Chapter 5 - READY TO D.I.E.

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Hey there, Waifumaster here, you expected a Helleanor chapter, but it was I! Waifumaster taking that shit away and introducing a new girl! Hahaha! WRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY

>> ♡♡♡ << 💞 >> ♡♡♡ <<

The Johnsons were now returning home from a shopping spree, they were done enjoying themselves for the night and after hitting up that bar, were pretty much buzzed out, the man was barely able to unlock his own door before his wife had to unlock it for it, thankfully she wasn't quite as buzzed, they both walked in excitedly and jumped on the couch, they were both living the life ever since they joined the cultural exchange program, they were given a check to use on their monster's needs, but they didn't, because they're selfish greedy bastards, they were both giggling as they were undressing each other when they heard a loud noise, it was like something fell in their brand new fully stocked kitchen with the best brands, they both got up groggily to check

Unimportant bitch: "Ugh... what is she doing th-HICCUP-is time..."

Greedy Bastard: "Eh... probably making some food or something, she's too dumb for that though..."

Unimportant Bitch: "Esmeralda sweety? Wha- AGHHH! WHAT THE FUCK DID YOU DO TO OUR KITCHEN!"

Esmeralda was trying to pick up glass shards off the ground, she clumsily dropped a cup, however that wasn't all, the kitchen was ruined, the refrigerator doors were cut clean off, the sink was spewing out water since the faucet was cut off, essentially almost everything was cut or sliced in some manner, Esmeralda however simply stood there, she had that same look on her face and so she sighed before looking at them

《\ Esmeralda /》: "Esmeralda is very sorry, it's just that I was so hung-"

She didn't have time to finish since the man was already beating her, she fell to the ground after she got slugged in the jaw and curled up in a ball in an attempt to defend herself, her stoic face still there as the man berated her with insults and physical lashings, she gulped and hoped that this would be over soon

Greedy bastard: "You fucking no good bug! If it wasn't for all this fucking money we get for taking care of you you'd be long gone!"

《\ Esmeralda /》: "Ye-yes... Esmeralda knows... Esmeralda knows..."

She closed her eyes and as she she saw nothing, but slowly green leaves and sunlight shone through the darkness, she was back to her home, a small grove in a forest, there she was sitting down and enjoying some freshly picked berries, she remembered this, it was nothing more than a memory, but memories are what keeps her going... she smiled as she looked at the very small and still young Esmeralda and her mother, she missed her so much, all these years of being lonely and being transferred house to house was much too depressing for her, each house hated her just because of her damn scythes, she wished she could just be back home in her forest, but instead here she was, in this house being beaten by a man she kill oh so easily, she couldn't help but wish she could just slice his head off or maybe dismember him alive before beating him with his arms or maybe even just cutting him down in two, but she was compliant, she didn't want to get in trouble with the cultural exchange once again, however she just wanted to leave this house, however she couldn't help but notice an agonizing pain, it was horrible, so horrible she couldn't help but burst into tears and kick him away, she rapidly got up and tried to inspected body, and then she looked at the man, in his hands were one of her wings, she turned around and felt the blood trickle down her back from her wing socket, she gulped and turned around before looking down at the man, he truly felt remorse for that, because he was about to get the beating of a lifetime, his screams were heard all across the neighborhood and his wife couldn't help but laugh as he got beat, she sipped some whiskey from the bottle and sighed before falling down in a drunken stupor...

Ms.Wesson sighed as she looked through Esmeralda's files, she just finished the manuscript of her latest accident and looked at Esmeralda

×0× Ms.Wesson ×0×: "Esmeralda... this is your 12th violation, this isn't the first person you've gotten violent with, what is this, your 4th? What happened to the days where the family just hated how your scythes were the problem... listen Esmeralda, I know you're a good mantis, but I don't know what else to do..."

《\ Esmeralda /》: "You can let Esmeralda go back to her forest and leave her alone..."

