Chapter 1

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19 years later.

The city of Night City has evolved and changed over the 19 years. Corporations have risen to unimaginable power, their influence felt everywhere. The city is a labyrinth of neon lights, towering skyscrapers and endless urban sprawl. Despite this, life goes on as usual, residents either living with the corruption or succumbing to it.

The scene transitions to a nice fancy bathroom as we see a 19 year old male look up in the bathroom mirror, his face bruised and a bit bloody from his latest gig. And this young man- was Y/N. Judy and V's first child and her son, he was currently wearing V's old samurai jacket that she received from Rogue, Johnny Silverhand's old lover. Y/N stands in front of the bathroom mirror, his reflection a contrast of youth and violence. His face is bruised, a few cuts and abrasions decorating his features, a testament to the recent gig that he had just returned from. Despite the pain, Y/N's gaze is steady, his eyes filled with a hint of determination.

As he gazes at himself in the mirror, he touches the collar of the worn leather jacket with a sense of reverence. It was V's old samurai jacket, and Y/N felt a deep connection to it. Y/N smiled as he remembered the moment V had handed him the jacket, her eyes shimmering with pride and love. He could still vividly remember her words.

V(voice): Wear this with pride, son. Wherever you go, wherever you end up. You'll always have a piece of me with you.

Y/N took a deep breath, his hand still caressing the jacket collar. He knew the life he lived was not an easy one, but he didn't care. With the jacket, and the love of V and Judy by his side, he felt invincible.

Y/N: And I'll never take it off, Mom. Not until it's worn down to its last thread.

Y/N's smartphone chimed, drawing him out of his thoughts. He fished it out of his pocket, a smile tugging at the corners of his mouth as he saw the contact name "Mom" on the screen.

Tapping on the notification, he opened the message. The text message from V was short, but it was warm and filled with love.

V: Hey kiddo, just checking in. Hope you're doing alright after your gig. Make sure you take care of yourself, okay? Love you.

Y/N chuckled softly as he read the message. His mom was always so concerned about him, even though he was already a grown man. He couldn't help but feel a warm fuzzy feeling inside.

Y/N: I'm fine, Mom. Just a few bruises, nothing major. Don't worry about me. Love you too.

The reply was nearly instant, V's response almost immediate.

V: I always worry about you, kiddo. Even if you're all grown up now. Promise me you won't do anything too crazy, alright? I don't want to get a call from the cops saying you've been arrested again.

Y/N laughed out loud this time, shaking his head in amusement. His run-ins with the law were almost an ongoing joke between them at this point.

Y/N: I won't get arrested, Mom. I've learned my lesson on that one. No more pissing off the NCPD for a while, I swear.

V's next message popped up immediately.

V: I'll believe it when I see it. You're just as reckless as me and Judy combined, kid. Don't think I've forgotten about that time you tried to take on a whole gang of Maelstrom by yourself.

Y/N grinned at the memory. That had been one hell of a day.

Y/N typed out a quick response, a mischievous twinkle in his eyes.

Y/N: Hey, if I remember correctly, I won that fight, didn't I?

V's next message was almost instant, her concern now mixed with amused resignation.

V: You did. Lucky bastard. But one of these days, you're going to bite off more than you can chew and end up in a real world of trouble. Anyways- just get home safe for me son, pizza for dinner?

Y/N chuckled again, feeling a pang of both love and guilt at his mom's words. He knew he had a knack for getting into trouble, but sometimes the adrenaline rush was just too tempting to ignore.

Y/N: Got it, Mom. Home soon. And yeah, pizza sounds great. See you soon. Love you.

Y/N put his phone back in his pocket, the smile still on his face. Y/N steps out of the bathroom and into the sprawling bar. The place is alive with patrons, the air heavy with the scent of alcohol and the sound of laughter and conversation. The interior is dimly lit, the neon lights casting a glow against the old wooden walls. Despite its worn appearance, it's obvious the place has seen its fair share of customers over the years.

Y/N moved through the crowd, weaving his way through drunken patrons and rowdy customers. As he made his way to the exit, he was stopped by a voice calling out to him.

???: Hey kid! Didn't think you were gonna leave without saying goodbye, did you?

Y/N turned around to see a figure leaning against the bar, a familiar face. It was Viktor, the city's premier ripperdoc, and a family friend for years.

