The Crow Hunt

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Y/N Pov.

I was currently running along rooftops following the trail Brachy found. It was a scent of blood as I was running, I saw Issei, Koneko, Saji, and the two exorcists all dressed in priest and nun costumes. At first, I was confused, but then I realized that they were doing the same thing. I was going to stop them, but then I realized that they could lead me to Kokabiel. I landed on a roof not too far from them and watched them from a distance.

Bachy: Aren't you going to help them?

Y/N: No. They're going to help us. If I know Kokabiel, he'll approach them to draw out Rias and Sona.

Brachy: I never liked that war monger. He always looked at us funny.

Y/N: Hm.

Brachy: What's up?

Y/N: None of this makes sense.

Brachy: What do you mean? He wants to start another war.

Y/N: I know, but why now? What's so important about attacking now? He could have done that whenever he wanted.

Brachy: I can't really answer that kid. He may be a war monger, but he was also one of the best tactical geniuses within the Grigoris' ranks. It has to be important if he waited this long.

As he watches the devils roam the streets in their disguises, he sees a man with a crazy look on his face show up in front of them.

I couldn't hear him, but I knew he was my lead to Kokabiel. He then pulled out what I can only assume is an Excalibur fragment. As he started fighting the others I was going to jump and help out, but someone showed up along with him. A man with a hell of a record with the church.

Y/N: Valper Galilei. What are you doing here?

Brachy: Must be because of the Excalibur fragments.

Y/N: But there's no way That guy is worthy. He's insane. He looks like the kind of guy that would laugh at a dead puppy.

As soon as the crazy man was being pushed back, Valper told him something. Suddenly the man got a large burst of power. The crazy guy and started fighting the others. His power up made him capable of fighting all of them together. Eventually they were pushed back, but suddenly Kiba showed up and countered Freed. A magic circle appeared on the ground and Rias and the rest of her peerage showed up ready to battle. After some talking, he appeared, Kokabiel.

Y/N: And there he is.

Brachy: The man of the hour.

Brachy: I never liked his face.

Y/N: Why?

Brachy: It's weirdly jagged.

Kokabiel then started talking about starting a new great war, which I knew was going to be a disaster for everyone, and not just the supernatural, but the normal humans as well. With his big villain speech over he then teleports away. I close my eyes and focus on finding him. I sensed a powerful presence at the school.

Y/N: Must've gone there.

Brachy: Makes sense. With two devil heiresses there it'll be natural to have the fight be there.

Y/N: To draw them both out to the same place.

Brachy: If we hurry, we can stop him from killing them.

Y/N: Right. Let's get going.

3rd. Pov.

Currently back at the school, Sona and her peerage were holding up a barrier to keep Kokabiel while Rias and her peerage were fighting off a Cerberus that Kokabiel had summoned. Meanwhile, Valper and Freed were combining the fragments of Excalibur. As everyone was fighting, a bright light erupted from the sword.

Valper: Finally! It's done! Go on Freed. Show these pests what the Excalibur is truly capable of!

Freed With pleasure!

Freed dashed out to the battlefield with the same twisted smile on his face. He was going for Rias until he was intercepted by Kiba.

Kiba: I won't let either of you get any closer to them.

Freed: Ooo~. This devil trash can bark, but how good is your bite!?

Freed and Kiba went to clash blades. The Excalibur was too strong however. Every time Kiba swung his swords at Excalibur, they broke almost immediately. 

Freed: Hahahahahaha! This is incredible! Do you see now little devil trash!? Nothing you do will ever be enough to stop my Excalibur.

Kiba: 'Damnit. I need to stop him. I can't let anyone else die because of that thing.'

Every one of Kibas' swords broke just from grazing the holy sword. Freed eventually got the upper hand and kicked Kiba away.

Freed: As much as I would love to continue this little game of ours, I really need to get back to work, but don't you worry. I'll be back to finish you off later.

Freed then dashes to Rias with the Excalibur raised above his head.

Kiba: Rias!

She turned to look only to see Freed right in front of her with a crazy smile on his face. He swung down.


Everyone froze. Time seemed to stand still as the dust began to settle. Strands of Rias' hair and fragments of her uniform were all that remained.

Kokabiel: Hahahaha! All that bravado about stopping me, and she dies so quickly. Well, I suppose we should let the devil forces in.

???: Oh? And what makes you think that's a good idea?