×0× Ms.Wesson ×0×: "Now now, you know I can't do that, I need you to share your culture with others"


Ms.Wesson pointed her gun at Esmeralda and she calmed down, she couldn't help but let out small tears, but Ms.Wesson felt bad too, she couldn't believe she pointed her gun at her, it was just instinct...

《\ Esmeralda /》: "Esmeralda is very sorry... Esmeralda is always so hurt... Esmeralda just wants to go home... why can't Esmeralda go home Ms.Wesson?"

×0× Ms.Wesson ×0×: "I wish I knew why... listen, I wasn't there when you were captured... I'm not gonna best around the bush, you really had no say in joining the program, and because of that I'm sorry... but you know how this goes..."

《\ Esmeralda /》: "Yes, Esmeralda knows this part all to well... time for my relocation..."

Ms.Wesson was a tough gal, not one to care about people, but she truly felt pity for her, she sighed and went on her computer to look for another host for her, she was filtering for people that liked bugs, and so she kept on going before seeing a familiar face... your face to be exact...

Back at your house things were as chaotic as ever, you sighed as you heard Helleanor and Louise running down the stairs

~♡~ Louise ~♡~: "Y/N! Helleanor stole my bras! Make her give it back!"

<< You >>: "Helleanor give it back right now"

🌋💢Helleanor💢🌋: "Never! They're mine now! Hehe~"

~♡~ Louise ~♡~: "Ugh! You indecent dirty mutt! Bring that back at once!"

They both ran into another room and left you alone

<< You >>: "Ugh... this is getting ridiculous... I guess I should go and do something about it"

You went into the kitchen to go get some dog treats to bribe Helleanor when you heard somebody knocking, it was probably Beth returning with the groceries, you went up to the door and opened

<< You >>: "Welcome back Beth"

¤⊙¤ Beth ¤⊙¤: "Thank you for welcoming me back my lord, I have gotten everything on your list as requested"

She walked back inside, a ton of tentacles were holding plenty of bags

<< You >>: "Alright thanks Beth, that should be good for the month, I hope..."

You sighed and sat down on the couch, it was winter so maybe you'd treat them all to showing them the city now that it's in a big blanket of snow, you then go to check on Louise and Helleanor and see they're doing there usual shenanigans, they're both in a battle to the death and you're guessing those shreds of cloth are Louise's brassieres, guess Helleanor ripped them shreds, you sighed and went up to them and grabbed both of their tails and yanked them, they both whined before turning around

🌋💢Helleanor💢🌋: "Hey, you wanna fucking die? Because that's how you FUCKI-"

<< You >>: "Shut your trap Helleanor, eat the dog treats and relax, you're way to hyper and aggressive right now, go take a bath and cool off"

🌋💢Helleanor💢🌋: "Tch, Fucking piece of shit... making me take of bath... tch..."

Louise simply smiled smugly before giggling

~♡~ Louise ~♡~: "Heh, she was quite the troublemaker hmm?"

<< You >>: "Yeah she is, but I expect more from you Louise! You're a mature princess, I expect a lot from you, and to be honest, I didn't expect you to get so agitated at one of her dumb pranks, now go on and get back to your room, I was planning on taking you all out to see the city today, but you both lost that chance..."

Louise looked so ashamed of herself, she felt humiliated and couldn't believe she was so immature, she agreed with every word you said, which is why it hurt her even more, she curtsied before making her way to her room, you could you hurt her feelings a bit, but you're their caretakers, you have to act responsible as well, plus punishing Louise wasn't any great on your side either...

You felt pretty stressed out after that, you went back to your room and laid down on your bed, you really needed some rest, these past few months have been destroying you physically and mentally, everyday is a new problem for you to fix and it's always the same thing, Louise and Helleanor... they both hate each other and it's all because they're fighting over you, you just wished they'd both understand that they need to follow the interspecies bill and recognize the fact that they won't even be able to date you... and this was another thing, months of always seeing them as nothing but bothers has made you forget that you actually used to love these girls as well... your thoughts became nothing more than a blank screen after you fell asleep...

