Once Upon A Nightmare

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Nothing happens
Well stuff happens but you'll know what I mean when you get down there
I promise

Nicos P.O.V

The cops let me call one person. I didn't realize who I called until I hear the voice on the other line. I almost hung up. I was so close. But I just couldn't. "Hello?" His voice is groggy from sleep. I picture him in his bed, the blanket tangled at his feet, his hair a mess and his eyes tired and red from tears. "Hello? Oh my gods why is 911 calling me right now?" A nice lady takes the phone from me and ask him a few questions.

She hands the phone back to me. "Nico, Nico I'm not mad. I wish I was but I'm not. So Nico please come home. I'm not sure what this says about my character, begging you like this I mean, but gods Nico I love you so fucking much. Please come home."

"I'm on my way there right now." He hangs up with one last 'I love you', and the nice lady says to sit down.

She gives me some water in a little paper tweety-bird cup. He burst through the doors about 10 minutes later, his university hoody thrown over his grey sweat pants, hair wild and sticking up all over the place.

He tried immediately to run over to me, but an officer stepped in front of him. "Sir I'm gonna need your I.D." Will patted his pockets and then ran his hands through his hair, making it stick up even more. "Shit shit shit shit. Listen guys it's 4:00 in the morning and I don't have my stupid I.D. I don't even have a shirt on."

After some talking, paper signing and two phone calls, they let him come see me. "Nico Nico Nico." He says. He tentatively hugs me, running his fingers through my hair. He pulls me into his lap and I wrap my legs around him, now he knows I'm not mad at him. He takes me by the shoulders and looks into my eyes. "Oh my gods Nico what did that bastard do to you."

"He-" my voice catches.
"He forced me to have sex with a woman. They beat me they forced me to take drugs. They cut me-" my voice breaks and Will has tears running down his face. He smells like him. Coffee and cinnamon toothpaste. He hugs me so softly I start sobbing.

He pulls away and looks down at me through his long blond eyelashes, then he leans down and kisses me. It's so tender a sweet. His mouth moves into mine and we slot together like puzzle pieces. Wills hair is so soft in my fingers and his hands slide beneath my shirt, but not is a lustful way. When we pull apart he hugs me to him and I cry. I cry for how badly I've messed everything up, and how badly I've hurt will. "I love you so much will. I'm so sorry." He nods into my hair.

After what feels like seconds sitting there, an officer makes us break apart and they interview me. By 9:00 we finally get home. We wade through my things and I collapse into bed next to Will. He sings to me, holding me close, his fingers in my hair, and I feel like everything is gonna be ok again. I sleep for the longest time.

When I wake up it's the next morning and Will is in the kitchen. "Will, love? What have I told you about cooking." Just then a burned smell hits my nose. A string of curses come from the kitchen and Will sticks his head in the room, blushing. "Oops?" He says. And then runs back into the kitchen. I get up pulling off my dirty clothes and grab a pair of sweatpants from wills dresser, and a towel. I wrap the towel around my waist and head through the kitchen to the bathroom. I can feel wills eyes on me and I'm sure I'm blushing.

When I get to the bathroom I turn the water as hot as it will go. I feel so disgusting and defiled. I get in the shower and close the curtain. It's so tiny my elbows hit the walls if I move to much.

The door opens and Will comes in, leaving the door open to let out the steam. "Hey, I made pancakes. Some of them are sorta burnt but I made them." He sounds really proud of himself. "Good job Will!" I say.

I can almost feel him smile as he walks out the door and back into the kitchen. I get out after scrubbing myself countless times. I slide into my clean clothes and go find the pancakes I can smell.

As I'm eating will wraps his arms around my waist and whispers how much he loves me in my ear. I'm a blushing mess. I'm smiling so hard though. You would think that after months of us dating that I would be used to him. But no.


I lay tangled with Will on the couch, a huge blue comforter over us, watching a horror movie. His fingers slide up my shirt and he kisses my ear. He makes his way down my neck to my throat. I whimper slightly and he pulls away grinning. "God's I love you." He whispers. "I love you too Will." He doesn't do anything more, he just gazes at me with such love and adoration that I want to melt into a puddle. He finally puts his head in the crook of my neck.

