Chapter 4

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Ulrich's P.O.V.

The drive back home was not really pleasant. Biancha started to ask some questions, naturally, which made Alicia mad. I have a feeling these two are not really good travel partners. Oh well, not my problem to deal with. I don't have time to bother myself with petty squabbles. It is a shame though, when a tutor and a student don't agree with each other. It will still probqbly work though.

There you go again, idiot.
There I go again with what?
Do you really think the Moon Godess is that stupid or that ignorant or that careless to put you with a female unworthy of her title?
No, I didn't doubt the Godess for a second! I just wanna make sure, ok? She is a stranger in my life, I had no notion of her even existing before these last few hours. I know she is most likely Luna material, I just want to make sure she can lead a pack with me. I would atleast like for her to know how a pack works. Mating and having pups won't be her only duty.
Fine. If you really think she is not ready yet, then go ahead. However, if you go overboard with it, I won't hesitate to take over and do what's right.
You know I'm stronger out of the two of us, Ronan. Your mind can't beat mine. Don't even try to do something stupid because I can and will contain you.
We'll see, Ulrich.

I sighed through my nose as I slowed down at the entrance to my pack. This wolf, Alicia, Biancha... If only I was human, if only I didn't have everyone sky-diving into my plans as if that's the right thing to do. But I guess I have to adapt to the obstacles on my path, and the pestering fly in my head, even though it is going to be hard.

I rolled down my window to give the gate guard a cool look, which made Alicia do a 'very subtle' eye roll. Biancha seemed to be off in some distant world, absorbing her surroundings with a curious look.
I felt the guard stare at her a second too long, which in turn made me press my tongue against my lower teeth so I wouldn't accidentaly bite his throat. What is this sensation in my chest?

"We'll be passing by now. Alert my parents of our arrival." I said in a gruff voice, a frequence above a growl. The guard jumped back and saluted me, and I quickly drove by. I don't know why, but I don't like that guard anymore. I'll have to remove him from his post. I haven't even noticed that Biancha was getting nervous, until Alice said:

"Is something bothering you, Biancha?"

Biancha looked at her for a second, then to me. She sent Alicia a weird look through the rear view mirror, and said:
" I'm not comfortable with meeting his parents yet. I barely know him, I don't feel like I'm ready for more."

Alicia chuckled a little, her tiny evil smile appeared just as she spat out:
"Ulrich is, just like any other block-headed Alpha, very vague and wanna-be mysteriously around females for no apparent reason." She talked to my mate like I wasn't even in the room.
I swear she did this just to make my blood boil. I could see she was enjoying every second of it.
"You will most likely not even know his last name before you have pups, just because he has this need to act all high and mighty, all the freaking time. No communication skills, no emotional intelligence. Typical Alpha, I'm telling you."

Biancha covered her mouth and let out a soft giggle, which made Alicia flash a wide wicked smile to me through the rearview mirror. My poor mate will have to suffer with me through Alicia's hellish personality. I will try but can't guarantee to keep the she-Devil at bay. However, I think Biancha might have some communication issues as well. I saw it, I saw the way her pack detested her. There had to be a reason for those dirty looks they sent her, and for what Verion said, and the most common way to make people hate you is with your words. I'll have to do a background check on her.

"Don't worry Biancha, they won't eat you or anything. They will just ask you a bunch of questions." Alicia said after a few seconds, probably fearing she scared her with her ridiculous statements. Alicia is starting to get on my nerves.

My mansion started coming into view, when Biancha said:
"Oh, I remember my aunt doing that when Verion's mate came to live with him! Damn it, I'll have to make it look like my mate's a normal werewolf." She said while rubbing her chin.
The car was silent for a second before Alicia whistled and loudly stated:
"I've got myself a partner! Watch out, Alpha! I'm gonna get your ass with this one!"

I groaned loudly while both girls laughed like it was the funniest thing in the world to torture me. This is just what I needed, another annoying wolf to pester me for the rest of my life. I looked at my drive way, and froze.

My parents are here. Oh no. Oh Godess please no. Why?! It just sunk in! I was hoping they wouldn't come! Or even better, that they forgot!

If you haven't noticed from my current reaction, my parents aren't really of the normal kind. My mother is a wild spirit, born to run and of course, very sarcastic and embarrassing. Every family dinner goes like this: My sister comes over with her mate and kids, my mother gushes about how similar my nephew looks to my dad, starts showing my brother-in-law Illaria's baby pictures(Illaria is my sister). Then she turns to me with a glare and mumbles about how I'm the only one of her 5 kids without a mate, and I will never give her grandkids and how I will die old and alone one day when a pile of paperwork falls on my head. After hearing it on a monthly basis 6 years in a row, I know her speech by heart.

