he smiled,"I started to believe Izuku keeping OFA a secret to himself and only me knowing would strain him, but knowing he has a good friend like you who knows will lessen the burden."

"Well I do anything for my friends...since now I had more then in my entire life, so know I will help him in anyway possible."

"Thank you young man, you're a great help!"

"Well I would help more, but I have to go, Joker exploded a pudding bomb in Bakugos locker so now I have to go make sure he doesn't kill him."

"Bakugo won't kill, he may be a dick, but killing isn't his forte," Izuku said

"Oh no, I'm gonna make sure Joker doesn't kill Bakugo. Besides if he does I have to clean the mess and hide the body."

"...Nani," the two asked

"Don't ask, laters."

I walked out as I sighed, but smiled as I can tell Izuku is gonna improve from this littler interaction we just had.

"GET OVER HERE YOU CUM FACE CLOWN," a Pomeranian yelled


"...I wonder if I should get charged for this," I asked myself as I walked over to the noise

Present Day, 3rd POV


Izuku walked up to the arena, and for some reason he had an aura of confidence that Luke hadn't seen in him before. He walked up as he took a breathe and looked at the other end, as Luke waited for the call to start the fight.



The crowd, probably in fear, cheered a bit as Luke walked out and to the arena, where he stood across from Izuku. And boy he was smiling happily and that look he had made Luke smile even bigger, like seeing his student finally growing up in this world

"Well well, someone seems determined to fight," Luke said to him with a smile

"Last two week have been an eye opener," he said as he smiled,"and its all thanks to you and my mentors, they gave me a lot of good tips to use my Quirk."

"Well let's see what you got dude."

"AND FIGHT," Midnight yelled

Before Luke can move, Izukus body glowed and suddenly he vanished from sight, making Luke, the Hero course classes and the crowd shock in surprise. Luke looked around until suddenly he felt something strike his chest, making a small shockwave as he gasped a bit. He lost air in his lungs as he looked down to see Izuku at his stomach, his left fist embedded in his stomach

Luke flinched but he went to strike Izuku but he moved too fast for Luke, as he zipped around and started to attack him all over his body. Luke groaned and flinched at every strike, but he didn't move from the place he started. He looked around until he slammed into the ground, which forced Izuku to slow down until he tripped on a rock and slides on the ground

"Okay, didn't see that coming, but I like it," Luke said as he cracked his back,"seems those 2 weeks were definitely beneficial huh?"

"Yeah it was, and my teacher was really a pain," Izuku said with a smile

Gran Torino House, 2 weeks ago

"GAH," Izuku yelled as he was slammed into the ground,"geez it's like getting slammed into by a dump truck."

"Eh when I was younger it would have hurt more," Gran Torino said as popped his fingers,"anyways kid how you handling OFA so far?"

"Okay I suppose, still hurts my body when I use it, but it's starting to feel natural. Though I want to find a way to not break my body every time, cause I don't want to be a burden to others."

"Well I can agree that part, no one wants to be a burden to others, but sometimes it can't be helped. There's something else kid, come on out with it."

Izuku sighed as he sat on the ground and slides his knees to his chest, looking at Gran Torino, who ate some food as he waited

"There's a friend of mine at UA, he's the strongest and most open minded person I know," Izuku said,"he treated me like a normal person and didn't automatically call me worthless or weak. He just treated me like a normal person for once in my life, besides my mom obviously."

"Okay, so why the need to get stronger, besides to help others? Cause I can tell you are very driven in that goal."

"Well...cause I want to be like Luke, he's the strongest guy I ever meet, and to make sure that no one like him ever goes through what he did ever again. Cause I want to be a hero like he is, or...what I believe he can."

"Hmm you admire this kid a lot huh," Gran Torino asked, smiling as Izuku nodded,"well then lets get back to work, but we need to find a way that OFA won't hurt you."

"Hmm," Izuku thinks as he cupped his chin,"come on think me."