That is until you woke up to the sound of your phone going off, it kept on buzzing annoyingly until you got up and grabbed your phone, it was 3AM in the morning, you sighed and answered your phone

<< You >>: "Who in the right mind would call somebody at 3 in the morning!"

×0× Ms.Wesson ×0×: "OH BOY 3 AM!"

<< You >>: "Ms.Wesson? Why the hell are you making a spongebob reference?"

×0× Ms.Wesson ×0×: "Because studies show it's better to be laughing when told bad news..."

<< You >>: "Bad news? Oh please, I've been dealing with more bad news for the whole past few months, just tell me what's wrong..."

×0× Ms.Wesson ×0×: "Well my men was transporting another extra-species when-"

<< You >>: "Wait you mean to tell me you want to give me even more problems! These girls that I have are already enough trouble!"

×0× Ms.Wesson ×0×: "Listen, calm down Y/N... well anyways back to the problem at hand, a Mantis girl named Esmeralda just escaped, we don't what she's gonna be doing, but we're pretty sure she was gonna go and assassinate you"

<< You >>: "Why would she be doing that? And to be honest, I wouldn't mind dying, I mean this lazy ass author can barely stick to a schedule and write shit on time, not like I do much anyways..."

×0× Ms.Wesson ×0×: "Y/N, just shut up, and stay alert, she's a mantis so she's a master assassin, so be careful, if I was you, I would leave the house..."

<< You >>: "Ugh... I don't care about some assassin, I've had to deal with Helleanor for a few months now, I'm pretty sure I can deal with her... so when did she run away anyways?"

×0× Ms.Wesson ×0×: "Oh well it had to be around 12 hours ago"

<< You >>: "What! This is some really late news! She might be here by now!"

×0× Ms.Wesson ×0×: "That's impossible, she's just a mantis, her wings aren't even flight, just mating rituals and mating dances"

<< You >>: "Whatever Ms.Wesson, I'm gonna go now, I'll call you if I see her..."

You hang up and decide to change into more athletic clothing, you feel like you'll be doing a lot of running soon, you yawn as you get in your car and start to turn on the engines in your car only for two scythes two impale your cars roof, one of them was inches away from impaling your head

<< You >>: "GOD DAMNIT!"

You move across the seat and exit through the passenger door, you jump out and see a lady struggling to unhook her scythes from the roof, she groaned as she tried to escape but you just took this chance to run away, you got on your bicycle and began pedaling away as fast as you could, you sighed as you went so far that you couldn't see your own house anymore, but you couldn't relax yet, you were surprised to see she was running across the rooftops quickly, you were gonna go faster until you saw a red light, you screech the brakes only for you to hit a car, you were thrown across the street and you felt like shit, you could feel the blood dripping from all the scrapes and your head had a splitting headache... ooh... maybe "splitting" isn't the best choice of words... you were seriously hurt but you had to keep on going, you turned around and you couldn't find her anywhere, it was so dark here, and now the only lights on were the streetlights, and that meant she could see you, but you couldn't see her... you were pretty horrified, you felt a dread come over you as you realized that you had no chance of winning, you simply sighed and laid against a wall, you stopped bothering about her anyways... you simply checked your phone before looking at the time... you grabbed your phone and called Ms.Wesson one last time...

<< You >>: "Hey there... I think she found me..."

×0× Ms.Wesson ×0×: "What? Tch, I'm gonna write one hell of a report to my boss, I knew we should hav-"

<< You >>: "Hey? Relax... listen, just tell the girls I've left, tell them I'm done... done dealing with their shit... Beth is such an amazing help, but honestly... everyday is one day closer to me blowing my brains out..."

Ms.Wesson was quiet on the phone... she never had been on one of these positions before

×0× Ms.Wesson ×0×: "Y/N... don't you dare think about doing this, you're better than this!"

Soon Meme-Chan appears and smiles before giving you thumbs up

👌💯🔥Meme-Chan🔥💯👌: "Suicide is badass!"