Everyone looked over to the side and saw a man in some kind of coat while wearing a mask that had flames coming off of it. He held a black katana in his hand with a long chain attached to the hilt.

Rias: Who are you?

???: Don't worry about that. I'll take it from here.

Kokabiel: And who might you be?

???: Nobody special, but I can't have you destroying Kuoh.

Kokabiel: Hahahaha! Even though you're human, you still believe you have what it takes to stop me!? You are either overconfident or as foolish as the rest of your worthless race!

???: I wouldn't call it either to be honest.

Kokabiel: Hm? Then what would you call it then?

???: Defiance.

Kokabiel: Defiance huh? Well, honesty is said to be the best medicine. I suppose I should come clean as well.

Rias: What are you talking about!?

Kokabiel: Oh, nothing special really, but tell me, have you ever wondered how a former member of the church was able to heal a devil. Something like shouldn't be possible.

Asia: Miracles happen all the time. I was blessed to help everyone I can.

Kokabiel: A miracle!? Hahahaha!!! More like an omen!

Asia: What do you mean.

Suddenly a bright like was emitting from Kiba as he held a new sword in his hand.

Valper: What!? A sword that contains both holy and demonic energy? Something like that shouldn't exist... Unless. Of course! The only way that it would be possible would be if-


Valper was then impaled by a light spear. Everyone looked at Kokabiel who had his hand out at him.

Kokabiel: Oops.

Rias: How could you do that!? He was your ally!

Kokabiel: My ally? Please. Valper was nothing more than a desperate fool trying to finalize his work. A mere pawn to me. Of course, you would know a lot about that kind of thing, wouldn't you.

Asia slowly stepped forward as she looked at Kokabiel in fear.

Asia: You said my gift was an omen. What did you mean.

Kokabiel: Oh? You mean you still haven't figured it out? The reason you can heal devils, the secret behind your reincarnation, even the young knights' sword over there are all pointing to the same thing.

???: God is dead.

Everyone looked at the masked man with shock. Xenovia was furious by his statement.

Xenovia: How could you spout such a lie!?

Kokabiel: Because it's true. Without his influence, anomalies like this are bound to happen. Michael has been doing his best, but things like this are bound to happen every once in a while. Of course, you knew that already didn't you.

???: I did.

Kokabiel: And pray tell, how did you find out.

???: Because it's why I was excommunicated.

Meanwhile with Y/N, he was currently at the school gate and saw a barrier around it. He walked up a noticed that there wasn't any sound of conflict. He looked around and noticed Sona and her peerage outside, supporting the barrier.

Y/N: Sona!

Sona looked and saw Y/N running towards her.

Sona: Y/N, what are you doing here?

Y/N: I came to help, now let me in.

Sona opened a small hole in the portal allowing Y/N to enter.

Y/N: Any idea what's going on?

Sona: Sadly, no. It's been quiet for a while now.

Brachy: That can't be a good sign.

Y/N: Stay put Sona. I'll deal with Kokabiel.

Sona: Be careful, Y/N!

Y/N ran ahead. After a while he made it to the battlefield.

Y/N: Hope you didn't start without me!

Everyone: Y/N!

The masked man didn't even turn his head. He knew that if he pulled his focus away from Kokabiel for even a moment, it could spell disaster. Y/N looked up and saw Kokabiel floating in the air, but he wasn't even acknowledging him as he currently fighting with the masked man. The two clashed in silence as Y/N was simply confused.

Y/N: Who's the masked swordsman? And why is Asia passed out!?

Xenovia: He's dead.

Y/N looked over and saw Xenovia slumped on the ground as her eyes looked dull.

Y/N: Who's dead?

Xenovia: ...God.

Y/N: Oh. Ok.

Xenovia: ...What?

Y/N: I mean, I thought you guys already knew that.

Rias: Y/N, how do you know that?

Y/N: I have my sources, and my sources have sources.

Suddenly the masked man was thrown out of the sky and landed near Y/N.

Y/N: Friend of foe?

???: Friend.

Y/N: How's the fight?

???: He's stronger than I anticipated. You can't pull your punches against him.

More Cerberus were appearing on the battlefield. Y/N saw how exhausted everyone was, but the swordsman spoke up before Y/N could do anything.

???: I'll take the dogs for a walk. You deal with the bird.

Y/N stared silently at the mystery man for a moment until finally speaking.