My father, on the other hand is a strict, uptight man, worthy of his status,when he's not around my mother or nephews and nieces of course. My mother makes him turn into this sickly sweet mushy man who constantly wants to cuddle and kiss her, I have no doubt he is going to act like that in front of my mate and embarrass me for life.

As for my siblings, Illaria is my twin, and my favourite sibling. She has my mother's sarcastic nature and my father's persistance and discipline. She is a woman of few words, but big atributes to compensate for it. My eldest sibling, and my first sister, is Pangea. I rarely see her, since she is a scout wolf, traveling across the world and making alliances for me. She looks like a typical nerd, with thick rimmed glasses, freckles, and my mother's ginger hair tied in twin braids. However, she is no push-over, as she inherited my father's intimidating glare and posture. She has a mate, and three 10 year old sons that live in my pack. My second eldest sister, Marilyn, is Pangea's twin and a complete opposite of her. Marilyn has my mother's piercing hazel eyes and my father's dark brown hair, always tied in a high pony tail. She is the tallest one, and looks like she could eat you alive, but she is so meek and easily frightened that dad can't drive too fast when we go on family trips so she wouldn't have a panic attack. She has a mate, who is just as paranoid as her, and is soon to have her first pup. My last sibling is younger than me, and his name is Devlin. He is a reckless little ginger troll, who managed get this mate pregnant at the tender age of 17. I can't even count how many times I had to bail him out of human prison.

Actually, I'm glad only my parents showed up. If Illaria, or Marilyn, or Godess forbid Devlin showed up, I would have to lock myself into my office for atleast 20 years.

The car slowly stopped in front of a big staircase, where my parents waited excitedly to see my mate. I sighed, and turned off the car. I am not ready for this.

Biancha's P.O.V.

Well, that ride was awkward. Whenever I tried to ask a question about their pack, both would answer with grunts or nods. I guess their pack is not really talkative, that is so strange! How will I get used to that?

I spent the majority of the ride staring at my mate's reflection in the windshield. Holy Godess,he is one hot nerd! He had a mop of dark brown, neatly combed hair on his head, which made my fingers itch, I wanted to ruffle it so bad! His body may as well have been sculpted by Michelangelo himself. Big, lean muscles adorned his arms, covered with smooth pale-ish skin which looked extremely tempting to touch.

And that suit, oh! The inky blue fabric just gave another layer of masculinity and elegance to his already perfect body. The jacket of the suit was neatly buttoned over a clean white dress shirt, every small fibre perfect in its place. His dark blue tie carried the symbol of his, well, our pack on it, a cross with a wavy line weaving around the longer line of the cross, and two four-pointed stars on each side.

His eyes are hazel, with a green outline and a few faint streaks of green around the middle, and I feel like I have already fallen in love with them. Despite the beauty of his eyes, his gaze is a completely different story. Cold, determined, focused on a single goal, no room for emotions, no room for distractions. I'm not good with reading body language, but I think even a human would notice that much. I bet the first thing he'll do is give me a rule book to follow. I snort quitely at that thought. The first thing I'll be doing is finding myself a bed to sleep on! It is 2 a.m. after all.

Soon after we pulled up in front of this gigantic mansion, one of the biggest ones I've ever seen! It is a grey mix of modern and barrocco style that looks like one of those mansions you see in music videos (referring to Blank Space by Taylor Swift).

There are white marble steps leading up towards the entrance, and on the top of those steps are two people who look oddly familiar. One is a shorter woman, with ginger hair and beautiful hazel eyes. She is wearing a pair of black skinny jeans and a cream blouse, and a pair of pink fuzzy house slippers on her feet. The man is huge, probably as tall as Ulrich, if not taller! He has black slicked back hair and piercing dirt brown eyes, and is wearing denim jeans and a suit jacket over a neatly ironed dress shirt. But he is also in house slippers? These people are strange.

Then it dawned on me. It's the middle of the night, and these people stayed up late to meet us. Furthermore, these people are Ulrich's parents.


And done! Yes yes, boring, I know. But I gotta take it slow for now, so you could get all nice and cozy with the story.

Welp, that's all from me for now!

Bye bye!

Ocean Fury

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