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PoV: Scar

I should've done the PoVs in the chapter titles...

Never mind!

I stand, awkward, in the West Tower, beneath the floors the Dogwarts people and Celestans are staying on. Do I abandon them to find their way back, or do I stand here like some creepy servant... if they need to return to the entrance, surely the allays can lead them over. But do they even know about the allays? So I stay, pacing, wondering. I'm sure it was nerves but Cub was definitely off when greeting King Watcher whatever his name is. Who I've tried to overhear the rumours about, but I can't stay quiet enough to stop them falling silent, or changing the topic...

'Prince Scar, right?'

I turn, jumping at an unfamiliar voice. The Celestan with shaggy mousy brown hair stands next to me, smiling.

'Yeah, that's me. You're...' I turn red as I struggle for his name. 'You're...'

'Grian Xelqua.'

'Prince Grian... of course.'

'Not prince... we have a different system in Celestus. The leader is Watcher and a name of their choice in the Old Language... Potentes is Powerful. I'm thinking 'caring' or 'loving'... whatever that is... I'm rambling, is there anywhere around the kingdom you recommend checking out?' It takes far too long to realise he's implying I give him a tour, nodding.

'Of course, of course! Come right this way!' I lead the way down the tower and along the western corridor. The smells of celebration lunch reach me from the kitchens as we pass, then the massive dining room we'll all gather in to eat. Grian pauses.

'What are they?' He watches a couple of the tiny flying magic allay servants laying the table. 

'They're allays. They do a lot of the manual work here... under the guidance of servants, of course.'

'Fascinating... are they magical?'

'Oh, yes. There's a lot of magic here in Adamas... come on! Come on! The gardens are over here... they're the best bit.'

Grian follows as I break into a run, then slow, remembering what Cub or my etiquette teacher would say about looking like a rampaging animal. But Grian doesn't mind, picking up his own pace to catch up. As we arrive, guards open the back door into the garden for us.

'Wow... Impressive.' Grian pauses at the top of the steps looking out on the flowers, fields, trees and lakes that make up the enormous castle gardens.

'I help out here a lot. It's really calming...' I explain, unable to stop smiling as I admire my area of quiet tranquility and , as I look down the huge grassy slope towards the lower gardens me and Cub always race each other down, fun. 

'I don't even recognise half of these plants...' Grian crouches next to a bed of torchflowers, admiring their flaming heads. 'Are they specially grown?' 

'Oh yes, a lot of the plants and animals here are unique to Adamas. And very helpful... the fruits and vegetables are used in our food, some of the wood is used for buildings and we use the bright flowers to make a lot of our dyes.' I note Grian's simple black robes, then my bright turquoise suit. 'It's a great place here.'

'I can see... wait, you have parrots?!' Grian's interest piques to child-like excitement as a red, yellow and blue feathered parrot flies down, curious about the visitor. 'I love parrots!'

'Yeah! We let them roam the gardens whenever they want.'

'Really?! I've always wanted a pet parrot, but Watcher Potentes says there's nowhere for them to fly where they wouldn't get in trouble...'

'The magic defences on our walls stop them escaping and being hurt... this one's Captain Jack. He's Cub's favourite. We raised him since he was a teeny tiny little parrot egg.'

'You've got a lot of magic here.' Grian notes as Captain Jack lands on his arm. 'Do you or King Cub have magic too?'

'I've got a bit of magic... not much though.' I show off a simple spark of soulfire, accidentally summoning over the allays pruning the hedges. 'No, no I'm not getting you to do anything. I'm just showing our amoyzing guest Grian my special vexy magic.' Grian's just staring at me, expression unreadable for a moment before he blinks back to normal. 

'Doesn't look like too long before the ceremony now...' He stands. Captain Jack flies back to me, landing on my shoulder. 'I need to return to Watcher Potentes to finish getting ready.' He excuses, standing. 

'Oh, of course! Do you remember the way back or should I lead you there?'

'I... might be able to remember.'

'Or the allays could lead your way... can you show our guest Grian back to the West Tower?' 

The allays I accidentally summoned chitter back agreement, flying towards Grian, circling him until he follows them towards the garden exit and back inside.

'Prince Scar! Prince Scar I've been looking for you everywhere!' I stop, having walked back to my room from the gardens, to see head guard False running over. 'You need to be at the town gates!'

'Do I?'

'Yes! You lead the procession!'

'There's a procession?!'

False sighs.

'Yes, you lead the procession and stand at the side while the ceremony happens... I knew it was a bad idea to let Jellie into that meeting...'

'If Jellie wants fuss, I give her fuss.' I justify. 'I thought I just sat and cheered when Cub did all the official stuff...' I taper off as False closes her eyes in annoyance or humour. 'I'm sorry...'

'It's alright... Come on... we might be able to sneak you over in time.'

It's a mad rush over towards the gates. We have to go the back way, through one of the hidden exits and outside the town, to stop everyone noticing us. But we get there in time. Or, they've delayed it for me. False helps me up onto my horse as I wave to Cub, fighting an exasperated laugh as he sits in a fancy royal carriage I didn't even know we owned, clearly expecting this. False mounts her own horse just behind me, calling some order. 

The trumpets and drums blare to life.

The gates slowly open.

The crowd cheers.

And the coronation ceremony begins.

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