Y/N: Fine, but I've got some questions for you when this is over.

The swordsman didn't say anything and dashed towards the demon dogs leaving  Y/N who locked eyes with Kokabiel.

Kokabiel: So you are the dragon killer I've heard so much about.

Y/N: It's always nice to know I have a fan.

Kokabiel: *chuckle* Yes, I'm know what you mean. Tell me, why do you fight for them? Your power is much more useful than simply protection. You know that this to be true.

Y/N: You're right about that, but I don't want to. I have a good life. Why would I throw all of it away for a bit of chaos? Sounds like a waste if you ask me, or you're just bored.

Kokabiel: I am bored. All I want to do is reignite the embers from the war to get it going. Let's be honest, peace really doesn't suit us.

Y/N: Maybe it does, maybe it doesn't. It's none of my business. Now, I was told that you're strong. Is that true?

Kokabiel: Indeed. I could easily kill everyone here. Including you.

Y/N: It's been a while since I've had to fight seriously. How long was it?

Brachy: Roughly three years. Back when you were training with, *shudder* her.

Y/N: How exciting.

Rias: What are you going to do?

Y/N: What do you mean? I'm going to fight him.

Rias: I know your strong, but Kokabiel is on a who different level.

Y/N: I know. So what?

Rias: Huh?

Y/N: I know he's strong, but so what?  I'm stronger.

Xenovia: Why?

Y/N: Hm?

Xenovia: Why do you continue to fight a hopeless battle?

Y/N: What makes you think it's hopeless?

Xenovia: God is dead, and the enemy is winning! We don't stand a chance!

Y/N: From what I can see, you're the only one who isn't standing.

Xenovia: What?

Y/N: Even though their hurting and exhausted, everyone is still fighting. They don't need God just to have a reason to fight. They have their own reasons. As for my reason, it's simple. I just want to live a life of peace and quiet, and what better way to achieve that than by being the strongest. If I'm the strongest, no one can take away my peace and quiet. If I'm the strongest, I don't have to make such a racket when I fight. It'll be over quicker than you could say "oops". I want to be strong, so I can protect my happiness. It's just that simple. Now, I think it's time I showed you all just how strong I am.

Y/Ns' Sacred Gear appeared on his arm as it started to glow. The ground started to shake as energy began to swirl around him until he was completely enveloped in it.

Kokabiel: Hahahahahahahahaha!!! Yes! Show me your power! Make this a fight I'll enjoy!

Y/N: Well, you asked for it.

The energy exploded into a large sphere of energy as Brachys' voice rang out

Crushing Gear: Balance Breaker

The sphere exploded revealing Y/N in an obsidian-like armor with a horn protruding from the top of the helmet and green gems on parts of the armor.

Scale Mail

Smoke lifted from the armor as Y/N was in a low crouching position.

Y/N: Get ready.

The ground beneath his feet glowed red as Y/N jumped, leaving an explosion behind him as he was propelled towards Kokabiel. In the blink of an eye, Y/N was in front of Kokabiel with his arm pulled back. Kokabiel was just barely able to put up a guard before Y/N slammed his fist into it. The force from his punch was so strong, it threw Kokabiel down as he made a small crater into the ground. Everyone who was watching was in awe from the full powered human.

Freed: What the?

Kiba: Woah. Was that, Y/N?

Rias: Such power.

Akeno: To think, he's more powerful than a Cadre class.

Y/N landed on the ground and proceeded to casually walk towards the "fallen" angel.

Y/N: You know I'll be honest. Normally, I don't find joy in beating up those weaker than me, but this is surprisingly funny.

Kokabiel, who was still recovering from the attack slowly stood up. He was going to form a light spear, but his arms felt heavy.

Kokabiel: 'What? Why can't I lift my arms? His punch couldn't have been that strong. He's only a human. So how?'

Before he could finish his thought, Y/N dashed forward and punched Kokabiel in the face.

Kokabiel: 'How is he this strong!?'

Y/Ns' pulled his fist back as a spot of green slime was left on Kokabiels' face. In a matter of seconds the slime changed to yellow, and then red, before-


Kokabiels' face exploded throwing him deeper into the tree line. Issei ran over to Y/N ready to fight, but the brawler held his arm up in front of Issei, stopping him.

Y/N: Help our mysterious friend with the dogs. I'll deal with the cadre

Issei: I'm going too.

