A Battle Yet To Come

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3rd. Pov.

While Riser and Y/N were laughing with each other everyone else was extremely confused on what was happening, especially Rias. She was so confused. 

Rias: 'Why is Riser acting this way with Y/N? What is going on!?'

While Rias was still trying to figure out what was going on, Grayfia decided to get everyone's attention.

Grayfia: Forgive me for interrupting, but we have something to deal with everyone.

Riser looked at Y/N and smiled.

Riser: We'll continue later.

Riser then went to the couch and sat down next to Rias.

Riser: Rias You're looking as looking lovely as usual.

Rias: For the last time Riser, I'm not marrying you! I'll marry someone that I love.

Issei: Who is this guy and what's going on.

Grayfia: This is Riser Phenex, a high class pure blooded devil and the heir to the Phenex clan. He also is Rias' fiancé.

Everyone: What!?

Riser: Indeed. Riser and His beloved have been set up to be wed in a few weeks.

Y/N: Dude, stop bragging.

Riser: Aren't you engaged too?

Y/N: Well yeah but, it's embarrassing for me.

Rias: Ok, seriously, how do you two know each other!?

Y/N: It's really none of your business.

Riser: Besides, now should be about us Rias my dear.

Rias: I am not marrying you Riser!

Riser: But Rias, the sake of all devils is at risk if we don't.

Rias: No means No!

Riser: Rias, you don't really have a choice.

Grayfia: Enough. Lord Riser I would advise that you don't overstep your boundaries.

Riser: When threatened by the Ultimate Queen who am I to refuse.

Riser then moves away from Rias.

Grayfia: Now, lord Sirzechs predicted something like this would happen, so he came up with a solution. A rating game will be held. If Rias wins then the wedding is of. If Riser wins, then the wedding is on.

Riser: Riser accepts!

Rias: As do I!

Riser: Rias my dear, are these all of the members of your peerage? Aside from my old acquaintance of course.

Rias: What if they are? And what makes you think he isn't a member of my peerage?

Riser: Hahahaha! Well for starters I know he wouldn't ever let anyone turn him into a devil.

Another orange magic circle appeared in the room. Flames erupted once more and then died down. From the flames was a group of women gathered together.

Riser: And Riser has a full set.

We cut to Y/N who is now lying down on the couch looking at the girls.

Y/N: Sup ladies.

Peerage: Hi Y/N.

Y/N: Ladies please, I'm taken man.

???: Oh grow up Y/N.

Y/N: And how are you my little sun bird.

The blonde one stepped forward with an irritated look on her face. This was Riser's little siter Ravel.

Ravel: Stop calling me that. I'm not a child.

Y/N: Doesn't mean you don't love it.

Ravel then grabs Y/N's ear and pulls hard on it.

Y/N: Ow! Ow! I'm sorry! I'm sorry!!

Y/N turned his body and fell onto the floor while Ravel had a smirk on her face.

Y/N: Ow.

Ravel: Learned your lesson?

Y/N: Let's be honest, I never will.

???: I see you haven't changed.

Y/N: I could say the same about you, but then again, it's hard to tell, with you being a devil and all. So, how's my favorite student been.

Yubelluna: I have been well. Thank you again for helping me advance my magic.

Y/N: No problem. I learned a few tricks from you myself.

This was Yubelluna, or more formally known as the Bomb Queen in the underworld. She happens to be the queen in Riser's peerage.

Yubelluna: I'll take that as a compliment.

While this was going on Issei was crying his eyes out in the corner of the room.

Y/N: What's his problem?

Rias: His dream is to become the harem king.

Riser: Yubelluna.

Yubelluna: Yes lord Riser.

Yubelluna walked over to him. Riser began fondling her breast and making out with her. Everyone but Y/N was looking at them with disgust.

Y/N: Dude, quite showing of. You're making me miss my fiancé.

Issei, being the pervert he is, got jealous and rushed Riser.

Issei: You bastard.

Riser snaps his fingers and one of his peerage members dashed forward and jabbed Issei with the end of her staff causing him to cough up blood and fall to the floor.

Riser: Know your place boy. Now Rias with this being your first Rating Game I'll be generous. I'll give you ten days to prepare.

Rias: Fine. That's all we'll need.

Grayfia: I shall inform lord Sirzechs of the date and plan. I bid the both of you good luck.

Grayfia then disappeared in her own magic circle. Riser then looked at Rias and her peerage with a smirk.

Riser: I'll see you at the rating game Rias. Y/N, It was good to see you again. Let's catch up some time.

Y/N: Agreed.

Riser and his peerage then disappeared into their own magic circle. Once he was gone Rias rushed over to Issei to see if he was ok. Once she asked Asia to heal him she rushed to Y/N and grabed him by the collar.

Rias: You're going to tell me exactly who you are and what you're connection is with Riser.

Y/N: No.

Rias: Tell me!

Y/N: I don't have to tell you anything.

Asia: Could you at least help us in the rating game?

Y/N: Sorry Asia, but I won't, and even if I want to I can't

Asia: Why not?

Y/N: This is devil business. I'm human. I shouldn't have even been here.

Kiba: Still, having some extra information would be useful.

Y/N: I'm not helping you and I don't really need to help him.

Rias then presses herself against Y/N's chest.

Rias: Please. I'll give you anything you want.

