Chapter 9

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Luke POV

I was at UA walking to the stadium, but as I got close, I see AM running to me and skits to a stop in front of me

"YOUNG JAMES IS HERE," he yelled

"Yeah, I can see that," I said, chuckling at him,"so what do I owe the pleasure of meet you sir?"

AM suddenly got to his knees and bowed with his forehead to the ground and stayed there.

"Young James, I wish to thank you for saving Young Midoriya at the training exercise because I never got the chance to. And I came to fully apologize for not being at the USJ and to thank you for protecting my students! I AM SO SORRY!"

I grabbed him and lifted him up, then whipped the dust off.

"Don't worry about it," I said,"I did what I had to do, to protect a couple innocent kids from dying."

"But again, thank you so much Young James. You must be in a hurry, I'll let you go.

But first, I know your story Young Luke and it's hasn't been an easy one. You've suffered for a long time and have gone though so much things, young people like yourself were never meant to go though in the first place. I know you don't want to be a hero and I respect that, but I wanted to tell you this face to face.

I've seen the kind of man you are first hand Young James, whatever you join the hero course or not, doesn't matter, why? Because in my eyes and in the eyes of many others, you are already a hero!"

AM said that with his signature smile, and I had no idea what to say.

"T-Thank you, sir," I said

"Well, knock them dead kid...but not literally, hahaha!"

We laughed and separated, now I was walking to the locker room to get ready for the Sports Festival, and I am ready to show everyone, not matter how much you bring me down. I will rise to the challenge! As I go there, I see Kirishima, Midoriya and Todoroki walking there, so I decided to say hi.

"Yo," I yelled

"LUKE," they said, smiling at me, but Todoroki was a small smile

"So, you guys ready for this?"

"Hell yeah," Kirishima said, slamming his fist together,"the last two weeks have been a good chance for us to train!"

"Yeah, I'm feeling very good about this," Midoriya said, smiling that million watt smile

'Man, I feel bad for the villain on the receiving end of that smile,' I thought

"Yes, we've made good progress on our quirks," Todoroki said,"I can't wait to see which one of us is the best."

"Okay then, see ya guys around, I have to go to my locker room," I said

"SEE YA ON THE FEILD," they said and left

I was walking the hallways when I see the Big 3 up ahead, and I considered them my friends.

"Whats up guys," I said

"LUKE, AREYOUREADYFORTHESPORTSFESTIVAL," Nejire asked, firing off already

"Nejire, calm down," Mirio said, pulling her off

"You ready Luke," Amajiki asked

"Yeah, me and my class are ready for war! We're gonna show them 1-C doesn't back down from a challenge and show we're gonna be the best!"

"Thats the spirit man," Mirio said,"show them what a fighter stands for! Anyway, we gotstago!"

Cue cricket noises, is Joker nearby?

"That was fucking terrible dude," I said

"Yeah, I gotta work that, anyway let's get to out seats guys."

Mirio and Amajiki left, but Nejire was behind them, not before she looked at me and smiled. That smile somehow made everything better, like all my stress and anxiety went away.

"Do your best Luke, I know you can do it," she said and ran off

I was still, but shook my head and went to the locker room, and there was someone I thought I would never see again.

"Auntie," I asked, about to cry

"Hey my baby boy," she said

I ran to her and softly hugged her, crying as I haven't seen her in years. Not since the last police raid on me turned into Buddy and Sundance movie scene. Thats when I ran and decided she didn't need to know where I was or how to find me.

"You've grown up so much," she said, pulling back

"Yeah," I said, using my tail to wipe her tears,"what are you doing here?! I thought you couldn't afford plane tickets to other countries?"

"Well a certain Rad God, his words not mine, got me a ticket and got me a seat, front row!"

"I'm so happy your here, I...god I can't think straight!"

"Hey," she said, cupping my cheeks,"you go out there and show them the pride of New Orleans, of the James family, be a warrior!"

"You got it Auntie."

She was fixing to walk off, but stops and turns to me

"I am so proud of you Luke, you'll be great. I am so happy you found people who care for you."

She walks off and here I am tearing up like a five year old that lost his dog. I wiped my tears off and steeled myself, then went in the locker room and everyone getting ready for the Sports Festival. Grodd and Naune looked excited, and everyone else was so deep in concentration, they could burn the walls with a stare. I went to my locker and put on my sweatpants and a red tank top.

"You ready," Snart asked me

"Hell yeah, it's time 1-C show we ain't losers," I said

"Got a speech like last time to fire them up?"

"I do like I always do, pull something out of my ass."

Snart chuckles and managed to get everyone's attention and all looked at me.

"Accept no one's definition of your life, define yourself, Harvey Fierstein. I don't know who he is, but I saw that on a piece of paper and immediately thought, why the fuck does that sound like my life? I thought and then boom, I knew. People define what I am, all cause of how I look, not knowing me."

"Sounds familiar," Pamela said

"Define yourself, I don't care what people think what I am. As long as I know who I am and fight for who I am, I am showing those people I am not waht they define me as. Expect I'm fighting to show who I am though my actions!


"HELL NO," they yelled





As we walked out, we see 1-A and 1-B standing there as they were walking to their respective areas. Bakuass and Monadick walked up, having smug smiles, while Bakugos looked like a rabid dog. Kirishima and Midoriya tried to stop Bakuass, but he was to fast, while Kendo and Kirishimas half brother stop Monadick, but was to fast

"Well well, look who it is, the Class 1-C Freakshows," Monadick said

"Worthless extras," Bakuass said,"just spare us the time and drop out! YOUR NOT WORTHY BEING HERE!"

