Prince Archie Wilkins

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"Princess Crystal, it's time to get up!" came a playful, chirpy voice. Crystal groaned and turned over in bed.

"No! I'm too sleepy."

"Come on, Sleeping Beauty!" The pink silk blanket was tossed off. "You are really lazy."

Crystal ignored the voice and just turned over. Suddenly, two hands grabbed her legs and dragged her off the bed.

"Ow!" complained Crystal as she sat up and looked crossly at her best friend and lady in waiting. "Vanessa, did you really have to do that?"

"Sorry, but it's my duty to get you out of bed in time," said Vanessa. "I already let you sleep in for ten minutes. You have twenty minutes to get ready for breakfast. I'll get your clothes for you. What would you like to wear?"

"A blue dress," said Crystal. "The one with crystal snowflakes on it."

Soon, Crystal was in her blue dress, wearing satin white shoes, her hair styled in a neat hairstyle, and wearing her crystal tiara. Crystal wasn't a big fan of jewellery. However, she always wore her crystal necklace every day.

Lily was at breakfast. She either wore red or green dresses. Today she was in red. Crystal liked blue or pink dresses, though she preferred blue.

Crystal wasn't looking forward to Archie's visit. Hopefully once she greeted him she wouldn't have to see much of him.

As the royal family of Starling arrived in their carriage, Sylvia whispered to their daughters to curtsy to their guests.

The king and queen of Starling came out first. King George and Queen Fiona were good friends of Robert and Sylvia. The princesses curtsied, but Lily's was not deep enough. Thankfully George and Fiona didn't seem to mind.

Just then, Prince Archie Wilkins came out too. He was very good looking, with smooth black hair and cheeky blue eyes. He bowed to the princesses. "Princess Crystal and Lily Lilbeth."

The princesses curtsied again. This time Lily's curtsy was too deep. "Prince Archie Wilkins," said Crystal in a formal voice.

Archie was clearly a year older than Crystal, but he wasn't as smart as her. "You are a very pretty princess," he said. "I bet that all the princes are fighting over you."

Crystal rolled her eyes. "Really? I don't see any roses on the doorstep, boys singing from under my balcony, or princes fighting their way to meet me. Besides, you are a prince too, and you don't seem to be trying to woo me."

"Crystal!" called Robert.

Crystal sighed as she shook her silky silver blue hair.

"Archie!" called Lily. "Will you play with me?"

Archie looked at Lily. "Do I look like a kid to you? I'm too old for silly pretend games. I'm sixteen."

"Archie! Don't hurt Lily's feelings," said Crystal.

Archie rolled his eyes. "You are one strange princess. Is your hair made of silk? Because it looks like it. Could you make a dress out of it?"

Crystal looked so annoyed that steam was practically coming out of her ears.

"That's not funny! Once a stable boy cut off Lily's hair by accident, and she had to have her hair cut really short to make it even! Poor Lily cried for weeks."

"Whoa, it's just a joke. Don't take it so seriously."

"If it isn't funny, it's not a joke!" snapped Crystal. She stomped back to her room in a very un-princessy manner.

"Crystal, weren't you a little too harsh on Archie earlier?" asked Vanessa as she brushed Crystal's hair, although Crystal's hair never seemed to need brushing. No matter what, Crystal's hair always looked neat and tidy.

"I guess so. But Archie is just so annoying!" said Crystal.

"I think that Archie acts that way around you because he likes you," said Vanessa.

Crystal stared at Vanessa as if she was crazy. "Why would Archie like me? Once when we were little, he pulled on my hair, so I pulled his back. Our parents had to separate us."

"Well, boys can act funny sometimes when they like girls," said Vanessa. "All I am saying is give Archie a chance. You don't have to like him, but don't judge him. You barely know him."

Crystal sighed. "Fine. I guess I"LL give him a chance."

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