The Search

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Y/N Pov.

I'm currently on the church grounds after finding the two exorcists. I held Excalibur Destruction in my hand wrapped in cloth. I took a deep breath and opened the door. I walked in and saw some things in one of the pews. Not wanting to stick around I leaned the holy sword up against one of the pews and walked out before either of them noticed.

Brachy: You did the right thing.

Y/N: I hate doing the right thing. Now what?

Brachy: Go home.

Y/N: No. Not yet at least. With Kokabiel still at large he no doubt would use mom and dad to get to me. We need to find him before he finds us.

Brachy: How do you plan on doing that?

Y/N took a moment to think of a way to locate Kokabiel. After a few minutes an idea came to him. One that made him smile.

Y/N: We do it the old fashioned way.

Brachy was a little confused, but once he looked into his hosts' mind he knew exactly what was going on.

Brachy: Hehehe. Haven't done that in a long time.

Y/N: Can you still do it?

Brachy: I may be old, but I'm not useless.

Y/N: So when can we get started?

Brachy: When do you want to start?

Y/N closed his eyes and opened them. In that split second when he opened his eyes, they flashed from a light green to red with slits. 

3rd. Pov.

Meanwhile with Issei, he called Saji a little while after he ran away and was currently sitting in a diner waiting for his friend to show up After a few minutes and ordering some food, Saji showed up and Issei waved him over.

Saji: So, what's so important that you had to call me over.

Issei: I need your help with something.

Saji: Something wrong?

Issei: Kiba's gone missing along with Y/N. I need your help to find them.

Saji: Are you kidding me? If Kiba ran away that makes him a stray devil, and Y/N's one of the Dragon Killers. He'll be fine.

Issei: Dragon Killer?

Saji: You mean, you don't know?

Issei: Know what?

Saji: I'll tell you about it later. Bottom line is, I'm not going to help you save a wanted man.

Issei: Come on man, please. Kiba only wants to destroy the Excalibur fragments.

Saji: Isn't that the exorcists job?

Issei: It's a lot more complicated than that. Apparently Kiba was a survivor of something called "The Holy Sword Project". Apparently some crazy priest was killing kids to find holy sword users. So many of his friends died and he was the only one to make it out. As for the exorcists, Rias doesn't think they'll be able to complete their mission. If we help them then we can get Kiba back and help him with his Excalibur problem. Not only that, but We'd be able to keep the two exorcists safe.

Saji wiped away a tear from his eye and looked back at Issei.

Saji: Damnit. Fine, but we end up biting off more than we can chew, we're heading back to our peerages and we're not telling Rias or Sona anything. Me just being here is enough to get me in trouble.

Issei: Thanks man. I appreciate this.

Saji: Yeah, yeah. So where are these exorcists we're supposed to help?

Issei scratched the back of his head and looked away from Saji with a nervous smile on his face.

Issei: I don't really know.

Saji: What?

Issei: I didn't get that far in my plan so I didn't bother looking for them.

Saji: You're a real piece of work. Come on. Let's start looking.

The two pawns then left the diner and started walking down the street in hopes of finding the exorcists. Their search however didn't last long when Issei saw then begging for money on the street while Issei also noticed that Xenovia had her sword back.

The they approached the exorcists as they noticed them.

Issei: What are two doing here?

Xenovia: We were given funds for this mission, but Irina spent all of our money on a fake painting we didn't need.

Irina: I'm telling you that this is a genuine painting of a famous saint.

Saji: It looks like a dog in a robe.

Irina: It's a saint!

Xenovia: What do you two want?

Issei and Saji looked at each other for a moment before Issei stepped forward and held out his hand.

Issei: We want to help you destroy the Excalibur.

Irina and Xenovia both tilted their heads while looking at Issei in confusion.

Irina/Xenovia: Huh?

We skip back to the diner that Issei and Saji were at, but now Xenovia and Irina are both eating large portions of food. After they finished praying the both indulged in the feast before them. Issei and Saji just finished recovering from their headaches as Saji looked back at his now empty wallet.

Irina: This must be a blessing from the lord himself.

Saji: Even though I paid for all of this?

Xenovia: Though I'm not fond of receiving help from devils this is nice treat to have.