Most of my class was seething in rage, but Ben and Snart managed to control them. Todoroki looked like he was fixing to make him into an ice sculpture. I walked up to them and glowed at them, they looked a little unease, but stood tall.

"Do you guys have good relationships with your folks back home," I said

"Yeah, why are you asking," they asked, confused, ambling Luke smile

"Cause I just hope they don't get to upset when class 1-C makes you look like chumps."

3rd POV

After that, he said nothing else and walks away. As the two blondes were steaming mad. The others heard how much 1-C wanted to win, as Kirshima and Tetsutetsu said how manly, as the classes tried extra hard to stop the blondes form attacking them. Jinx and Eobard walked up to Mineta and Iida, and point their finger at them


"What," the two asked, scared

"Guys, what's going on," Luke asked

"Its along story," they said

A few months ago, Jinx

Me and Barbara were pretty friends, and I could always count on her for help. I applied to the hero course, I had past the written exam and had many hero and rescue points, and now I'm wondering why I didn't get in the Hero course! So Barbara used her computer expertises to hack into the schools systems and discovered some files and videos that were removed from the database.

Turns out a guy named Ren Inuzuka, (a judge for the some I was in during the exam), it was our only lead. Barbara used her wireless link up and found his address, so we decided to launch own investigation and went to his house. Barbra managed to tap into his computer and we looked though it. And then we found the missing files!

But even though how good I did, he said he couldn't let someone with a villainous quirk into the hero course. So he rigged it by giving me minus points for collateral damage and whatever which I actually didn't do. He just pinned it on me, however it wasn't enough to stop me from getting into 1-A. So he used the oldest excuse in the book.

Blaming my quirk and along with all the claims from her previous classmates and teachers that painted me to be a villain. It was enough to sway the judges into not letting me into 1-A and let that Mineta guy in, just cause he need to fill the spot. This infuriated us, so Barbara decided to take this to her dad, Jim Gordon, the police commissioner.

And so with all the evidence, he managed to out Inuzuka behind bars, though however they couldn't do anything about my current placement without causing trouble between classes. Because if some was transferred from one reason to another, it would cause uproar with the students wondering on what was going,

Present, 3rd pov

After all that was revealed, Class 1-C was mad to say the least, as they were told before hand. Jinx and Barbara provided them all the information and this caused 1-C to stare at Mineta with death. 1-A was in disbelief, as the prev was only in cause of a dumbass didn't like her quirk!

Mineta was pale, as he just learned his time in 1-A was cause of a freebie and a handout. Bakugo didn't simply care and spat he didn't give a shit

"But this is impossible," Iida said, as he couldn't believe it,"UA trusted examiners couldn't have done something like that!


"Eobard, clam down," Luke said, having a commanding voice,"what about you?"

Few months back, Eobard

I come from an average family, we're weren't rich or anything special, they we loved each other like a real family would have. When it was revealed I didn't make it in, supposedly due to not having enough spots, his family cheered me up.

Then when Jinx and Barbara revealed how she was denied her acceptance, I got suspicious. I had a hunch, but I was hoping to be wrong, but I wasn't. I asked Barbara if she could look into my case like how she did with Jinx. She proceeded to do so and found a video of a meeting between another group of judges for the exam. They started talking about who to give one of the spots to in 1-A.

It came down to a vote between me and Iida, some of the judges argued I was faster then Iida by a mile, and that even though I needed a bit more practice to control it. I still got more points then Iida in villains and rescue points, with proper guidance I could be the next Flash. My classmates were happy to hear not all the judges were jerks, I was overjoyed when they compared me to my idol.

However, the other judges asked who the other candidate was and it was Iida. And despite my hard work and showing more potential then Iida, he was given the spot because he came from a Hero family. As I came from an average family, just regular people. Despite the judges that supported me, voiced their protest over the decision, they were outvoted and couldn't do anything about it

1-C was furious, they said I was clearly the better candidate, but because Iida was from a Hero family they gave the spot in 1-A to him. I was absolutely livid, not only was I denied the chance to accomplish my dreams and be like Flash.

The judges against me practically called my family nobodies and tossed under the rug like it wasn't a big deal! So I promised to train harder sense the, to prove those those judges who looked down on me and my family wrong!

Present time, 3rd POV

After he told them his story, 1-A was once again shocked. Iida, after hearing this, was in utter disbelief

'It was cause of my family being Heros, I took the spot in 1-A,' he thought,'I robbed his chances! All because of my family status!"

Shoto was watching and had familiar thoughts in his head in silence. He understood Eobard case, as he was the son of Endeavor, the No. 2 hero. He when he wasn't training, he was treated favorably compared to others due to his fathers reputation.

Which was something he never wanted. He wanted to treated as Shoto Todoroki, not the son of Endeavor.

Eobard was about to walk off, but had one more message

"1-C is gonna leave 1-A and 1-B in the dust," he said, then looked at Iida,"and to show you who the fastest speedster is!"

Midnight then called over the PA to announce the start of the UA Sports Festival. 1-C walked off, but Luke looked at them and smiled happily.

"Let the games begin!"

And scene! I hope ya liked the chapter and I have a quick question!

Do you want me to do reaction book on this?



Votes will end around maybe Wednesday day, please vote and we'll see.

And as I always say...


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