An Unforgettable Memory

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D/N Pov.

Rias and her peerage were all leaning forward waiting for me to tell them Why my son hates the church. to be honest, after what they did i hate them as well. They've brought nothing but pain to my family. Even with my past I hated them even more after that day.

D/N: Ok. However, anything that you hear from me is not to be repeated no matter what. Understand?

Rias: We promise.

Everyone nodded and looked at me with genuine concern.

D/N: Alright.

//Flashback \\

Back when we lived in Kyoto, Y/N was a very shy boy. Even when he was in school he didn't socialize with his classmates. He was a bit  of an outcast due to his long hair. He didn't have any friends for a long time. A few months passed and he met his fiancé. His life was turning up a bit. She made a huge impact on his life. Then one day in middle school, he met a boy with black hair. His name was Keita. At first he seemed like a normal kid. He was Y/N's best friend. Until, "it" happened.

Young Y/N Pov.

I was walking home from school with Keita. He lived close to my house so we usually walked home together. My arm tends to slightly sting whenever we hang out. I told mom and dad about it, but they said it's probably just my muscles growing. I brush it off and continue walking.

Keita: Hey Y/N, are you ok.

I look over and see Keita looking at me with his usual smile.

Keita: You're spacing out again.

Y/N: It's nothing. Just my arm acting up again.

Keita: Don't worry about it so much. You're just growing.

Y/N: I know, but something's telling me it's something else. I don't know.

Keita: Well if it's bothering you let's figure out. It's the weekend so we can look online if there's anything like what you're feelin, and if we don't find anything then there's nothing to worry about. Let's get some books and meet up at the tree fort tomorrow.

Y/N: Thanks for this Keita.

Keita: No problem. That's what friends are for.

We continued walking for some time and eventually I made it home. When I walked in I noticed that my parents shoes were at the entrance.

Y/N: I'm home!

M/N: Welcome back. How was school?

Y/N: Fine.

D/N: How's Keita doing.

Y/N: He's doing alright. We're going to the tree fort tomorrow.

D/N: That's nice.

Y/N: That reminds me, mom do you have any books on arm pains.

M/N: Sweetie, we talked about this, you're just growing and you body will be in pain sometimes.

Y/N: But it's just my arm. Everything else feels fine. Please mom.

M/N: *sigh* Alright, but if you don't find anything you need to drop this, ok?

Y/N: Ok.

M/N: Good. Now go and wash your hands. Dinner's almost ready.

3rd pov.

The next day, Y/N and Keita were seen in a tree house ion the woods with a bunch of books on medical conditions involving the arm. As the went through a bunch of them they didn't find anything useful so they were just sitting there thinking. Y/N held out his right arm and looked at it.

Y/N: I just don't get it. What could be wrong?

Keita: I don't know.

Keita looked at Y/N and saw the frustration in his eyes. Keita looked down at his hands and clenched them. He then stood up and started to leave the tree house. Y/N saw this and looked at him confused.

Y/N: Where are you going?

Keita: I want to show you something. Come on.

Y/N followed Keita outside. They were a few feet away from the tree fort and stopped. Keita turned around and looked at Y/N.

Y/N: What're you going to show me?

Keita: What you're about to see has been a secret that I've had for a few years now. I want you to promise me not to tell anyone. Not even your parents.

Y/N: Ok.

Keita: Y/N, I need you to say it. Please.

Y/N: ... I promise I wont tell anyone.

Keita then took a deep breath as two black feathered wings sprouted from his back. Y/N looked in awe as Keita looked down with nervousness.

Keita: I'm not exactly human.

Keita looked up and saw Y/N still staring at him.

Keita: Well? Say something.

Y/N: That's. So. Cool!

Keita looked surprised. he didn't think Y/N would be so excited about his wings.

Keita: What?

Y/N: How do you have wings? Wait. What did you mean by "Not exactly human?" Are you an alien? Do you have superpowers? What other powers do you have?

Keita: W-wait. Slow down for a minute. You're not freaked out by this?

Y/N: Are you kidding!? This is the coolest thing ever! Do your parents have wings too?

A smile slowly started to creep onto Keita's face as he sat down and began to explain everything about the supernatural to Y/N. Needless to say that Y/N was still greatly confused about all of the information he was told, he did still manage to grasp the basics of it.

Y/N: I still can't believe that all of that stuff is real. That's amazing.

Keita: Now that you know I think it's best that we don't hang out anymore.

Y/N: Huh? Why?

Keita: Well I'm a fallen angel. We're practically monsters in the eyes of everyone. Since you hang out with me you could be put into danger. Your family could get hurt.

Y/N: Nah.

Keita: What? What do you mean "Nah"?

Y/N: Well you said I could have this "power" in me, right? All I have to do is unlock it by getting stronger. Once I do, I can protect you too.

Keita: Y/N, there's people that are much stronger than you. They're stronger than me. You can't get that kind of power over night.

Y/N: That may be, but You're my best friend.

Keita: Then let's make a promise. We'll become the strongest in the whole world. That way we can protect each other. Deal?

