Chapter 4

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Luke POV

"I hate all of you," I said, as I nibbled on my food

It was the next day of UA and now I was the class rep for 1-C, and I was surprised by it really. I thought they did it as repayment for helping the others yesterday, but they said it was cause they could trust me. Now I was eating with Shinso cause the others needed to get some stuff done.

"Don't worry, Grodd seems like a smart guy so he'll help ya out," he said

"Yeah, but I'm not a leader man," I said

"Um excuse me," a nervous voice asked

We looked over and see Midoriya  and another was there, he had red hair and had sharp teeth. I knew Midoriya cause we lived close by actually, we talked and got along really well, we would talk about sports, class subjects and some sports. He was also interested in my quirk, which caught me by surprise, as most thought mine was dangerous. But he didn't see that way and that's why his my friend.

"Umm, do mind if we sit here," he asked

"Sure," we said

"Thanks, Im Izuku Midoriya, its a pleasure to meet ya. And I wish to apologize for Kachans attuned yesterday."

"Yeah and Im Eijiro Kirishima, its nice to meet ya! I'm sorry for Bakubros mood, he can be a little to much sometimes."

"Kachan," we asked Midoriya

"Oh um his name is Katsuki Bakugo, his a student in 1-A, as well as us."

"Oh, so your the ones who skipped orientation yesterday," Shinso asked

"Well our teacher thought it would be a waste of time and decided to do a test to measure up our quirks."

"Oh, sorry," Shinso said

"Its fine," Kirishima said

After we talked and he told us his life, how he was bullied, ignored and found out he was a late bloomer, which i already knew. Kirishima was an average dude, some friends and a cool quirk, but people who say it wasn't that strong, at least he had friends . I chuckled and talked.

"I wish I was quirkless," I said, taking the others by surprise

"What," they asked, but Shinso look sad as cause he knew why

"Dude, quirkless people don't get treated right, hell some get suicided baited," Kirishima said, making Midoriya flinched

"Why would you want that," Midoriya asked,"you have such a strong and amazing quirk Luke!"

"How would you feel about waking up looking like this,(gestures to myself), every morning? (They flinch) Or getting the cops and heros called on you just for walking out in public,(they lost their appetite), you might not be able to control your quirk, or have a strong flashy one, but at least you don't have people look at you like a villain, without you actually doing something.

I can't change back, I'm stuck like this, how do you think that makes me feel huh? You ask why I would wanna give up my 'amazing quirk' and become quirkless? Well, to answer your question with another question, after everything I've told you, why wouldn't I wanna be qurikless? I'd rather people ignore me rather then treat me like a monster. (Sigh) I'm gonna go, nice meeting ya, see later Shinso."

3rd POV

After Luke left, the two Hero course students started thinking of much his life must've been like before UA. Shinso got up and that made them look at him.

"Not all of us are blessed with amazing power like ya," he said,"we're just the trash people can assault and no one will defend us cause we don't matter."

After a hour or so, it was time for the Hero vs Villains, but Nezu decided to bring 1-C to see how hero training goes. They were give the choice to use the hero costumes they made for the training, as they will also practice for future co-op practices. Lukes costume was consisted of baggy black sweatpants and a red hoodie, he didn't like flashy colors or tights, so he opted for casual clothes.

"Nice outfit," Luke said to Gorilla Grodd

"Thank you, I based it off of ancient Gorilla city armor," he said,"the metal also protects me from mental or psychological attacks."

"Cool," Nauane said, he wore brown pants

After 1-A was introduced and everything was explained for the training, 1-A was glancing at Luke and Nanaue, terrified of them. As they were in the screen room, Barbara was working on sound so they can hear what they're saying, as the first battle went on, Luke noticed Bakugo was a wild card, or more like an attack dog with no filter and had no respect or discipline.