Y/N: No. You'll stay and help the others.

Issei: But-

Y/N: Listen to me. If those hell hounds break out of the barrier, it'll cause only more damage. Sona and her peerage are holding it up, but they can't do it forever. Your Sacred Gear is better suited for fighting multiple enemies while empowering your friends. Mine works better when it's a one on one fight, and when no one is around.

Issei: But I-

Y/N: Issei, you're the only one I can count on to do this.

Issei looked down as he clenched his fist. He turned around and looked at the swordsman fighting off the beast.

Issei: You better not disappear again. You made everyone worried, so you owe all of us an apology when we're done.

Y/N: Who, me? I would never.

Y/N dashed into the woods as Issei charged into the fight as he activated his boosted gear.


Issei: I'll prove that I can keep up.

Ddraig: Kid?

Issei: Let's go Ddraig!

Ddraig: Right!

Issei looked around and saw that Akeno and Rias were fighting one Cerberus while Koneko and the masked swordsman were fighting another. He noticed that Rias and Akeno needed help, so he went over to them first.


Issei picked up speed and punched the Cerberus making it buckle for a moment. One of the heads looked over at him and tried to bite, but before it could, a bolt of lightning stuck the side of it's head, throwing it off balance.

Akeno: Careful now Issei~.

Rias: Are you alright!?

Issei: Yeah, I'm fine!

Ddraig: Issei, try maxing out your boost and focus it on us!

Issei: I'll try.

Issei then focused on his sacred gear and charged power within it. At the moment, the Cerberus shook it's heads and refocused it's attention on Issei. As the beast lunged at it two swords slashed it at the same time. Landing in front of Issei were Kiba and Xenovia, pointing their swords at the Cerberus.

Issei: Kiba!

Kiba: Sorry I'm late. I had to deal with something.

Rias: You?

Xenovia: As a member of the church it is my duty to protect the innocent human life that resides here. I am willing to make an acceptation and aid you in this battle.

Rias: You're help is greatly appreciated.

"Overboost" "Gift"

Rias and Akeno shuddered at the sudden surge of power from Issei. And launched their attacks towards the beast. Over with Koneko and the masked man, the two were circling the Cerberus as it was trying to keep its eyes on them. The masked man slashed at the beasts back legs, making it buckle. This gave Koneko an opening and she ran up and uppercut one of the heads, but when she was in the air, the other two heads glared at her. they both went to bite her, but Koneko was only able to stop one of them while the other chomped down on her arm.

Koneko: Kyaaaaa!!!

Her scream could be heard by everyone as they looked and saw Konekos' arm caught in the jaws of the Cerberus. The head then threw her up into the air as the other two started to charge a blast of fire in their mouths. 

Rias: Koneko!

The masked man the looked towards Issei and shouted at him.

???: Give me a boost!

Issei: Right

Issei quickly ran over as he gifted the swordsman with the same power he gave Rias and Akeno. The man stayed in a low crouching stance and vanished in the blink of an eye, only to reappear next to Koneko right as the fireballs shot out of the mouths of the beast. The masked man held Koneko under his arm as a red and black energy began to form on the blade of his. As he swung down a wave of energy projected from the slash.

The energy slash cut threw the attack and hit the Cerberus, causing a small explosion that kicked up some dust. The man then appeared on the ground and placed Koneko down next to Asia.

Rias quickly flew over and knelt down next to the unconscious girl.

Rias: Is she-

???: She's fine. She just lost consciousness. We need to focus on the fight.

Just as he said that, a third Cerberus appeared and slowly approached the battlefield.

???: Control that rage and direct it towards the enemy.

The swordsman then ran over and aided Issei against the Cerberus he was previously fighting. Tears started to form under Rias' eyes as she saw Koneko in pain, but at the same time, the mans' words echoed in her head as a new conviction swelled up within her. Kiba and Xenovia were holding their own against one Cerberus. Issei was assisting the swordsman against another one. Rias glared at the third one as she took to the air forming a ball of red energy between her hands and pointing it at the last monster. Akeno noticed this and flew next to her adding her lightning magic to the attack.

Meanwhile, Y/N was running through the woods trying to fins where he punched Kokabiel. After a moment of silence, a light spear came out dashing towards Y/N. Y/N simply looked in the direction. As the light spear made contact with the armor, it simply shattered as Y/N stared at where it came from. He sees Kokabiel with a scowl holding a second light spear in his hand.

