Chapter 8

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Luke POV

"You guys do know I'm fine right," I asked Grodd and Shark

"You just fought a monster that was meant to kill AM and got majorly injured," Grodd said,"so your on the mend for awhile till you're fully recovered. Recovery Girls orders."

"Yeah, plus your arm still is messed up," Shark said, holding my bags,"its the least we can do."

I groaned and walked with them to the classroom, but I noticed some students running to the way 1-A was. I also noticed Joker and Harley were running to us, and it was weird to seem then concerned, as they were such carefree laughers.

"We got a problem boss," Joker said,"Shinso and some of the others are at 1-A!"

"What for," I asked

"To declare war for the UA Sports festival, and the others are a little ticked off that you almost died at the USJ for protecting them," Harley said,"we thought you should know"

I sighed and signaled them to follow me, imagining the damage they'll do. We got there and I see Bakugo talking trash about my class and the others as well, like how we're not heros, having evil quirks and just being a class lower then 1-B. The others were mad and pissed off, hell Snart and Turner yelled at Bakugo if I wasn't there, they would be dead meat dead meat.

Not wrong.

"Yeah right, like that freak was worth anything," he said, not looking where he was going, and bumped into me

"Hi," I said, he backs up in fear

"Watch where your going freak!"

He walks have and the others just trash talking us for being us. I saw the others were down and sad, hell even Nanaue was sad and that wasn't right with me, so I signaled them all to meet at the classroom, where I'll talk to them and hopefully get their sprits up. After they got there and I was in front, I noticed they were all down, so I grunted to get their attention

"Ok everyone," I said,"I know this is outta left field, but I think you all know the reason why I called this meeting right?"

"Yeah, everybody keeps putting us down even before the festival's even started," Floyd said,"their acting like we've already lost!"

"They keep making fun of me just cause of how I look," Shark said, looking down,"I can't even get food in the cafeteria without some jerk blocking the way!"

"And that Bakugo prick took our challenge as a joke," Shinso said, pissed off,"thinking his already won the whole damn thing!"

Similar reason were discussed by the class, until I stopped them.

"Okay everyone, calm down, trust me," I said,"I know its a pain in the ass, but lets not give them the satisfaction of their taunting of us work."

"Easier said then down man," Ben said

"I can't even practice my quirk because people make fun of my skin or how I'm covered in plant marks," Pamela said

"I'm not even in the mood to make jokes cause of these jerks," Joker said, having anime tears on his face and a napkin to blow his nose

"*sigh* Listen you guys, it's rough trust me, I know," I said,"I know just as well you guys. How hard life can be, I've been called a freak, loser, your name it, but you wanna know what? I'm still standing despite all the shit I've gone though, I'm still here and as your call re- no as your friend, I'm not gonna let some arrogant pricks take that away from us!

They haven't won yet, why? Because despite everything we've been though, we haven't given up yet! We're still here, I might not want to be a hero like the rest of you, but I'm still living human being and deserve to be treated like one. And we're UA students too, and we deserve a chance like anybody else!"

The class starts having similar thoughts and options after that, I could tell

"Here's an idea," I said,"there's 2 weeks before the Sports Festival, right(Everyone nods)? So I say lets use those 2 weeks to get together and train our asses off. They wanna keep calling us failures, villains, freaks and losers?! Well lets see how they like getting their asses kicked by losers, so I'm gonna tell you guys this. We're not just gonna compete in the Sports Festival...we're gonna win it, so whos with me!?"

3rd POV

Class 1-C explodes in cheers and unknown to them, Mic was outside and was grinning as he was surprised to hear this.

'Luke, you may now know, but I'm pulling for you. Not as your teacher, but as someone who sees the great things you'll achieve,' he thought and walked in

"Hey, might if I give ya some pointers," he asked, then a hour drags by.

"Hey Snart," Luke said, catching Snarts attention,"got any ideas for a plan, cause your hella smart ya know?"

"I have a special saying," he said, stopping and looks at him,"make a plan, execute the plan, expect the plan to go off the rails, throw away the plan."

(I have been waiting to write this)

"Wow, that is...terrible advice," he said

"My old man helped me with that," Snart said,"he taught me everything I need to know on how to be ahead of the game and everyone else."

"Smart guy."

"No, he was a drunk and abusive old bastard that stole a gem and got caught for it. So he is the exact opposite of a good guy."

" at least had a father."

"Meh, I think you dodged a bullet."

Luke chuckles and walks to the cafeteria, eating a healthy tray of chicken and steak, but as he ate alone, he then noticed someone sit across from him . It was Shoto Todoroki, 1-A hybrid fire and ice user, son of the number 2 hero and dickhead Endeavor.

