Friends both new and old

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Y/N Pov.

School has been alright for the past few days. Only problem is that the boys of the school are a bunch of perverts. I've got nothing against perversion, but it sometimes gets a bit annoying. They all ask me the same thing. " What part of her body do you like the most? Have you two already done it? How developed is she?" The list goes on and on. And to make matters worse there are devils here. I thought we moved here to get away from all of that. However there was one saving grace. A girl that goes to this school who also happens to be in my class. She may be a devil, but I can tell she still has her humanity.

Her name's Asia, but everyone at the school calls her 'The Angel of Kuoh', and I don't blame them. She's the nicest and most normal person here. When I first came here she was the first person to approach me and welcome me to the school. If I wasn't engaged I would definitely want to marry her. She was also the first official friend I made here. She's mainly the only reason I make it through the day. I've been told that Riser was getting married to a Gremory. He didn't sound thrilled about it. I didn't want to pry so I dropped it. Brachy told me that the Gremory family was not to be trusted. I took his word for it, Little did I know at the time that Rias Gremory goes to my school. Woop-dee-doo. I've noticed some student kept looking at me funny. I can only assume that they're apart of her peerage. As usual, I'm being targeted by hot shot devils who only want me for my power. Which leads us to now. I'm currently sitting in class trying not to fall asleep when suddenly the door opens and a student with long hair and glasses steps inside.

???: I'm sorry to interrupt, but is Y/N L/N here?

Teacher: Yeah he is. L/N!

Y/N: Huh?

Teacher: Someone is here to see you.

As I walk up I look and see someone I've never met before.

Y/N: Um, sorry but, who are you?

Tsubaki: My name is Tsubaki. I'm a member of the Student Council. Our president would like to speak with you for a moment if you don't mind.

Y/N: Now?

Tsubaki: We would set up a meeting for a later date, but we're very busy and have little time to do these kind of things. Now would be the best time to have this little meeting with her.

Y/N: Well when you put it like that.

Tsubaki: Thank you for understanding. Please follow me.

As we were walking I noticed that she was a devil too. This led me to believe that one of two things were going to happen.

A: I was going to be ambushed and they'll try to force me to join a peerage.

B: They have no idea who I am and what power I have and this meeting is about school.

Once we got there I walked inside. It looked like a normal office to me. At the desk up ahead was another girl with short cut hair and glasses doing paperwork. She didn't notice us at first. Tsubaki walked up to the front of the desk.

Tsubaki: Sona, I brought him.

The girl named Sona stood up from behind the desk and walked towards me. Once I got a better look at her.

Sona: Hello there Y/N. My name is Sona Shitori. I'm the school's Student Council President. it's nice to officially meet you.

Y/N: You too but, why am I here now?

Sona: Please, take a seat.

Sona points to a couch and sits in a chair on the opposite side of it. We go and sit down as Tsubaki pours us some tea.

Sona: Now the main reason why I called you here was to verify some information your parents sent us when you moved.

Y/N: Oh! Ok.

Sona: Now it said that you moved from Kyoto.

Y/N: Yeah. Due to my dad's work we had to move here. I wasn't thrilled with the idea since all of my friends were in Kyoto, but with some help from my family I managed to adjust pretty well.

Soan: Well I'm glad to hear that. Now are you aware that Kuoh Academy used to be an all girl school?

Y/N: Yeah. It was for a few years.

Sona: Correct. Now I want you to know that with it being a co-ed now many of the boys enrolled here for more personal reasons that are not appropriate for this school. I hope that you respect the girls and rules that this school tries to uphold while not picking up any habits that the male students have.

Y/N: Don't worry I have no intention of being a pervert while I'm here.

Sona: Thank you. As for the final question, there have been rumors going around saying that you're engaged.

Y/N: Oh. Yeah I am.

Sona and Tsubaki both paused and leaned forward.

Sona: I beg your pardon?

Y/N: Yes, I'm engaged.

Tsubaki: But, your so young.

Y/N: Well we're not getting married until I graduate.

Sona: Still, how did you two come to that decision?

Y/N: We both love each other and want to be together. Isn't that a good enough reason for two people to marry each other?

Sona: I guess so. Who am I to judge one's life. Well thank you for verifying this information with me.

Y/N: No problem. Is that all?

Sona: I have one last thing.

Of course you do.

Y/N: What is it?

Sona: Tell me are familiar with chess?

Y/N: I've played every now and then.

Sona: Would you care to play a match?

Y/N: I don't see why not.

Timeskip 3rd. POV

Y/N: Checkmate.

Sona and Tsubaki once again leaned forward with a surprised look on their faces.

Sona/Tsubaki: Huuuuuh!!!!!

Y/N: I'm gonna go now. Thanks for the game.

With Y/N gone, he left both Sona and Tsubaki who were still looking at the chess board in front of them in shock. Tsubaki soon collect herself and stood up straight.

Tsubaki: It would appear you have a worthy spouse.

Sona: Yeah, but he's already engaged, and I don't think he would be into a harem. Even if he was we would need her permission.