Y/N then lifted his left hand which had a ring on it.

Y/N: I'm engaged.

Rias then backed away with a look of shock on her face. Everyone else did as well.

Rias: You're... engaged? To who.

Y/N: A lovely lady named Nunya.

Rias: Nunya?

Y/N: Nunya business.

Rias: Please, I don't want to marry him. I'll give you what ever you want. Money, power, fame.

Y/N: As nice as that sounds, I'll pass.

Y/N then started to walk away. Koneko however was looking at him the who time.

Koneko: Coward.

Y/N stopped in his tracks. His eyes widened.

Y/N: What did you say?

Koneko: You're a coward. You know you can't beat him so you became his friend to save your own skin. It's the only thing that makes sense.

Brachy: 'Oh no.'

Y/N clenched his fists.

Asia: Koneko!

Koneko: What? It's most likely true. He beat you so bad that you begged for mercy and ended up becoming his errand boy, right?

Brachy: 'Y/N, calm down. Remember to breath.'

While everyone was thinking if it was true, no one noticed that Y/N's hands began to emit steam from the palms. Y/N eyes began to change. The color turned red and his pupils had slits. Y/N was clenching his teeth. His canines started to grow out and sharpen. 

Brachy: 'Breathe kid! Breathe!'

Kiba: It is a possibility.

Akeno: Riser is powerful. It makes sense.

Brachy: 'Don't do it.'

Rias: If you help me I'll free you from Riser. You wouldn't want to work for someone like him right?



Y/N lowered his head. He was visibly shaking. Koneko had a smirk on her face thinking she right. oh how wrong she was. Asia however was scared and worried about Y/N since he hadn't said a single word. She was worried that it might be true and scared that it wasn't, and Koneko just insulted him.

Koneko: All you have to do is say it. You're. A. Co-

In the blink of an eye, Y/N had punched Koneko. Time seemed to slow down for everyone at that point. Y/N  punched her with so much force, a shockwave pushed everyone back. For Koneko it was all a blur. She didn't even see him move. Y/N punched her so hard she was lifted off of the ground, smashed through the wall, and launched outside.

When everyone came to, Koneko was gone, there was a hole in the building, and Y/N had a look of pure rage on his face. He stood up straight hanging his head down.

Rias: Where's Koneko!?

Y/N didn't answer. All he did was point at the hole. Y/N took a deep breathe and looked up directly at Rias. What she saw scared her half to death. The look of a man with pure rage in his eyes.

Y/N: I'm only going to tell you this once so listen up. I. Won't. Help. You. Nor will I help Riser. And if any of you say I'm weak, or try to force me to help you, I'll kill you so fast, you won't even be able to scream. I'm not scared of him, because he's my best friend. Remember all of that.

Y/N then walked away towards the door. He opened it, but before he stepped outside, he looked over his shoulder and glared at the devils.

Y/N: Don't you ever call me weak. I'm the strongest there is.

With that he left. Rias and the rest of her peerage ran through the hole and saw Koneko on the ground, face first, lying in a puddle of blood. When Akeno turned her over everyone flinched. Koneko's face had practically been destroyed. Her eye was swollen shut, her lip was split, her nose was broken. Asia hurried and started healing her. Everyone else was in shock.

Kiba: All it took him was one punch.

Akeno: And she's a rook.

Asia: The swelling with lessen, but the split on her lip may have to heal naturally.

Rias: What power.

Issei: You can't really be thinking of recruiting him are you!?

Rias: If we get him on our team it's a guaranteed victory.

Kiba: I'm with Issei on this. I mean he beat Koneko in a single attack.

Akeno: A considering what she said I think it's safe to say he hates us now.

Asia: I've never seen him angry before. It was terrifying.

Issei: Rias, just forget it. All we have to do is train hard for ten days and come up with a strategy to win.

Rias: I guess so. Kiba help Koneko inside.

Rias walked back inside conflicted on whether she should still try to get Y/N to help them with the rating game. Everyone else noticed that she was in deep thought and started whispering to one another.

Issei: She can't be serious.

Kiba: It would appear so.

Issei: Akeno, can't you talk to her?

Akeno: Even if I did I doubt she'd listen.

Asia: I'm more concerned about Y/N.

Kinba: Why do you say that.

Asia: I've met all kinds of people when I was with the church. When I looked into his eyes I didn't just see rage, but also sorrow.

Issei: He was sad when he was called a weakling?

Asia: No, it was something else.

Akeno: For now let's him some space. He needs it after what happened.

Kiba: I thought you would have liked him Akeno?

Akeno: Me too. At first he was absolutely my type, but after that, I don't know. I haven't been genuinly scared in a long time.

Issei: What do we do if Rias asks us to bring him here or follow him?

Kiba: There's nothing we can do. She's our king. Her word is absolute.

Issei: So we either get punished by her or beat up by him? Great.

Meanwhile with Y/N, He's seen in his classroom packing up his things. As he was doing so, tears fell from his face.

Y/N: It's not fair. Why can't my life just go the way I want it to.

Brachydios was listening, but decided not to say anything. In Y/N's mindscape Brachydios looks down towards a plain from atop a mountain and sees storm clouds coming in. He sighs and watches as the storm destroys the plains.

Brachy: *sigh* I'm sorry for burdening you Y/N. I wish there was something I could do.

A/N: Tell me what you think.

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