Chapter 3

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Ulrich's P.O.V.

"What do you mean?" I asked him, my tone as cold as absolute zero as I crossed my arms over my chest.
He took a step back from me, but continued to explain:

"Look, don't get me wrong, I love my cousin, but she is deeply... troubled. She is a natural disaster. A walking hazard, if you will." He looked me dead in the eyes and lowered his voice: "She will destroy you. I know she will. I cannot let you take her with you".

Verion sounded genuinely concerned for me, but his words only fueled my anger.
I stepped forward and closed that little distance he managed to put between us. I was towering over him. He was visibly shaken.

"This is not your decision to make and I made my choice. Are you claiming authority over me? If you are, I hope you know what that would imply." My voice was more of a deep growl than a human voice at this point. I hate using the Alpha tone on new Alphas, but he asked for it. Verion stepped back, all the way to the other side of the room, a flash of fear going through his eyes before being replaced with cocky, proud dissatisfaction.

"Alpha Ulrich, I think it's the right moment for a bit of honesty. My cousin Biancha is a spoiled, good-for-nothing arrogant bitch who would reject you if you were anything less than an Alpha. She fancies herself unsuited for anything lower. She's a snob, intolerant, brattish, inconsiderate and rude. A pain in the ass for the whole pack except my mother who saw some form of a redeemable trait within her, otherwise my father would have kicked her out ages ago. You know what, take her! Take her and please don't give her back! I will throw a party of a century in honour of that! The day she leaves will be a holiday for us all!" His voice echoed against the walls as he stormed out of the room angirly.

His attitude and nerve wasn't the only thing that stunned me. The content of his words struck me down like  lightning. My mate, that beautiful perfect angel that danced with me seemingly moments ago, was, in fact, a shallow spoiled brat. My mind was split between denial and a cold realisation that it was all true. She had absolutely no Luna characteristics, completely unlike Alicia. Unfortunately, I knew, as much as I would have liked to assign all of this to a young Alpha that was just brash, that what Verion was saying must be true. He had no reason to lie.

"Should I reject her?" I whispered, my voice barely audible.
My wolf screamed at me from the inside, giving me a throbbing headache to top off this wonderful evening.

"Okay, okay! Sheesh, it was just a thought! Don't get your panties in a twist!"
You were thinking it. You must not even think about that!
"Fine! Just, calm down. I won't reject her. However, if she truly is who Verion claims she is... I cannot let her run the pack along side me. I cannot put the pack at risk because of an unruly mate. But we could make this work if we try to... re-educate her."
What do you mean?
"Well, I was thinking. If she truly is unfit to be a Luna, maybe we could teach her how to be one."
I would say that's the dumbest idea in the world, but if that means your stubborn Highness Ulrich will accept her... Maybe.
"Of course! It's perfect! We can't truly change her for the better, we can make her seem like a perfect Luna so she could perform her duties at the highest level and still be with us. We can get Alicia to help as well."
I said in a decisively optimistic tone, hoping he will be convinced, though I wasn't convincing myself entirely.

"That way, the pack will have their Luna, and I will have my perfect mate."
Ugh, why do you have to do this to her? Will she truly be our perfect mate if you try to make her something she is not? Besides, why do you want to involve Alicia? She is a weak pup. I doubt she can teach such a powerful female anything!
"Quit it with the insults, Ronan! There is no other way to pull this off. It is either this or I put my father's work at stake. So, you will just shut up right now and we will go home!" I cut him off and looked around the room. I walked out to try and find Verion.

Verion's scent swirled in the air as I was following it through the dimly lit hallways. His words were plaguing my mind, I could feel doubt growing in me by the second. Is taking her with me truly the best idea? What would my pack think of me as a leader if I took someone like her as a Luna? This could be perceived as a sign of weakness. I could lose all their respect, my position could even be compromised. But then again, I could go crazy without her. The near thought of life without her could drive me insane and how am I any good as a leader if I lose my marbles? Why am I even overthinking this? Maybe I should just sleep on it, possibly give it a couple of days...
"Ulrich! There you are!" Aunt Meena was storming towards me and thus snapped me out of my thoughts. I was taken aback in surprise. I looked around and realised I mindlessly stumbled into their pack house's main lobby.
"Hi auntie Meena. What's up?"

