Burning anger and Calming waters

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3rd. Pov.

Y/N was walking home with his head down still crying after what happened back in the ORC. Some people would say he crossed the line, but Y/N had a good reason to be angry. As for why he was crying, that's another story.

Brachy: Y/N?

Y/N: ...

Brachy: Kid. I'm-

Y/N: It's not you that I'm upset with.

Brachy: Y/N.

Y/N: This is my life and I'm gonna have to deal with it one day at a time. I just wish things were easier. For all of us.

Brachydios and Y/N were both silent for the rest of the walk home. Once they entered their house M/N was seen on the couch smiling.

M/N: Hey there sweetie. How was school?

Y/N: Fine.

Y/N just took his shoes off and walked straight into his room and closed his door. M/N was concerned on her son's behavior. Suddenly her left arm started to glow. The same gauntlet Y/N had is now on her.

M/N: So what happened?

Brachy: Devils. That's what happened. Also he was called weak by one.

M/N: Which devil?

Brachy: That's not important right now

M/N: Brachydios, which devil?

Brachy: *exhale* A member of the Gremory peerage.

M/N: Did he get her back?

Brachy: He punched her through a wall.

M/N: That's my boy.

Brachy: M/N!

M/N: What? If she insulted my son she should be grateful that it wasn't me who hit her.

Brachy: That's not the point. He needs to understand that what happened all those years ago wasn't his fault. He won't talk to me about it. It has to be either you or your husband.

M/N: ... Brachydios, have you ever had kids?

Brachy: ... I did.

M/N: Then you know that sometimes explaining things to them isn't always the best idea.

Brachy: I suppose, but-

M/N: Y/N needs to understand that what happened wasn't his fault by himself, otherwise he won't grow and he'll be too dependent on us for answers. Sometimes our kids need to find the answer for themselves.

Brachy: I suppose you have a point, but if you're wrong-

M/N: I'll take full responsibility.

Brachy: Good. Now go and talk to your son.

M/N: Ugh. You remind me of my husband.

Brachy: Well I was married myself once in my life.

Brachydios disappeared from M/N as she walked upstairs to her son's room and knocked on his door.

M/N: Y/N? Are you alright?

She got no response she slowly to see him lying down on his bed facing his wall.

M/N: Y/N?

Y/N looked back at his mom over his shoulder only to turn back to the wall.

M/N: Come on sweetie, tell me what's wrong.

Y/N: It's nothing.

M/N: Well now it's obvious that something is wrong.

Y/N: I said it's nothing.

M/N: Hey! I'm trying to help you, but I can't do that if you don't let me.

Y/N: I never asked for your help.

M/N: Don't you dare talk to me that way! Now get your ass out of bed and talk to me.

Y/N: Fine.

Y/N got out of bed and glared at his mother.

Y/N: You want to know what's wrong? I told you that going to Kuoh was a bad idea. I told you that this wasn't going to work out. Things may be going well for you and dad, but it isn't for me! Every time I try and have a serious conversation with either of you, you just brush it off. We're involved with the supernatural mom! And since you and dad can't use magic and don't have sacred gears I'm the one that has to keep you safe! Do you have any idea how much pressure that is!?

M/N: I'm sorry. I didn't know.

Y/N: Of course you didn't! You never ask! You see all of our problems as something we should solve as a family, but by the end of the day, it's my job to make sure you two stay safe! It's my job to take care of you! I may be strong, but there's always going to be someone stronger, and If I can't beat them, they might go after you and dad! I've been training day after day, mastering my sacred gear, fighting off strays. Because by the end of the day, either I lose you or lose me. I've even told you that it wouldn't be a good idea, but you never listen. I lost someone close to me because I wasn't strong enough to protect them. I can't go through that again. And now both the Gremory family and the Sitri Family know about me. And if they can't get to me directly  they might go after you. Do you know understand what I'm dealing with right now. I have to be strong, but I'm not even close enough.

Y/N was crying during his rant. M/N looked at her some in shock. Since she never fully understood the supernatural her life was very different . She never knew her son was suffering so much because of the difference in perspective. No words were spoken at that moment. All she did was embrace her son and cry along with him. No words were needed for her to express her sorrow. As the two fell to their knees and continued to cry, a serpent was seen outside of the window. With a closer look you could see a magic circle in its eye. On the other side you could see Sona who had tears on the corners of her eyes. Eventually the door to the Student Council Office started to open. She quickly wiped the tears from here eyes and looked to the door seeing Tsubaki enter.

Tsubaki: Hello Sona. I have the club requests. It's only the usual.

Sona: Yes, well, leave them on my desk. I'll get to them when I can.

Tsubaki: are you alright Sona?

Sona: I'm fine. Why don't you head on home for the day.

Tsubaki: Are you sure?

Sona: Yeah. Go on home. I'll see you tomorrow.

Tsubaki: Very well. See you tomorrow.

After Tsubaki left Sona had a slight smile on her face. After a few minutes Rias entered the room.

Rias: Sona?

Sona: Rias, come in.

Rias: Did you find out anything?

Sona: Y/N has had a very difficult from the supernatural in general.

Rias: I figured that would be the case. Especially with how he reacted to what Koneko said to him.

Sona: What are you going to do?

Rias: I should go and apologize to him for her behavior. Even I thought it was a bit out of line.