Y/N's smile widened.

Y/N: Hey Vik, thought you'd be in the back of your clinic, working your magic. What are you doing here?

Viktor chuckled, a smirk on his grizzled face.

Viktor: You kidding? Free booze and good entertainment. What more reason do I need?

He gestured around the bar, indicating to the rowdy patrons. Y/N laughed, shaking his head. He knew Vik had an affinity for free alcohol, and the bar crowd seemed to be providing him with plenty of that.

Y/N: Figures. You never stop amazing me, Vik.

Viktor chuckled again, taking a swig of his drink.

Viktor: Hey, I'm a man of simple tastes. What about you, kid? Off to see your folks? I'm sure your mom's been worried sick since you left.

Y/N smiled sheepishly, knowing Vik had a point. V definitely worried about him a lot.

Y/N: Yeah, I'm headed home now. Mom's making pizza tonight.

Viktor smiled at that. He knew just how much Y/N loved pizza, and V's cooking.

Viktor: Don't forget to bring me a slice sometime, alright? I could use a break from the hospital food.

Y/N nodded, a grin on his face.

Y/N: You got it, old man. Next time I'm in the neighborhood, I'll swing by and drop off a slice or two.

Viktor chuckled, waving him off.

Viktor: You better. Now get outta here before your mom really does file a missing person's report.

Y/N laughed, giving Vik a mock salute.

Y/N: Aye aye, old timer. See ya around.

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

As Y/N opened the doors and stepped out onto the sidewalk, the bright sunlight nearly blinded him for a moment. As his eyes adjusted, he was greeted by the familiar sights and sounds of Night City. The hustle and bustle of the city was all around him, the streets teeming with life.

And with the sun shining down on the city, Y/N couldn't help but feel like anything was possible. As the song "Run" by One Republic played in the background, he began walking, towards his next adventure.

saiyanman1233 Presents

When I was a young boy living in the city
All I did was run, run, run, run, run
Staring at the lights, they look so pretty
Momma said, "Son, son, son, son, son"
"You're gonna grow up, you're gonna get old
All that glitter don't turn to gold
But until then, just have your fun
Boy, run, run, run, run, run"
Yeah, run, run, run
Run, run, run

The words of the song echoed through Y/N's mind as he walked down the sidewalk, his steps in time with the beat. Growing up in Night City, he knew all too well how fast life could pass by.

But for now, he was just focused on enjoying the present. Taking in the sights, the sounds, the adrenaline rush. He was young, and life lay open ahead. Time to make the most of it.

A CD Projekt Red and Marvel Story

When I was a young kid living in the city
All I did was pay, pay, pay, pay, pay
And every single dime that good Lord gave me
I could make it last three, four, five days
Living it up but living down low
Chasing that luck before I get old
And looking back, oh, we had some fun
Boy, run, run, run, run, run
They tell you that the sky might fall
They'll say that you might lose it all

Y/N continued walking, the song playing in his mind like a mantra. He knew the harsh reality of living in Night City, the constant struggle, the daily grind. But there was also something exciting about it all, the adrenaline of being a part of it all.

The words of the song were a cautionary tale, a warning of what could happen if you weren't careful. But Y/N had no intention of being careful. Not when he was so young, when the city was his playground.

In association with

So, I run until I hit that wall
Yeah, I learned my lesson, count my blessings
Look to the rising sun and run, run, run

Y/N runs through the streets of night city in sync with the lyrics.

Yeah, one day well, the sky might fall
Yeah, one day I could lose it all
So, I run until I hit that wall
If I learned one lesson, count your blessings
Look to the rising sun and run, run, run

It was a spectacle to witness, a young man running through the streets of Night City with wild abandon. Passersby turned to watch, some in awe, others in confusion. But somehow, Y/N's energy was infectious.

The song in his mind was like a drive, pushing him on faster and faster. The city was his race track, and he was determined to take the checkered flag.


Run, run, run

The song continued playing, as did Y/N's sprint. He had a destination in mind now, the path ahead clear and the adrenaline pumping.

Run faster, run harder, keep pushing forward. That's what the city demanded, and Y/N was determined not to disappoint.


Y/N stopped running and sprint walked through the crowd while greeting other night city residents.

