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Hey guys Waifumaster here, bet you didn't expect to see me huh? Well guess what, I have a special announcement, but more on that later, anyways this is is koditheassassin request, and my god is it great, you can tell by the title that it's going to be chalk full of jojo references, so if you havn't watched it or read it... well I guess that's too bad there's literraly nothing I can do, just watch it

You were now awake and as you tried to wake up you realized you were in between a rock and a hard place, or in this case, in between Louise's mega mammaries and in Hanako's death grip, personally you were perfectly fine with being in this situation but you had to get up so you stated to move around trying to wake them up

Louise : " Y/N~... th-this isn't a snack... it's a fe-feast... now let m-me eat it~ "

Hanako : " あなたはセクシーなトークを期待していましたが、それは私のことでした。"

You : Well this is one hell of a predicament, I don't want to leave, but I have too... " Alright girls wake up, I need to make breakfast... Louise, you think I ca-MMPHH, MMHH! "

Louise : " You are m-my... Breakfa-fast~ " 

You : Oh fuck, now i'm being squished by her boobs... man who guessed that I would ever have this problem, man god must have blessed me for this morning

Waifumaster : I wish I were you where I could hang out with monster girls but no I have to be a loner and write about you having a harem, so stop rubbing it in, also, kapow, you don't remember I talked to you

You : I know what she's dreaming of but I didn't think she would wanna do that... wait she would just bite it right off... holy shit that's crazy

After a while of struggling they both woke up and you made breakfast, however during breakfast you hear a knock on the door, you knocked and saw Ms.Smith, but she was dirty, her clothes were torn, and her glasses were broken and she even had a few bruises

You : " OH MAI GAWD! "

Ms.Smith : " Yes... I may have had a bit of an...*coughs* incident, but I can assure you it was a small one "

You see an explosion in the distance

Ms.Smith : " Ok so she may have not been as small as I imagined it... but don't worry, as M.O.N. leader i'll be able to call them to deal with her, so just stay here Y/N "

You : " NO,NO,NO... NO! Just what is going on Ms.Smith! That was a litteral explosion, also you said she so i'm guessing that's one of my guests right? " 

Ms.Smith : " Yes that would be sadly correct, her name is Mitsuru and she is a Red-Oni, straight from Japan, she may have escaped the vehicle "

You : " Wait, a Red-Oni? Oh shit! That's crazy! "

Ms.Smith : " Yes it is, that is why we will use the MONster operatives :Neutralization squad for this, they should be coming any minute, currently Siv is on the scene giving me all the details on this ear piece

Siv : " You're lucky your the only coordinator in the area, or else I wouldn't even be talking to you "

Ms.Smith : " Err yes I know, Ms.Siv i'm sorry for last time I really am... *cough* well anyways Mr.L/N, it appears thst she is currently on a war path trying to find you, most likely from the fact that she is holding a huge Kanabo with your name on it "

Louise suddenly places a hand on you see that her eyes are covered by a shadow, she suddenly has a menacing aura

Louise : " If anyone so much as touches him will die instantly "

Almost to prove her point she flicks the wall with her index finger and it blows a large whole in the wall, but then she gets all flustered that she just destroyed the house, you the tell her to calm down and she goes back to sitting down, but before you say good bye to Ms.Smith you see 2 people in armor walk up to Ms.Smith and you see another Ms.Smith walk in, you then see a large bulking figure try to go through the hole in the wall but it only makes it bigger

Ms.Smith : " Right on time girls, this is your mission, go deal with Mitsuru, if not it could spell disaster for Mr.L/N over here

Zombina : " so this is Y/N huh? He's like this place's Kimihito? Haha you have quite the reputation to live up to dude "

Manoko : " Err Ms.Smith, I still don't know why I have to be here, won't I be too close to snipe? "

Tio : " Woah! Someone is taller then me! That's a first... oh hello there mister, don't worry we'll protect you today so don't worry, we have your back "

Doppel : " And i'm Ms.Smith no.2, i'm doppel actually, I'm going to act like Ms.Smith to lur her out "

You : " Oh... well that's nice, i'd like to thank you all for protecting me, I hope you guys come back safe " 

Zombina : " We're M.O.N, it's not in our job description to be safe, lets do this bitches! "

The real Ms.Smith walks off and the 4 follow her to her car, she then drives off and you close the door

You : " Man that's crazy, wish I could help them "

Hanako : " I understand you want to help but their professionals, also you shouldn't be on the ground floor, that Oni might find you here, how about you go upstairs with Bonnie, I know she may be mean but it's safe, so please go, me and Louise will guard the hole, and if anything happens, i'm sure she will protect you "

You : " Your right Hanako, thanks for that, but don't worry, i'm sure M.O.N. will deal with her"

You quickly walk upstairs and enter Bonnie's room she was asleep but she woke up when you entered

You : " Oh hey there Bonnie, sorry for waking you, it's just that there's this crazy monster trying to kill me so I went up to stay safe, Hanako said that if anything happens your my last line of defense "

Bonnie : " Me?protect you? tch,over my living body. here, just take this artifact from egypt. I got it when I met the soul of a old lady wandering in my mansion. she said something about stabbing yourself to become an ultimate life form or something "

