Chapter 4

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*Bella's POV*

I push my plane to go as fast as it could. We got to my England landing strip within 2 hours. It was now dark in England, so I land quickly and guide everyone off of the plane.

I lead them to my yellow 2015 Jaguar and ruby 2017 Lamborghini. I load everyone's stuff in the cars and jump into the ruby Lamborghini. Jasper lets Tori, Jake, Laurent in the back before getting in. I watch Alice get into the driver seat of the yellow Jaguar. Everyone else got in that car. I called Carlisle's cell. He answered on the first ring.

"Put me on speaker, Carlisle," I say. I can hear him pull the phone away from his ear and hit the button. Alice, people drive on the left side of the road in England."

"Thanks for telling me," she says. We both start the cars.

"I'm warning you now that if you put a scratch on my baby, I'll be putting more than a scratch on you, Alice," I say in my scary voice.

"I won't," she squeaks out. I chuckle at her and take off through through the streets of England with Alice following closely behind me.

I look at the clock to see that it was 11:50 pm. I speed up more until I was going 150 mph. I saw a blacked out street and headed down it. I seen a huge man getting off a motorcycle and heading towards a man and woman in robes. I slammed on the brake and the tires whine. I hear Alice do the same. I spin the car around and park it perfectly against the curb. I jumped out of the car and ran towards them. Wands were pulled on me. I send their wands zooming into my hand. The man had a look of realisation on his face while the others were shocked and angry.

"Hello, Albus," I say. "Nice to see you, again."

"Isabella Swan," he whispers. He smiles and approaches me. He wraps his arms around me and gives him a bear hug. I wrap my arms around him and hug him back. He pulls back, eyes shining. "It's been too long, Isabella. I haven't seen you since I was almost attacked by the vampire when I was a boy."

"Well, someone had to save your ass," I say. "I look over his shoulder at his company. I walk past him and over to the familiar woman. "You don't remember, Minnie." Realization shines in her eyes.

"No one has called me that since I was 8 years old," she says. I nod for her to continue, smiling. "The only person who called me that was my childhood best friend, Amelia Black. She died 2 weeks before my birthday." I combine and use my powers to age myself younger until I was 8 and looked like Amelia Black. She dropped to her knees, pulled me into her arms, and sobbed into my shoulder. She pulled back after a while. "Why did you do that to me?"

"People started to notice I was aging too fast," I say. "I faked my death and left the city and went to the other side of England." She nods her head in acceptance. I age myself back to 18 and look towards Hagrid. I peek into his arms to see my too many great grandson. I smile as I rake some of his red baby hair out of his eyes.

"Do you mind?" I ask. He shakes his head and hands him over to me. Harry stirs in my arms and opens his emerald eyes. I gasp in shock. He just stares up at me. Finally, his face breaks into a huge one tooth smile. "Albus, Minnie, you can't leave Harry here with the Dursleys."

"Why not," Hagrid asks, angry. I glare at him.

"If you do, he will be treated like a house elf," I say.

"That's not too bad," Hagrid comments. I smile at Harry as I pass him over Minnie. I turn towards Hagrid and give him a dangerous look.

"So you think him becoming deaf from these fake relatives isn't too bad?" I ask him coldly. "Having scars litter his body and him being petrified of men being not too bad." He nods his head, agreeing. My control snapped inside me.

I lunge straight at him. Everyone was in shock to do anything. I slung him all over the street until he was unconscious. I grab his left arms and rip the sleeve to reveal the Dark Mark showing. I growl in anger as I continuously kick and stomp his head until he was completely dead.

"No one messes with my family and no one betrays them," I say in my scary voice. I look down at myself as I walk back over the small gathered group. I was a mess, so I cleaned myself up as I walked. Everyone just stared at me. "What?"

"You just killed a half giant," Minnie says.

"Not a smart one either," I comment. "Not the first time either."

"You've done that before?!" Minnie screeches. I nod.

"Outstanding," Albus mutters. Everyone turns and looks at him. He thinks for a minute. "Isabella, would you like a job?" I cross my arms.

"What kind of job?" I ask.

"I would like you to come and teach hand to hand combat," he says. I think about it. The more I think about it, the more I like the idea.

"If you let Harry grow up with me, hire Severus as potions master, my family can come with me, you update Hogwarts, so we can get electricity, internet, TV, and other muggle objects, and you allow us to leave whenever we need to," I say. "If you can do this, we shall have a deal."

"Why add Severus to the staff?" he asks.

"Horace is going to quit tomorrow, so he can retire, which leaves you without a potions master," I say. I start to space out, smiling to myself. "Severus is the perfect person for the job. He can brew any potion you could ever need. He was always a bright child. I knew he would always do good."

"But he's a death eater," Minnie says. "We can't have a death eater as a teacher."

"He didn't want to be a death eater," I say. Everyone looked confused. "I came to him after he graduated because I had heard that he was getting involved in the dark arts. I told him that he needed to stop the dark stuff unless he wanted a royal beating. He agreed in fear. I had a vision while there and knew it was true no matter what happened, so I told him to go to the Dark Lord and keep me informed. He was confused, but agreed."

"Who are these people, Bella?" Jasper asks.

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