Didn't get everything that I wanted
But I got what I need, yeah, yeah
I see that light in the morning
Shining down on me
So, take me up high, take me down low
Where it all ends nobody knows
But until then let's have some fun
Yeah, run, run, run, run, run

The sight of Y/N, still breathless from his run, mingling with the crowd was a curious sight. He wasn't your average guy, and it was evident in the way he moved. His every gesture, his every action radiated a sense of energy and vibrancy that made people take notice.

Y/N moved through the crowd, greeting people with easy smiles and friendly words. Despite his earlier sprint, he didn't seem to be winded, his adrenaline still pumping strong.

They tell you that the sky might fall
They'll say that you might lose it all
So, I run until I hit that wall
Yeah, I learned my lesson, count my blessings
Look to the rising sun and run, run, run
Yeah, one day well the sky might fall
Yeah, one day I could lose it all
So, I run until I hit that wall
If I learned one lesson, count your blessings
Look to the rising sun and run, run, run
Run, run, run
Yeah, run, run, run

The song repeated, its lyrics blending with Y/N's footsteps as he pushed through the crowd. He was nearing the edge of the corporate district, the tall buildings casting long shadows across the street.

Y/N couldn't help but feel the contrast - the city was beautiful, but it also held countless dangers hidden behind its gleaming facade. No matter. He was ready for anything. Y/N leaps off stairs and obstacles while running.

Yeah, I learned my lesson, count my blessings
Look to the rising sun
Yeah, I learned my lesson, count my blessings
Look to the rising sun
Yeah, if I learned one lesson, count your blessings
Look to the rising sun, yeah, run, run, run

As the song ended, Y/N had finally made it to the metro station, his run slowing to a brisk walk as he entered the train car. He was sweating, but exhilarated, his adrenaline still pumping.

He took a seat and breathed a sigh of relief, feeling the vibration of the train beneath him. He couldn't wait to see V and Judy again. And as the train moved forward, he chuckled, thinking about how he must look - a young man with a wild grin and a heart full of adrenaline. The journey on the metro was quiet, with only a few other passengers in the car. Y/N took the time to rest, his mind drifting as the train moved through the city. He was in Heywood now, the working class neighborhood known as much for gang violence as it was for its strong community. As Y/N walked into the Glenn apartment building, he was greeted by a few familiar faces. The residents of the building, although wary of newcomers, had slowly gotten used to his presence.

He headed for the elevator, pressing the button for V and Judy's floor. The wait was short, and soon he was stepping out into the hallway, making his way to their door. Y/N knocked on the door, the sound echoing in the hallway. A moment passed, then the door opened, revealing V's familiar face. She smiled, taking in his dishevelled appearance.

V: You look like you just ran a marathon, kiddo.

Y/N grinned sheepishly, leaning against the doorway.

Y/N: Not quite. Just a little cardio to keep me warm.

V chuckled, shaking her head. She stepped aside, gesturing for him to come in. Y/N entered, immediately feeling at home.

The apartment was small but cozy, filled with a mix of V and Judy's personal items. Y/N could Hear Judy moving around in the kitchen, the scent of pizza wafting through the apartment.

Y/N: Hey Judy.

Judy poked her head through the doorway, a warm smile on her face.

Judy: Hey there, Y/N. Just in time, pizza's almost done.

Y/N chuckled, throwing himself onto the couch.

Y/N: You guys are the best. I'm starving.

V settled down next to him, a smirk on her face.

V: You're always starving. I thought all that cardio would give you more stamina.

Y/N rolled his eyes, pretending to be offended.

Y/N: Hey, running burns a lot of calories. I need fuel to keep going.

He gave her a cheeky grin, to which V chuckled and ruffled his hair. Before she could respond, the oven timer went off, signaling the pizza was done. Judy walked out of the kitchen, carrying a large hot pizza box.

Judy: Pizza's ready! Dig in, before it gets cold.

Y/N, V, and Judy are all sitting down at a table eating. The pizza was delicious, crispy and hot. Y/N was practically wolfing down his slices, his earlier adrenaline still burning through his system.

V watched him with affectionate amusement, shaking her head.

V: I swear, you eat like you've been starving for days.

Y/N paused, a cheeky grin on his face.

Y/N: What can I say? I've got a high metabolism.

Judy chuckled, taking a smaller, more refined bite of her pizza.