I wake up to Will shaking and yelling. "Will? Will? Shhhh." I try to get up but his arms tighten around me. I'm facing too him though to I hold him close to me. "Will baby it's going to be ok," I say. He starts to cry and curl up.
I can't stand to see him in so much pain. "Will Will oh my gods Will please."

If it were anyone else's I would just slap them to wake them up but I know what Will is dreaming about. Adam. If he was still alive I would rip his fucking spinel cord out and strangle him with it.

I shake him though and finally yell "Will!" Even though I know it will scare him. His eyes flash open fear written all over his features. He's so scared. I kiss his face and hug him. I run y fingers through his hair. He starts to breath normally again and looks at me. He doesn't say anything but I can tell he's hurting.

I run my hands down his bare torso. "Nico it's like it can still feel his hands on me, hurting me." He shuts his eyes tightly and his body spasms like he's being hit. "Where does it hurt?" I ask him. He takes my hand and guides it to his ribs. "Right there, it's like I can still feel him kicking me," his eyes are still closed. "And it's hard to breath." I run my hands over his ribs, which I can feel quite prominently. Probably because of stress.

"And here," he puts his hand to his neck. "My throat feels like it's closing in." I kiss his neck. "And my jaw, it feels like he just punched it." I brush his hair back and stroke his cheekbone with my thumb. He opens his eyes a little.

"Neeks, he's not the only one who hurt me." He fumbles around with the drawstring on his sweatpants. When he gets it undone he pushes his pants and his boxers down. I blush and he points out 9 little circle scars on his inner thigh. "Cigarette burns." He whispers. "My stoner friends weren't always so nice. There was this one, she-" his voice breaks a little. "She got mad when I wouldn't pass her the blunt. She was pregnant for fucks sake. And she shoved me over, pushed my shorts up, and burned me with the cigarette she had."
I hug him tighter. "You we're trying to do the right thing Will." He nods into my hair. I can still see the burns. Among other things. I force my eyes away and look at Wills face. He noticed what I was looking at and his whole face got red. Which makes me blush even more.

"I'm just gonna pull my pants up now." He says and I nod. Then we start laughing.
"Oh my gods your my boyfriend you should be able to see my penis without a blush fest." Will says in between laughs.
"Not going to lie to you, that was my first time seeing one in real life."
"I still haven't seen someone else's in real life." Will says. Then we dissolve into giggles again.

Someone knocks on the door and will jumps, falling off the couch, pulling me and the blanket off onto the floor with him.

"Nico! I hear you in there! I'm just going to come in." The door opens and Percy and Annabeth walk in. Will yanks his pants up tying the string.

Annabeth doesn't miss this and narrows her eyes. "Oh my gods I am going to fucking kill you." Says Percy.
"Language." Will mutters and Percy shoots him a look.

"No note! Bed empty! Shoes gone! You could've died, and guess what! You almost did!" Annabeth scolds.

Will stands up, untangling us from the blanket and helping me up. "Holy fuck it cold in here." Will curses. He pulls me closer to him wrapping his arms around me and putting his chin on my head.

"You guys are gay." Percy says, acting like it's an insult.

"Rude." I glare at him.
"Anyway, I'm ok, and we were sleeping before you so rudely woke us up. Sooo..."

"Go the freak away?" Annabeth says. Then she winks. She winks! Like we were sleeping together, which I mean we were but not like that! And I guess we weren't actually sleeping and Will had his pants down but thats not the point!
Annabeth looks at me, daring me to say something. I just sigh and blush and she smirks.

"Nope because we have an announcement."
Percy says.
We look at him expectantly.

"Annabeth's preggo."

We just stare at them.
"So you guys had s-" Will puts his hand over my mouth.

"Congrats," He looks down at me. " you guys!"

"Yes Nico that's how it works." Percy says and at the same time Annabeth says "Thank you!"

"When two people live each other very much-"
This time it's Annabeth putting her hand over Percy's mouth. He licks her and she wipes her hand on his shoulder. "Anyway now we'll leave, you guys use protection." Annabeth says rubbing her belly and they walk out.

Will and I lay down again, turning another movie on.
And we stay that was for the rest of the day.

Hey guys
Remember when I said this story was over?
I lied
Love y'all

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