An Uncomfortable Change

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3rd. Pov.

It's been a couple of days since Y/N was last seen fighting Xenovia. Rias and her peerage haven't seen him since. He hasn't been to school or seen around Kuoh at all. Everyone was starting to get worried. To make matter even worse was that Kiba was acting different. He was acting more cold and distant towards everyone. Everyone Except Kiba was sitting in the O.R.C. trying to figure things out.

Rias: We have a report of a stray in the area. You all know the drill.

Issei: Are we not going to talk about what's been happening?

Rias: Issei-

Issei: No. We need to figure this out. Kiba's been acting weird, Y/N hasn't shown up to school for a couple of days, not to mention we still have the whole elder dragon problem. Shouldn't we do something? Aren't you worried about-

Rias: Of course I am! But what am I supposed to do!? We don't know where they are. Not to mention with the exorcists here it would look like strange activity. There's nothing we can do at the moment. We just need to be patient and hope that they come back on their own.

Issei: But-

Akeno: Issei, I understand you're worried. Believe me we all are, but there's nothing we can do.  We just need to give them some time. Y/N will come back and Kiba will open up to us after some time. Just be patient.

Issei: ...

Asia: Issei?

Issei: Fine, but I still don't like how we're not doing anything.

Koneko was silent, but looked at Issei from the corner of her eye. Meanwhile Akeno looked glanced down acknowledging what Issei said about Kiba and Y/N. Rias smiled at Issei , but her smile faltered since she was worried about what was happening with her peerage.

Meanwhile In the middle of a forest Y/N is seen leaning against a tree looking up while sweating. He's breathing heavily as his Sacred Gear is visible on his arm.

Bachy: Kid, it's not working. You have to uninstall the Excalibur fragment.

Y/N: No! I can do this.

Bachy: If you keep this in your body it's gonna start tearing you apart. You could die at this rate.

Y/N: I can take it.

Brachy: Y/N, I know you want to get stronger, but this isn't going to help. "He" wouldn't want you doing this to yourself.

Y/N: ...

Y/N looked down and gritted his teeth. He knew what Brachydios was saying. He lifted his arm and materialized the great sword. Slowly the slime began to fall off revealing the Excalibur fragment. Once the slime was all off Y/N dropped the Excalibur on the ground.

Y/N: There. Happy?

Brachy: Very much so. Now let's go and give it back to the exorcist.

Y/N: So she can try and kill Asia again? I don't think so.

Brachy: Kid you haven't been at school or gone home for a while. Your parents and friends are probably getting worried.

Y/N: ...

Brachy: Kid, I know why you're doing this, but you don't need to do this.

Y/N: ...I

Brachy: Would he want you to do this?

Y/N: ...No, but I want to do it for him. I have to get stronger-

Y/N leans against the tree, pushing himself up. He picks up the Excalibur and walks deeper into the forest.

Y/N: So that nothing takes anyone from me again.

As Y/N was walking into the forest a cloaked figure standing on top of a tree staring at him.

???: So he possesses Brachydios? He doesn't seem like much.

???: I wouldn't say that about him if I were you.

???: And why not. The kid hardly uses his full power.

???: He wasn't chosen by one of the dragon killers for no reason. Unlike all of the other sacred gears, the dragon killers choose their hosts.

???: So why was he chosen?

???: He has the power to rival Ophis. Maybe even Great Red. Much like you, his power comes from rage.

???: So what's the difference?

???: The difference is his rage is untamed. Ours is directed to a single target.

The hooded figure jumps down from the tree and walks in the opposite direction as Y/N until their in the light. A strong gust of wind blows their hood back revealing their golden hair.

???: Y/N L/N.

???: I'm looking forward to what you can do, once you master that rage of yours.

Meanwhile back with the Gremory peerage, they were getting worried about Y/N so they decided to head over to his house. After a while they made it to his house and knocked on the door. When it opened it revealed Y/N's father. He looked tired and slightly disappointed look on his face when he saw them.

D/N: Oh, hello there. Can I help you with something?

Rias: Y/n hasn't been at school for a couple of days. We were wondering if he's ok?

D/N: I hate to say it, but he never came home.

Issei: Sorry to hear that. How are you guys holding up?

D/N: It's not the first time it's happened, but we never know why it happens. Do any of you know? Did something happen recently?

Rias: He was acting strange when two exorcists showed up a couple of days ago.

D/N: Ah. That would do the trick.

Akeno: What do you mean?

D/N: You all might want to come in and take a seat.

While D/N walked back inside everyone looked at each other confused as to what he meant. They walked inside the house and sat down on the couch. D/N was looking down in a mug of coffee with a sad look on his face.

Rias: Mr. L/N, are you alright?

D/N: I'm gonna be honest with you kids. I'm far from ok.

Asia: Whatever it is that's bothering you I'm sure we can help.

D/N: That's nice of you, but there's no way any of you can help me.

Rias: Why's that?

D/N: Because it would involve destroying the church.

Everyone was shocked by this. The church was a part of the Angel Faction. To wipe them out would be a declaration of war.

Rias: That's crazy. You can't take out the church. Doing that is crazy. Doing it by yourself is a death wish.

D/N: Well, we all have our reasons for doing things.

Issei: But why the church. What did they do to you?

D/N: It's not what they did to me. It's what they did to him.

Koneko: Y/N? But he's really nice. Why would they go after him.

D/N: I never said they went after him. Not directly at least.

Akeno: What are you saying? That they went after someone that he knew.

D/N: As you may or may not have know, we used to live in Kyoto for most of our lives. It was some of the best times of our lives, but it also had one of the worst days for him.

Meanwhile in the underworld, Millicas is seen in bed sweating and breathing heavily while he has a damp rag on his head. In his room is his mother Grayfia sitting next to him with a worried look on her face and a doctor using magic, trying to cure his illness. Outside of the room is Sirzechs leaning against the wall looking down. He's clenching his fists as red sparks slightly spark coming from his hands. Soon the doctor came out of the room with a somber look on his face.

Sirzechs: How is he?

Doctor: I've done as much as I can, but unless I know exactly what it is that's harming him there's nothing that I can do.

Sirzechs: What are you saying?

Doctor: I've already told Lady Grayfia. You should spend as much time with him as possible. Try and get him some pain killers. It'll be easier for the both of you. I'm sorry.

The Doctor walks away as Sirzechs looks into the room. He's sees Millicas in pain even though he's unconscious and Grayfia sobbing with both hands on her face. Sirzechs leans against the doorway with a look of despair on his face.

Sirzechs: 'What have you done?'

???: 'He was weak. He's not worthy of this power'

Sirzechs: 'He's my son.'

???: 'And you can always try for another child. Now focus. You have work to do. Everything will be fine.'

Sirzechs: ...

Sirzechs eyes slightly glowed red until they back to their normal color as he stood up straight and walked away with a cold look on his face.

A/N: Sorry about the late update. Tell me what you think?

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