A Battle of Beliefs

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3rd. Pov.

Everyone is currently outside at the back of the O.R.C. Y/N was facing Xenovia while Irina was facing Kiba. Everyone else was sitting in some stands watching.

Rias: This is a duel, which means no killing.

Xenovia: Tch. Fine.

Irina: Very well.

Y/N: Whatever.

Kiba: ...

Rias: Ready.

Kiba made a sword and got into a stance as Irina pulled out her Excalibur and got into her stance.

Rias: Set.

Xenovia drew her sword and got into a stance while Y/N just stood there with a bored look on his face with his hands behind his back.

Rias: Fight!

Xenovia dashed towards Y/N with her sword held high. As she swung it down, Y/N stepped to the side avoiding the attack. When the Excalibur hit the ground it made a small crater.

Xenovia: Impressive. You managed to avoid my attack.

Y/N: You make it sound as if it were a miracle. You were just so slow it was easy to dodge your attck.

Xenovia glared at Y/N as she twisted her sword and swept it at Y/N's legs. Y/N then jumped over the sword and landed behind Xenovia. Xenovia kept the momentum of the swing and continued her attack. Y/N ducked and twisted his body so he could back kick Xenovia in the chin, launching her in the air. Xenovia recovered and flipped back and landed on her feet. She dashed at Y/N and started swinging wildly at him in hopes that her sword would hit him, but he would continue to back away and dodge her attacks. As this was goin on Xenovia was clearly wearing herself out while Y/N still had a bored expression on his face.

Y/N: You're supposed to be an exorcist? The church must be desperate if they recruited you.

Xenovia: Silence! You don't know anything about the church!

Y/N: Oh really? Then how about I prove to you that I do. The holy sword project. A man killed innocent kids to find Excalibur wielders. The Great European Massacre. Killing hundreds of innocents because they let devils live amongst them. And let's not forget about the Unholy Betrayal. The church killed a saint because her power granted he divinity on par with a high ranking angel. The church is nothing more than a sick joke filled with even worse scum.

Xenovia: Silence! How dare you speak ill of the house of God!

Irina: Xenovia, Calm down.

However Xenovia didn't listen. She started swing wildly She was trying so desperately to hit Y/N, but he was dodging the attacks with such ease. He eventually got fed up and got serious. Xenovia swung her Excalibur downwards and Y/N just stood there taking the attack. A dust cloud kicked up covering the area. as the dust started to settling everyone was shocked at the devastation. Even Irina and Kiba stopped there fight.

Kiba: No. Not again.

Irina: Xenovia. What have you done!?

Xenovia: What I should have done from the beginning.

She was about to put her sword away, but it wouldn't move.

Y/N?: You know you really need to control that temper of yours.

The rest of the dust settled as Y/N is now holding the blade of Excalibur Destruction with one hand.

Y/N: Careful. You could've hurt someone.

Everyone was happy to see Y/N unharmed, but a few people were shocked by his change of appearance. His hair was now shorter with its color was a deep blue, while his eyes were now bright red.

Xenovia: Wha-

Before she could finish she was pulled closer to Y/N and then swatted away as the Excalibur fell to the ground.

Y/N: Did you know that the Excalibur fragments had new wielders every few months to a year.

Y/N picked up Excalibur and held it up, inspecting the sword.

Y/N: Did you also know that the church claimed the Excalibur fragments as the true holy sword when it's nothing more then a cheap knockoff.

Some green slime started to cover the fragment. It spread from Y/N's hand to the blade itself.

Irina: What is happening to it?

Kiba: Y/N?

After a few seconds. the green slime hardened and solidified over the blade as smoke was radiating off of it, changing it's shape and form.

Y/N: You two are supposed to take down a Cadre class fallen angle and you can't even use these to their full extent? What a joke. You're an embarrassment.

Y/N then disappeared and reappeared in front of Xenovia with the new sword raised high.

Irina: No!

Rias: Y/N, don't!

Y/N grabbed the sword with both hands and swung down.


The dust kicked up and Everyone looked in shock. Irina looked devastated and charged at Y/N.

Irina: Damn you!

She was continuously hitting Y/N with her Excalibur, but none of her attacks were actually hurting him, but that didn't stop her.

Irina: How could you!?

Y/N then suddenly grabbed the blade of her Excalibur with one hand which stopped her assault. Irina looked in surprise with misty eyes. The dust settled and everyone could see Excalibur Destruction just missed Xenovia who had a look of fear on her face.

Y/N then looked at her, let go of Excalibur Mimic and crouched over her.

Y/N: Just because you can use a unique weapon, doesn't make you special. If you have to rely on a weapon like this to do the heavy lifting for you, then you nothing more than a weakling.

Y/N then did something that surprised everyone. The absorbed the Excalibur fragment into his sacred gear.

Brachy: [??? Installed]

Xenovia: What have you done?

Y/N: Lesson number 1: If you can't fight your own battles woth your own strength, you'll die. So it's only logical to get stronger.

Y/N then walked away as everyone watched.

Rias: Impossible.

Issei: What is it?

Rias: Excalibur is a sacred weapon made by heaven to kill devils, but it also had very specific requirements in order to be used.

Issei: So does that mean that Y/N meets those requirements?

Akeno: I must be. If Y/N was able to install it into his sacred gear, that must mean, he's a natural Excalibur wielder.

Asia: Is he going to be ok?

Rias: I don't know Asia.

As everyone just watched Y/N leave, Kiba looked at the ground with his fist clenched. He his hair covered his eyes, but a single tear rolled down his face.

Kiba: No. Not again. Don't make me lose another one.

While this was all happening, back in the underworld Millicas was walking down the staircase, curiousas to what it is and where it leads to.

Millicas: What is this place? Why was it hidden by father?

As he goes deeper down the stairs he starts to get this feeling of dread. After a few minutes he makes it to the bottom where he see a few candles lit around a hulking mass in the center of the room that is being held down by many chains. Though it is quiet, he can hear some light breathing coming from it.

Millicas: What is this thing?

Millicas gets closer and extends his arm to it. As soon as he's about to touch it he sees a large glowing eye staring at him. He freezes up and falls back as the mass gets up and towers over him. It then leans down over him and just stares at him. Something caused Millicas to stretch his arm out to the giant beast. Once he touched it, something pricked his finger and he snapped out of his trance and he got up and ran back up the stairs as the beast simply lied back down and closed his eyes. Millicas got back up the stairs and the passage disappeared. Once it did Millicas was holding his head as he was getting dizzy until he fell unconscious and fell to the floor. One of the maids came into the room and saw him on the floor and rushed to his side.

Maid: Master Millicas? Master Millicas!

There was no response. She gently picked him up and carried him out as the other servants saw him in her arms.

Maid: Call a doctor and lord Sirzechs, and hurry.

The other servants rushed to get help as the current maid rushed Millicas to his room. Upon further inspection there was a small cut on his finger-

With small red sparks coming off of it.

A/N: Sorry for the late post. Tell me what you think

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