×0× Ms.Wesson ×0×: "MEME-CHAN YOU'RE NOT HELPING!"

<< You >>: "Nah, it's ok, Ms.Wesson, well anyways this phone call is getting me nowhere, tell the girls to behave better with their new caretakers..."

×0× Ms.Wesson ×0×: "Y/N don't you dare hang up on m-"

You hung up... meme-chan simply giggled before playing with your head

👌💯🔥Meme-Chan🔥💯👌: "Relax dude, dying ain't so bad! You get to see a bunch of anime babes and memes! It's paradise! So anyway, i'll let you go in peace, see you later~"

She quickly popped out of existence and let out a sigh of release, it felt good knowing you didn't have to deal with anymore problems, soon the mantis girl fell to the ground in front of you

<< You >>: "About time you show up... so why are you doing this anyways?"

《\ Esmeralda /》: "Esmeralda is sick of this program! If Esmeralda kills her caretaker... Esmeralda gets taken away... esmeralda doesn't want to be here... You die to give Esmeralda freedom..."

<< You >>: "Freedom? Heh, sounds good to me, if anything, you'd setting me free too... so what's your problem with the program?"

《\ Esmeralda /》: "Esmeralda never wanted to be in program... program took Esmeralda and killed Esmeraldas mom... Esmeralda is hated by humans... humans always mistreat Esmeralda..."

<< You >>: "Yeah I can understand... taking care of monster girls is hard work, its seriously driven me off the deep end, every day is nothing more than me having to deal with whatever I'll shit they throw at me... heh... I never wanted to be in this program in the first place, my high school teacher actually signed me up for this... pretty weird to be honest, but feel your pain Esmeralda... with the way those two monster girls act, they might as well just say they hate me because their actions just prove how little they care, not to mention how Helleanor mistreats you... to be honest you'd be making me a favor, so go ahead Esmeralda... I don't mind..."

You were finally gonna rest, you felt totally calm, not a single feeling of regret was in your mind, she readied her scythe's and you could hear a quiet swish as they sliced through the air, however they never hit you, instead they hit the wall behind you, you then opened your eyes only to see Esmeralda on the ground, she was panting and sobbing, her face was red and you could tell she was crying red hot tears from all those build up feelings, you simply sighed before scooting over to her, giving her a gentle pat on the back before she threw herself to you and hugging you tightly, you were thankful those scythes were retracted or else she would've actually killed you, you simply hugged her back and let her cry

<< You >>: "Hey... are you ok? You've been crying for like... 12 minutes..."

She was still sobbing, and stuttering

《\ Esmeralda /》: "Ye-ye-yeah... th-thanks..."

<< You >>: "No problem Esmeralda... it's not my first time I ever had to comfort somebody..."

You soon sigh as you remember your three monster girls, you actually been distant from them recently, paying less attention to them, and more attention to how troublesome they are... hmm... looks like you've been looking at the black dot on a white canvas... you simply picked her up and gave her a piggyback ride, she was incredibly light and silent the entire trip, you slowly made your way back home and took her to your room, you simply laid her in bed and saw that she was asleep, it looks like she cried herself to sleep, you can definitely relate to that... you got in bed and fell asleep, your mind was wandering, maybe you'd go to the hospital after getting some rest...

It was a week later and that week has been quite the crazy one, Ms.Wesson was worried you were suicidal so she decided to move in with you, she thought that it would be good to have somebody actually be in charge, and so far she's been just what you needed, although she can be awkward sometimes, no need to bring up the time she walked in on you in the hot tub, it totally ruined the moment, but the girls have been much more understanding, Louise is now living up to her expectations, she's mature, level headed and kind of like Helleanor's big sister now, and speaking of Helleanor, you decided to punish her by throwing entire bowls full of salt, due to her being unholy, the salt seriously fucks her shit up, and although says she isn't being controlled by you, she isn't as misbehaved as before, and Beth, well to be honest Beth has been the best girl all along...

