Chapter 6 - NOTORIOUS L.O.L.I. - Ready For Jailtime

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Hey guys Waifumaster here! And... HOLY MOLY! 8k READS?! HOW THE HELL DID THAT HAPPEN! IT'S ONLY BEEN A WEEK! I expected to make a thank you guys for 5k Reads, but then it became6k! Then it became 7k, but just as I was writing this it became 8k! That's 8000 people reading this story! Like HOREEE SHEEEET It's all thanks to you guys and all of these monster girls! Thank you Kenkou! Thank you Okaydo for bringing us monster girls! Well, enough of me blabbering about this sappy stuff, let's get on to this


It was now the day of the trial and you have never been so scared, you knoe you're not guilty, but at the same time you feel like you are, Louise loves you, Hanako loves you, Bonnie loves you... you're totally guilty, but this is for a crime, the only crimes you know would be sexual relationships and kisses, and stuff like that, Louise did give you one, but it was a quick peck on the cheek, that can be considered a greeting so there's your loop hole, so other then that you're not guilty, then how did you get here in the first place? Well it dosn't matter, you were entering the court and you took a seat, you felt butterflies in tour stomach and you were mentally freaking out, will you even be able to get out of this?

Judge : " The court is now in session, today we have the case of L/N VS. Monsters , let us hear the case

Attorney : " The case today is that my client here Mr.L/N is being accused of breaking the home exchange law of no sexual relationships, he has been accused of molestation and sexual misconduct "

Judge : " Alright, now who would like to begin, you, or would you rather let the prosecutor begin? "

Attorney : " I will let him begin first your honor "

Judge : " Very well then "

You : "*whispering* why did you let him go first? "

Attorney : "*whisper* I want to see what kind of evidence he has against you, see what we're up against "

You : "*whisper* alright *gulp* " 

Prosecutor : " Well your honor, the first thing that I would like to show you is evidence 1. Welcome to the Ms. Louise, one of his monster girls! "

You turn around and see Louise walking down the middle, she's wearing a business causal pants suit and is wearing a very serious facial expression, she walks up and she tries to fit in it but since she is so tall she can't really fit in it so she just stands, the security puts her claw on a bible and she makes makes an oath to only say the truth and nothing but the truth

Prosecutor : " Well, Ms.Louise, has Mr.L/N over here ever, done any advances on you? Perhaps some words, maybe some flirting, or was he more, direct ? "

Louise : " No, not ever has he ever done something like that "

Prosecutor : " Are you sure? Has he maybe ever drugged you perhaps? "

Louise : " Human drugs have no affect on, I can drink an entire gallon of cyanide and not feel anything, potions and elixers do nothing to me, I am a might jabberwock, no man made item can contain me, especially not a tiny pill in a drink... "

You : God damn Louise, I didn't know you were that strong... 

Prosecutor :  " Alright, I can see... well then you may now leave, thank you for your cooperation Ms "

Louise : " Hmpph "

Ted :  What she meant to say was FUCK YOU!

Zed : " It's a bit harsh, but I hope you have a terrible day! Good day sir! Err, BAD DAY SIR! "

She then exits and the Judge and the prosecutor are a bit confused

Judge : " Would the defendent want to say anything? "

Attorney : " Bringing in Ms.Louise only further proved out point your honor, he did my job for me "

Judge : " Alright, do you have any more evidence agsinst him "

Prosecutor : " I do your honor, the one who filed this incident, Ms.Siv, I would like to send Ms.Siv to the booth "

You : Siv? So that's who did this! Ms.Smith said that name when she arrested me!? Just who is sh-

You turn around and you're surprised to see that this Ms. Siv is barely 4 feet, she's rather small, but she has this huge FLOOFY  tail behind her, she walks up to the booth and she gets a bit of help from the security guards to get on it

Siv : "I can say for certain that th- ... ok Siv breath in, breath out, remember what your life coach said... ok, excuse me your honor, may I make a phone call with somebody please? "

Judge : " Alright, but try to make it quick "

