Chapter 3: Answers

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Zane's P.O.V.:

Pixal and I were in the lab doing some tests on that feather we found. When trying to get results, it was off the charts. This was obviously something Ninjago had never seen before.

"This is strange, these readings date back to almost 3,000 years ago." Pixal noticed.

"We've seen temporal voyage before, but that wouldn't explain Lloyd's hallucinations." I said. "The way he's describing it, it almost sounds like something paranormal."

"According to my data, this feather has come from a creature called the lunarfang. It's said that the creatures were driven out of Ninjago during the serpentine wars."

"Driven out? To where?" I asked.

"The Realm of Madness." She said.

"Wait, Garmadon spent years in that realm. If we can find him, he might be able to tell us how to help Lloyd and find the lunarfang." I said.

"The only problem is that no one has seen Garmadon since the Oni invasion." Pixal frowned. "Even if we knew where he was, there's no way Lloyd would want to see him again."

"Well we need to find him. Right now he's our only lead." I said.

"We need to tell Lloyd." Pixal said.

Lloyd's P.O.V.:

I took a shower and got dressed. I wiped my face with the towel and looked into the mirror. I felt a lot better than yesterday, but I still couldn't get that demon out of my head.

I went into the kitchen and saw my mom in there making breakfast. She saw me and ran to help me sit down.

"Son, you shouldn't be out of bed. I was going to bring you something." She said.

"I'm fine Mom, I'm actually feeling a lot better today, physically at least." I told her.

"Glad to hear it, but don't push yourself too hard."

"I got it." I nodded.

"Here have some pancakes." She put some on in front of me.

"Thanks Mom." I smiled and started eating. "Have you seen Kira?"

"Not this morning, I thought she was in your room." She said.

"She wasn't there when I woke up." I frowned. "You don't think she went back to her treehouse do you?"

"Well sweetie this isn't her home. She left in such a hurry she probably didn't have time to pack anything." She said.

"Yeah but that was for her own safety. I was lucky she was there to save me but if that monster is still out there there'll be no one to save her." I frowned.

"Son relax, don't assume the worst just yet. If you're worried, just text her."

"Yeah, your right." I took a deep breath and took out my phone.

———{{{Lloyd's Phone}}}———

Lloyd: Hey Kira. You were
gone when I woke up.
Where did you go?

Kira: Oh I'm so sorry, I
meant to leave you a note.
I'm just at my treehouse
getting a few things.

L: Are you alone?

K: No, Nya came with
me. It's just a quick trip
and then I'm coming back.

L: Be careful. That creature
is still out there somewhere.

K: Don't worry about us,
it's broad daylight and
we're being very careful.
We're almost done getting
my things and then we're
coming straight to the

L: Ok just be safe.
Because I still need
you around, you know?

K: Don't worry, I'm
not going anywhere. 😉

L: Thank you. See
you later.

K: See ya.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

I put my phone away and looked at my mom. I told her where Kira and Nya were and that they would be here later.

I was really worried about her being out there with whatever it was. I just had to hope that she comes back to me in one piece, because I don't know what I would do without her.

"Did she answer?" My mother asked.

"Yeah, she went with Nya to get her stuff. Do you know where the guys are?" I asked trying to change the subject.

"I know Zane and Pixal have been in the lab working all night." She said. "I think the others had a mission in Stixx."

"A mission?" I asked.

"Yeah, they're expecting a few storms tonight so they went to help weatherproof the city. They should be back by this afternoon."

"I could've helped." I frowned.

"I know son, but they thought you could use a break."

"Lloyd? Misako?" Zane came in and Pixal was behind him.

"Did you find out anything?" I asked.

"We did, we know what attacked you and we have a lead." Zane said.

"That's great!" I exclaimed. "Let's go right now."

"That's the thing Lloyd, we don't exactly know where he is or if he would be willing to cooperate." Zane explained.

"Why not? Who is it?" I asked.

"It's your father." Pixal frowned.

"My... my father?" I frowned.

I hadn't heard anyone mention my father in years. I didn't where he was or what he had been up to. Even if we did find him, there's no way he would help me.

"Why do you need to find him?" My mother asked gently rubbing my shoulders.

"We discovered that the creature escaped from the Realm of Madness, and your father may have encountered the creature before." Zane answered.

"Being that your father was in that realm for so long, he may know of a way to help you." Pixal said.

"Do you really think he would help if I found him?" I looked at my mother.

"The choice is yours son." My mother said. "I don't know if your father has changed, but I might know where he is."

