Chapter 5

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Nezu POV

I was going over the footage yesterday, even though I was there with Aziawa, from 1-As training exercise and saw how Luke protected Midoriya from Bakugos explosion. From what AM told me about what Luke said about Bakugo, I really needed to look into his records and the school, if they did nothing to help powerless students, then my wrath will consume them.

"HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA," I laughed, shaking my tea cups

To that day, most of the UA staff was filled with spine chills to last them life times of worry.

3rd POV

"Morning guys," PM sensei said, walking in

"Morning Sensei," they said, welcoming him

"Alright, before we start, I have someone to tell you guys," he said, yelling,"our very own Principle Nezu saw what happened during the exercises and wanted me to tell this to class 1-C, WE WERE THERE TOO!!

"Sir, are we in trouble," Selina asked

"Do those hero course guys wanna blame us for what happened or something," Eobard asked, pissed off

"If they do, I'm calling bullshit," Floyd said,"we didn't do anything wrong! If there's anybody that needs a kick in the teeth, its that Bakugo guy!

That made everyone in 1-C to agree with his remark and had similar thoughts. However before they can continue their rambling, PM stopped them.

"Ok, ok, everyone calm down, first off no one is in trouble," he said, making them sigh in relief,"second, I've got great news! Due to our class reps action, Nezu has decided to reward class 1-C with no homework for 2 weeks straight!"

This caused everyone to erupt in cheers.

"Settle down everyone," PM said, and they did,"on another note, our class rep has been invited by Nezu to join class 1-A to the USJ to see how hero training works during rescues."

While the class was in awe, Luke just groaned, then landed his head on his desk with a heavy thud.

"Sensei, do I have to," he asked

"Don't worry Luke, Nezu filled me on your history" PM said,"so I know how you feel about heroes, so you won't be participating in the rescue exercises.( Luke sighs in relief) You'll be helping there helping the Hero 13 prep the USJ for class 1-A arrival. And you'll get to take a look around the facility before 1-A gets there! You'll also be given extra credit for helping 13, should you decide to go!

'(Sighs), its for the extra credit,' he thought

"Fine, I'll go," he said

"Great, thats all I have to say, free period," PM said, then walked out

"Thats cool man," Floyd said

"The Principle must have high hopes for ya," Hyde said

"Show those jerks who 1-C is boss," Harley said

"Here, take this," Joker said, giving him a joy buzzer

"Why," he and everyone else asked

"Oh nothing much, just give Bomb Boy a handshake for me will ya?!

After getting congratulated and complaints from the others, he got up and made way to the vehicle that will take him there. After a solid few minutes of waiting, he got off and made way to the doors. There he saw the Rescue Hero 13, in a somewhat weird astronaut outfit.

"Oh you must be Luke right," she asked

"Yes ma'am," he said

"Good, lets get to work, Ill be having you lift some of the heavy equipment."

"I can do that."

After a while of doing what she said, Luke managed to help put some stuff together for 1-A so they can do their rescue training. He had to remove his hoodie so it wouldn't get wet when he needed to dive in the Shipwreck zone to make sure the plugs were in. Luke liked swimming, he would go to the woods and swim in the ponds when he had free time or was stressed. When they were done, 13 got a message saying they were here.

"Well looks like their here," she said, and they walked to the doors,"thank you for all the help Luke. I learned about your history with heros and I'm sorry you went though all that. Even so, I'm glad you showed up to help me!"

"Yeah sure, don't mention it," he said,"but if those guys make a comment about how I look or how scared they are of me, I'm outta here ok?"

"I understand," she said nodding her head,"oh look their here, lets go greet them!"

As 1-A unloaded from the, they were surprised to see Luke was there with 13. Midoriya and Uaraka went on their fan boy and girl rant and Luke couldn't help but chuckle at them, he liked Uaraka, as she was a good friend to Midoriya. As 13 went on how quirks were dangerous, Aziawa dragged Luke to side.

"I want to say thank you for protecting Midoriya yesterday," he said

"Anything for a friend," he said,"Bakugo needs his teeth kicked in, thats my personal opinion anyway."

"Well have him monitored and was given orders to join therapy."

After they talked they went in and 13 went in how to control their quirks.

"Look at Luke," she said, as he did a Jojo pose,"I looked into how his quirk works. He has sharp claws, enhanced strength, smell and reflex's, not to mention he is a superior being in the water, as he can swim twice as fast at a normal crocodile."

"So what you saying is if he isn't careful with his strength or claws, he could end up hurting someone by accident," Shoji asked

"Yes, that is why this exercise is important for you all, as one day you might end up hurting someone. Okay, so whose ready?!"

They class cheered, then suddenly Luke caught the whiff of something in the air and looked around, this caught Aziawa and 13s attention. Luke looked at the center plaza, seeing a black mist forming there, Aziawa got his capture weapon ready and 13 stood guard, as Luke got in front of them all. He had a sixth sense on somethings like this, telling him where predators were.

And something was coming from the portal, something bad and strong.

There multiple people started coming, and they all looked like villains, but Lukes attention was one three individuals in the back. One was a pale crackly skinned man with blueish-white hair, wearing all black and hand severed all over his body. Next was the black mist man, which was fully covering his body.

Next was a bulking massive break beak monster, with blackish-blue skin and confused eyes. It wore brown pants and had a single exposed brain, and for some reason, it eyes were dictated on Luke. And Luke had its eyes on, they growled at each other, singling that they were to fight.

"Aziawa," he said

"I know, you think you can handle it," he asked him

"No problem, but if I don't make...tell my classmates thank you...for being my friends."

"Your gonna tell them that," Aziawa said, putting his goggles on,"13 get them out of here! Luke and I will hold them off, now go, go!!"

"Luke," Kirshima and Midoriya yelled, but was getting dragged by their classmates

"See ya later," he whispered

The two jumped down the stairs and fought the villains in hand to hand combat, as Luke to care of the Mutation users as Aziawas quirk didn't effect them. He battled all of them and won, but his eyes were on the bird beak. As Luke to care of the last one, he tore his hoodie off and made way to the central plaza, in the middle of all the downed villains.

"You got a death wish if you think you can handle Nomu," the hands villain said

The Nomu, suddenly started walked to the center, taking the villains by surprise. They tried to stop it, but it ignored them and stared Luke down, they growled again and got in fighting positions.

'This is gonna hurt real bad,' he thought,

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