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If you don't understand a word/name in this book, it'll be a Latin translation.

For instance 'Adamas' means 'diamond'

And 'Celestus' came from the word for heaven

Feel free to translate... :)

PoV: Cub

(17 years later)


I hammer on the door of my younger, and currently asleep, brother's room, hearing a grumble back.

'Noooooo... I don't need to get up yet...' I hear through the door and beneath at least 5 blankets.

'The leaders of the other kingdoms are arriving... I definitely saw the red banner of Dogwarts on one of the ships. We need to greet them... You do remember it's my coronation today.

'Coronation? Aren't you already king...?'

But 10 seconds later, the noble and courageous Prince Scar Goodtimes Vex, second in line of the throne of Adamas appears.

With a blanket around his shoulders, messy hair and a bleary expression.

'Happy now, oh noble King Cub?' He mock bows. I laugh back.

'Is that what you're planning to look like for the ceremony?'

'It will be if you don't stop complaining.'

'Oh, I'm so sorry noble Prince Scar for interrupting your sleep on the most important day of my life.'

'You're already king... And doesn't the ceremony start at midday?'

'Scar, do you really want the leaders to think you've been in a dragon attack.'

Scar laughs, heading to his dressing room to get ready. I go another way, down the tower staircase, pausing next to a huge painting on the wall of a king with dark hair and green eyes. He stands solemn, holding a sword. Behind stands a queen, armed with a bow, brown hair flowing in some wind.

'Help me make you proud, Dad.' I mutter, staring at the face of the king. My hands fiddle with the necklace I've always worn, controlling the Curse I've only heard whispers about.

'You need to keep your magic a secret from anyone outside the castle.' Dad's voice commands in my head. 'Forever.'

It was one of the last things he told me. He died of sickness on the boat home... I still remember the news coming out, even though I was young. The rumours about Watcher Potentes, his words at dinner. But no one could prove anything.

'Are you ready for the big day?'

I turn, hiding my shock at the sound of Advisor Tango's voice. He smiles, hands in the pocket of his robes. I smile back. Since my family gained their powers, his family has stood loyally by us, defending us from the people's reactions, researching the Curse, and aiding attempts to hide it. It was his great-grandmother designed the crystal necklaces that protect Adamas today.

'I'm not ready.' I admit. 'I can't... I've never gone so long without wearing the necklace before.' I know the rules of the ceremony. Even beneath my layers, there's no way to hide the necklace I'm fiddling with again.

'Hey, it'll be alright.' He steps closer, hand on my arm. 'It's just one day, then we can go back to hiding.' We. Because exposure to the Curse, far greater than even that of the Vex royals, has passed down the Tek family's bright soul-fire blue hair, pure blue eyes and their pale skin's purplish tinge to Tango. 

'How much power is this even stopping?'

'A lot, I admit, but it'll come back slowly. And I'm here in case it goes wrong. The castle has escape routes and safety precautions...'

'Oh, hey Tango!'

Scar, properly dressed, hair brushed out, appears on the stairs. I wave.

'You look great.'

'I look stupid... Who wears boots indoors?'

'Princes. Now, come on. The other kingdoms are waiting.'

'You'll do great, Cubby.' Tango gives a nod as I head off towards the entrance. 'And I'm here if you don't.'

'Or if Scar burns down the castle.' I add.

'I won't burn down the castle!'

'Do you remember trying to impress Duchess Cleo?' Scar turns pink at the memory 'Now, we should hide our necklaces. Stop any questions... you know we need to hide our magic.' I tuck the glowing blue crystal under my shirt. 

'Of course, of course...' Scar follows suit. 

'Now let's greet our guests... False! Tell the guards to open the gates!'

Our head of the guard nods, running off to spread the news. Scar bounds along next to me as we head towards the main exit, into the front courtyard. Ahead, the huge castle gates open, letting in King Ren resplendent in a huge fur cloak and crown.

'Prince Scar, King Cub, it is an honour to meet you.' We both shake hands. Behind, his loyal hand Martyn, Courtier BigB and top guard Skizz bow heads in respect. 

'King Ren, welcome to Adamas.'

'The diamond kingdom.' He translates. 'I haven't been in ages. How's life here?'

'It's good. How's Dogwarts? The last I knew...'

'Red Winter is indeed over.' Skizz explains with a smile. Martyn nods in agreement. 'Peace in Tertia Vita again.'

'With the help of our allies in Celestus.' Martyn adds. 'The Desert Rebels are no more... What about...' He leans close, whispering. 'The Curse?'

'The what?' Scar frowns.

'Gone.' I lie. Ren smiles.

'I'm glad to hear it... It looks like the delegates from Celestus are coming now... Watcher Potentes, it's wonderful to see you again!' Ren approaches. I keep my ground, shifting closer to Scar. Scar, who hasn't heard the rumours about Dad, or Watcher Potentes.

Scar who, by agreement of the council ruling until I became old enough, doesn't even know about the Curse.

'It's great to be in Adamas again... King Cub, Prince Scar. It has been too long...' Watcher Potentes smiles, holding out a hand to shake. I take it.

'It's an honour to welcome you to Adamas again.'

'The honour is mine.' They step away, shaking Scar's hand too, before signalling to the pair of younger Celestrans behind them. 'These are my heirs. Meet Watchers Grian and Pearl.'

I smile at the pair standing, silent. Disciplined.

'King Cub.' I accept Grian's handshake too. 'Your castle is beautiful.'

'Thank you... I imagine you'll need food and rest after your journey. The ceremony won't be until midday... Scar, would you like to lead our guests to their rooms in the Western Tower?'

'Of course! Of course! Come this way!' I watch as Scar leads the way up the staircase to our left. I watch them go, hiding my nervousness. Scar won't reveal our magic... He knows to keep it a secret.

But not why.

And not about the Curse.

And not the danger we'd be in if something slipped.

Beyond the front doors, the courtyard has filled quickly with all kinds of people from every kingdom... Rumours say that even the empires beyond the Rift are coming to see the celebrations. I look out at the buzzing excitement for a moment before heading further inside to prepare.

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