"What?" I was surprised.

"I ran into him on my exploration of Prime Evils Eye." She sighed. "I didn't speak to him. We made eye contact for a few seconds and then he ran off without saying a word."

"And you weren't going to tell me?" I frowned.

"There wasn't much to tell. I honestly don't know if he's still there or not." She frowned. "I'm so sorry, I should have told you."

"It's ok Mom. I know you were just trying to protect me." I said. "Besides, now we know where to start looking."

I stood up, but my mom immediately grabbed me and held me up.

"Careful son, you're still recovering." She said.

"Thanks mom, but I'm actually feeling a lot better." I assured her.

"Alright, you can go, but maybe ride on someone else's dragon just so I don't worry about you." My mom said.

"Deal." I laughed. "Thanks Mom."

"Be careful." She kissed me on the cheek.

"Do we want to wait for the others?" Pixal asked.

"I think we should wait until Nya and Kira get back. I want to make sure they get here safe." I said.

"Good idea." Zane nodded.

I went back to eating my breakfast. I just hoped Nya and Kira wouldn't encounter that creature.

Kira's P.O.V.:

I was with Nya at my treehouse packing up my stuff.

"Ok I just have to grab a few last minute things and then we can head home." I said to Nya. "Thanks for coming with me."

"No problem Kira." She said. "Did you tell Lloyd we were leaving?"

"I meant to leave him a note but I completely forgot." I frowned. "He texted me."

"How's he doing?" Nya asked.

"He says he's getting better, but it's almost like he's getting worse. He keeps getting these weird visions and nightmares. I mean I knew he would be traumatized but this goes way beyond that." I frowned. "I just wish I could help him."

"Kira you saved his life. If you weren't here when it happened, Lloyd would have died."

"I know, and I'm thankful he's alive, but he's just not the same. He wakes up every night having the same nightmare about that creature he encountered. It's like she's making him suffer for him surviving her attack."

"Maybe Zane and Pixal will find something." Nya suggested.

"I hope so." I sighed.

Nya and I grabbed the last of my stuff and we headed home on her dragon. As we took off I heard something coming from behind us and Nya heard it too. We looked back and saw the creature that Lloyd described, it had black fangs and wings just like he said.

"Nya, we gotta loose her!" I yelled.

"I'm on it. You might want to hold onto something." She said.

I held on tight and Nya ran her dragon through the trees until we didn't see her anymore. Once we were out of the labyrinth, Nya got close to the ground and her dragon disappeared. She dropped to her knees and caught her breath.

"Nya!" I ran to her. "Are you alright?"

"Y-yeah." She said taking some deep breaths. "Forming my dragon takes a lot of energy, especially when you're running away from a deranged creature out for blood."

"Yeah, that was scary." I said. "Did you hurt anything?"

"Just scraped my knee on the landing but it's not bad." She said showing it to me.

"Here, I got it." I put my hand on her knee and used my powers to heal it.

"Thanks." She said as I helped her up.

"Do you think you have enough energy to form your dragon again?" I asked.

"Not at the moment." She frowned. "I'm sorry."

"It's ok. As long as that monster isn't out there looking for us, we can rest for a bit." I sat down and so did she.

After a few minutes, Nya regained enough strength to make her dragon that took us back to the monastery, but the minute we arrived she was exhausted and couldn't stand. Lloyd and Zane were out front waiting for us and Zane ran to help.

"Nya! Kira!" Lloyd yelled. "Are you ok?"

"We had a run in with the same creature that attacked you." I explained. "Nya managed to outrun her on her dragon and take us back, but she exhausted herself."

"You saw the creature?" Lloyd freaked.

"Relax, we lost her in the labyrinth thanks to Nya."

"I... I'm sorry." Nya said catching her breath.

"You have nothing to be sorry about." I told her.

Just then we saw three more dragons flying up to the monastery. All three boys ran over to see what was going on.

"What's going on?" Cole asked.

"Nya!" Both Kai and Jay ran to her.

"She's alright, she's just exhausted." I told them. "It's a really long story."

"Come on Jay, let's get her into bed." Kai said.

"Yeah." Jay nodded and they took her to her room.

"Geez, what did I miss?" Cole asked.

"We need to find my father." Lloyd said.

"What?" We all questioned.


Hey guys! I know it's been over two years since I updated this but I'm so happy I was able to finish it. I promise you won't have to wait that long for the next chapter. I hope it was worth the wait.

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