Y/N: Deal.

Keita and Y/N smiled at each other. This was the beginning of Y/N's journey, but not all things were well. The two boys didn't know that a figure wearing a cloak was looking right at them with a phone against their ear as they spoke through it.

???: Yes. 

I believe I found him. 

He's currently with a human boy. 

Shall I kill him?

But he's human.

I understand.

Very well.

We will deal with them.


A few days passed and Kieta was helping Y/N figure out how to unlock his power with no luck. His parents didn't even know what they were up to, but they figured that they were just playing at the tree fort. While they were outside there were more hooded figures around the area. One pulled out a bow and drew an arrow pointed at Keita.

Keita: Alright. Now that we finished stretching let's try and use magi-


Keita stopped mid sentence as his smile dropped. Y/N looked over at him confused.

Y/N: Keita? Are you ok?

Keita slowly looked over his shoulder and saw an arrow lodged in his back. At that moment he dropped to the ground and screamed in pain. Y/N saw this and rushed over to him. Y/N was panicking and Keita was crying the hooded figures took this opportunity to strike. Four rushed the area and retrained Y/N by pinning him to the ground away from Keita. A fifth one walked out from the trees and unsheathed a holy sword from within their cloak.

???: You know kids, I thought you were going to make this harder for us. Thanks for this.

The swordsman raised his sword as its glow intensified.

Y/N: Let us go!

The swordsman looked at Y/N and lowered his sword.

???: You didn't have to go through this kid. If you just kept to yourself you wouldn't have had to die, but be happy knowing that the lord will forgive you once you reach the afterlife.

Y/N: We didn't do anything, so just leave us alone!

The figure that had Y/N pinned then adjusted his arm and dislocated it. Y/N was flailing while screaming in pain by this. The figure pinning  him spoke with an irritated voice that was female.

???2: How dare you! We're giving you a quick death so you my know peace and you reject our gift to you. The lord may forgive a fool, but he certainly won't forgive someone as stupid as you boy!

Keita: Stop it! It's me you want. Just stop hurting him.

???: You'd give yourself up to save a boy you damned? If you think forgiveness will be bestowed upon your death, then you are mistaken. Whether you were born a fallen or you fell from grace, you're nothing more than an abomination that plagues this world. Now die.

The sword glowed once more as he lifted it to the sky. Y/N looked in horror as Keita looked at him and smiled and mouthed one last sentence.

Keita: 'Sorry Y/N. Get stronger, for the both of us'

The sword then swung down and in that instant, Keita turned into a pile of black feathers. At that moment time seemed to stand still for Y/N. He kept looking at black feathers that fell to the ground and the blood on the sword. At that moment something snapped within Y/N. Smoke started to come off of his body as he reached for the feathers. The exorcists saw this and prepared to kill him. Y/N's mouth was open, but no sound came out. Tears would flow, but would turn to steam in an instant. Hs eyes started to glow red until he screamed in agony and a bright green light shone around him.

A green pulse came from the dome of light as the temperature increased causing the grass to burn and some of the trees catch on fire. The tree house was set ablaze since it was so close as well. The five figure covered their faces as a voice boomed from the dome.

???: I am the mighty. The Infinite cowers before me and the great flees from me. I shall destroy your dream and shatter your pride. With each step, hell shall shake. With each roar the heavens shall cry. I am the invincible. I am the mighty. I shall destroy all of those who stand before me.

The dome explodes and smoke is all that can be seen. Within the smoke two glowing green eyes open.

???: So Pray.

A massive roar blows away the flames and the smoke revealing a massive behemoth of a monster as the exorcists look in shock and awe.

At that moment the exorcists recollected themselves and armed themselves with their weapons and attacked. However all of their efforts would be in vain. The first one held a battle axe and swung down on its head, but the monster didn't flinch. He pushed himself away and landed a few feet away. He was going to attack again, but stopped when he noticed a green slime like substance on axe. After a few seconds it went from green to red. He looked closer as if he was mesmerized as it then blew up in his face. Smoke came from his face as he dropped the battle axe and fell face first onto the grace with blood pouring out.

???: You bastard!!!

The one with the bow started firing a volley of arrows at the monster which simply were deflected off of its body. she got behind it and kept firing only to notice a shadow above her. As soon as she looks up she sees a massive club like tail slam down on top of her. It lifts up, leaving her in a slime puddle as she breathes shallowly and looks at the beast who is now looking at her. As soon as they make eye contact the puddle starts to glow bright red as she reaches for the beast.

???: Please.

It continues to watch as the exorcist screams in fear as she explodes, leaving nothing behind except for her bow. the beast now looks at the last three exorcists who haven't moved yet.

???: We need to find a weak point. Try and get under it.

???2/???3: Yes sir.

The two exorcists pulled out a pair of daggers and a spear and dashed forward towards the beast while it lifted one of its drill like arms and slammed it down. The two dodged easily and got underneath the monster. They looked around and tried to find something to attack and felt the ground rumble. The beast then stood up on to feet and raised its right fist and slammed it down towards the ground. The two exorcists dodged the attack, but they got slime on their cloaks. They threw them away before they exploded and burnt up. When they landed it was revealed that the two of them were twins both with blank looks on their faces. The dashed once again towards the monster only for it to continue punching the same spot on the ground in quick succession. the ground started to crack and break apart as the slime started to spread out. The exorcist with the sword yelled at them.