He suddenly then had a thought and soon jumped up, getting in a stance as he closed his eyes and breathed. Gran Torino was about to ask what he was doing until green lighting was around him and red veins appeared on his skin. Izuku suddenly popped his eyes open and soon he was jumping around the room like a crackhead on PCP and Speed

Soon he lost control and slammed into the wall, making groaning noises as Gran Torino just laughed a bit. He walked up as Izuku turned around on his back holding his nose, which leaked a little blood

"Mental note, learn to control this new move," Izuku groaned in pain

"It ain't a mental note if you say it out loud right," Gran Torino asked with a smile

"Hey the 80's called, they're wondering when you'll join them in death."

"Keep at it kid and I'll make run to Tartarus and back. Anyway what you gonna call this new move?"

"Hmmm...Ah, I got it. I'll call it-."

Present time

"FULL COWLING, 8%," Izuku yelled as he blitzes Luke

He moved around as he punched and kicked his body, arms and legs, trying to force him to take a knee. Luke tried to land a solid punch on him, but he was moving too fast for him to do so. Soon Izuku dashed toward Luke with incredible speed, aiming to strike first. Luke, after finally getting a beat on Izukus movement, stood his ground, his eyes locked onto Izuku's movements.

Izuku's first punch connected with Luke's chest, the force causing the ground beneath them to crack. Luke staggered slightly but quickly retaliated with a powerful swipe of his clawed hand. Izuku barely managed to dodge, using his enhanced agility to maneuver around his opponent, he was still getting used to Full Cowling, but he was getting the hang of it

The fight continued with Izuku landing quick, precise blows, while Luke used his brute strength to counterattack. Despite Izuku's speed and agility, Luke's tough, scaled skin absorbed most of the damage, making it hard to truly hurt Luke. Izuku knew he had to come up with a strategy to overcome Luke's defenses, or he'll reach his limit and break his bones

"I can't believe Midoriya hasn't broken any of his bones yet," Sero said in shocked

"Yeah, he couldn't go without breaking anything when he uses his Quirk,' Kaminari said

"Yeah I heard there was a guy who broke his bones every time he fought," Manga said in surprise,"but are we sure this is the same guy?"

"It's possible he somehow managed to use it wiser than before," Jutro said as he pushed his glasses up,"hmm you said it was a stockpiling quirk yes?"

"Yes, oh I see what your saying," Yaoyoruzu said as she slammed her fist into her palm

"Care to share with the glass," Ben asked her

"What I believe she speculated was that Midoriya spreaded the power in him then poured it into one section," Grodd said,"and uses a smaller percentage then 100%."

So after utilizing his analytical mind, Izuku decided to focus on Luke's legs, aiming to destabilize him. He launched a series of low kicks, targeting Luke's knees, which were a little weaker. Luke roared in anger, feeling the impact, and swung his tail at Izuku, which caught Izuku off guard, sending him crashing into the ground.

Breathing heavily, Izuku pushed himself up, determined not to give up, or all his hard work would have been for nothing and so would the efforts of his call mates and friends. He charged at Luke again, using his agility to avoid Luke's powerful swings. With a burst of speed, he managed to get behind Luke and delivered a powerful kick to the back of his knee, causing Luke to fall to one knee.

"Holy shit he got him to fall to a knee," Awase shouted in shock

"Well the legs are a little weaker in some areas of the body, even Lukes," David said

"Now we just need to see how Deku will handle the next strike," Uaraka said

'How the hell is that useless, worthless and stupid Deku doing this,' Bakuass thought as he clinched his hands,'he is Quirkless, he's a good for nothing piece of shit that should have jumped off a roof! I'm  getting answers from him, even if I have to beat them outta him!!'

Seeing an opening, Izuku prepared to deliver a finishing blow. However, Luke's tail lashed out again, wrapping around Izuku's leg and pulling him off balance. Luke quickly got up and slammed Izuku into the ground with tremendous force.

Izuku struggled to get back on his feet, but Luke was relentless. He grabbed Izuku by the arm and hurled him across the arena. Izuku's body skidded to a stop, battered and bruised. He tried to stand, but his legs gave out. Seems he finally reached his limit, his muscles were on pure fire and his bones ached.