Judy: You're more like a vacuum cleaner, you know that?

Y/N feigned offense, clutching his chest in mock outrage.

Y/N: Hey, I am not a vacuum! I take my pizza very seriously.

V and Judy both laughed at his antics, exchanging amused glances.

The conversation continued, with Y/N telling them about his run across the city, the sights he saw, and the random interactions he had with strangers. V and Judy listened intently, enjoying his tales of adventure.

It was moments like these that Y/N held dear. Sitting here, surrounded by the people he cared for, eating good food and just enjoying each other's company. It made all the stress and dangers of Night City worthwhile.

NC News: We interrupt this program with breaking news.

The sound of the news interrupted their peaceful meal, the broadcast abruptly taking over the room.

All three of them turned their attention to the broadcast, anticipation stirring in their chests. The on-screen anchor's face was grim, the usual fake smile replaced by a look of genuine concern.

Anchor: We have some breaking news from the Pacifica area...

The image on the screen was surreal: a glowing, swirling vortex in the sky, like a portal opening up to another dimension. The anchor's voice continued, filled with a mix of curiosity and fear.

Anchor: As you can see, this strange phenomenon has appeared above Pacifica...

V, Judy, and Y/N watched the screen in shock, their minds trying to process what they were seeing. A portal in the sky? In Night City? It was like something straight out of a sci-fi movie.

The anchor continued, her voice shaky as she read from her script.

Anchor: Witnesses have claimed seeing... arasaka and Adam smasher being the ones responsible for opening this portal for an unknown reason. No sights of anything have come out of the portal, however- we will keep you all updated on the situation.

The broadcast cut off, leaving the room eerily silent. V and Judy were speechless, both of them staring at the screen. Y/N was the first to break the silence.

Y/N: What the hell? A portal in the sky? And it's because of arasaka?

V exhaled a deep sigh, her eyes filled with worry.

V: This can't be good. If arasaka's involved, it's never a good sign.

Judy nodded in agreement, her frown growing deeper.

Judy: You've got that right. We need to tread carefully here. Who knows what kind of things could come through that portal.

News anchor: We have just got an update!

All three of them perked up at the anchor's announcement, their anxiety increasing. What could possibly be the update?

News Anchor: The portal has disappeared! You may all go back to your normal routine.

The room was silent, all three of them looking dumbfounded. The portal had vanished? Just like that?

V was the first to speak up, her confusion mirrored on her face.

V: What the hell? It just... vanished? Just like that?

Y/N: Eh. It is what it is.

V frowned, turning to him.

V: What do you mean, 'it is what it is'? Don't you find this whole thing weird?

Y/N shrugged, giving her a nonchalant look.

Y/N: Weird, yeah, but what can we do about it? It's not like we can punch a hole through the portal. We need to let the corps handle it. And it's alright. Nothing came out of it.

Judy; Yeah. True....

V still looked worried, her expression guarded. She was silent for a moment, lost in thought.

V: Yeah, but what if they open it again? And next time, something does come out?

Judy placed a hand on V's shoulder. V glanced at Judy, her expression softening slightly. She appreciated the gesture, taking comfort in Judy's presence.

V: I know, I just... I hate having something like this hanging over our heads, you know? We already have so much to deal with... and now this.

Judy nodded, understanding V's unease.

Judy: I get it, V. I'm worried too. But hey, we've got each other, right? We can handle anything together.

Y/N: She's right mom. We all got each other.

V looked at Y/N, a small smile forming on her lips. She ruffled his hair roughly, a familiar gesture between them.

V: You're right, kiddo. We're together in this.

Y/N smiled and stood up hugging both V and Judy.

Y/N: I love you both.

Both V and Judy returned his hug, their arms wrapping around him tightly.

V: We love you too, bud.

Judy nodded, her voice warm.

Judy: Always.
The hug lasted for a moment, a comfortable silence in the room. Y/N finally broke it, leaning back with a grin.

Y/N: I'll wash the dishes. Both of you should rest.

Judy and V started to protest, but Y/N waved them off, already gathering the dishes from the table.

Y/N: Nope, don't wanna hear it. You guys look exhausted. I got it.

V and Judy exchanged a look, knowing they wouldn't be able to win this argument.

V: You're too stubborn, you know that?

