Operation: Blacklight

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15 Minutes Later.
Sabine pov.
I Was Riding My Bike On An Empty Road Hoping To Reach Another City. Luckily I Managed To Escape Neon City. But Not Before Doing Some Serious Damage Along The Way. As Long As I'm On This Planet. The Cyber Force Won't Stop Chasing After Me.

I Need To Find A Ship and Get Off This Planet. Then I'll Head Back To Yavin 4 And Bring Back Reinforments and Find Out Where They Are Holding Kanan, Zeb, And Chopper. Huh Their So Many Buttons On This Bike. I Wonder What Does This One. I Press It and It Was One of Those T.V. Monitors Again. It Turned It On and I Saw The News Again.

Today In Neon City. The Criminal Known As Sabine Wren Has Committed More Crimes On Our Planet. She Has Broken Widows, Stolen A Cyber, Near Ran Over Our Offices, Gone On An High Speed Chase, Destroyed A Police Bike, and Has Destroyed A S.W.A.T Truck, Our News Reporter Jane Is On Scene Now. Jane.

Thanks Will. Not Only Did The Mandalorian Girl Destroyed The S.W.A.T Truck. But Killed The Driver In The Explosion. Here Is A Replay Of The Truck.

If You Look On Your Right. You Can See Him Blowing Up In The Explosion While The Man On The Left Was Left With Minder Injuries. So Now Sabine Has Created Attempt Murder And Murder. And One of The Leaders Has Just Arrived On The Scene.

Excuse Me Your Excellency. What Is To Be Done About Sabine Wren? The Lady Said As Some Else Came Into The Sceen. And I Knew Who Exactly Who It Was. The Woman Who Kick My Ass The Last Time I Was On This Planet. Sabine Wren Has Committed High Crimes On Neon And Will Be Taken Care of Us.

I Spoke With My Husband and He Agrees With Me On What To Do Next and Sabine Has Brought This On Herself. She said. And What Did You Two Discuss? It's Time For Operation: Blacklight. You Don't Mean? Yes. If I Was You Sabine.

I'll Be Watching My Back. The Woman said and Walk Off. Well You Heard It Here Folks. Operation: Blacklight Is Actvied. That Means The Inter Cyber Force Will Coming For The Mandalorian. And They Can Kill Or Capture Her.

And Her Bounty Has Been Raised To $500 Million Dollars. So Good Hunting Everyone. Back To You Will. The Lady said And I Turned Off The Monitor. This Is Not Good. They Can Kill Me Now. What Am I Going To Do?

Narrator pov.
As Sabine Was In Her Thoughts. She Didn't Notice That Cyber Force Jets Have Spotted Her Position. JET 62 TO BASE!!! WE HAVE SPOTTED THE TARGET!!! PERMISSION TO FIRE!!! The Jet Commander Ask. PERMISSION GRANTED!!! DESTROY SABINE WREN!!! The Base said. COPY THAT!!! ALL WINGS!!! LAUNCH YOUR MISSILES!!!

The Jets Lock On To Sabine and Fired Their Missiles.

Once The First Missile Hit The Ground. It Knock Sabine Out of Her Thoughts and She Look Up. OH NO THEY FOUND ME!!! Sabine Speed Up Her Motorcycle. The Kelp Coming And Coming. Sabine Tried Her Best To Dodge The Missiles. But It Wasn't Good Enough.

One Missile Hit The Side of The Road and She Fell Off Into The Grass. She Look Up and Saw Her Motorcycle and Tried To Run To It. But It Was Destroyed By A Missile. The Jets Flew Pass Her and Started Turning Around.  OH CRAP HERE THEY COME!!! She Started Running Until A Army With Jetpacks On Circus Her.

SURRENDER MANDALORIAN!!! YOU'RE A VERY CRIMINAL!!! IF YOU DON'T DROP YOUR WEAPONS!!! YOU WILL BE MURDERED ON THE SPOT!!! One of Them yelled. Sabine Wasn't About To Surrender. Knowing That If She Surrender. She'll Probably Be Excited.

NO I WON'T!!! I'LL TAKE YOU ALL ON!!! She Pulled Out Her Blasters. THEN SO BEAT IT!!! DESTROY HER!!! They Started Firing And Sabine Fired Back. She Hit One But It Bounce Off His Armor. Damn. These Guys Are Tough. YOUR BLASTERS CAN'T HURT US MANDALORIAN!!! NO BUT I CAN DO THIS!!!

Sabine Grab A Detonator and Threw It At Them. Then She Aim Her Blaster and Shot It. It Exploses Taking The A Few Cyber Troopers With It. The Fall To The Ground Dead. THIS IS THE COMMANDER!!! ALL JETS STRIKE ON THE POSITION!!! Once He said That. Sabine Look Up and Saw Them Coming.

She Had Little Time To Think. She Quickly Grab One of The Dead Cyber Force Troops Jetpacks and Put It On. The Jets Fired Their Missiles and Sabine Flew Off. The Missiles Hit The Ground and The Cyber Troopers Started Firing At Sabine. The Missiles Flew Through The Air.

One Cyber Trooper Hit Her Jetpack and Sabine Fell Out of The Air. She Landed On The Ground and Her Helmet Fell Off. She Got Back Up and Heard Something. Like Some Big Rolling On The Ground.

She Look Up and Saw Tanks

Then More Cyber Troopers Came But of Different Divisions.

Sabine Was Surrounded By An Army Full of Tanks and Soldiers. No Where To Run. The Damage She Did On The Highway. Really Got The Attention of The Inter Cyber Force. Not To Mention Their Air Force. DON'T YOU DARE MOVE MANDALORIAN!!! The Commander yelled.

Sabine Was In A Tight Position. She Had Nowhere To Go. She Could Run Off. But What Good Would That Do Her. She Did Had One Smoke Bomb Left and She Only Had One Shot Left. She Pulled It Out and Drop It. It Went Off and Smoke Surrounded Her.

IT'S A TRICK!!! FIRED!!! Everyone Started Firing. Even The Tanks. After A Few Seconds. They Stop and Look At The Spot. Nothing Remained. Then Leia, Ursa, and Their Troops Arrived. Your Highness We Have Destroyed The Mandalorian. The Commander yelled.

Are You Sure About That? Ursa ask. Yes I'm Sure. Ursa Walk To Blase Site and Investigated. No My Daughter Is Smarter To Just Stand Here. You'll Saying That She's Alive. Yes. Impossible. No She Right. I Actvied My Heat Signal and Got Sabine's Heat Trail. She Heading Towards The Woods. Leia said.

Do You Need Assistance? No I Can Take Care of Here Myself. Very Well Good Luck Leia. Thanks But I Don't Need Luck. Leia said Ran Off Into Woods.

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