You : " Wait stabbing myself! Won't that be painful! "

Bonnie : " Yes it will now come here, this is about as much work as i'm planning to do for you "

You :  " ok so now wh-"

You were suddenly stabbed by the arrow and you were bleeding like crazy and the pain was become worst and worst


Bonnie : " It hasn't worked yet, just wait some more time "


Bonnie : " See? It wasn't that bad now was it, now this thing was supposed to make you the ultimate life form so try to do something "

You tried to do things but you didn't feel any different until you saw a bunch of insects coming from out of your sleeves, you surprised since they looked so wierd, but the more you looked at them the more you realized you controlled them, you then looked at a lone wooden chair and they went to it, they soon went on the chair and completely covered it before they completely dsstroyed it leaving nothing but sawdust, but then they ate the sawdust...KONO STANDO POWAH 

However back with the M.O.N. it wasn't going so well, it turns out that Mitsuru was an extremely powerful opponent, Zombina was currently trying to wear her down by shooting her with her SMGs but it appeared that just like Tio, she has extremely durable skin as well

Zombina : " Damn it this bitch is bullet proof! "

Mitsuru : " Heh, you think bullets can hurt me zombie? Well here's the thing, you may not hurt me, but I can hurt you! "

She then ran at Zombina and tackling her and using her Kanabo to throw her across the street, Zombina's bones were now broken and she was unable to stand properly

Zombina : " Ah shit, she got me "

Ms.Smith : " Doppel you're up, try to take her out as herself "

Doppel soon turned into Mitsuri and got ready to fight, the two were in a fairly even match when Mitsuru suddenly got her Kanabo and tried to hit her with it, the only way she could dodge it was too transforming back into herself and wrapping herself in hair, Matsuri hit her hair several times before deciding to throw her back to Ms.Smith. Ms.Smith didn't know what to do, she was either going to send Tio to fight her, or have Manako completely Neutralize her... she decided it would better to send Tio and told her to suit up, after she was ready she walked up to Matsuru

Tio : " well mitsuri...looks like it's you against me now..


Mitsuri: ''umm....what was that?"

Tio: "what was what?"

Mitsuri: "i just saw a weird text pop up and....y'know what? never mind. let's just battle!'

And in a flash,mitsuri and tio dashed towards each other. they both clashed their weapons against each other as they tried to hit each other. Tio used her hair to block mitsuri's Kanabo strikes. she quickly leaped over mitsuri and started using her hair to punch the ever living crap out of her. she blocked a few of the punches,but most of them managed to hit her and knock her back. mitsuri backflipped and dashed towards tio before smashing her away with her kanabo. tio ended up crashing into a wall. mitsuri was about to go for the finisher,when suddenly she heard a yell.

?????: "HEY! STOP!"

she turned around and saw (Y/N) standing there.

(Y/N): "i'm your opponent!''

Mitsuri prepared her kanabo again.

Ms. Smith: "Wait! (Y/N)! Don't do it! she's very dangerous."

(Y/N): "Trust me Ms. Smith. i've got this!"

Ms. Smith: "(Y/N),just hurry up and leave before she gets you!''

(Y/N) looked at mitsuri before sighing...

(Y/N): "alright,i guess i'll just head back home now..."

Mitsuri: "OH,NO YOU DON'T!"

Mitsuri leaped towards (Y/N) and was about to smash him.

(Y/N) dodged out of the way and pointed at her.

Mitsuri:"pfft...what,am i supposed to...huh?! what is-?!

a bunch of metalic,yet natural-looking bugs started surrounding both her and her weapon.they started eating her weapon until it was nothing but a bunch of scrap metal. mitsuri looked at (Y/N) in shock. (Y/N) prepared to block....but was in for a surprise.


(Y/N): "Huh?! what's wrong with-


(Y/N): "H-Hey! what's the big idea?!''

Ms. Smith: "What even-"


(Y/N),mitsuri and Ms.smith were talking right now. (Y/N) explained to her that he used what's known as a stand. she looked down for a bit before speaking up.

Mitsuri: "i'm....i'm sorry for trying to kill you..."

Mr. Smith: "C'mon,we're going to report you..."


they both looked at (Y/N)

(Y/N): "i accept your can come home with me if you want."

Mitsuri smilled and ran up to (Y/N) before tackling him.


(Y/N) arrived at home where the girls ran up to him

Hanako:"are you okay (Y/N)?"

(Y/N): "yeah,i'm fine...the fight didn't really last that long."

Hanako: "how so?"

(Y/N): "i managed to defeat her thanks to my stand."

Louise looked around (Y/N)...

Louise:"but i don't see anything"

(Y/N): "that's because only stand users can see it...right bonnie?"

Bonnie: "yep...anyways,how about we celebrate your victory?"

Everyone in the house cheered as they went towards the kitchen.

Bonnie: "*sigh* looks like he doesn't know that the stand arrow is only temporary."

Hey guys,this is computerboy64.
If you couldn't tell from the "computer boy has logged in" part,i'm mostly picking up from where waifumaster left Off. I hope you guys enjoyed this part. And if you have any ideas,feel free to let me know. Computerboy out!

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