Judy chuckled, ruffling Y/N's hair affectionately.

Judy: Yeah, he gets it from you.

V rolled her eyes but didn't argue, watching as Y/N headed to the kitchen, plates in hand. Later on that night, Y/N was on his computer playing games and talking with his friend Jackson on the phone.

Jackson's voice was loud in his ear, his excitement almost palpable.

Jackson: Dude, you'll never guess what I found.

Y/N leaned forward, intrigued.

Y/N: Don't keep me hanging. What did you find?

Jackson's voice was filled with barely contained excitement.

Jackson: Some seriously good news, man. You know that old abandoned gas station southside? The one we used to hang around in?

Y/N chuckled, remembering their old hangout spot.

Y/N: Yeah, the one near the junkyard. What about it?

Jackson's voice changed to a hushed whisper, as if he was sharing a secret.

Jackson: It's been converted into a new gaming den! They got everything man - holoscreens, holocables, the latest tech. And they're looking for extra hands to help run the place. You, me and a few other friends could apply. It would be like our own little gaming heaven.

Y/N's eyebrows shot up, the prospect exciting.

Y/N: For real? That sounds too good to be true. How'd you even find out about this?

Jackson chuckled, his excitement increasing.

Jackson: I have my sources, man. I heard rumors that the place was being renovated and decided to do some digging. Turns out, it's legit.

Y/N couldn't help but feel intrigued. The idea of having a place to play games and hang out with friends sounded like a dream. And the potential for a job with a gaming focus was appealing.

Y/N: This could be really interesting. When do they need us?

Jackson: They need us on- wait...... what is that outside....?

Y/N's heart skipped a beat at Jackson's sudden change in tone. What was he seeing?

Y/N: What do you mean, 'What is that outside'? What are you talking about?

Jackson suddenly laughed.

Jackson: What the heck?! Dude! You won't believe this!

Y/N felt a pang of relief, glad that Jackson was okay. But now he was curious.

Y/N: What is it? You're being way too cryptic, man.

Jackson: You know that Gwenpool comic?? 

Y/N recognized the character immediately.

Y/N: Yeah, the fourth wall breaking mercenary. What about her?

Jackson: Well guess what- some chick is outside my neighborhood cosplaying as her!

Y/N's eyes widened. Cosplay wasn't uncommon, but this seemed oddly specific.

Y/N: For real? How do you know it's a cosplay and not just some weirdo?

Jackson chuckled, clearly amused.

Jackson: Oh, trust me, I can tell. It's not just a normal cosplay. This chick looks spot-on like Gwenpool, even down to her poses.

Y/N: Hey- what time is it?

Y/N heard a shuffling noise as Jackson checked the time.

Jackson: It's just past midnight, why?

They both say silence until suddenly-

Jackson: Oh fuck! We have the first day of college tomorrow don't we?!

Y/N's heart dropped at the sudden realization. They had both been so excited about the gaming news, they had completely forgotten about college.

Y/N: Damnit, you're right! I completely forgot!

Jackson chuckled nervously, clearly having lost track of time too.

Jackson: I was so caught up in this news, I lost track of time. We need to get some sleep, we have class in what, four hours?

Y/N: No. luckily we have 6 hours to sleep.

Jackson breathed a sigh of relief.

Jackson: Oh, thank goodness. But still, we need to get some shut-eye. We can't be falling asleep during our first day of college.

Y/N nodded, closing down his computer for the night.

Y/N: Yeah, you're right. I'll see you tomorrow, yeah?

Jackson's voice came through the phone.

Jackson: You bet. See you tomorrow, dude. And don't forget, we're checking out that gaming hall after class, right?

Y/N chuckled, excitement stirring again.

Y/N: Can't wait. We're gonna ace class and then explore the gaming hall. See you then, bud. Night.

Jackson bid him goodnight and hung up, leaving Y/N in the silence of his room.

Y/N stood up, stretching his arms over his head. He wasn't tired yet, but he knew he had to get some rest. First day of college was tomorrow, and he wanted to make a good impression.

He changed into his pyjamas, his mind buzzing with thoughts of college, gaming, and the mysteriously accurate cosplayer. The moment Y/N's head hit the pillow, exhaustion caught up with him. Despite his excitement, his eyelids felt heavy, and he was soon drifting off to sleep.

To be continued.....

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