Once upon a party

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Wills POV

Nico and I sit through a lecture, passing notes.

So wait. What's the average red blood cell count of a pregnant women? I ask.

Pay attention! - Nico

But you have enough knowledge for the two of us - Will

Bc I pay attention -Nico

"Excuse me, if you act like you're in grade school I will treat you like you're in in grade school, Mr. Solace, what is the average blood count of a pregnant woman?"

I glare at Nico who passes me another note this one says 106-120k -Nico

I say relate the numbers to the professor and he grins. "Thank gods you guys are learning
One of the worst feelings in the world is talking when nobody's listening."

We all nod and hum in agreement. As the class let's out Nico grabs my hand heading for the door. As we approach the front of the school we see the rain,
We look at each other when the same look - oh shit.

We sit on the cheep uni couches and staring out the windows, Nico huddled in my lap.
We're talking about random things, the time I skinny dipped in the ocean when I was 11 for 10 bucks, or how when Nico was 13 he tried to drive and ended up crashing the car.
We laugh a bit to loudly  and people give us weird looks.
When the rain finally lets up we run as fast as we can around the block to the apartment. When we get there Nico looks like a wet kitten and I'm sure I look worse because I'm not nearly as cute as he is.
Nico goes to get changed while I blow dry my hair.
I go into my room, change and then Nico and I sit in my bed studying.
"You know what we should do?" Nico asks randomly. "What?" I ask
"We should go to a party."
"Because Kayla just you asked you to come to one and I told her yes." I glance up at him to see he's holding my phone.
"Oh, but Neeks there's gonna be beer and and other such beverages there. And maybe drugs. And lots of people."
He frowns.
"You know I don't have the greatest history with drugs. Or alcohol. And you don't like people. And after the events that just happened..."

"Yeah but it's our first year in college and we haven't gone to anything."
I chew my bottom lip.
"I don't know Neeks." He looks at me with puppy dog eyes.
"I could convince you?" He says leaning forward to kiss me. And then we're kissing and he's on top of me, his hands sliding under the waistband of my boxers and his tongue in my mouth.
A sharp knock on the door makes us both jump, Nico rolling off of me, straightening his crooked shirt, lips swollen, slightly flushed as he goes to answer the door.
He comes back with Kayla in tow who yells at me to "get the fuck out of bed we're leaving in 15!" So I get up, Nico and Kayla leave and I put on a decent pair of pants and a niceish shirt.

I go to the bathroom to brush my hair and I hear Nico bickering with Kayla.

Ignoring it because that's what they always do I go find something to eat.
I hear the door to Nicos room open and Kaylas loud squeal.

I turn around. There stands Nico - but Nico that trying to look nice, not just effortlessly beautiful. He's got eyeliner smudged around his eyes which make them seem a lot bigger, his hair is pulled back into a scruffy little ponytail. A knitted light green sweater is hanging over his lithe frame and he's wearing super tight pair of black skinny jeans.
He's blushing his ass off and Kayla looks so proud of herself.

"I know I look ridiculous but Kayla-" he starts to explain. In two swift steps I clear our tiny kitchen and hug him. He barely comes up to my shoulder.
"Holy crap Nico you look gorgeous." I whispered and I feel his face heat up even more.

"Come on love birds lets go!" Kayla teases, and then starts out the door.

I let Nico go and he smiles at me. "I'm serious Neeks. You look absolutely stunning."
He mumbles his thanks and we head out the door.


By the time we get to the party - which is at a seniors house with a lot of daddy's money - it's in full swing.
There's drunk girls passed out on the lawn and two guys from the football team making out.
Somebody knocks into them and they break apart looking each other in the eyes with horror.
"D-d-dude?" One slurs out and then pukes all over him.
The other one looks down at himself with disgust, but wether it's from the vomit or the fact that he isn't as straight as he thought isn't clear.

Kayla purses her lips and skips inside to the keg.
Nico takes my hand, and pulls me into the ocean of people.
At first I can't breath, and I get an instant headache from the loud music. Nico curls closer to me.
We make it across the living room, and I pull us into a closet.

"Ehh Will, we're closeted." Nico breaths.
"Oh my gods. I can't believe you." I laugh.
"We can go into the backyard."
"Good idea."

So we make our way through the kitchen, and that's when I lose Nico.

"Nonono," I whisper. "He has to be here somewhere." I turn in a circle, looking all around me.
The amount of people pressing in on me is terrifying. "Neeks!" I yell. I'm taller than most people, I can see over their heads, but Nico is gone.
"No not again." I say out loud. My voice cracks a little, like it did when I was younger, and all of a sudden I'm a scared 14 year old. I try to take deep breaths and focus on finding Nico, but I swear I can smell weed from upstairs. Some girl wearing a t-shirt and panties knocks into me, sending me tripping into the keg. I knew I shouldn't have come here. I think, as I try to get away from the alcohol but more people press in on me. Then a small thin hand grabs mine and yanks me through the crowd and onto the back porch.
"Will what happened to Nico?" Kayla asks.
I'm shaking so hard I can't really talk. I need Nico. Nico knows what to do. Nico Nico Nico. My beloved Nico. An image of Nico standing in the door of his bedroom, in my shirt and a pair of boxers, yelling at me about cooking even though he's not really mad, pops into my head.
I try to do the breathing exercises we learned, and close my eyes I image Nico is there.
It works a little. Enough for me to get out:
"H-h-e dis-s-ap-p-peard."
"Ok I'll go look for him, you stay here." And she's leaves.

I smell the weed again and look up to a group of people passing a blunt.
Nobody will know.

Just then Kayla comes out of the house with Nico, who looks panicked. "Will where did you go?" He says and I stand up so I can wrap my arms around him.
He's shaking and scared, it makes me feel like the worst boyfriend ever.
He was raped and hurt so recently, I knew coming here was a bad idea.

