Chapter 3

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*Jasper's POV*

"We could play truth or dare," I suggest. They all jump up and scream 'yes.' I chuckle. "Let's go back to the house and play with everyone." We all run back to the house.

"We're going to play truth or dare," Bella says. "Who else wants to play?" Everyone was going to play. We cleared out the furniture and sat on the floor in a huge circle around the room. Edward was sat on my left side and Tori on my right side. Edward slowly placed his hand on my knee. I turned to him and glared at him.

"If you want to keep that hand, I would move it if I were you," I hiss at him. His eyes widen and his hand draws back away from my knee. "Smart choice." The game started with Emmett after he begged for 5 minutes. He looked around at all of us, smirking, before his eyes landed on me. He gave me an evil smile.

"Bella," Emmett says. "Truth or dare."

"Dare," I smirk at him. His smile disappeared for a second then returned. He obviously was hoping that I would pick truth. "I dare you to run through the main road of Forks in your undergarments."

Jasper growled and I just smirked at him. Jasper went to lunge at Emmett, but I froze him in his place. I lift Jasper off the ground a little, put him in a sitting position, and put him back down in his place. I allow him to move a little, but not get up. I look back at a scared Emmett.

"Deal," I smirk at him. "When shall it happen."

"Now," he says.

"Tori, Jay, Laurent, Jasper, you all are to stay here," I say. They grumpily agree. "You won't be missing anything. The old Texan mud runs would require you to do this. It was always a fum time of the year." I smile at the old memories. Tori and Jay nod in agreement, smiling.

"I have a better idea, Emmett," I say. He gives me a curious look. "Instead of me running through town in my undergarments, I make it rain and super muddy and I'll show y'all how to properly mud run." They all agree. I wave my hand and Jay, Tori, and I are in our undergarment. I wave my hand, again. It starts pouring down the rain. "What y'all waiting for?! There's a steep hill calling my name." They all chuckle at me. I smile evilly at all of them.

I take off running through the door and to the steep hill I'm going to slide down. The rest come to halt at the edge of the clearing. I move the dirt, so it creates a curvy ditch. I sit down on the ground, cross my arms across my chest, and push off down the hill. I laugh all the way down. I finish sliding and get up.

I stand there and watch my 2 children slide down, laughing. We were all covered in mud from our heads to our feet. We all run back up to the hill to the rest of my family. When they saw me, they started to laugh. I bend down, get me a slab of mud, and send it flying at Emmett's face. It hit him square in the mouth and some got in his mouth. He tries to spit it out, but can't get the mud out of his mouth. We all laugh at him, his face, and his reaction. I go over to Jasper without him realizing it. I wrap my arms around his waist, making the back of him muddy. He turns in my arms to see me. I lean up to his face and kiss him. He gets so lost in our kiss that he didn't notice I got every inch of him, including his hair, muddy that wasn't already muddy before. After I was finished getting him muddy, I pulled my lips away from him. I let out a small giggle. He was still oblivious of him being muddy.

"Sorry 'bout that, sugars," I say, letting my accent slip out. I smile at them and received knowing smiles back from my angels. "Is anyone else gonna go or are y'all just gonna stand there starin'?" Emmett went next with a protesting Rose on his lap. Everyone, including Rose, was laughing by the time they were down. After Rose and Emmett, Alice went, who was followed by Laurent, Edward, Esme, Carlisle, and Jasper. "Now, we resume truth or dare!" Everyone chuckles at me, except Esme. She looks horrified at my suggestion.

"All of this mud will be in the house," she yells. I sigh and roll my eyes.

"Just come on and I shall show you what I plan to do with this mud," I say. With that said, we all take off running, but I climb a tree and jump from tree limb to tree limb. I was the first that made it to the house. I use my shield to push the mud off of my body and out of my hair. Then, the rest of the family come into the clearing around the house.

"Arms up with your feet apart," I say. They do as told. I get into a balanced stance and make high pressured water come from my hands. I direct the water towards all of them. I watch all the mud come off of them. Then, I make strong gusts of wind pass them to dry up the water. "There, clean and dry. Happy now, Esme?" She smiles and nods. I'm pulled into a vision. Lily and James are murdered by Voldemort. Dumbledore takes their child, Harry, to Lily's muggle sister and her family, the Dursleys. Harry is abused and mistreated while he is there. Then, he looks 17 years old and dies by Voldemort's wand. I cone out of the vision with tears that will never fall in my eyes. I quickly shut my feelings back off.

"Get your necessities packed and only necessities," I say. They all take off into the house. I call my private plane company and have them put enough fuel in my jet to get me to England. I hang up with them just as they come back out with 2 bags each. "Let's roll." I go to their garage and hop into a white jeep. Jasper, Laurent, Jacob, and Victoria throw their stiff in the back and hop in with me. The rest throw their stuff in and hop into another vehicle. We start speeding down the driveway and onto the highway.

"Call Carlisle," I say. Jasper dials his number and puts it on speaker. Carlisle answers it on the second ring.

"What's going on?" he asks.

"Another one of the descendants," I say. I slam my foot on the gas even harder. "died. They had a child. A man is going to take him and put him with his aunt. If we don't get to them before that happens, the child will be a slave to that family. We have to stop him." Everything was silent while we drove to my private airstrip. We all park the cars, jump out, grab our bags, and load up into my red and white jet. I take the pilot chair and they find a seat everywhere else. We buckle up and I take off slowly. I slowly speed us up until we reach flying speed.

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