"Well this is something," he said

"Hello James-san," he said

"Dude just call me Luke, better that way. Anyway, how can I help you today if your seating at that the guy who took a monster down?"

"I've been meaning to ask, Aziawa-Sensei and All Might hold you in high regard. But you don't want to be a hero, yet you fought a monster that was made to kill him, and won."

"Hmm, you asking why is a guy like me,(points to himself), is at a Hero school, yet isn't trying to be one and yet has great strength compared to the No. 1 hero?"

"You can put it that way."

"Well, all my life I was called a monster, freak and villain, all cause I looked like this. I hated everyone cause of it, they treated me like a monster but I wasn't going to give them the satisfaction of making into one. I just want a normal live like a normal guy, I fought cause if I didn't, you would have all died if AM didn't get there in time.

So in short, I'm nothing special, just a standard guy who wants a normal life."

"I wish my life was that simple."


"My fathers the No, 2 hero, Endeavor, and he wants to be No. 1."

"But AM is holding him back, right?"

"Yes, if he couldn't beat him in the popularity, he went to the next best thing, me."

"Ah shit, is this going where I thing its going?"

"Yep, Quirk Marriages. He found my mother and persuaded her father into letting them marry, thus me and siblings were born. Toyua died, Fuyumi had a simple and not powerful quirk, Natsuo the same and then I was born. I was trained to be the best hero, and my mother suffered cause of it, and then it got so bad...she poured hot boiling water over my face."

"Todoroki, dude I am so sorry."

"Its fine, she said my left reminded her of him. I rejected him and made a promise to never use his power in battle or ever."

Luke looked at Todoroki and felt sorry for him, having an abusive father and trained like a machine to surpass a hero on the scoreboard. But what real ticked Luke off was something else.

"Thats hard to hear, but there's one thing I doing get," he said

"What," Todoroki asked

"You hate your dad, right," he asked Todoroki

Todoroki was confused on the question, but he nods his head.

"Then why are you giving him what he wants?"

"WHAT- WHAT ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT," Shoto asked, enraged

"I'm talking about if you wanted to resent your dad completely, then why are you here at UA, trying to be a hero?"

"I don't understand."

"You resent your left side because you think it represents him right?"


"Let me ask you something, does fire ignite when he tells it to?"



Shoto was stunned by this, as he never heard this told to him before. Always my power, never your power and this was coming from a complete stranger to him.

"I get that you hate your dad, but there has to be a reason why your here at UA right? Not because he wants you to surpass AM or whatever, lets forget Endeavor and focus on you. You don't wanna be the hero your dad wants you to be. So I'll ask you now Shoto...what hero do you want to be?"

Shoto suddenly has a flashback of his mother, hugging him and crying after she poured the water on his face. He then starts to tear up and cry.

"I want to be a hero who people can count on. A hero my mom can be proud of!"

"Then don't forget that fire you have, doesn't belong to Endeavor, its yours and yours alone Shoto."

Shoto cries and Luke gets up to leave, but says one more thing.

"You should also go visit your mom when you get the chance, its clear you need to work things out with her too."

Shoto had a look of shock as he turns to look at Luke, who was leaving the cafeteria and then he noticed his left side was active, he look towards Luke again only to notice he was gone. And as he turned his left side off, all he could say was...

"Thank you Luke," he muttered, smiling for the first time

Nezu POV

Present Mic, Aziawa and I was on the phone trying to connect to Lukes second aunt, the one who loved him. It was difficult, from what her friends say she was a hard worker back then and now. I smiled and was excited to talk with her.

"Hello," a ladies voice asked, in a heavy New Orleans accent Luke had

"Hello, is this Christina Skelton," I asked

"Yes, may I know whose calling?"

'Hahaha, she reminds me of Luke a bit, with that attitude,' I thought

"My name is Nezu, and I'm the Principal of UA, a hero school in Japan. And I was calling to see if you've talked to Luke?"


"GAH," me and Aziawa screamed in shock from this women voice

"Nononono, his fine and safe and in excellent health," PM said, trying to calm her

"Who is this?!"

"His teacher!"

"Sorry, just I've been so worried about him, after the police tried to almost killed him."

"WHAT," we yelled in equal surprise

"So he hasn't told ya huh, typical Luke, always trying to hide things from others. He called me before he left and said this was for the best and for both our protection, damn boy."

"Well I know what to ask him next," Aziawa said

"Can someone please tell me why you called me?"

"Well, I was hoping to see if you wanted to come and see Luke preform at the UA Sports Festival," I said, with a grin

"How much for the tickets?"

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