Y/N: Ah, there you are.

Kokabiel: How?

Y/N: Hm?

Kokabiel: How are you this strong!? It doesn't make any sense! You're just a human! A weak, pathetic, insignificant, human! You're not supposed to be stronger than any of the supernatural! So how!? How are you this strong!?

Y/N: I trained all day yesterday!

(Flashback of Y/N doing one pushup)

Kokabiel: You think you're being cute!?

Y/N: Bitch, I'm adorable.

Kokabiel rushed towards Y/N as he lifted his hand and slammed a light spear into his shoulder, but the boy was unfazed. As soon as the light spear touched his shoulder it shattered. Y/N the grabbed Kokabiels' wrist and squeezed it, causing the fallen angel to scream out in pain.

Y/N: You see cock and balls, there's a little something you don't understand. You supernatural folk are powerful, don't get me wrong, but you guess were never strong. 

Y/N then crushed Kokabiels' wrist and pulled him to the side to get a grip and his arm twisting and pulling it until he heard a crack, signaling that it was dislocated and broken. Kokabiel knelt down holding his arm as he yelled out in pain.

Y/N: You see, you guys are born with such amazing power. Magic, enhanced senses, physical reinforcement, but not once have any of you trained your body.

Y/N then kicked the fallen angel in the stomach, feeling something break in the process. Kokabiel was then flung through a few trees until he stopped and slumped down with blood trickling out of his mouth as the was seething with anger.

Y/N: But humans? We're born weak, but we can choose to be strong. And even if a select few have a Sacred Gear they chooses how to use it. 

Y/N slowly walked as Kokabiel pushed himself up.

Y/N: I've spent years of my life training to master my power. I simply gained strength along the way. Do you understand now shit for brains. You were never going to beat me.

Kokabiel was furious, in a blind rage, he flew up into the air and over towards the school.

Y/N: Fine then. Make me work for it.

Y/N ran through the trees where he saw Issei and the masked swordsman fighting off one Cerberus, while everyone was getting rid of the other two. Kokabiel was in the air making a massive light spear with his one good hand. As the light spear grew in size, its radiance gained everyone's attention.

Issei: What the hell!?

Rias: If he launches that attack, it'll kill us all! Akeno!

Akeno: Right.

Akeno and Rias combined their attack and launched it at Kokabiel, but he simply kicks the attack away. The two girls charged towards him only for him to vanish and reappear above the school with the light spear still growing.

Kiba and Xenovia who were holding back the Cerberus looked in shock.

Kiba: So fast.

Xenovia: Even I couldn't keep up with his movements, and he wasn't even using magic to move.

Koneko: We still have to finish off these Cerberus. Rias, what do we do!?

Rias: I... I don't know, but we can't give up!

Y/N: That's the spirit. Even in the face of utter defeat, never give up. Never surrender!

Rias: Y/N! You're stronger than him right!? Could you stop him?

Y/N: I could.

Rias: Excellent.

Y/N: But I won't.

Rias: What?

Y/N exited his balance breaker as he looked up at Kokabiel with a smirk on his face.

Rias: Y/N, what are you doing!?

Y/N: Waiting.

Rias: Y/N, if we don't stop him, it'll all be over! Please keep fighting him! You're the only one who can do this.

Y/N: No, I don't think I will. Besides, he's got it from here.

Suddenly a loud crash could be heard form above. As everyone looks to the sky, Y/N smiles while everyone else looks in awe as the barrier surrounding the school is completely destroyed and a figure in white armor with glowing blue wings descends to the battlefield.

Kokabiel froze as he stared at the mysterious flying individual. The figure held out their hand towards Kokabiel and shouted.

???: Divide!

A golden light appeared from this figures' hand as the light spear began to shrink in size until it vanished.

Kokabiel: W-what!?

Y/N: Well, well, well. If it isn't my favorite sparring partner. How've ya been, Vanishing Dragon.

Rias: V-vanishing Dragon?

???: Y/N L/N, the Crushing Wyvern, or would you rather go by your other title?

Y/N: Nah. I'm feeling humble today. How've you been? If I knew you were in town, I would've found some time for us to catch up.

???: Unfortunately, I'm here on business.

Issei: Y/N, who is this guy? A friend of yours?

Y/N: Issei, that is your greatest foe.

Issei: Huh!?

