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Yes, this is inspired by Disney's Frozen.

I listened to the soundtrack while doing homework and my brain produced this.

This will, chapterwise, be somewhere awkwardly between oneshot and fanfiction, but I really wanted to write it, and y'all want to read it so I'm writing it

And yes, I do have a million other ideas I got first and am still in the middle of but new book fun.


Pov: King of the kingdom of Adamas

'No.' I reply to Watcher Potentes in front of me, the leader of the kingdom of Celestus, in whose castle I stand now. 

'You threaten every kingdom this side of The Rift with the power you refuse to fix, pass it down to your heirs.' The purple eyes of the Watcher shifts to the door behind which my children, Princes Cub and Scar, are playing.

'And you would suggest I hurt them instead with your...' I struggle to find a non-gruesome explanation of what was suggested. '...methods.'

'It removes the curse.'

'And you want to try this on my children?!'

'The consequences if you don't will be far greater.'

'It will KILL THEM! We don't even know if they have the curse!'

'I'm not risking another sorcerer with dangerous, volatile magic on the throne of Adamas.' Watcher Potentes hisses, stepping closer. I control my powers, glaring back.

'It is up to our kingdom to control our affairs, and our curse. Do what you wish in Celestus, but this is my kingdom, my magic and my children!'


I turn. My eldest, Cub, is stood in the doorway, green eyes wide.

'You should really be more observant. Unless you want to let something controversial slip and put your fragile diamond kingdom in danger.' 

They turn to leave. I grab their wrist, the Curse rising for a moment.

'Is that a threat?'

'There are 2 options, Vex.' The Watcher hisses. 'You accept our help in removing the curse, or we take over your kingdom ourself and stop it by force.' 

'We control the Curse already. It has worked for generations.' I hold up my blue crystal necklace. 'We know how dangerous it is.' 

'Yet you still use your sorcery as though it is little more than a couple harmless cantrips, a party trick... if I see or hear any sign of magic within Adamas again... well little Daddy won't always be there for his darling children will he?'

'Don't you dare threaten my children.' I snarl as quiet as I can, aware of Cub still listening. 'Or you'll quickly discover what happens when you anger the Vex.'

'Dada? What's happeneding?' At the growing fear in Cub's voice, I let go. With a cold smile, Watcher Potentes walks away. I turn, crouch down to 6 year old Cub's height, struggling to find the right words... He's far too young to be told about the curse, surely.

'Nothing you need to worry about... go play with your little brother while Daddy deals with this.'

'Scar's hurt himself again. I wanted to tell you... what does Cele... Cele...'

'Celestus are a wonderful allies. You don't need to worry about them.' I pick up Cub, knowing he's still got a million questions, but he doesn't ask them. 'Now let's find Scar and see what happened this time...'

Atmospheres run high at the feast that night. Cub and Scar are whispering at my side, trying all the new Celestran food despite me warning they'll be sick. Conversation runs down the rest of the table between mine and Watcher Potentes' nobles, laughing, sharing jokes. But my focus remains on the Celestran leader, sat at the opposite end of the table.

'Daddy Daddy! Are you gonna eat that?' Four year old Scar asks, distracting me. I glance down at the plate of some Celestran delicacy I've chosen. It's delicious, but all that's left in my mouth is a sick feeling.

'I am, Scar... I am.' 

'A toast,' The room falls silent as Watcher Potentes stands. 'to our wonderful guests from the Diamond Kingdom Adamas... the king and princes of the Vex family, and their loyal nobles. May your kingdom be blessed and may your family rule for many years to come... To Adamas.' He raises his goblet, cold eyes fixed on me.

'To Adamas.' We all follow suit. I keep eye contact with Watcher Potentes, refusing to be intimidated until we continue eating again... I manage to finish my plate of food, laughing politely at a joke from my court bard Joe. 

'Can I go now? Can I go now?' Cub interrupts. 'I finished eating!'

'I'm done too! I eated all my vegebles Daddy!' Scar adds. 

'We must wait for our kind host to let us go... be patient, ok?'

'Uh- um... Watchy guy of- of Celestus?' Cub stands on his chair to look over the nobles who've now paused eating at the sight. I try to get him to sit back down. Watcher Potentes looks up.

'Yes, Prince Cub?'

'Can- can me and Scar go cuz we finished eatering?' 

'And miss pudding? We made cake... a vex specialty I hear.'

Ice runs down my spice as Cub quickly sits again. I don't speak, knowing what my child doesn't. Cake is more than a Vex speciality.

It's our traditional last food offered before execution.

'You know our culture well.' I reply. They know I understand the implications, giving a small laugh. 

I return to eating, certain that this will be my last meal.

It isn't long until dinner ends and we all disperse back towards our rooms. I follow Cub and Scar as they run away.

'Cub, there is something I want to talk to you about.' I barely manage whisper, let alone call out.  Cub pauses, following me into a side room.

'What is it Dada?' I take a deep breath before explaining.

'Daddy might not be coming back with you to the castle.' His expression falls.

'What? Why? What's happening?'

'Your Daddy might have to stay here a few more days to continue boring adult discussions. But I have a special little challenge for you and Scar... you need to keep your magic a secret from anyone outside the castle. Especially if they're visiting from Celestus or any of the surrounding kingdoms. Forever.'

'Forever?! Why?'

'Some people don't like our magic very much... Do you promise you'll do this, Cub?' Another nod. I hug him and he hugs back even tighter.

'I love you Daddy!' He declares. I fight tears as I continue to hug my son, before I have to let go.

'You can go and play with Scar now... and give him a hug from me, ok?'

'Ok! Bye Daddy!' He runs off. I watch him go before standing.

'I know you've been waiting.'

Watcher Potentes steps into view from the doorway.

'Forgive my impatience. I have thought further about what you've said... You know I have my own heir.'

'Your Sun Child.'

'Indeed. So I will let yours go. For now. When they're grown up I won't be so merciful... But as for you?'

'If you're going to kill me do it quickly.' I snap. 'My guard aren't stupid. They got your blatant hints at dinner.'

'But they won't be able to prove it.'

I pause.


'Who would be able to differentiate the symptoms of poison from common sickness? Besides, you'll be on the boat back by the time they notice...'

I don't reply. Watcher Potentes smiles.

'At least you'll have time to lie to your children again.'

And he walks away to let me slowly die.

(the almighty (giants) one says: I beat the author of this lovely book 10 times with a metal stick! hope you enjoy xoxo)

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