Chapter 3

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(A/N: before I start, i would like to thank JosePadilla008 for helping me with the story and how it should go, cause I would have done the standard outcast goes hero but he opened my eyes to a new look. So thank you man for the help. Also pictures aren't mine and they'll also count as their heros uniforms.)

First Day of UA, Luke POV

Here I was, standing in front of my classroom, nervous on how my future classmates will tolerate me or just ignore me. I just sighed and thought of how much a pain this will probably be.

"Nervous," a voice said

I looked behind me to see a dude with indigo hair and eyes, looking like he needed a very heavy nap. He wore the standard UA uniform, not me, cause it takes a while to make one for a dude my size.

"Yeah, you can say that," I said, looking back at the door

"Well, no point waiting around," he said, then open the door

We were suddenly meet with pies in the faces, and laughter from some crazy people. I wiped the pie off and looked to see a dude with make up on and a girl with pigtails on both sides with dye on the ends laughing like no tomorrow. The indigo dude was having trouble, so I used my tail to help.

"Thanks," he grumbled

"No problem,"


"That was classic Mister J," the girl laughed

"Annoying pests," a gruff voice said

I looked over and saw a gorilla reading a book, and boy he was a big one. Next to him was a man, shark thing and it was also upside down book. Besides these ones and a girl with light grey skin and pink hair, one with light green skin and orange hair, a cheetah and me, the others looked normal. I sighed and made way to the back with gorilla and sharky boy, cause we big boys huh.

"Man we got some big dudes huh," a dude said

"No kidding, Croc there looks like he could bench 10 of me," a girl said

"Or 20," the pink hair said

"Already 2 minutes in, and I'm already being gossiped about," I whispered

"Not fun huh," the gorilla asked

"Nope," Sharky said

"At least Im not the only one," I said

The door opens and in came Present Mic, the others get in their seats and I got ready for whatever hell awaits me.

"HEYA KIDDOS, ARE YOU READY FOR THE TIME OF YOUR LIFES,' he yelled, thankfully he didn't use his quirk

He was meet with absolute silence, then suddenly the sounds of crickets could be heard. We looked around till I saw the Joker dude hold up a sound box, playing the sound on repeat. He laughs and puts it up, but he and the girl laughs like crazy, but PM was joining them.

"Nice one kiddos, your on my top of my list," he said, laughing,"okay, but seriously, we got to address the first thing today. Your names, so get up here and introduce yourselfs before ordination. Who wants to go first?!"

"Me," a dude said then walked up,"my name is Lenard Snart, and Im quirkless. I like building things, stealing, eating and other stuff. I hate egotistical brats, some heros and villains."

"ME," the laughing girl said and ran up,"my name is Harlem Quinzel, but ya can call me Harley, Im also quirkless, but I can still bash your brains in with a stick and feed you to my hyenas!! I like jokes, Mister J, and thats it!"

"Me," the cheetah said,"Priscilla Rich, my quirk is cheetah, and you can see why."

"Ill go," another girl said,"Im Doris Zuel, my quirk size manipulation."

"Like Mt. Lady," Gorilla asked

"Yeah," Doris said, not liking that for some reason

"Im Barbara Gordon," another girl said,"I like many things and don't like somethings. Im also quirkless!"

"Im Gorilla Grodd," gorilla said, then continues to read

"Pamela Isley," the orange head said,"my quirk is nature control, I can control the nature of the earth to my will and even create new ones."

"Im Selina Kyle,"a girl said,"Im quirkless."

"Nothing else," PM asked

"A lady has to keep some secrets."

"Im David Hyde," one dude said and that was it


Naruto World

"ACHOO," Naruto sneezed

"You good," Sakura asked

"Yeah, just felt like someone stole my line though."

Back to MHA

"Patrick O'Brian," another dude said,"my quirk is plastic, I can turn into anything I want."

"Dinah Lance," a blonde said,"my quirk is Sonic Scream, I can achieve high sonic frequencies with my screams."

"Oliver Queen," a blonde dude said,"my quirk is Trajectory, it lets me shoot form long distances and so some cool trick shots."

"Floyd Lawton," a dude said,"quirk, Deadshot, I never miss a shot.

