Showdown At The Waterfalls

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1 Hour Later
Leia pov
I Was Following Sabine's Heat Trail Through The Woods. She Escape My Armys and Is Fleeing Like A Coward. She Is The Most Dangerous Criminal On Neon and She Be Capture Or Destroyed. I Kelp Following The Heat Trail Until I Find Some Blood On The Ground.

It Appears That Sabine Had Been Shot When She Escape. So She Must Not Be Very Far If She's Injured. I Walk On Until I Reach A Waterfall.

The Heat Trail Is Strong In The Waterfall. I Finally Found Her. She's Hiding In That Cave Inside The Waterfall. Trying To Nurse Her Injure.

I Jump In The Waterfall and Was Standing In Front of The Cave. COME ON OUT SABINE!!! I KNOW YOU'RE IN THERE!!! I yelled. It Was Quite For.A Moment Until I Heard Foot Steps. I Saw Sabine Walk Out The Darkest Part of Cave. Holding Her Arm.

Did You Really Think You Would Get Away From The Cyber Force? No I Figure That You Guys Would Find Me Later But Not This Soon. She said. Well Thanks To Your Heat Trail. It Was Easy To Find You. Now I Can Finish You Off Myself.

Funny I Remember The Last Time We Met. You Kick My Ass. Now You Want To Kill Me. Well Guess What. I Want You Dead Too. And I'm Going To Use This. She said and Pulled Out A Sword.

A Lightning Sword. Where Did You Get That? I ask. I Took Stole It From One of Those Flying Cyber Force Troops Well I Took His Jetpack. So I Guess We're Pulling Out The Cool Weapons Now. I said and Pulled Out My Energy Blade.

Sabine Look Shock. You're Not The Only One With A Blade. Now Shall We Get Started. Fine By Me. Sabine Ran Towards Me and Made Her First Strike. I Block Her With My Blade and We Started Clashing. She Back Up and Jump Out of Waterfall. I Follow Her and We Were Standing On Rocks.

Very Good Wren. I Didn't Expect From You. But You Still Don't Know How To Use That Blade. I Know It Fires Lightning. WATCH!!! She Started Spinning Around and Shot Lightning At Me. I Used My Blade To The Lightning In Half. Hahahaha Nice Try Wren But Did You Really Think That Would Work.

Now Watch This. I Energize My Blade and Shot At Her. She Jump Out of The Way and My Blast Destroyed The Rock She Was Standing On. What Was That? You Didn't Think That This Would Be An Easy Fight Sabine. You Disappoint Me. Where's That Mandalorian Spirit? All I See Is Fear.

I'll Show You. She Jump Back Up and Swing Her Sword. I Block And She Kelp Going. I Knee Her In The Stomach and And Punch Her In The Face. She Landed The Creek and Started Walking Towards Her. You See Sabine. You're Too Weak. You're Not A Match Against Me Or The Entire Cyber Force.

You Have To Destroy Things Because You Know You Can't Win. You Bring Shame To True Warriors. I Don't. The Only One Who Should Be Ashamed Is You. You're Not A Warrior. You're A Monster. And I Kill Monsters Like You. She Got Back Up and Started Trying To Punch Me.

But I Was Block Her Punch. QUIT BLOCKING MY MOVES AND FIGHT LIKE A WARRIOR!!! She yelled. As You Wish. I Grab Both Her Hands and Kick Her In The Face. Now It's Mine Turn. I said and Let Go of Her Hands and Started Punching Her. I Punch Her In The Cheek and The Jaw.

She Fell and Pick Her Up. What Wrong Out of Energy Already. She Look At Me With An Angry Face and Spit Blood On My Mask. Big Mistake. I Let Her Go and Punch Her Hard. She Flew Back and Landed On The Ground. She Laid Down On The Ground So Helpless.

I Walk Towards and Started Kicking Her In The Side. AHHHHHHHHHH!!! She Scream. What's Wrong? Don't Like The Feel of Pain. I Thought You Like Hurting Pain. Seems How You Been Doing It All Morning. I Grab One of My Small Blades and Held It Against Sabine's Cheek.

I Made A Slash. AHHHHHHHHHH!!! PLEASE STOP!!! No. Did You Stop When You Came Back? I said and Stomp Her In The Back. AHHHHHHHHHH!!! Did You Stop When You Destroyed A Motorcycle and A S.W.A.T Truck? I Stamp Her Again and She Yelled. AHHHHHHHHHH!!! Did You Stop When You Made 3 Counts of Murder?

I Stamp Her Again. AHHHHHHHHHH!!! No You Didn't Sabine. So Why Should I Stop. You Call Me A Monster But The True Monster Here Is You Sabine. I Went For Another Stamp But She Roll Out The Way. She Attempted To Get Back Up But I Grab Her By Her Head.

I Pulled Her Up and Whisper In Her Ear. There's No Escape Sabine. I'm Going To Have Fun Break You. That's If You Survive. Hahahaha. I Push Back Down On The Ground and Charge Up My Body.

Lightning Surrounded My Body. Well Sabine. I Think It's Time To Put You Down. I Said and Aim My Hand At Her. I Would Be So Happy If I Was You. She said As She Turned Around. She Pulled Something Out and It Was Detonator.

See You're Not Going To Trun Me In Or Kill Me. See If You Kill Me. Then I'm Taking You Went Me. I Like To See You Try. FINE THEN LET'S BE ONE THE FORCE!!! Sabine yelled and Threw It Me. I Blasted It With My Powers and It Made A Super Explosion.

Outside The Woods
Ursa pov
Me and My Warriors Were Still Outside The Woods Get The Injured On The Gunships. Apparently The Men Sabine Tried To Kill Were Still Alive. While I Was Doing That. We Herad A Huge Explosion. What Was That? Tristan ask. I Don't But Let's Go Check It Out. Me, Tristan and Some of The Warriors Actvied Our Jetpacks and Went To The Where Explosion Happen.

5 Minutes Later.
We Arrive and All We Saw A Waterfall Will Dust and Smoke All Around It. Even Destroyed Rocks. But No Sign of Leia Or Sabine. LEIA!!! LEIA!!! I yelled  But Got No Answer. There Was A Battle Here But No Bodies. Tristan said.

We Need To Search The Area For Any Clues. Before I Could Go On Anymore. One of The Warriors Said Something. Mam Look In The Smoke. We Turned Around and A Figure Walking In The Smoke Dragging Something. We Raised Our Weapons Think It Might Be Sabine.

The Smoke Cleared and It Was Leia. Dragging Sabine Along With Her. We Lower Our Weapons and I Spoke. Leia Your Alive. Yes Luckily My Suit Can Protect Me With The Shield I Have Installed Into It. She said. What About Sabine? Is She Dead. Tristan ask. No I'm Afraid The Shield Protect Her As Well. She's Just Unconscious At The Moment.

Then She Must Stand Trial. Warriors Drag My Daughter To The Gunship. I Ordered. Yes Mam. The Pick Her Up and Took Her Out To The Woods. Now Let's Head Back Home. I said and We Started Walking Out of The Woods.

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