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The trailer starts off with a view of night city and Y/N doing a narrating voiceover.

Y/N: Night City, a place where dreams are just as likely to end in death as they are to become reality. In this city of chaos and violence only the strong survive, and right now I'm not talking about strength of the body but the mind.

Cut to a scene with Y/N walking down a desolate street in Night City, the neon lights reflecting off of his mothers old samurai jacket she got from rogue.

Y/N: Night City is a place where everyone is fighting for something, money, power, love, sometimes all three. It's a place where the lines between friend and enemy can be blurred in an instant, and trust is a luxury few can afford.

Gwenpool: HIYA HONEY!


The motorcycle falls on Y/N.

Gwenpool: Whoops-

The screen freezes.

Y/N: Yeah. That's gwenpool. A fourth wall breaking entity with the ability to not only break the laws of reality but also the laws of physics. She's also a pretty good fighter and the biggest pain in my ass. Oh- and did I mention she's in the marvel universe? Despite being in the Marvel universe she somehow managed to find her way to Night City and somehow is now sticking to me like glue. Honestly I think she has some sort of crush on me to be honest. Yeah- not a character you'd expect to see in a cyberpunk story. But she's grown on me, sure she's annoying and constantly getting me into trouble but she's also a badass, the girl can hold her own in a fight, and let me tell you there was more than one occasion where she saved my ass.

Gwen is seen wearing a cheerleading outfit while shouting out Y/N's name making him blush as all the guys look at him suspiciously.

Y/N: And of course she's cute as hell, the things that girl can do in a fight are insane and the smirk she gives me when she knows she's won, it's like she's saying "See? I told you I'd win". But despite all that, it's not just her fighting skills that have endeared her to me, it's her personality. And then there was that one time when she wanted to....... Well..... you know.

The scene shows a nude Y/N and Gwen laying down as she was straddled on his lap as she intently stared at Y/N.

Gwen: Is this sex honey??

Y/N blushes as the scene plays out.

Y/N voiceover: Yeah, it gets even weirder.

Y/N: No honey. This is a staring contest.

Gwen looks at Y/N puzzled.

Gwen: Then why are we naked?

Y/N facepalms and blushes.

Y/N: Yeah- eventually she found out and went wild all night long. It was... definitely a unique experience. I'll give her that.

Y/N sighs in a mixture of embarrassment and frustration.

Y/N: But it's moments like that where I question my sanity for getting into a relationship with her.

The scene transitions to Y/N and gwenpool getting in a delamain cab and escaping as arasaka forces shoot at the cab which speeds off as Gwenpool was grinded up against Y/N's bulge.

Gwenpool: Babe? Why do you have a gun in between your legs??

Y/N groans and facepalms.

Y/N: That's- that's not a gun gwen!

Y/N tries to subtly move his hand to move her away from his crotch.

Delamain: Hard right turn.

The cab turns hard to the right making Y/N lay down on the backseat and gwenpool falling on top of him. Y/N blushes as Gwen's body lands on top of his, and he looks at her trying hard to avoid looking down at her.

Y/N: Gwen, could you please- get off of me?

Gwen grins mischievously as she looks at Y/N.

Gwenpool: And why would I do that? I'm quite comfortable right where I am.

The scene transitions to Adam smasher.

Adam: I'm going to make sure your legendary mother knows who the real legend is.

Y/N: And it ain't you pal. Cause I'm gonna fuck you up.

Gwenpool slaps Y/N.

Y/N: Ow! The hell was that for?! 


Y/N blushes intensely as gwen's comment.

Y/N: Gwen, that's not- that's not what I meant-

Arasaka forces start blasting away at the duo as gunfire fills the air, the scene cuts to Y/N and Gwen taking cover behind a wrecked car, panting heavily.

Y/N: This is not the time for that!


She unzipped his pants and suddenly blushed hard suddenly realizing that it wasn't a gun.

Gwenpool: HOLY SH-

The scene transitions to an explosion occurring as Y/N and Gwenpool scream as they fly off a building inside a car.

Another scene of the trailer shows Valerie showing baby photos of Y/N to Gwen. Y/N groans in embarrassment as Valerie showers Gwen with adorable baby pictures of him.

Y/N: Mom, please.... not in front of Gwen.

Gwen laughs at the sight of baby Y/N and coos.

Gwen: Awww, look at you, all cute and tiny, I just wanna pinch your little cheeks the way I pinched your big gun!

Y/N's cheeks go the color of a cherry as Valerie and Judy look confused.

Y/N: G-Gwen, could you not call it that in front of my family, please, you're embarrassing me!

Gwen: Oh come on, it's funny, and you know it is.

Y/N: That's not the point-

Judy butts in.

Judy: Can someone please explain what the hell she's talking about, I'm so confused.

They all stood silent and stared at Y/N.


He jumps out the window.


The final scene shows Y/N taking a bite out of a chimichanga and sighing in contentment. Gwenpool sits beside him, a cheeky smile on her face.

Y/N: You know, as much as you drive me crazy, I wouldn't trade this for the world.

Gwenpool: Oh really? Even if it meant no more "big gun"?

Y/N blushes and playfully glares at her before kissing her. Gwenpool laughs happily and hugs Y/N tight.

Gwenpool: I love you, Y/N.

Y/N: I love you too, Gwen. You big pain in the ass.


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