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Pov: Cub

I can't even hear my thoughts as I ride through the town. The hooves of the horses clatter on the stone, adding to the percussion of drums around me, the trumpets declare my presence... the crowds cheer all around me, waving flags, calling my name... I imagine it looks incredible from outside. I wave back, a large smile on my face. 

But the carriage shudders so much I have to keep one hand tight on the seat. My layers are too many, too hot, but I can't shift them, keeping smiling, keeping waving. Ahead, Scar doesn't know the way. False overtakes, but makes it look planned, signalling for the guards to open the gates to let us into the courtyard. The screams rise to a crescendo, shouting and yelling. Ahead, the guards disperse perfectly, lining my way along the path to the closed castle doors. The carriage turns, parking with the doors facing the castle entrance.

I step out, grateful for the footman aiding my journey down steps far too small for my feet. Another helps Scar, who looks lost standing on the path ahead, clearing wanting some kind of instruction, especially as his horse is led aside. The band pick up a different song and crowds slowly quieten as they realise it's officially beginning.I start walking. The main doors open, my path to the altar straight ahead. I take the lead, Scar slipping in just behind me. 

'Cub! Cub I don't know what I'm doing!' He whispers. I keep my focus forward. This is my only moment to show myself as the king I want to become. I can't get distracted by the ever-confused Scar. 'Where am I supposed to be?' To stop him looking unprofessional, I take his hand.

'Just smile and wave, Scar.' I mutter back through what might be more of a grimace at this point. 'Smile and wave.'

We pass the rows of people, standing, silent now the ceremony's started: the rich, the gentry, the nobles, the royal household, then the row of Watcher Potentes, Grian and Pearl next to him on the right and King Ren with Martyn, BigB and Skizz to the left.

I reach the altar. Scar steps aside. Tango's there to enact the ceremony. 

'Ready?' He whispers. 

'Have to be, don't I?' I try to joke. The music rises for the end of the song, then silences. 

'Citizens of Adamas, and surrounding nations. We are gathered for a momentous occasion: the crowning of a new monarch.' I stand, quietly sweating, as he continues his opening speech. Then I'm handed some official royal ornaments representing stuff I don't remember, gifts from Celestus and Tertia Vita, some official royal cloak I did not need on top of my other layers. I'm left holding some special candle signifying some promise to keep Adamas from darkness that probably doesn't mean accidentally dropping it and burning the castle down. The whole time, the Curse has been quiet, biding its time as I stand in front of everyone, heart hammering louder than the drums of the parade.

And then the crown of Adamas is brought over, shining with diamonds. 

'By the powers of Notch, I crown Cubfan Vex the official king of Adamas.' 

He places it on my head.

'Long live King Cubfan!' The crowd repeats the call as I stand there, officially and irreversibly king... I glance at Scar. He smiles back, as the national anthem starts and the ceremony continues.

I'm still buzzing with adrenaline as the sun sets that evening. In typical Adamas fashion, the official ceremony has ended with a huge party immediately after. I still haven't managed to get away from congratulations and cheers and crowds of people to slip my necklace on again. The Curse is still lying, rising slowly towards the surface as the day passes.

'I've never seen you look that serious, Cub.' Scar comments, next to me at the quieter side of the room. 'Or shake as much. I was worried that the official candle of candle-ness would fall and the castle would burn down..'

'Me too.' I admit. 'Holy smokes I didn't expect to be that tense... I need some time out. Cover for me if anyone asks.'

'Of course!' I turn to slip away. 

'Leaving early, I see.' 

Watcher Potentes. 

An issue I can't just leave with Scar to deal with. Grian trails after. 

'Good evening.' I turn back, faking another smile, wishing more than ever to be alone. 'Are you enjoying the celebrations?'

'Adamas always had the best parties. I came to offer my congratulations at last. There's always someone else looking to speak to the new king ahead of me.'

'Indeed.' I don't know whether to joke or not.

'But, it's great to have such a charismatic and open leader.'

I pause.


'I always prefer a leader who doesn't keep secrets from their kingdom.' A step closer. I can't back away.

'It's a good trait, isn't it?' I force out in reply, before another idea comes to mind. 'I wouldn't want any conspiracies to arise about me or what I'd done.'

Watcher Potentes' eyes narrow. They know what conspiracies I mean. 

'Of course not. Or for a kingdom to feel itself in danger from any strange unpredictability in their leaders.'

'I'm sure our wonderful new King will do an amazing job!' Scar joins in, clearly unaware of the political inferences to stuff he should've been told years ago, the Curse that's been rising beneath my skin the whole conversation.

'Indeed.' Potentes turns to him, then pauses. 'What's that you're wearing?'

Scar's necklace is showing beneath his shirt.

'It looks rather beautiful... I didn't know your royalty were into such fashions.'

'This?' Scar shows the necklace, clearly confused. I stop breathing, trying desperately to get Scar to stop speaking, stop endangering us. The Curses itches closer and closer. 'I just...' Scar notices me. 'I just think it looks nice.'

'If it looks nice, why hide it?' A step closer to Scar. A threat my little brother is only starting to understand.

'Because... I mean, I haven't seen anyone else like me wearing it?'

'You haven't? Or does it serve a different purpose?'

'Why would it do that? W... What would it stop?' Scar backs away, trapped. His eyes flick to me, wide, silently screaming for help.

'That's the one our mother gave you.' I try to lie, signal for Scar to do the same.


Watcher Potentes steps even closer. I feel the Curse writhing beneath my skin, whispering in my mind, itching to break free, take over, save Scar. where's Tango? Where's help? Where's the closest exit.

'Would you mind if I...'

Potentes grabs Scar's necklace.


The Curse takes over.


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