Irina: Oh stop that Xenovia. Just say thank you. Even though they're devils, they offered to give us food. It's a nice thing to do. Anyways, what was that about helping us.

Issei: Look I know you told us that you didn't want our help, but some stuff came up and made it personal. So I figured that since we both have a common goal then that means we could work together and destroy the Excalibur.

Xenovia: Very well.

Issei: Come on! Wait what?

Irina: Xenovia!

Xenovia: He's right. Even though it is "our" mission we were told to stop Kokabiel. It would be better that we destroy the sword and the enemy. Plus I doubt we would succeed with just the two of us. Let's face it Irina. We need the extra help, and I am willing to accept it.

Irina, Issei and Saji were surprised by this. They all thought she would be against it.

Irina: *sigh* You know Xenovia, you're a real mystery some times. Alright, I'm in. We do need the extra help.

Saji: You mean you didn't have a plan?

Irina and Xenovia looked away, slightly blushing.

Irina: The truth is, we don't know anything about this place. We kind of just hoped that it would be any easy find.

Xenovia: What she's trying to say is that we have no idea where Kokabiel or the Excalibur could be.

Saji: You have got to be kidding me.

Issei: Do you have any leads?

Irina: There is one. We were told that a stray priest could be associated with him. He would go around killing priests and nuns in the area.

Issei: I think I know who you're talking about. Freed.

Xenovia: Correct. He was known for ruthlessly killing anyone he deemed unworthy of forgiveness in his eyes. If we can find him, we could find Kokabiel or the missing fragments.

Issei was pondering about what to do until the metaphorical lightbulb above his head lit up.

Issei: I think I have an idea.

Meanwhile with Rias and the others they were walking back to the O.R.C.

Asia: Rias? Aren't we going to find Issei and Kiba? 

Rias: Indeed we are Asia.

Asia: Then why are we heading towards the O.R.C.?

Akeno: When a member of a peerage goes missing, the king can track the missing piece and find out where they are.

Asia: Like a tracking device?

Akeno: Precisely. Then once we find them we can teleport to them.

Asia: If that's true then why didn't we try this with Kiba?

Koneko: Kiba may be a knight, but he knows how to stay hidden. Thanks to his demonic sword he can mask the energy that comes from his piece. As for the perv, he's still weak and hardly knows how to control that kind of power, let alone hide it. When we find him however, we could also find Kiba.

Asia: That's a lot to take in, but if it means we can find Issei and Kiba then we should hurry.

Rias: Patience Asia. If we rush the process we won't be able to pin point on their Issei and we might end up somewhere else.

While they were walking, they saw Sona standing outside of the O.R.C.

Rias: Sona? What are you doing here?

Sona: I'm sorry to bother you Rias but, have you seen Saji recently?

Rias: No. Is something wrong?

Sona: I haven't heard from him ever since after school. He hasn't been responding to my messages, and I can't hone in on his location.

Rias: Wait. When did this happen exactly?

Sona: About a hour or so after school.

Rias: There's no need to panic then. Issei went to look for Kiba and I'm guessing he asked Saji for help. I was about to look for Issei myself.

Sona: Then do you mind if I join you. If Saji is with issei then I need to have a talk with him.

Rias: By all means. I too wish to speak with my pawn as well.

As everyone walked inside of the O.R.C. they prepared to find their missing members. Meanwhile with Y/Ns' dad he's seen running on rooftops with his mask on and his overcoat concealing the weapons as he looks around. He suddenly stops and looks at the street below him and sees Issei along with Saji, Xenovia, and Irina all walking down the street with Priest and nun clothes on. D/N then pulled out a flip phone and started messaging someone.

D/N: It's me. I'm calling in the favor.

A.D.: Now? What's the occasion.

D/N: It doesn't matter. You owe me. Or do I need to remind you who I am?

A.D.: ... Alright. What do you need.

D/N: Word on the street says you can get me a Pseudo Sacred Gear. I need one that can keep up with me.

A.D.: I'll see what I can find.

D/N: You have one hour. You know where to find me. Don't be late.

He then closed the phone and put it in his pocket. He looked back down at the others and mumbled to himself.

D/N: What the hell is going on in this town.

A/N: One more chapter before my birthday. Tell me what you think.

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