Chapter 7

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3rd POV

We are now in the UA Infirmary, where Luke is resting in the recovery ward, then we see All Might, Mic, Aziawa and Nezu walking down the hallway towards the room to check up on him. They were concerned, Mic cause Luke was his student, Aziawa felt bad and useless cause he didn't do jack at the USJ and Nezu cause he felt responsible for Lukes condition.

All Might, well....

"I can't believe all that happened," he said, hands in his face,"I should have been there. I should've stopped those villains, if I had Young Luke wouldn't be..."

"Ok, that's enough," Aziawa interrupted him,"we get it, you feel responsible for what happened. Trust me, your not the only one, I couldn't do anything to help him against that monster. And I was right there with him, in the middle of it all. Plus stressing ourselves out won't make the situation better."

"Aziawa is right," Nezu said,"what we need to do is find out what exactly happened that allowed the villains to break in. How it happened , who is responsible and prevent it from happening again."

Everyone nods their heads,

"I hope Lukes okay," Mic said,"guys been though to much as it is. Plus his my student and class rep, what kind of teacher would I be if I didn't make sure myself? Although,(clenches his fist), whoever is responsible for this, is gonna pay! Nobody hurts my student and gets away with it."

The other three were surprised to see the chilled laid back and care free hero get mad. They made inside RGs office and they immediately started asking questions about Lukes condition.

"If I'm being honest, I don't know how to say this," she said, then they started fearing the worst

"Luke is gonna be ok, right," Mic asked reluctantly

"(Sighs) Honestly if it was anyone else, they'd be dead by now."

Hearing those words, the stomachs of the heros dropped.

"His injuries were that bad," Aziawa asked

"Worse than the injury that weakened Toshinori, and that was just estimated from when I saw him as he got here."

The heros couldn't believe what they were hearing. All Might was cursing himself for being able to be there even more now and being so weak.

'Young Luke,' AM thought, then punches though a wall

"DAMMIT," he yelled

"Calm down Toshinori," Aziawa said, using his quirk

"HOW CAN YOU ASK ME TO CALM DOWM AFTER HEARING ALL THAT!?! I've heard Young Lukes story just like the rest of you, I know he doesn't want to be a hero and I know he doesn't trust us given how people treated him. But I've seen the kind of man Young Luke is first hand, you all have too! The training exercise, he risked his life to save Young Midoriya from certain death and now he saves everyone at the USJ, only to end up like this?! After everything his been though?! How am I suppose to be calm right now!?"

He huffed and puffed, put of breath from his rant. He sat down and looked down on the floor.

"I'm sorry."

"Ho-How long does he have," Mic asked

He was a reluctant to ask that question, one of his students who suffered through so much was potentially about to die. What would he tell class 1-C?

"I'm afraid Mic is correct," Nezu said, even though he didn't want it,"as hard as it is to deal with, we must prepare for the worst and see if we can inform the next of kin."

"Wait, why are you talking like the kids gonna die," Rg asked confused

"What do you mean why," Aziawa asked,"you said it yourself, those injuries are worse then All Mights and his barley hanging on as it is. There's no way the kid pulls though, it'd take a miracle."

"Well you should thank you whoever prayed for a miracle because his perfectly fine. I'd say better then ever in fact."


That was the only thing they could say, Recovery Gril had stated that it would be pretty much impossible for Luke to recover. For them to only hear that he was alright. What else could they say?

"Bu-But how is that possible," Mic asked, hopeful but confused

"It has to do something with his quirk, that and his also incredibly stubborn," she giggled,"anyway, are you familiar that some reptiles can regrow limbs right? Like their tails or other things given enough time"

They nod.

"Well in Lukes case, that ability is amped up 100 fold, all the damage done to his body, inside and out, is completely gone. Almost like it never happened in the first place, and after doing an x-ray, I discovered that his whole body inside and out grew stronger as a result."

"So his alright," Mic asked, with a smile on his face

"Yes, he's just resting now," she said, patting his shoulder,"he should wake up in a few hours or so."

After that, the teachers sighed in relief.

"However, there is something I need to discuss with you all," she said

Noticing the seriousness in her voice, the heros listened carefully.

"When he wasn't gonna make it, I did everything I could, but even I thought he wasn't gonna make it. But then it happened. He was still alive, his body was literally putting itself back together, right before my eyes. His cuts, bruises, organ damage, you name it, it was all gone. Like it never even happened and as I mentioned before, I did an X-ray ands discovered that no it only his injuries were healed.

But his whole body inside and out, even the undamaged areas, were strengthen and improved upon, so in my medical curiosity, I did some test after I made sure he was recovered completely. And I discovered that his quirk is aggravated by trauma, simply put, the more he get injured and puts his body though, the stronger he'll be when he recovers.

