Chapter 2

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Cover by Jessie150811

I didn't look around for long before I found Dre. She was leaning on a really big tree that was obviously meant for shade. I jogged to where she was. She seemed really deep in thought. I thought of a plan to bring her back to reality.
"Deandre spider on your shoulder, Ah!!" I said shouting a little

"Ahhh!! Get it off Val quick pleeaaaseee!!!" she said almost at the verge of tears while jumping about.

Well I didn't expect her to cry, I mean it was just a spider. Although there was no spider, I was just joking but the reaction I got totally wasn't what I was expecting.

"Geez, calm down Dre I was just joking," I said with a look of amusement.

"Crap Val, you scared the shit out of me. I could have had a heart attack, don't do that again please," she said, still in shock as she wiped a stray tear from her eye. Awww! Poor Dre, too emotional for her own good.

"I think we should go to our first class already or we will be late" I said looking at her. "Yes right, we don't want to be late on the first day. What class are we supposed to have now?" She asked rhetorically, because I obviously didn't know.Well I never said I was an A student. Just an average student and I love it that way.

Now back to business. What class were we supposed to have? I glanced at Dre and saw her bringing out a sheet of paper. "We are having biology class first at exactly 8:10." We both glanced at our watches and said in unison, "8:05."
We quickly made our way to the hall and managed to get to the class at exactly 8:10. Phew! That was a close call, we were almost late but we weren't. We stepped into the class and Mr. Whats-his-name turned towards the door and looked at Dre and I. There was an awkward silence, which he broke. "I bet you's are the new students joining our class. Welcome," he said in a thick British accent.

"Umm....thank you," I muttered, barely audible.
Dre just stood beside me and nodded. Since when the Dre become the shy one? I was the shy one not Dre,what the hell was wrong with her?Something was definitely wrong. I just threw her a look and she kept looking at her shoes. Wow, with Dre there was always a surprise.

Bringing me out of my thoughts Mr Whats-his-name asked, "How about you introduce yourselves?"

Oh yes I totally forgot. Play it cool Val.

Well Dre refused to step forward first so I did, aware of the awkward silence and the stares from all the eyes in the classroom.

"Umm...I am Val...Valerie Smith,"I said looking up to the class for the first time since I came in, and that was when I saw him.

He had Jet Black hair which was stylishly combed in a lovely way, his eyes were blue like the ocean, he had a lovely nose which fitted perfectly on his face, his lips were simply incredible, pink lips that looked so yummy. His sense of style was stylishly simple and amazing, he just wore a simple ripped jeans and a tight white shirt which showed his endowed body a little. I was practically undressing him in my head and then it hit me. Val what are you doing? You don't like boys remember? Boys are not for you, what is wrong with you? I quickly stopped looking at him. Maybe it's just the first day nervousness that made me think of a boy like that. Hmm weird.

I came back to reality when Dre was talking.
"I am Deandre Williams. Nice to meet you sir and you all" she said as she looked at the class.

Now my bestie Deandre was back. A girl full of surprises always. "You may take your seats," Mr. What's-his-name said to us. We clumsily, or rather, I clumsily went to an empty seat right in the middle of the class, while Dre confidently walked to a seat beside me and sat.

"Lest I forget I am Mr Vincent by the way, for the new students who I didn't introduce myself to earlier"he said still with that accent. Oh what lovely accent. I kinda have a thing for the british accent. It just sounds so good and rolls of the tongue perfectly.

I was cut short from my thoughts again by Mr Whats-his-name, oh yes Vincent. "We will be talking about the digestive system today,"he said. He finished his teaching, and Dre and I left for another class. When I stood up from my seat in biology class was when I discovered that Hot Boy what's-his-name sat behind me. Right behind me!!

The whole day ended with the teaching and all. Finally Dre and I overcame first day of a new school which was not bad at all. I thought of Hot Boy what's-his-name, he was quite popular from what I saw after the class. I shook the thought and went home with Dre, looking forward to the next day of school.

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Love Jessie♥️

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