Sona: Huh. I thought you would have tried to recruit him into your peerage, given what happened back in the ORC.

Rias: I was still upset about the whole event. I wasn't in my right mind. I'll admit he's powerful, but I don't think my evil pieces could even reincarnate him. The best I can do is make amends.

Sona: Well I wish you luck. You should wait until tomorrow though. He's still very upset.

Rias: I'll pay a visit tomorrow before we leave for training.

Timeskip to next day

Y/N woke up in bed with his mother still hugging him. for the first time in a long time he felt truly calm. He buried himself into her bosom and smiled as he began to drift back to sleep. His mother however soon began to wake up. When she looked around she saw her son smiling while hugging him. She smiled and gently shook him, trying to wake him up.

M/N: Y/N. It's time to get up.

Y/N: It's Saturday.

M/N: Exactly. I have work. Come on. Get up.

Y/N: Ugh. Fine. 

As Y/N gets up he begrudgingly walks out of his bedroom. As he heads downstairs he sees his dad sitting at the table with a smirk on his face.

D/N: Sleep well.

Y/N: It was alright.

D/N: I'm not gonna lie, it's been a while since I've seen you and your mother asleep together.

Y/N blushed and was going to say something, but he ended up stuttering. His father pulled out his phone, showing a picture of Y/N and M/N cuddled together in his bed.

D/N: I'm sure your mother would love this.

Before Y/N could say anything The doorbell rang.

D/N: You mind getting that. I've got to make breakfast.

Y/N Then begrudgingly went over to the door while glaring at his dad. When he got to the door he opened it and outside standing there was Rias.

Rias: Hi.

Y/N slammed the door closed and locked it. He ran to the kitchen and grabbed his dad and tossed him over his shoulder.

D/N: Hey! What's the big idea!?

Y/N: Shut up dad! Not now!

Y/N Went upstairs and kicked his bedroom door open scaring his mother awake.

M/N: Ah!

Y/N then dumped his dad on the floor and began to walk away.

M/N: Y/N, what's going on?

D/N: That's what I want to know!

Y/N: Stay here, lock the door, don't let open it unless I say so.

M/N: Y/N, what's going on? Who's here?

Y/N: Devils.

Y/N then closed the door and walked back downstairs to the front door. he took a deep breath and slowly opened the door. Rias was still standing there with a confused smile on her face.

Rias: Did I come at a bad time?

Y/N: What do you want?

Rias: Wow. In a hurry?

Y/N: For you to leave.

Rias looked slightly hurt. She dropped her smile and motioned for Y/N to step outside. Y/N hesitated for a moment until he eventually stepped outside. Back inside however his parents were spying on them from the upstairs window.

D/N: What are they talking about?

M/N: I don't know. Hopefully something dirty.

D/N: What!?

M/N: D/N, were getting old. I want grandkids sooner rather than later. If he's not getting laid then something wrong.

D/N: He's engaged.

M/N: And that's great, but I still want grandkids before we die.

D/N: Then call Yasaka and make the wedding sooner.

M/N: ...That's not a bad idea.

D/N stopped and thought about what he just said.

D/N: I'm so sorry Y/N.

Meanwhile back with Y/N and Rias, they were standing outside with an awkward silence about.

Rias: So...

Y/N: What do you want?

Rias then bowed to Y/N catching him off guard.

Rias: I'm sorry for what happened and what my rook said to you. It was out of line and I take full responsibility for her actions.

Y/N: What? You mean, you're not here to recruit me?

Rias: Maou No! I mean, at first yeah, but then I did some digging. I had no idea you suffered so much because of devils. I'm truly sorry.

Y/N: Wow. Uh, thanks. And you don't need to apologize. You weren't the one who said those things.

Rias: I thought you'd say that, so I brought someone with me.

From around the corner, Koneko steps out and approaches the two looking away with a slight blush and bandages on her face.

Rias: Koneko here has something she would like to say to you.

They looked at Koneko who was mumbling.

Y/N: I'm sorry, I can't hear you.

Koneko: I said I'm sorry!

Y/N slightly smiles at Koneko. She sees this and her blush worsens.

Y/N: I forgive you, but don't do it again.

Rias: Great! Now that that's taken care of we should get going.

Y/N: Where to?

Rias: A cabin in the hills. I'm taking my peerage to go training.

Y/N: Well you were given ten days. Better make them count.

Rias: I will. Thank you again for accepting this apology.

Y/N: Sure thing.

Rias and Koneko started to walk away, but suddenly, Koneko stopped in her tracks. Rias saw this and looked back at her.

Rias: Koneko? What's wrong?

Koneko turned back to Y/N who looked at her confused.

Koneko: If you want, maybe you could come train with us. I mean, if you want to.

Y/N: As nice as that sounds, I'll have to pass.

Koneko looked down. Rias had a gently smile on her face proud of Koneko for the offer she made.

Y/N: How about, when all of this is over, we have a spar to see how strong you've gotten? Deal?

Koneko looked up and had a small smile on her face.

Koneko: Deal. You better not hold back on me.

Y/N: No promises. I want you hurt, not dead

Koneko and Rias started to walk away again. Y/N stood there with a calm smile on his face. His mom opened the window and looked down at him.

M/N: So are you gonna hit those?

Y/N: Mom!

A/N: Thak you all so much. I'll work even harder now. Not just for myself, but for all of you.

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