"My name is Nanaue, but call me King Shark," Sharky said, then waved at us,"hi!"

"I'll go," a black guy with dreadlocks,"Ben Turner, my quirk is Tiger, it lets me take the form of a humanoid tiger. Thats all."

"Eobard Thawne," a dude said,"my quirk is Speed Force, makes me go really fast at a molecular level."

"My name is Jinx," the pink hair said,"my quirk is Bad Luck, I can make a villains good day go bad!"

"Hitoshi Shinso," the indigo guy said,"my quirk is..."

"Spit it out," Joker said

"Brainwash, when I ask a person a question, I can hack their mind if they respond. There happy?"

"And you big guy," PM asked me

"...Luke James, quirk Crocodile," I said, the looked down

"Alright, let get to orientation," PM yelled and we followed him out

The next few hours was a drag, so much talking and talking i was about to rip my head off. I also noticed a section was missing, it was 1-A, that was Hero Course. They must've thought this wasn't important and skipped it, just like the spoiled brats they were. After we were done, we went to lunch, and like back at home, I sat at the fairest corner away from everyone and ate alone.

"Mind if I join," a voice asked me

I looked behind to see Shinso there with a plate full of food

"Um why," I asked, as no one ever asked me that before

"You looked lonely," he said, siting down,"besides, I know the sit by yourself routine since middle school."

"Oh really, how come?"

"When people started to found out what my quirk was, people started joking about it, asking me to not control them, I'm a villain or thinking I'm scheming behind their back. People stopped taking to me, avoiding me and some would slip messages in my locker with threats. Not pretty ones, it continued till last term and I managed to to get here."

"Hmm, your lucky. At least you don't wake up looking like this and have people call the cops on ya just for walking down the street.

"Guess we're just cursed huh?"

"Yep, true words.

"GET OUT OF HERE YOU FREAKS," a loud voice yelled

We looked at were some of our classmates were, Grodd, Nanaue, and Rich. They were getting harassed by what looked like a Pomeranian human hybrid with red eyes and firing explosions from his hands. He was annoying already, fucker needs to clam down.


"Screw off dog, we're just trying to eat here," Rich said, as she ate some meat

The Pomeranian growled and exploded her tray and the others as well. I had enough and decided to get involved, and make sure he never does it again. I got up and walked to him, as he tried to launch another explosion with his left hand, I grabbed it and squeezed it tight. He looks at me and flinches in terror, good, he know the rules.

"Leave my classmates alone, or your gonna need extreme replacement surgery for this hand here," I growled at him

"Let me go freak, don't you know who I am," he yelled, trying to get out

"No, and I don't give a shit," I said, lifting him up to my height ,"it doesn't give you the right to harass and try to injure others cause they stand against you or because they look different."


I stiffen up and turned around to see a blue headed jackass running at me. He tired to kick with some sort of engine leg, but Eobard suddenly appeared and caught it. He pushes it away and looks at blueberry.

"Chill Tenya Iida, you classmate tried to harm and injure one of mine, and Luke here decided to teach him a lesson," he said

"But this doesn't solve anything Thawne," Iida said

"Just control your dog before I have to resort to more drastic measures," I said and toss him to the blueberry

After they left, I went back to my table with Shinso, until I felt someone tap my shoulder. I looked back to see Grodd and Nuanue there.

"Thank you for your assistance, that brat was unbecoming," Grodd said

"He said mean things to us," Nuanue said, upset

"Just don't let them walk over you like kings, rise up and fight for your peace," I said and walked off


After we came back, PM walked in with a smile.

"Ok kiddos, usually we don't do this till the third day, but we will be choosing our class rep and vice rep," he said

"How are we gonna decide that," Floyd asked

"Maybe draw sticks," Mark said, as he pulled a bunch of red sticks out,"whoever gets the red one wins!"

"They're all red," Snart said

"Really, I didn't notice!"

They continued arguing for a few minutes till I slammed down my tail and made them look at me .

"Vote for it," I said and laid my head down

After a quite nap, I heard the sound of pencils writing down and after a solid 5 minutes, PM woke me up.

"Okay, for vice rep, we have Grodd," he said, as Grodd walked up beside him,"and for your class rep its...LUKE JAMES!!"


[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

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