"Bakugo needs to have an ass whooping," he said

"Why, Bakugo is super talented," Sero said

"More like a unrestrained dog who was never told no. And look at him, his angry beyond anything for no reason, and listen to him,'worthless','you dare stand against me' and the unending use of die. Bakugo is a spoiled ass kid who has no fear of the consequences cause he was let off for his quirk, no doubt if you look far enough, you find out he bullied a lot of kids, especially Midoriya just cause it made him feel good."

"But the school wouldn't allow that," Yaoyoruzu said

"Really," Thawne said,"the school probably ignore the cries of the victims so Bakugo can progress so they can get credit for him being apart of the school."

"What do you know freaks," Mineta asked,"your all just jealous."

"Why would we be jealous of a brat like him," Snart asked,"I'm glad I'm quirkless."

"Bakugo is up to something," Oliver said

Bakugo started explaining his quirk, how his sweat made up of nitroglycerin, and the gauntlets stored up the back up sweat and it gets stronger with how hot his hands get. Luke starts piecing together what that means and saw the pins on the gauntlets. He went wide eye and ran out of the room, much to the protests of his classmates

"Young Bakugo, don't do it, you'll kill him," AM yelled

"He'll be fine as long as he dodges," Bakugo yelled, then yelled the pin

The explosion fires off in a long streak, wrecking the hallway they were in, the others looked in fear, some closed their eye or just turned away from the screen. Midoriya was frozen in place and tried to move, but he was to slow, in a blur, Luke appeared in front of him, hugged him in his chest, shielding him with hos back from the explosion.

All Might was yelling for Midoriya to respond, but wasn't getting anything in response. After the screen was cleared form the smoke and everyone was shocked to see that Luke saved Midoriya at the last second. Midoriya suddenly realized he somehow not dead and opened his eyes to sees Luke protecting him form the blast.

"Luke, you-you saved me, but why," Midoriya asked, tearing up

"What the hell do you mean why," Luke asked,"I might not wanna be a hero, but I'm not about to let one of the openly people who treated me like a human being to die like this! I'm not gonna let one of my friends get killed, not on my watch! I'm not done yet!"

"Friend," Midoriya asked, with a weak and sincere smile

"Yeah friend, what you got wax in your ears or something?

"T-Thank you Luke, that means so much to me, I didn't have many friends growing up and," Midoriya was suddenly hit with realization,"OH MY GOD!! YOU TOOK THAT EXPLOSION HEAD ON TO SAVE ME, ARE YOU OKAY?!?! YOUR NOT HURT ARE YOU? DO YOU NEED RECOVERY GIRL?!"

"Woah woah," Luke cuts him off,"relax man, don't worry, I fine. I've been thought worse, I didn't even feel that."

To say mostly everyone in the screen room was shocked was an understatement, Luke took an explosion strong enough to level a house and not feel a thing from it


"THAT WAS SO MANLY," Kirishima yelled out

"THATS OUT CLASS REP FOR YA," Shinso yelled in pride

"HAHAHAHA, LOOK AT BOMB BOYS FACE, ITS PRICELESS," Joker laughed and pointed at the screen

And what he said was true, everyone was in shock, but none more then Katsuki Bakugo and Izuku Midoriya.

'He took one of Kachans full powered explosions and didn't flinch, AMAZING,' Midoriya thought amazed,

'Deku didn't dodge that!? I almost killed him?! But that big bastard took the hit,' Bakugo thought completely bewildered,'I put everything I had into that blast and he didn't even feel it, HOW?! That the hell is this guy made of?!'

Luke glared at Bakugo and let Midoriya go, then turned to him and was fixing to show him what happened to whoever hurts his friends, but AMs voice came though the loud speakers.

"The villain team is disqualified due to reckless endangerment" he said,"SO HERO TEAM WINS!"

Luke smiled smugly at Bakugo and noticed Midoriya was weak, so he used his tail to give him a lift back to the observation room. There they went over the exercise and some of 1-A thanked Luke for protecting him. Shinso and the others said he was awesome and daring and he was super badass.

Midoriya POV, later that afternoon

"Izuku, why are you crying," mom asked me

I was still teary eyed from what Luke did.

"Nothing mom, I just...have a very awesome friend," I said, happy

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