???: You two, get back here now!

But it was too late. With one last punch the ground blew up taking out the twin exorcists, leaving the one by himself with the beast. The two looked at each other. The exorcist looked in fear as the beast just looked at him. The man held his sword in front of him in both of his hands as he closes his eyes.

???: Dear God, give me strength. Grant me the power to strike down this wicked beast and avenge my fallen comrades. Let your divine will guide my hand to victory!

The holy sword glowed bright as steam started to come off of it. The exorcist opened his eyes then jumped high into the air as the beast looked up. As the man swung his holy sword down the beast opened its mouth revealing its many teeth. Once the man was in range it slammed it's jaw shut. Blood poured from its mouth as the exorcists arm hung from outside fell off. The beast then spat him out. The man was mangled, barely alive, and still holding the holy sword. The beast walked over to the exorcist and stood over him. The man glared at the beast.

???: God will smite you for this crime!

The beast looked down and got closer to the exorcists face.

Beast: He will try.

The mans' eyes widened as the beast then lifted its arm and slammed it down on the man, killing him. The slime once again glowed red and blew up leaving only a now broken holy sword on the ground. The beast looks at the black feathers as it's eyes start to glow red. It raises its head and lets out an ungodly roar.

[Stop Music]

A light shines once more as it engulfs the monster. Once it dies down Y/N is seen laying down in the burnt grass with a dark blue gauntlet with green glowing markings on it. A few minutes pass and Y/N's dad comes running towards the area. When he arrives he sees the destroyed land and his son unconscious on the ground.

D/N: Y/N!

He runs over and sees him completely unharmed, but then he notices the gauntlet on his arm. He tries to take it off, but fails. He picks him up and carries him back home. Within Y/Ns' hand however, is a handful of black feathers.

Present 3rd. Pov.

D/N: And that's the story. Once he woke up we learned about Brachydios and the supernatural. Brach filled us in on everything. Since then he never trusted the church or anyone associated with them.

Rias: We never knew he-

Asia: Y/N.

Issei: Dammit!

Issei got up and was pacing back and forth.

Issei: First Kiba and now Y/N!

Koneko: Calm down perv.

Issei: Don't tell me to calm down!

Rias and her peerage were taken back by the outburst.

Issei: When I lost Asia it felt like a part of me died, and when I got her back it was better, but I always hated myself after that day. Even after all of my hard work I still wasn't strong enough to save her. I still feel weak. Useless. Don't tell me you don't feel the same way!

Koneko didn't say anything and looked away from Issei.

Issei : You can deny it all you want, but you know that deep down it's the truth.

Issei then walked over to the front door and opened it.

Rias: Where do you think you're going?

Issei: I'm finding Kiba and Y/N and I'm bringing them back.

Rias: Issei, I told you not to. As your king I forbid you to get involved.

Issei stopped and looked straight ahead. No one could see his face.

Issei: Then I guess I'm a stray now. I'm finding my friends, and I'm bringing them back, with or without any of you.

Rias' eyes widened as Issei Slammed the door and ran off. Rias got up from the couch and opened the door, only to see the Issei wasn't anywhere to be see.

D/N: He'll be fine.

Rias: Fine? How can you say that!?

D/N: He's a strong kid deep down. He just doesn't know it yet.

Akeno: So what do we do now?

D/N: I think you all know.

They look at him, confused on what he said. He got up and walked over to Rias. He looked at her with a gentle smile.

D/N: Here's some life advice. Sometimes doing what's right "is" doing what's wrong.

Rias looked outside for a moment, thinking about what she was told until she had this new found determination in her eyes.

Asia: Rias?

Rias: Let's get going girls.

Koneko: Where are we going?

Rias: To get our family back.

Asia Akeno and Koneko smiled as they left the house Rias stepped outside, and before she left she turned and smiled at D/N.

Rias: Thank you.

D/N: You may be spoiled, but your not stupid.

Rias: I promise I'll bring your son back home.

D/N: I'll hold you to that. By the way, why are exorcists here?

Rias: Some of the fragments of Excalibur were stolen and hidden away her by a fallen angel named Kokabiel. He's extremely dangerous, The exorcists are here to retrieve the fragments and deal with Kokabiel.

D/N: They don't stand a chance do they.

Rias: No. I don't believe they do.

D/N: Thanks for telling me. Good luck.

Rias: Thank you once again.

D/N closed the door and took a deep breath. He walked upstairs and into his bedroom. He opened his closet and pulled out a trunk with multiple locks on them. Once all of the locks were undone he opened it up and saw a cloth covering something. He lifted the cloth revealing the weapons that the exorcists from the past had and a long coat with a mask on top of it.

D/N: No rest for the wicked it seems.

A/N: Sorry for taking so long. Tell me what you think.

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