The crowd watched in stunned silence as Luke approached the fallen hero. With a final, crushing blow, Luke knocked Izuku unconscious, securing his victory. Luke panted as he looked at the crowd and soon picked Izuku up and places him on his shoulder. As he did, many clapped and cheered a bit, but Luke knew it was mainly for Izuku for surviving this long

"Okay that was fun," Snart said as he smiled,"nice to see Luke put in a little work."

"True, but I am glad to see Midoriya is also getting better with his Quirk," Tsu said,"I wonder what he'll do next

'DIE IS WHAT HIS GONNA BE DOING,' Bakugo thought as he walked off

"Where you off to," Jiro asked him

"MIND YOUR FUCKING BUSINESS FLATCHEST," Bakugo yelled as he stomped off

"...Asshole," many said, as Jiro sulked in the corner

"Why me," she asked with anime tears

Soon he reached RGs office, who looked and sighed as she expected Izuku to have broken bones again. But to her utter surprise she saw no broken bones, only a few scrapes and bruises from the fight. She giggled as she used her Quirk to heal him and covered him with a blanket

"It'll take him a while to wake up, so why don't you head back sonny," RG said with a smile

"Okay then, thanks RG," Luke said as he walked out

He walked in the hallway till Bakugo came into view, which Luke knew he was up to no good. Soon as they were side to side, Luke grabbed him and tossed him into an empty section as he glared down at Bakugo, who growled as he popped some explosions in his hand

"Whats the big idea Gator Boy," he yelled at Luke

"You were gonna barge in the Nursing Room and hurt Midoriya," Luke said as he crossed his arms,"I don't need to be a psychic or have a future seeing Quirk to see that."

"I want answers and I'm getting them no matter what, if I need to beat him up and use my Quirk, he'll squeal like a bitch!"

"Do that and UA will expel your ass, blacklist you from the other Hero schools and maybe prison or juvenile detention."

"They won't, I'm the greatest student here, they can't or they'll lose any credibility," Bakugo said as if it was matte fact,"he's a good for nothing Quirkless shit that should have killed himself a long time ago, his nothing!!"

Luke sighed as he walked to Bakugo and before Bakugo can do anything, Luke swiped his tail at him hard. Bakugo went flying and slammed into the wall, making him groan as he fell to the floor, as Luke stomped his foot on his chest, making some bones snap

"Listen here you piece of wasted sperm," Luke said as he growled,"your days of bullying, abusing and threatening my friend is over. This ain't Aldera anymore fuckweed, this is a new life for Izuku and you're not ruining to fill your ego and pride."

"Fuck you, you should have killed yourself you freak, villain," Bakugo said as he struggled to speak

"I tried once, to kill myself when I was 12."

Bakugo froze as he looked at Luke and there Bakugo actually got a look at the underside of his chin, or snout, and saw a large gunshot wound. It was big, so he can guess it was bigger, a shotgun maybe.

"I tried to live with it," Luke said as he got his foot off Bakugo chest,"I thought maybe I could keep going in this shitty world that labeled me as a villain cause of how I looked. But it kept getting worse, so I grabbed a shotgun and pulled the trigger."

He sighed as he glared down at Bakugo, as he was still pissed at him

"But seemed I underestimated my Quirk, the pellets fell to the floor and my chin hurted like fucking hell," he continued,"it healed over time, so there is was, crying as I thought God was fucking with my life, I couldn't live a normal peaceful life or even die faster. Hmph, sick twist of fate."

"Why should I care, Izuku was Quirkless and now he has one, I demand answers," Bakugo said

"You deserve jackshit asswipe, get anywhere close to my friend or anyone else, I will do something I promised myself a long time ago."

"Oh and what's that Gator Bitch, molt?"

"Not kill without my Aunties permission."

Bakugo froze as Luke glared down on him, his eyes cold like ice as those black eyes made it feel like he was waiting for death. Luke turned around and walked out of the room, as Bakugo let out a breath he didn't know he was loading. He shook as he saw sweat falling down his brow, making him feel blood rush back into his heart

'What was that, was I...actually afraid for once,' he thought as he held his chest

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