Rias: That's the white dragon emperor. His power is the polar opposite of the red dragon emperor. Where the boosted gear can boost your own strength, he can halve it and make it his own. In the legends, the two are destined to fight to the death until only one is victorious. It has been this way since before they became Sacred Gears.

???: It appears you are well informed. Yes, I am Albion, the White Dragon Emperor. I'm here on  by Azazel to capture and apprehend Kokabiel. If you get in my way, I won't hesitate to eliminate you.

Y/N: Knock yourself out buddy. I already had my fun.

Rias: Hang on one moment!

Albion: Hm?

Rias: Kuoh is overseen by myself and Sona Shitori! Kokabiel was targeting the both of us to start a new war between the factions. It's our responsibility to protect this place and prevent the conflict.

Albion looked around and noticed the destruction along with how everyone was exhausted.

Albion: If you wanted to prevent a war, you should've been stronger, because from what I can tell,  you didn't stand a chance.

Kokabiel: That bastard Azazel sent you? I assure you boy, I won't be going back to the Grigori.

Albion: That wasn't up for discussion. Besides, you're in no condition to defy the Grigori anymore.

Albion then dashed towards Kokabiel and gut punched him, but the White Dragon Emperor wasn't done. Albion carried the fallen angel into the air in a flash of light and slammed him into the ground.

Kokabiel: You damn dragon!

Albion: Silence.

Albion then grabbed the Cadres' wings and ripped them off.

Kokabiel: Aaaahhhhhhh!!!!!

Albion: What did I say.

The one swift punch Albion slammed Kokabiels' head into the ground, knocking him out. The White Dragon the picked the fallen up and carried him under his arm. As he was about to leave, a new voice rang out from Isseis' arm.

Ddraig: Ignoring me, White One?

Albion: So you are alive, Red One. I'm surprised. I almost didn't sense you.

Ddraig: This isn't exactly how I was hoping we'd meet each other again.

Albion: It's fine. We're destined to face each other someday. Coincidences do happen. It was nice to meet your wielder Ddraig., but I'm afraid we must part ways for now. Until next time.

Ddraig: Yeah. Until next time.

With that, Albion flew into the air as a flash of light. Everyone finally was able to breath as the battle was over. Y/N looked around and saw the devastation that was wrought. He noticed Asia wake up and immediately began to heal Koneko. Everyone gathered around and started to talk with each other about what just transpired. Sone and her peerage came over to check on everyone. Y/N was about to leave, but he then noticed that the swordsman was gone. This surprised him, since he wasn't expecting him to vanish, or even be unsensible.

Y/N: Who do you think they were?

Brachy: It's hard to say, but they could be a Yokai that lives here.

Suddenly, a boy with red hair and black wings sprouting from his back landed not to far from Y/N and bent his knee in front of him, throwing everyone else off guard.

???: I apologize for being late Lord Y/N. I was sent by lady Yasaka to report our findings.

Y/N: Oh. You must be the tengu she sent.

???: Indeed. My name was lost long ago, so I carry the name of the sword I carry. You may call me Muramasa.

Y/N: You mean the legendary demon sword!?

Muramasa: The same one.

Y/N: Well, it's nice to meet you. So, what did you find.

Muramasa stood up as Rias rushed over.

Muramasa: From what we could gather, the liquid that was collected didn't belong to any of the elder dragons from within the Shinto, so we decided to research more, "foreign" possibilities.

Rias: And what did you find?

Muramasa: Nothing.

Y/N: What?

Muramasa: The liquid did not belong to nay elder dragons that had been recorded within the human realm. Since we hit a dead end, we contacted the Phenex clan to see if there were any records of dragons within the underworld.

Rias: The only dragons that should be in the underworld are reincarnated.

Muramasa: That may be true, but were asked for information on any dragons that were "from" the underworld.

Y/N: And?

Muramasa: From what we were able to gather, there is only one. A beast whose name we couldn't uncover, but instead, a title that dates back to before the great biblical war.

Y/N: What was it?

Muramasa: The Black Crown.

A/N: Guess who's back? That's right. I'm working on this bitch again. Sorry for being away for so long. I'm also going to look through this and make a few minor changes. The story won't be that different. Just a few Bold words here and there. Anyway, hope you liked this chapter, and for those of you who do know what The Black Crown is, Please, don't spoil it for the others.

See ya later.

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