Siv : " Thank you your honor... hello Ms.Smith it's me, Siv. YOU FUCKING STUPID BITCH YOU HAD ONE FUCKING JOB- ONE! YOU CAN'T EVEN DO THAT SHIT...- NO YOU CALM DOWN YOU PICECE OF SHIT, THIS IS WHY I NEVER TELL YOU WHEN THERE IS A CRIME SMITH! BECAUSE YOU CAN'T DO YOUR FUCKING JOB RIGHT! COME TALK TO ME ONCE YOU ACTUALLY BECOME COMPETENT ENOUGH TO FOLLOW ORDERS YOU STUPID OLD BITCH WHAT ARE YOU DEAF! YOU'RE ON THIN ICE! IF I WANTED TO I COULD HAVE YOU FIRED! FIRED! YOU DON'T BELONG IN THIS JOB ANYWAYS YOU LAZY ASS PIECE OF SHIT! NEVER TALK TO ME EVER AGAIN! ... alright thank you your honor, you see it appears that there has been a bit of a mix up, this isn't the actual suspect, this is, here is adress, his face, his criminal history, photographic evidence, video evidence, audio evidence, dna samples, and finger prints, there you, this is the real culprit, not this man here, it's just that stu-...*clears throat* my associate, Ms.Smith didn't... follow my orders and instead followed her own instincts*whispers* because she's stupid bitch *clears throat* This man has no reason to be here "

Judge : " Hmm... the evidence is impressive, and since there is no evidence that states that Mr. L/N here is guilty, the verdict is here, Mr.  L/N is not guilty! "

You : " Yes! Thank you your honor! And thank you Siv! "

Siv : " Hmm? Oh no problem kid, i'm just doing my job "

You then leave and you're tackled by all of your girls, even Bonnie, of course she was extra bitchy for the rest of the day to make up for it, but somewhere else in America, in DC to be exact, in the HQ of the Cultural Home Exchange Program, there was a meeting with the higher ups...

Bossman : " Alright, I think we all know why we're all here... "

All except that one guy : " To talk about Siv! "

That one guy : " To record a home movie about monster girls "

Everybody stares at that one guy

That one guy : " You know, like a documentary? Maybe it will encourage people to join? "

Bossman : " That's genuis, somebody write that down, that was really good... but for now we need to talk about Siv, as we all know she's been getting into somw pretty shifty business as of late... we know this because of the tracking chip that we put in her tail, so how should we go about this? "

That one guy : " I wouldn't mind taking her home~ "

Everybody stares at that one guy

Bossman : "That's genuis! Siv dosn't have a host, so we just have to give her a host! And then boom, no more blackmailing and no more snooping around for her, call Ms.Smith, since Siv is in (city name) let's just give her to that guy "

That one guy : " Yes! "

Bossman : " Not you, this guy "

He shows everybody your face and zooms in


Hey guys Waifumaster here, I would like to thank you all, except I need to say something, Don't you ever talk to me, or My waifus ever again, don't you dare talk shit about Siv, yeah that's right, I didn't expect this at all, I thought you people wouldv'e remembered that SIV HAS NOTHING TO BLACKMAIL US FOR! " acts like as if she controls you to do her every whim but she has no information on you since you weren't worth spying on " This was an actual quote from her profile, she couldn't have talked to Ms.Smith about us because she has nothing on us! I expected so much more then you guys, I expected you guys to hate Bonnie, but instead you guys love her, but no I metion Siv once and you all want to fucking shoot her, you guys are nothing but bullies!

>TMW you're a gentleman and you see a waifu being bullied

>FACT : Traps are gay

I'm so getting bullied for posting ponies aren't I... well whatever fuck it, well anyways, I want to give a shout to koditheassassin and Winter-Phoenix for being the only two to understand what was actually going one, Kodi, Winter, you get a reward, send me a PM and i'll do any idea you want to see as long as it isn't a lemon. NO FUCKING LEMONS , as long as i'm ok with it i'll do it, so please message me after you read this to tell me what you want, as to everybody else, I hope you feel bad, this is what happens when you judge a book for it's cover, these two were oustanding people who actually were paying attention to the story, so they deserve it, if you knew what was going on and you feel dissapointed for not being on here, well fuck you, you didn't leave a comment so I couldn't tell if you really knew what was going on. Well anyways I hope you guys know i'm joking, I don't hate you guys for hating Siv, but this wasn't how I imagined you all would react, also how many people actually understand the title? Anyways this is Waifumaster signing off, TBH Pearl > Marina

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