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The story starts off in night city. It's the year 2077, The city's neon lights cast a kaleidoscope of colors across the rain-soaked streets of Night City, with towering skyscrapers looming overhead like silent sentinels watching over the city's inhabitants. The city is loud, chaotic, and filled with chaos, crime, and danger at almost every corner, yet it is also a city of opportunity and life-threatening beauty. The camera pans over to the Night City General Hospital, a sprawling institution situated in the heart of Downtown. Despite the city's chaos and danger, the hospital stands as a sanctuary of healing, offering a measure of respite to those seeking solace from the city's turmoil. The hospital is a chaotic hive of activity, Doctors and Nurses move briskly between rooms, attending to the city's denizens, from the lowliest drug addict to the wealthiest corpo elite. The sound of heart monitors and medical equipment fills the air as the city's ever-present hum is muted by the thick walls of the building. We slowly take a look and see the surgery room door's busting open and see a female doctor with glasses rushing to a certain room as we see Valerie also known as night city legend V who recently got surgery to remove a biochip that was killing her. Alongside her is her wife Judy Álvarez who married Valerie a year ago after her surgery. V is currently screaming and moaning in pain as Judy held her hand.

V's voice is filled with pain and fear as she squeezes Judy's hand tight, her knuckles white with strain.

V: Judy, I'm scared! It hurts so much!

Judy looks down at her wife, her eyes filled with worry and love as she desperately attempts to soothe her.

Judy: I know, I know... I'm here. I'm here. Just take deep breaths, honey. You're going to be alright.

Female doctor: Ma'am! Just breathe and push!

V's face is scrunched up in agony, her breathing fast and shallow as sweat begins to bead on her forehead.

V: I can't... I can't do this! It hurts too much!

Judy grips her wife's hand tighter than ever, her voice filled with determination as she tries to comfort her wife.

Judy: You can do this. You're strong. Just one more push, sweetheart, please.

V grits her teeth and lets out a primal scream as she pushes with all her might, her entire body shaking with effort.

Female doctor: That's it! I can see the head, one more big push!

With one final push, V lets out a guttural scream that echoes through the room as the sound of a newborn's cry fills the air. The female doctor hurriedly takes the newborn in her hands and holds her up, a smile on her face.

Female doctor: Congratulations, you have a beautiful baby boy.

The baby continued crying as The doctors and nurses swarmed around the newborn, cleaning him up and wrapping him in a blanket as Judy and V both stared at their son in awe.

Judy: He's...he's perfect. Just look at him.

The female doctor smiled and handed V the baby. V cradled her son in her arms, tears spilling down her cheeks as she looked down at her newborn.

V: He's so beautiful.

The female doctor smiled kindly at both of them, her voice soft and soothing.

Female doctor: You both have a healthy baby boy. You did great, Ms. V.

V's smile was filled with a mixture of exhaustion, elation, and absolute love as she gazed down at her son, her voice barely above a whisper.

V: I can't believe it... I'm a mom. I'm actually a mom.

Judy leaned in close to both of them, her arm around V's shoulders, her voice filled with emotion.

Judy: We're parents now, V. Both of us.

V looked up at Judy, her eyes filled with a mixture of love, hope, and fear.

V: We are. We're parents.

Judy leaned down and kissed V's forehead gently, her voice filled with reassurance.

Judy: And we'll be the best damn parents this kid could ask for, I promise.

V nodded, her eyes never leaving her son as she held him close to her chest.

V: I promise I won't fail him. I won't let him down. I'll do anything for him.

Judy smiled and squeezed V's hand.

Judy: I know you will. We both will. We're in this together.

The baby finally settled, his eyes now fluttering open and staring up at his parents for the first time.

Judy felt her heart skip a beat.

Judy: He's...he's so precious. What should we name him?..

V thought for a moment, her eyes locked on her baby boy.

V: I...I don't know...

Judy chuckled softly, her voice gentle.

Judy: Well, we gotta give him a name eventually, you know. Gotta fill out all those damn legal documents and what-not.

V's eyes shone bright as a smile tugged at her lips.

V: I.. I do have an idea.

Judy looked at her expectantly.

Judy: Let's hear it.

V took a deep breath and looked down at her son, her voice filled with so much love it was nearly overflowing.

V: How about... Y/N?

Judy couldn't help but smile as she heard the name.

Judy: It's perfect. Absolutely perfect. Y/N. Our son's name is Y/N.

The baby cooed softly in response as if he knew his name. Judy laughed gently and kissed V on the cheek.

Judy: I think he approves.

V smiled and caressed Y/N's cheek softly.

V: Welcome to the world son.

The baby responded with a small, contented noise, his tiny hand grasping gently at V's finger. V felt a wave of emotions wash over her as she held her son for the first time.

V: I promise you, Y/N, I'll do everything in my power to give you the best life. 

Judy put her arm around V's shoulders and leaned in close, her voice filled with love and determination.

Judy: And I'll be right here next to you every step of the way.

They both smiled down at Y/N who continued cooing softly. The baby's eyes slowly closed as he drifted off to sleep, content and safe in the arms of his mothers.

To be continued.....

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