Chapter 1

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Cover by Lil_Biker

"Mum I will be down in a minute" I said as I heard mom shouting my name.

"Well you better be, you shouldn't be late for your first day at your new school" mum said

Mum was just making this new school thing a big deal. I am very sure other people get to school late on some days too, whether it was their first day or not. Mum always believes in first impressions.

I quickly put on my eyeliner, wore my shoes and hurried downstairs in order to avoid Mum's nagging.

"Morning mum! No breakfast today?"

Mum didn't really know how to cook, even though grandma was the best cook ever, she could cook any meal and they were always delicious and tasty. I always wondered why mum didn't know how to cook, when her mum was the best chef in the whole world - at least in my opinion.

I was brought out of my thoughts when I heard mum's voice

"Sorry honey, it's nothing special. Just grab the sandwich, we need to head out now or we will be late. Remember first impressions matter."
With mum no breakfast was special. I sighed mentally at her first impression lecture.
"Okay mum, I guess we need to head out now."

I grabbed my sandwich and left to wait in the car for mum while she locked the front door.
This is another chapter of my life, a new school. What if the people there are unfriendly?Anyway that shouldn't bother me since my best friend from childhood Deandre was starting at the new school too. Dre and I have been friends since kindergarten and we always did everything together, so when I was leaving my old school to start at this new school; Oakwood High School, Deandre and I managed to convince her parents to change her school too. Our friendship was like that, we were inseparable.

Okay enough of my history with Deandre, I need to call her and find out were she is now. We were not going to school together today unlike other days, because it was her mother's tradition to always drop her off on her first day at a new school. I Wonder what difference it makes, dropping her on the first day and not any other day.

Oh yeah, I was going to call Dre, I get too easily distracted sometimes, well, most times. I took my phone and dialed Dre's number. On the first ring she picked up

"Hello bestie! How was your night?"Dre said
"Hey you pumpkin, where are you?"
"Well I am right outside the school gate, mum dropped me off like ten minutes ago and I don't seem to see you anywhere" Dre said. Well typical Dre, she was always on time for everything. I guess that is the only big difference between us, she was punctual and I wasn't.

"Sorry pumpkin, I will be there soon, we are almost there." I said.
"Okay silly, still waiting. I think this school is just gonna be great, plus a lot of hot guys." she said and chuckled lightly.

"Bye, Dre," I said before hanging up. If I hadn't done that, Dre would have started giving me the history of all the boys she met while she was there.

I don't really believe in love at all. I wouldn't say I hate boys but I don't like them either, whereas Dre has had a lot of boyfriends. Another difference between the two of us. I have never had a boyfriend and hopefully never will. I don't know why, I guess it's just part of those things you can't give a reasonable explanation for. And no way, I am not a lesbian. Just a girl who doesn't like boys cause they are not worth the stress.

Putting the thoughts at the back of my mind, I focused on the road. We were almost there. Five minutes later mum pulled up at the front of the school's gate.

"Good luck today honey, I'll see you at home by six when I am back. And make sure you finish your assignments before I am back, that is if you get any today," mum gave her usual lecture

"Yes mum I will do as you have said," I said rolling my eyes.
"One more thing Val, be friendly,"mum said looking at me plainly. Seriously mum, I am friendly, I am not a monster. I have a friend. Mum has always had this thought of me not being a social butterfly. She even once asked me why I didn't have a boyfriend. Whose mother does that?

I mentally sighed. "I will mum, bye and see you later." With that I hurried off not waiting for her reply. Now to find Dre,where was that best friend who was supposedly at the gate waiting for me?

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Love Jessie♥️

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