"Neeks lets go home?" He nods into my shirt.

"B- Guys!" Kayla says. "We all rode in my car."

"We'll walk."

"Are you sure, it's not very safe."

"Yeah. It will help calm us both down. And it's not super far anyway."

"Ok, but will you at least stay for truth or dare?"
Apparently that's the main attraction.
Nico shoots me a look and Kayla sticks out her bottom lip.
"Sure." I say and Nico nods approvingly.

We enter a room on the second floor only to be stopped by a huge football player.
"Who are you?"
"I'm Kayla Knowles. This is my brother Will Solace and his boyfriend Nico Di Angelo."

"You're welcome but the fags can't come."
"Why not?" Kayla asks her voice dangerously polite.
"This is for straight people only."


"I believe what I believe." He shoots her an apologetic smile. "However, you look very single and very beautiful, so your welcome in."

Kayla looks disgusted. "No thanks."

"H-here, I'll make you a deal. You come on in your brother and his friend can come. But they can't act like fags."

"Fine." Its Nico who speaks this time. "We'll come in but only for Kayla."

Holy shit Nico, you were takin less than three weeks ago I think at him, hoping he'll realize this is a bad idea.

"K welcome in you guys." The football player days and steps aside.

Kayla walks inside hugging and high fiveing people. Nico lets go if my hand, but loops his pinky through my belt loop if anyone sees us they'll just assume we're waking close.

"Mmmk bitches! Let's get this party started a game of truth or dare." A girl says.
Everyone ignores her.
After a few more attempts she climbs on the table and shouts:


Everyone laughs, and sits down, Kayla sits next to me with a random guy I've never seen before to her left.
Nico sits on my left and I can tell he's nervous.

The girl that called us to sit down stands in the middle.
Shes an interesting assortment of colors. Her head shaved and died pink. Her cropped shirt neon green and her harem pants are purple.
Her eyeliner is orange and her lipstick is blue.
She's barefoot and her toes and fingernails are painted all colors of the rainbow.

"Ok so this is how we're gonna do it. We go right to left, and this is like 7th grade truth or dare on steroids. Instead of kiss the hottest guy in the room it's give him a blowjob. And so on and so forth ok? Ok. Great. Let's go." She turns in a wide circle eyes shut finger pointed out.
She stops on a guy sitting 9 down from me.

"I dare you to get rid of 4 pieces of clothing."
The guy chooses his two socks, his shirt, and his belt.

Then his girlfriend chooses truth and he asks if she's ever cheated on him.
She shakes her head no but her face is really red and for a second she makes eye contact with the same football player that stopped us.

It goes on down the line until it gets to Kayla.
"Truth or dare?" She asks.

"Truth." The guy says.

"Are you here to be my boyfriend or am I just a hook up?"

The guy blushes and looks embarrassed.
"Hook up."

"Coolio. Well that's thirty minutes of my life I won't get back."

"Truth or dare?" The guy asks me.


"I dare you to tell us what the deal is with your and that dude sitting next to you."

"We're good friends."

"With benefits?"

"No. We're just friends."

"Whatever. Just saying straight guys don't wear eyeliner. Or hold their friends hands."

"Listen guys, not all of us are homophobic assholes but unfortunately the dude that owns the house is. So we're gonna ask you to leave."
The rainbow girl says.

"Fine." Nico stands up. Pulling me with him.
"Kayla you can stay. I know you like party's. But Will and I are gonna go." Kayla nods although she doesn't look to keen on the idea of staying.

Nico drags me through the party and down onto the sidewalk -where the rain is pouring down on us - and promptly starts to sob.

"Oh my gods will you were right. You were right. We shouldn't have come." I hug him, and then take his and and start to walk.
Let me tell you something. Nothing can make you feel worse than walking 4 miles in the poring rain with your boyfriend sobbing.
Nothing except walking 4 miles in the rain with your boyfriend sobbing only to realize that you left your apartment keys in your sisters car.

So you and said boyfriend sit outside your apartment for 3 hours waiting for your sister to come home, but when she does she's drunk and sucking face with a guy. She tells you her car is unlocked so you safely move your sleeping boyfriend out of your lap only to walk down 2 flights of stairs to get to her unlocked car to find that it's locked and you break down and cry in the rain because this night has been absolutely terrible.

Then you get up and put a smile on your face while you go beat your sisters door down and she opens it in her underwear and then she can't find her keys. And when she does you walk back down 3 flights of stairs and to her car where you can't find your keys.

And when you do get to the car you can't find your keys.

So you clean out your sisters car and find your keys and when you get back up to your sisters apartment you just open her door throw her keys into her house and tromp back down a flight of stairs to your boyfriend unlock the door,  pick him up, put him in bed, take a shower and then your alarm rings telling you you need to be heading to work.

So you get to work and have to deal with your coworker and her boy troubles and a few mean customers. And then your mom calls you and invites you to dinner tomorrow night so you when to worry about that.

Then you drag yourself home after a 12 hour shift, to your boyfriend who holds you and sings and has a great dinner ready for you.
So you sleep for the first time in 24 hours and wake up screaming because you feel your uncles hands all over you.

"Will will will I love you. Shh shh shh. It's gonna be ok. I promise Will. I promise it's gonna be ok. It's ok. Just breath. Shh shh shh."

So you fall asleep and don't wake up until your boyfriend crawls into bed with you again and tells you to go back through  sleep.
And you do.


I'm feeling so emotionally drained after that last bit.
So yeah I just sat down and wrote all of this.
I can't hardly think anymore.
It took my like 4 hours.

I hope you enjoy bc this one was a hard one to write.

Love you all


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