Tsubaki: Regardless, you made a deal with your parents.

Sona: It's not them that I'm worried about.

Meanwhile back with Y/N he was heading back to class to pick up his things. However, he and Brachydios were having a conversation within his head.

Brachy: 'Well that was interesting.'

Y/N: 'Was it?'

Brachy: 'Of course. Devils take chess very seriously. Plus you beat the Sitri heiress.'

Y/N: 'Wait, Sona's a devil?'

Brachy: 'Unlike all of the others who boast their powers out in the open, the Sitri clan has been known to be more respectable towards others.'

Y/N: 'Still I never would have guessed.'

Brachy: 'If memory serves me correctly the two clans that run Kuoh are the Sitri clan And the Gremory clan.'

Y/N: 'I guess we now know who we'll be putting up with while we're here.'

Brachy: 'Still we should be careful.'

Y/N: 'Aren't we always?'

Brachy: 'No! When have been careful? And don't say "When we're cooking diner." That doesn't count.'

Y/N: '...When mom's pissed off?'

Brachy: '...Ok I guess we can be careful. Sometimes.'

Y/N chuckled a little bit and entered his classroom to see a girl with red hair talking to his friend Asia and the brown haired pervert Issei. 

He also noticed that they all had bat wings. The red haired girl panicked and waved her hand in front of Y/N's face as a strange light emanated from it. Y/N just stood there, confused at what just happened.

Asia: Rias! what did you do to him!?

Issei: What 'did' you do?

Rias: Relax Asia, he's simply in a hypnotic state.

Y/N: 'I am?'

Brachy: 'You are?'

Asia: What do you mean?

Issei: I think it means he's kind of dreaming.

Rias: Issei's correct. It's completely harmless. When he comes out of it he'll feel and be fine.

Y/N: She's right Asia. I feel fine.

Asia: Oh thank goodness.

Everyone:... Ehhhhhhhhhh!?!?!?!?!?

Y/N: What?

Rias: How are you not hypnotized!?

Y/N: You think this is the first time someone tried to hypnotize me?

Issei: But your human.

Y/N: Being human has nothing to do with it.

Rias: W-well I guess I should introduce myself. I'm-

Y/N: Rias Gremory. The heiress to the Gremory family. Member of the house of Bael.

Rias, Issei, and Asia all looked at Y/N in shock.

Issei: How did you-

Y/N: I'm quite familiar with the supernatural.

Asia: Y/N?

Y/N: 'Oh no.'

Asia: I'm so sorry!

Y/N: 'What?'

Asia went over and hugged Y/N who looked at her in confusion.

Asia: I didn't mean to lie to you!

Y/N: Um, Asia.

Asia: Please forgive me!

Y/N: Asia.

Asia: You one of my friends and I don't want you to hate me for this.

Y/N: Asia!

Asia: What?

Y/N: I'm not mad.

Asia: You aren't?

Y/N: I never was. I knew from the beginning .

Rias: Wait, you did!?

Y/N: You devils don't really try to hide your power. It was a no brainer when I found the source.

Rias: If you're familiar with the supernatural that means you're either involved with one of the factions or you have a Sacred Gear.

Y/N: Wow. You're right on both parts.

Rias: So then why are you here in Kuoh if I may ask?

Y/N: Look, I'm not here to get involved with the supernatural ok. I'm only here because my dad has work here.

Rias: Is that right?

Y/N: Yeah.

Suddenly a silver magic circle appeared underneath everyone. In the blink of an eye they all were teleported into a strange room that Y/N had never seen before. Inside the room were three people he was familiar with.

First was the Prince of Kuoh, Kiba. He was probably the second kindest person Y/N knew.

Next was the supposed Mascot of the school Koneko. Y/N has never really met. He's only seen her every now and then. She tends to keep to herself, but she is a huge fan of sweets.

Finally is Akeno. She's considered the second most attractive girl in the school next to Rias. She's been known to be a bit of a flirt, but is kind hearted when it counts.

Y/N figured that these were all the members. As Y/N looked around he noticed a maid glaring at him from the corner of the room.

Y/N: Can-Can I help you?

???: I'm sorry but, are you human?

Y/N: Yeah. Are you not?

???: I apologize. My name is Grayfia Lucifuge. I advise that you leave the room before our guest comes here. I don't mean to sound rude. I only wish for you to listen to ensure your safety.

Y/N: What do you mean?

Before Grayfia could answer a magic circle appeared in the center of the room.

Flames erupted from the Circle and out came a man with blonde hair and a red over coat.

Riser: And Riser has finally made it to the human world!

While everyone had looks of disgust, Y/N had the biggest smile on his face.

Riser: Rias my dear, I have come for-

Riser stopped mid sentence and looked to corner of his vision and saw Y/N smiling at him. Riser then turned his head as a smile slowly crept onto his face.

Y/N: Sup chicken wings.

Riser: Y/N? Haha! Y/N L/N!? What are you doing here old friend!?

Everyone: "Old Friend?"

A/N: Tell me what you think.

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