It's probably the reason why he's so tall at such an young age, we've all seen his history due to his quirk. Ironic as it is, all the bullying, the beatings and the mistreatment he received though his life? They ended up saving his life and made him so strong ."

The heros were silent and amazed, but also disgusted with what they were hearing. After a few moments, Nezu responded.

"What kind of trauma would he have to go though to get that strength to fight that monster," he asked

"Physically? You can't tell because he doesn't have any scars or injuries," RG said,"but mentally, I'd say it nothing short of a miracle that he hasn't snapped."

"Is there anything else you can tell us," Aziawa asked

"Yes, after making sure Luke was OK for the last time, my curiosity got the best of me again. Before I called you all here, I called Batman at the Justice League and asked if I could have some samples of the Nomu to study. And from what I found out, it had multiple quirks and its body was altered to a ridiculous degree, that thing was even human anymore. And further more, it looks like the quirks given to the Nomu by force."

The heros blood ran cold, because to their knowledge, only one person was capable of giving someone a quirk by force. That same person was also capable of stealing them and keeping them for himself.

"All For One," AM said, terrified,"but that can't be, his suppose to be dead!"

"From the looks of it, everything we've heard says otherwise," Nezu said,"for now we must make preparations, because if All for One has returned, we must be ready."

This made them all nod in agreement

"Furthermore, we must keep Lukes quirk and its capabilities a secret at all costs."

"But why," Mic asked

"From what RG has told us about Lukes quirk, is that his body heals any form of damage inside and out, and makes it the entire body stronger as a result. If AFO were to get to Luke and steal his quirk..."

Nezu waited for a few moments for the information to sink in and finally.

"He be back to full strength like nothing happend," AM said realizing, speaking though gritted teeth and clenched his fists,"he'd be even stronger when he fought against me last time! We can not allow Young Luke to fall into his hands, on my masters grave I won't allow it!"

"Shit, this just got more complicated," Aziawa said, as Mic nodded his head

"Which is why we must prepare," Nezu said,"I'll use my connections to have all traces of data and information to Lukes quirk erased from the record. The New Orleans police chief owes me a favor, so that shouldn't be a problem. And we also need to prepare extra security for Luke and any family he has left, and we also need to prepare for the Sports Festival, you all know what's to do right?"

They nodded

"Good lets get to work," he said,"also Toshinori, before you go, I have something to tell you."

"What is it sir," he asked

"That wall is coming out of your paycheck," Nezu smiles satanicly

AM just pales in horror, as Nezu laughed.

As they were done, Mic noticed Luke was stirring awake in his room.

"Hey kid, how are you doing," he asked

"Like I was put though a blender set to purée mode," he said,"importantly, is everyone alright?"

"Yeah, their good," he said, smiling at how Luke worried for the others then himself

The door suddenly opened and in came Mirio, Amajiki and Nejire, who was carrying a big plate of food

"Oh sorry Present Mic, we didn't know you were in here," Mirio said

"Its fine, I was just leaving, see ya," Mic said, the leaned in Lukes ear,"good luck tiger."

Luke was confused and then Mic walked out and left them to their own devices. They talked about what happened at the USJ, how Luke managed to beat the monster and how he was feeling. Mirio and Amajiki said they need to finsih some homework so thwy left. Now it was just Luke and Nejire.

"So," Luke said, trying to stir conversation,"this has been a fun week."

"I know, this has never happen to UA before," Nejire said, siting next to Lukes legs

This made Luke blush a bit, as thus never happened to him before. All the girls he would meet would call him a freak, monster and all the other colorful words to describe him. So he would be silent and stay away from people cause they annoyed him.

"Why are you hanging around me," he asked

"Why are you asking me that," Nejire asked

"If people saw you around me, they'll start calling you freak lover. Anyone would get close to me, people target them and get hurt, so they stayed away from me and I away from them."

"So, she asked,"I can take care of myself,plus your not a bad guy Luke. You sweet, nice and kind, anybody would be glad to have you as a friend!"

"Hmph," Luke hummed

"Look, from here on out, me and the rest of the Big 3 are now your friends," she said,"and since I didn't properly didn't introduce myself, allow me."

She jumps up and walk in front of Luke, while he heavenly mounds jumped with her, as this cause Luke to blush.

"My name is Nejire Hado, I'm a 3rd year student in UA," she said,"my quirk is Wave Motion, it grants me the ability to convert my vitality into energy and relapse it in the form of powerful shockwaves."

"Well it nice to meet you," Luke said,"I'm Luke James, a 1st year at UA as well. My quirk is Crocodile, and you can see why."

"Well its nice to meet you," she said, holding her hand out for a shake

Luke chuckled and shaked her hand

'Maybe this won't be so bad,' he thought

(A/N: Okay, now it'll be a while for the next update, casue I wont to cover the entire Sports Festival in a couple chapters. So enjoy the story so far and as I always say..KEEP IT ROCKING!)

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