You sighed as you saw Ms.Wesson forcing you to wake up, she was shaking you around and was pretty close to slapping you awake

<< You >>: "I'm up... I'm up already..."

×0× Ms.Wesson ×0×: "Good! It's 8:02AM! You're over sleeping!"

<< You >>: "No I'm not... just trying to catch some more Zs..."

You begrudgingly woke up and went downstairs to make breakfast for everybody, you were kinda glad Esmeralda was hiding, because for some reason she has been sleeping in your room, so it was a good thing she always leaves half-way through the night, you made breakfast for everybody and sat silently in the table as the girls began to come down

🌋💢Helleanor💢🌋: "Ugh, why can't you make breakfast later! You're forcing me to wake up earlier than I would too!"

~♡~ Louise ~♡~: "Oh relax Helleanor, at least he's feeding you at all, everytime you cook you burn down the kitchen"

🌋💢Helleanor💢🌋: "I only do that because cooking infuriates me! Why does it matter that the temperature has to be so low! If I triple it then it cooks three times faster!"

~♡~ Louise ~♡~: "And a 100% chance to burn down to kitchen apparently..."

Helleanor simply growled at her, but Louise picked her up and gave her a few headpats to calm her down

🌋💢Helleanor💢🌋: "Tch... whatever..."

Beth came down and gave them both headpats using her tentacles, she giggled as she saw them get along

¤⊙¤ Beth ¤⊙¤: "Good job girls! I'm glad to see you're both acting so well together! Keep it up!"

Soon she began to grimace and gave both of them a hard stare

¤⊙¤ Beth ¤⊙¤: "YoU twO pIEcES Of SHIt ALmoSt drOVE my MaSter T0 seWER 0n tHe Side, Y0u do ANythING LIke THat AGaIn AND I'lL KIlL y0U BOTH"

They both froze as they remembered how horrifying and Violent Beth was she heard that Y/N became suicidal because of these two girls, they could only stay silent and let her pass, Beth quickly smiled and slithered away, acting like nothing happened

🌋💢Helleanor💢🌋: "Fucking hell... i'm from hell and I've never been so scared of anything in my entire life... I thought she was gonna kill me last time!"

~♡~ Louise ~♡~: "Yeah... I heard she's a God slayer or something like that... let's make sure not to anger her like last time..."

Meanwhile Esmeralda burst through a window and crawled her to the kitchen, you sipped your coffee knowing this was a normal morning

<< You >>: "Well anyways...I've been thinking about going on a vacation, what do you all think? You're all coming too of course"

×0× Ms.Wesson ×0×: "Well you better make sure it's within regulation..."

<< You >>: "Well relax, i'll take care of it Ms.Wesson... well anyways you girls dig in, I already ate breakfast earlier..."

You dismissed yourself from the table and went to throw out the garbage, you thought you were done when you began to hear a weird noise... where was it coming from? The more you listened to it the more familiar it became, until you realized what it was, you looked up and saw somebody was falling right towards you, you reacted quickly and jumped out of the way, a massive fiery explosion occured as it crashed into the road, leaving a crater and doing a stereotypical superhero pose 

The man was massive, way taller than Louise, speaking of which, the armor he was wearing was very similar hers, not to mention those massive wings of his, you couldn't help but gulp as you saw his massive spear and shield in his hands, he turned around and pointed towards you, he gestured for you to walk towards him, and so you did stupidly enough... The girls all came rushing outside only to see you in front of him in some sort of confrontation, Louise simply scowled and the man simply began to laugh, his laugh was deep and Incredibly menacing, he then bent down and got down onto your level, looking you in the eye, he kept on laughing, he couldn't stop laughing, that is until he got back up, his helmet prevented you from seeing his face, but you could tell he was really smug

???: "So... this is the pathetic human that you chose over me?"

>> ♡♡♡ << 💞 >> ♡♡♡ <<

Well you're fucked, this is my Christmas gift to you all, Waifumaster signing off, fuck this shit I'm out

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