She smiled, but there was something else behind those glossy eyes. Not a smile, but perhaps some deep sadness. Certainly nothing she would show on the surface.
"Oh, I was just helping Biancha pack. I called your parents, and they are so overjoyed. They can't wait to see you! They said they will be waiting for you back home, at your pack house, eeeek!" she squealed in such a high pitch it made me internally cringe and flinch. I wasn't aware she could even make such a noise. Wait... Did she just say my parents?!
"You told them, auntie?"

"Duh, why wouldn't I? You know I needed to get your mother's blood boiling." She gave me a devilish smile. "I'm afraid it's an addiction of mine, my dear Ulrich."
"What? Exploiting her fear of missing out on major life events by telling her something huge out of the blue in a way that suggests it's common knowledge already, just so you can see her freaking out?" I asked, a pinch of cockyness in my voice. I flashed her a smirk, as if teasing her.

"Is that judgement what I hear? From my favorite nephew?" She raised an eyebrow.
"Not at all." My tone of voice was so fake, a ken doll would envy it.
" I am truly happy for you, honey." She wiped a fake tear of joy from her cheek, and her smile faded into a smirk seconds later.
My mom and auntie love getting on each other's nerves a lot, and I am their main tool to piss each other off with, unfortunately. I wish I could stay and chat, but I don't wanna waste anymore time.

"Ok, auntie. Did you by any chance see where Alicia is?" I felt as numb as a robot by now, its amazing what a little bit of drama can make of you.
I would always start feeling like a lifeless drone when I got overwhelmed by the dramas and charades of people around me. I guess it's a defense mechanism. I can go through the motions now, not think of Verion's words anymore and, as a matter of fact, not think about anything anymore. I can finally get this day over and done with. It's sort of an Alpha thing, to shut yourself off and do your buisness. Most Alphas I know have that ability.

"She is waiting for you in front of the car, Ullie." She replied, the sadness reappearing in her eyes.
"Ok, thanks Meena. I'll be going now." I was just going to take one step put the door, when the divine scent of my little mate stopped me in my tracks. Her melodic voice, as if subtly warning me, spoke:
"I hope you are just forgetful, and not planning on leaving me, Alpha Ulrich."

I turned to face her beautiful eyes, as she had placed her hands on her hips and raised an eyebrow at me. Dear Godess her atitude is already a handful for me to tolerate. Whilst I was being enthralled by her presence, the still angry Verion swiftly carried her 2 large suitcases to my car, and stomped back into his office with a victorious smirk. Finally snapping out of it, I replied with my back turned to her:
"Thought you would need more time to say good bye to your family."

"Ulrich, this pack and Cross River are 10 minutes by car away from each other. If I ever get nostalgic, I'll drive myself back here. I'm sure they'll always accept me for a visit." She spoke in a 'duh' tone, seeing straight through my excuse. I sighed through my nose, and took a second to discuss this with Ronan. He was of course, all in for it.

"Ok, let's go. My parents are waiting." I murmured to her. I hate rushing things, I didn't even get anything ready for her arrival! Dad's not going to like this.

She smiled brightly and said while skipping to the car: " I call shotgun!"
Suddenly, she stopped. She looked at me, her eyes narrowing for a bit, before she looked back at my car.
"Um, hi?" Her tone was a bit off, like a broken record. Alicia lifted her head and looked up at Biancha, sending her a little smile.
"I am Alicia, your mate's best friend."
"Oh. Sorry." Biancha's shoulders relaxed, before she put her hands on her hips again.
"Yeah, I heard you called shotgun." Alicia rolled her eyes and went to sit in the back.

Biancha smiled and opened the passenger seat door.
"My name is Biancha by the way."
"Cool." Alicia replied swiftly. She isn't the one to talk much, and it looks like my mate got the hint. I chuckled slightly, said some more good byes to Oliver, who joined Meena, and got in my car.

Well, here we come, Cross River.


Edited by: WonderingStoryteller

Well guys, I updated after a loong time! I hope you will like it! See you soon, byeee!!!

Also, question time: What do you think about Verion?


Ocean Fury

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