Sassy Crystal

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Crystal Lilbeth felt foolish. Sure, she understood that balancing books on her head was meant to teach her good posture. She knew that serving tea to guests when they visited was meant to teach her how to be graceful. But she hated dancing lessons.

For one thing, if there was a prize for the world's clumsiest princess, she would definitely win it. She always got her steps wrong no matter how much she practised. For another thing, she disliked dancing.

Crystal didn't understand the purpose of dancing. Shouldn't dancing be something you do for fun? Sure, there were royal balls and parties, but it wasn't compulsory to dance.

"Crystal!" called her governess, Mrs Peach. "You aren't paying attention again. Now, begin again. One two three, one two three..."

Crystal tried dancing with one of the servant boys. But she kept stepping on his feet. Crystal may be naturally graceful when she could, but any grace left her whenever she started dancing.

"Stop!" said Mrs Peach. "Crystal, for ten years I have been trying to teach you, and yet you still dance like a three-year-old."

"That's insulting to three-year-olds," said Crystal. "I know that I am bad. You don't have to sugarcoat it for me."

"A princess does not talk back," said Mrs Peach.

Crystal sighed. "Sorry Mrs Peach," she said as she did a perfect curtsy. "It won't happen again."

Mrs Peach sighed. "Crystal, I know that you don't like dancing. You are a bright girl, and you are quite good at your other lessons. Why is it so hard for you to learn basic steps?"

"Because I can't dance," said Crystal. "I don't see the point of you trying to teach me."

Mrs Peach frowned. She hated it when Crystal made any sarcastic comments, but that was part of the princess' nature. She let it slide this time. "Well, it's important that you learn how to dance. When you meet other princes, they will expect you to know how to dance."

"I'm not going to marry," said Crystal.

"Crystal!" said Mrs Peach sharply, knowing that Crystal wouldn't dare make such a statement in public. "You're the heir to the throne. It's a requirement for you to marry."

"Why?" asked Crystal. "I can handle being queen on my own."

"It's not a question of your capability to rule," said Mrs Peach. "You have to marry and make an heir of your own. It was how it has been for the past few hundred years."

"I know," said Crystal. She knew of the difficulties her parents had faced trying to have an heir. "But Mother and Father were lucky. Their marriage was arranged, but at least they fell in love. I don't want to be married to some stranger. Like, what if he's completely horrible? Like..."

"Crystal, Prince Archie isn't that bad."

"He's so annoying," said Crystal. "He thinks that he knows everything. Last time he had the audacity to tell me that I should hide my hair. Like what's wrong with it?"

Crystal's hair was still silvery blue. The kingdom had accepted it as a part of her, but when foreigners came to visit, they would just stare at her.

Prince Archie came from the Starling Kingdom and was over a year older than Crystal. Although their parents were good friends, Crystal couldn't stand Archie, who was very cocky and loved to boast about how smart he was.

Although Crystal knew that Archie certainly was intelligent, she didn't like his attitude. If she wasn't a princess, she probably would have smacked him with one of her dainty shoes a long time ago.

After dinner that night, Crystal was in Lily's room playing with her sister. Lily was eleven years old now, but she still liked her dolls and playing dress up.

"Can I be a fairy?" asked Lily.

"Yes," said Crystal. "I'm a mermaid and you are my fairy friend."

"I'm a good fairy, right?" asked Lily.

"Of course you are," said Crystal. There was a strict ban of magic in the kingdom. The citizens believed that magic doers would use their abilities for harm. If any fairy, witch, wizard or sorcerer stepped foot in the kingdom, they would be treated harshly.

"You are Lily, the good fairy. You have healing magic and can heal any illness and injury," said Crystal.

"Even mine?" asked Lily.

"Yes, even yours," said Crystal. "We became friends after you saved my fish friends from dying from an illness that affected underwater creatures."

Lily loved fairies and magic. She had hoped to meet one, but of course, that was impossible. Not all kingdoms were against magic, but it still wasn't safe for Lily to travel.

"When I am queen, I promise that I will lift the ban against magic," Crystal had promised Lily. "You will have a secret garden and fairies will always be welcome there."

Sylvia looked inside the room. "Crystal, Lily, there is something you two should know," she said.

"What is it, Mother?" asked Lily.

"You know that Crystal's birthday is next week," said Sylvia. "Well, I invited the royal family of Starling to attend the celebration."

Crystal groaned. "Archie is coming? Last year he smashed my birthday cake."

"That was an accident," said Sylvia. "Crystal, Archie is a nice boy. I wish that you could give him a chance."

"I like Archie," said Lily.

Crystal looked at Lily. It seemed like Lily was looking forward to seeing Archie. Archie was always sweet towards her sister.

"Fine," said Crystal. "I'll just grin and bear it. But only for Lily."

"Grr, I'm a bear," said Lily. "I'm going to eat you."

"Oh no," said Crystal in mock horror. "I'm going to be eaten!"

The two sisters got too wild, and Lily started coughing. Sylvia got concerned.

"Lily, I think it's time you get to bed."

"But I want to keep playing," said Lily.

"Yes, but you're starting to look pale," said Sylvia. "Take your medicine and then straight to bed."

Lily muttered something that sounded like, "This is so unfair." Unlike Crystal, Lily didn't care about acting like a princess. Crystal couldn't stop laughing at her sister.

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